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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: emaildelivery@businesswire.com X-To: TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES@businesswire.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \PTHOMAS2 (Non-Privileged)\Thomas, Paul D.\Deleted Items X-Origin: Thomas-P X-FileName: PTHOMAS2 (Non-Privileged).pst Welcome to eMail News Delivery, a service from Business Wire. Here is your Industrial Information Resources Inc. news release. If you have received this in error please send a message to: eMailDelivery@businesswire.com with the following command in the body of the message: unsubscribe TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES If you have questions about this service, please contact your Business Wire Account Executive or service@businesswire.com BW2037 OCT 24,2001 4:25 PACIFIC 07:25 EASTERN ( BW)(TX-INDUSTRIAL-INFO-RES) Dredging Angolan Diamonds Beats Rain Season Hazard, in an Advisory by Industrialinfo.com Business Editors HOUSTON--October 24, 2001--The following is an advisory by Industrialinfo.com (Industrial Information Resources, Inc., Houston, Texas). When licensing and share details of the Canadian company SouthernEra have been finalized between the Angolan government and the mining partners by March 2002, work will be able to proceed on the Camafuca diamond project which has a diamond bearing kimberlite pipe with a surface area of 167 hectares. Time and the rainy season are crucial factors in the venture as the exposed part of the pipe can initially be exploited by bulk-sampling whereas when the rainy season hits the 80m wide Chicapa river floods over the area. SouthernEra will use barge mounted dredges fitted with cutting heads to recover the 23.2m carats worth $2.3 billion. This innovative technique surmounts the natural obstacles, which have hitherto prevented the exploitation of the pipe. The Israeli company Welox is providing funding up to $20 million and will hold 33% of the joint venture. Endiama, the Angolan government diamond corporation, will hold 20%. SML, which is a combination of the Portuguese SPE and Endiama, will take 15% and SouthernEra 32%. Industrialinfo.com provides daily news related to the industrial market place including industry alerts and databases for the energy and industrial markets. For more information on trends and upcoming construction activities for the Metals & Minerals industry as well as other industrial sectors send inquiries to metalsandmineralsgroup@industrialinfo.com or visit us at www.industrialinfo.com. --30--JB/na* CONTACT: Industrial Information Resources, Inc., Houston Joseph Govreau, 713/783-5147 KEYWORD: TEXAS INTERNATIONAL CANADA AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST INDUSTRY KEYWORD: MINING/METALS SOURCE: Industrial Information Resources, Inc. For the best viewing of the news releases please use the following email settings: Courier 10 point. -Notice of Copyright and General Disclaimer- © 2000 Business Wire. All of the releases provided by Business Wire are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire`s members who are solely responsible for their content, accuracy and originality. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission. - Notice of Copyright and General Disclaimer -- © 1999 Business Wire. All of the releases provided by Business Wire are protected by copyright and other applicable laws, treaties and conventions. Information contained in the releases is furnished by Business Wire`s members who are solely responsible for their content, accuracy and originality. All reproduction, other than for an individual user`s reference, is prohibited without prior written permission.