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[IMAGE] Friday, January 4, 2002 [IMAGE]MORE EVENTS - [IMAGE]AD= D NEW EVENT - [IMAGE]ADVERTISE - [IMAGE]FREE SYNDICATION [IMAG= E] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE]New Listings [IMAGE]Fea= tured Listings [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Next Two Weeks [IMAGE]More Information = [IMAGE] Look for events labeled "Register Online!" and REGISTER INSTANT= LY. "Special Offer!" means a special discounted price for Energy Central Me= mbers! Do you have a colleague that could benefit from the Conference W= atch? If so, please feel free to forward your copy in its entirety. [IMA= GE] [IMAGE]DistribuTECH 2002 Attend DistribuTECH 2002, the utility ind= ustry's leading event, February 27 - March 1, in Miami Beach, FL. DistribuT= ECH's conference is the definitive source for providing the most up-to-date= information on current trends shaping the industry. The DistribuTECH exhib= ition features more than 260 companies on the cutting edge of technology an= d innovation. Register by calling +1-888-299-8016 or visit http://www.distr= ibutech.com. [IMAGE]Featured Listings [IMAGE] Building And Mainta= ining Customer Relations & Branding Strategies [IMAGE]01/29/02 - 01/30/0= 2 San Diego, CA USA Presented By: Active Communications International, I= nc. [IMAGE] Energy Venture Fair II [IMAGE]01/29/02 - 01/30/02 Hou= ston, TX USA Presented By: Infocast [IMAGE] 2nd Annual Caribbean En= ergy [IMAGE]01/31/02 - 02/01/02 Miami, FL USA Presented By: The Cente= r for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] Facility Energy Cost Management = [IMAGE]01/31/02 - 02/01/02 New Orleans, LA USA Presented By: The Cente= r for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] Fuel Cell Dynamics 2002: Reality,= Not Hype [IMAGE]02/06/02 - 02/07/02 New York, NY USA Presented By: A= llied Business Intelligence [IMAGE] CERAWeek 2002 - The New Face of R= isk: Energy Strategies for a Changed World [IMAGE]02/11/02 - 02/15/02 H= ouston, TX USA Presented By: Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) = [IMAGE] 4th Annual Electric Asset Valuation [IMAGE]02/25/02 - 02/2= 6/02 Houston, TX USA Presented By: The Center for Business Intelligence = [IMAGE] GLOBE 2002 International Conference & Trade Fair on Business = and the Environment [IMAGE]03/13/02 - 03/15/02 Vancouver, BC Canada P= resented By: Globe Foundation of Canada [IMAGE]New Listings These l= istings have been added to the Energy Central service since last week. Clic= k on a title to view the full description in your web browser. [IMAGE]= Basis Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [IMAGE]01/22/02 - 01/2= 3/02 Calgary, AL Canada [IMAGE] 3rd Annual Stability Data Management= [IMAGE]01/24/02 - 01/25/02 Philadelphia, PA USA [IMAGE] Electric= ity - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]01/30/02 - 01/31/02 W Palm Beach, FL USA = [IMAGE] Natural Gas - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]02/07/02 - 02/08/02 Houston, = TX USA [IMAGE] Gas Processing Contracts & Negotiations [IMAGE]02/1= 3/02 - 02/14/02 Dallas, TX USA [IMAGE] FERC-DOE Demand Response Conf= erence [IMAGE]02/14/02 - 02/14/02 Washington, D.C. [IMAGE] Basis = Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [IMAGE]02/19/02 - 02/20/02 H= ouston, TX USA [IMAGE] FASB - 133 (Financial Accounting Standards Boa= rd) [IMAGE]02/21/02 - 02/21/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] Value & Ri= sk in Energy Markets, Introduction to Principles and Methods [IMAGE]02/2= 5/02 - 02/27/02 Miami Beach, FL USA [IMAGE] Petroleum Products Hedgi= ng & Risk Management [IMAGE]02/27/02 - 02/28/02 Houston, TX USA [= IMAGE] Electricity - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]03/06/02 - 03/07/02 Houston, TX= USA [IMAGE] Basis Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [IMA= GE]03/07/02 - 03/08/02 Atlanta, GA USA [IMAGE] Electricity - 202 Sem= inar [IMAGE]03/13/02 - 03/14/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] Gas Contr= acts A-Z (101) [IMAGE]03/14/02 - 03/15/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE]= Applied Valuation & Risk Management, Hands-on Training for Power and Energ= y Professionals [IMAGE]03/20/02 - 03/22/02 La Jolla, CA USA [IMAG= E] Basis Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [IMAGE]03/20/02 - 03= /21/02 Orlando, FL USA [IMAGE] Natural Gas - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]0= 3/20/02 - 03/21/02 Reno, NV USA [IMAGE] FASB - 133 (Financial Accoun= ting Standards Board) [IMAGE]03/22/02 - 03/22/02 Orlando, FL USA = [IMAGE] Electricity Market Design Conference [IMAGE]03/25/02 - 03/26/02 = Atlanta, GA USA [IMAGE] Power Generation Asset and Portfolio Managem= ent Conference [IMAGE]03/27/02 - 03/28/02 Atlanta, GA USA [IMAGE]= Electricity - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]04/03/02 - 04/04/02 Atlanta, GA USA = [IMAGE] Basis Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [IMAGE]04/= 09/02 - 04/10/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] FASB - 133 (Financial Accou= nting Standards Board) [IMAGE]04/11/02 - 04/11/02 Houston, TX USA = [IMAGE] Gas Contracts A-Z (202) [IMAGE]04/11/02 - 04/12/02 Houston, TX= USA [IMAGE] Natural Gas - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]04/11/02 - 04/12/02 = Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] Gas Processing Contracts & Negotiations [= IMAGE]05/02/02 - 05/03/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] Forward Price Fore= casting: Forward Curves Volatilities and Correlations [IMAGE]05/08/02 - = 05/10/02 Lake Buena Vista, FL USA [IMAGE] Natural Gas - 101 Seminar = [IMAGE]05/09/02 - 05/10/02 Salem ( Boston), MA USA [IMAGE] Basis = Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [IMAGE]05/16/02 - 05/17/02 O= akbrook (Chicago), IL USA [IMAGE] Electricity - 101 Seminars [IMAG= E]05/21/02 - 05/22/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] Petroleum Products Hed= ging & Risk Management [IMAGE]05/30/02 - 05/31/02 Houston, TX USA = [IMAGE] Electricity - 202 Seminar [IMAGE]06/06/02 - 06/07/02 Houston, = TX USA [IMAGE] Basis Trading With Natural Gas Futures & Options [I= MAGE]06/18/02 - 06/19/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] FASB - 133 (Financi= al Accounting Standards Board) [IMAGE]06/20/02 - 06/20/02 Houston, TX U= SA [IMAGE] Natural Gas - 101 Seminar [IMAGE]06/20/02 - 06/21/02 H= ouston, TX USA [IMAGE] Value & Risk in Energy Markets, Introduction t= o Principles and Methods [IMAGE]09/11/02 - 09/13/02 Kansas City, MO USA= [IMAGE] AMRA 2002 International Symposium [IMAGE]09/29/02 - 10/02= /02 San Antonio, TX USA [IMAGE] Applied Valuation & Risk Management,= Hands-on Training for Power and Energy Professionals [IMAGE]10/09/02 - = 10/11/02 St. Pete Beach, FL USA Please click to visit this = sponsor Search For: Name Description City Organizer = Search by Topic: - ALL - Acquisitions Alternative Energy Business Managem..= . California Crisis Chemical Special... Coal Cogeneration Company Informat.