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=09=09[IMAGE] =09 =09=09 Presenting AWS WeatherBug 3.0 It's FREE and EASIER to Install= - Get it NOW before Winter arrives! FREE Upgrade! Click HERE! = Free Upgrade! Click NOW FREE Upgrade! Click HERE! AWS WeatherB= ug 3.0 is 50% Faster than the previous version, with New Features: [IMAGE= ] Special Winter Weather Package (see below!) [IMAGE] Vastly Improved "On= e Click" Navigation [IMAGE] Time Lapse Camera Images - a must see! [IMAGE]= Travel Weather Forecasts - faster and easier to use! [IMAGE] National &= Regional Current Conditions Maps [IMAGE] Image of the Day Archive - fasci= nating photos from around the world! [IMAGE] New "No Advertisements" Opti= on available [IMAGE] Advertisement Click to learn more... Spons= ored By: The Intel Pentium$C.(B 4 Processor =09 It Never Felt So Cold! Perception has a lot to do with how someone f= eels. If you are told it is 30 below zero and it really is only 10 below, = you will still act as if it is 30 below. For more than 50 years the = NWS and forecasters have been telling you the wind chill and you have been= preparing for the worst. It turns out this formula needed some serious u= pgrading when research showed the values in the formula were much too low.= The old wind chill did the public a disservice by convincing people they = could safely endure extreme cold. More often, it scared people into stayin= g indoors when they could safely go out, and it prompted unnecessary schoo= l and business closings. Specifically, the old wind chill was too cold si= nce it was based on wind measurements at 33 feet (the official height for= wind observations), which can be 3 times as strong as the wind at the sur= face. In 1945, Antarctic explorers Siple and Passel developed the first wi= nd chill index by measuring the heat loss from a container of water as it = froze while suspended from the 33-foot pole. When the old formula was dev= eloped, the technology did not exist to verify the accuracy those index va= lues. The new formula, implemented Nov 1, 2001, uses winds measured at 5= feet, which is much more representative of the wind that a human body exp= eriences. The new Wind Chill/Temperature Index also makes use of advances = in meteorology, biometeorology and computer modeling to provide a more acc= urate, useful formula for calculating the dangers from winter winds and f= reezing temperatures. In addition, clinical trials have been conducted and= the results of those trials have been used to verify and improve the accu= racy of the new formula. Check out the new Wind Chill values by watching t= he live weather from your closest WeatherBug weather station as well as c= hecking the windiest and coldest sites on Wild Weather in the Cool Links/R= esources section of your WeatherBug. Mark Hoekzema WeatherBug Meteorolog= ist Idaho Business Uses Live Weather to Increase Its Visibility = In Idaho, weather is serious business. Which is exactly why Dan Heuck purc= hased an AWS WeatherNet System for use by his businesses - Dan's Ferry Ser= vice and Country Store. Located along the Snake River in Walter's Ferry,= ID, Dan's WeatherNet System provides a valuable service to community mem= bers: local farmers and ranchers use the humidity readings to monitor the = best times for crop retrieval, snow enthusiasts check out the live weather= conditions before they leave the Boise city limits and duck hunters acces= s the images from Dan's WeatherNet Camera before venturing outside. Heuc= k notes that his store's visibility has significantly increased since he p= urchased the WeatherNet System for his business. "The response to our Weat= herNet Weather Station has been great - especially since KTVB/Channel 7 in= Boise, Idaho has picked up our name and stats for use in their weatherca= sts." For more information on how your business can benefit from real-tim= e weather information, contact Gary Milwit, Director of Commercial Sales a= t 1-800-544-4429 ext. 1621 or e-mail gmilwit@aws.com =09 School = WeatherNet Bolsters Geology Program Real-time weather information gener= ated from the AWS WeatherNet System is creatively used in thousands of K-1= 2 classrooms nationwide. Patrick Hayhurst, a geology teacher at Lancaster = HS in Lancaster, CA, has integrated live, real-time weather Advertise= ment [IMAGE] information from the School WeatherNet Program, w= hich makes up the WeatherBug Network, into his high school geology course= s. Mr. Hayhurst also uses AWS lesson plans to fit his curriculum needs in = the classroom. "Each day when we turn on the computer projector, we pull u= p the WeatherBug to check out the weather for that day. Often times we wil= l look at the Long Beach WeatherNet Camera to see what it is like down by= the beach. Then we will take a look at the WeatherBug weather trivia ques= tion for the day." Mr. Hayhurst's students use resources available on http= ://aws.com and the Web to answer the trivia questions. Click on http://= www.lnhs.org/geoscience/weather/ to see Lancaster High School's WeatherNe= t page. To learn how your school can join the largest weather network in = the world and become part of the WeatherBug Network, call 800-544-4429 or = email edsales@aws.com . ** Try out WeatherNet Classroom, our newly designe= d interactive lesson plans and classroom applications at http://classroom.= aws.com ** WeatherBug Tip of the Month: Getting Back Home Whe= n you click on Travel Weather and enter a new city, your 'Bug displays all= the weather data for that city. An easy way to get back to your "home" co= nditions is to click on the words, "Click Here to Return Home" in the uppe= r left corner of your 'Bug. It's a shortcut that will get you home fast! = Louisiana TV Stations Provide Technology Training for Schools = Earlier this month, WWL-TV (Channel 4) in New Orleans and WBRZ-TV (Channe= l 2) in Baton Rouge sponsored WeatherNet Teacher Workshops for their local= schools. The workshops provided schools with an opportunity to meet their= favorite on-air weathercasters, network with other teachers and learn ho= w to use the WeatherNet Classroom technology (which WeatherBug is built on= ) as a springboard for teaching their students math, science, geography, c= omputer skills, social studies - even language arts! The workshops were = declared a huge success by the schools and the TV stations alike. Rick Res= o, Marketing Services Director for WWL-TV summed it up nicely: "Local TV s= tations have a commitment to serve their communities and help schools int= egrate technology into their classrooms. If we can help a teacher become m= ore comfortable using computers and the Internet, then everyone benefits."= =09 WeatherBug ThunderCall-- the call before the storm! Now= you can receive severe weather warnings by phone whenever the National We= ather Service releases a severe weather warning! In situations where minut= es matter, WeatherBug ThunderCall stands alone as a tool to protect your f= amily from the threat of severe weather. WeatherBug ThunderCall often deli= vers severe weather warnings before they are even made public - usually b= efore radio broadcasts! Now we can pass this potentially life-saving techn= ology on to you for as little as $4 a month! Order WeatherBug ThunderCall= [IMAGE] Click here to order Survey Says... Complete the surve= y below and be eligible to win a DVD player! Our DVD winner last month was= Christopher Wood from Clay, NY-congratulations, Christopher! Do you = or a family member suffer from frequent heartburn? Please SelectYesNo Do = you have an online brokerage account? Please SelectYesNo Do you or a fami= ly member suffer from weather-related allergies? Please SelectYesNo A= dvertisement [IMAGE] =09 To stop receiving WeatherBug Bytes, click HERE =20 [IMAGE]