= .. Competition & De... Construction Deregulation Distributed Gene... Distri= bution Efficiency/Conse... Energy Management Energy Policy Engineering Envi= ronmental Financial Fuel Gas Human Resources Industry Structure Labor Legal= Legislation/Regu... Load Shapes Marketing Mergers, Acquisi... New Technolo= gies... Nuclear Oil Operations Outsourcing People Planning Plant Operations= Power Marketing Pricing Public Power Rates Renewable Energy Request for Pr= op... Sales State Technology Telecommunications Transactions & A... Transmi= ssion Utility Billing Utility Business Utility E-Commerce Water Weather = The Energy Central Events Center delivers the= most comprehensive listing of conferences, trade shows, seminars and class= es relevant to power professionals. Add New Event Listing Edit Your Eve= nt Listing Now you can allow Energy Central members to register for your = event instantly! For more details, contact the Events Manager at eventsmgr@= energycentral.com or 800-459-2233. For information on Featured Listings, B= anner Advertising or Events Center sponsorships, contact Energy Central Sal= es at sales@energycentral.com or 800-459-2233. [IMAGE]01/07/02 - 0= 1/09/02 [IMAGE]Motor-Operated Valve Users' Group Annual Meeting (FL, USA) = [IMAGE]01/08/02 - 01/11/02 [IMAGE]2002 International CES (NV, USA) = [IMAGE]01/08/02 - 01/10/02 [IMAGE]Carrier Class OSS and Network Manageme= nt (TX, USA) [IMAGE]01/09/02 - 01/11/02 [IMAGE]Fundamentals of Buying= and Selling Energy (TX, USA) [IMAGE]01/09/02 - 01/10/02 [IMAGE]Inves= ting in Energy Technology (NY, USA) [IMAGE]01/10/02 - 01/11/02 [IMAGE= ]Fundamentals of Energy Management (TX, USA) [IMAGE]01/10/02 - 01/10/= 02 [IMAGE]Markets In Transition Symposium (TX, USA) [IMAGE]01/13/02 -= 01/15/02 [IMAGE]Energy IT Conference & Expo (LA, USA) [IMAGE]01/14/0= 2 - 01/15/02 [IMAGE]7th Annual US Water & Wastewater (DC, USA) [IMAGE= ]01/15/02 - 01/17/02 [IMAGE]Basics of Industrial Electricity (VA, USA) = [IMAGE]01/15/02 - 01/16/02 [IMAGE]Fundamentals of Energy & Electricity Fu= tures, Options & Derivatives (AZ, USA) [IMAGE]01/16/02 - 01/18/02 [IM= AGE]Advanced Clean Coal Generation Technologies (GA, USA) [IMAGE]01/1= 6/02 - 01/16/02 [IMAGE]Energy Solutions for California Industry: Ways to Im= prove Operations and Profitability (CA, USA) [IMAGE]01/16/02 - 01/18/= 02 [IMAGE]Managing the Risks of Retail Operations (FL, USA) [IMAGE]01= /16/02 - 01/18/02 [IMAGE]Managing the Risks of Retail Operations (FL, USA) = [IMAGE]01/16/02 - 01/17/02 [IMAGE]UK Emissions Trading Scheme simulat= ion game and seminar (UK) [IMAGE]01/17/02 - 01/17/02 [IMAGE]Fundament= als of Electric Power Trading (AZ, USA) [IMAGE]01/17/02 - 01/17/02 [I= MAGE]Managing Energy Risk (AZ, USA) [IMAGE]01/17/02 - 01/18/02 [IMAGE= ]The Commercialization of Energy Technologies (NY, USA) [IMAGE]01/18/= 02 - 01/18/02 [IMAGE]Gas-to-Electricity Arbitrage & Maximizing the Profitab= ility of Electric Generation (PA, USA) Energy Central Corporat= e Sponsors HOME | NEWSROOM | EVENT= S | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES | DATA CENTER Conta= ct sales@energycentral.com or (303)782-5510 for information on FEATURING y= our event on this page. Your conference, seminar, or trade show listing wi= ll be sent to more than 28,000 electric power professionals. [IMAGE]D= IRECTIONS, INFORMATION AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE This supplement to the Energy = Central Daily News Service is provided FREE to qualified professionals in t= he electric power industry. To BEGIN receiving the Daily News Service di= rectly, send a message with a subject of 'signup' to service@energycentra= l.com. If you do not wish to receive the Conference Watch, you may cance= l your subscription at any time by using one of the three methods below: G= o to http://www.energycentral.com/sections/services/, click on Email Manage= ment, then cancel your subscription. -OR- Reply to this e-mail with the wor= d UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. -OR- Type in your e-mail address here: a= nd click This supplement to the Energy Central Daily News Service may be = redistributed provided it is kept in its entirety. 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