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Friday, October 19, 2001 Energy Central Job Center [IMAGE] MO= RE EVENTS - ADD NEW EVENT - ADVERTISE - FREE SYNDICATION [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] New L= istings Featured Listings Next Two Weeks More Information = Look for events labeled "Register Online!" and REGISTER INSTANTLY. "Speci= al Offer!" means a special discounted price for Energy Central Members! = Do you have a colleague that could benefit from the Conference Watch? If = so, please feel free to forward your copy in its entirety. Facility Ener= gy Cost Management Attend CBI's Facility Energy Cost Management, Janu= ary 31-February 1, 2002 in New Orleans to discover how you can reduce your = energy usage, implement an efficient long-term energy management program an= d take advantage of utility incentive programs. Benchmark against best-in-c= lass facilities with 14 in-depth Case Studies. To register, call 800-817-86= 01 or visit http://www.cbinet.com . Featured Listings 18th World= Energy Congress 10/21/01 - 10/25/01 Buenos Aires Argentina Presente= d By: Congresos Internacionacionales SA [IMAGE] E-Commerce and the En= ergy Market 10/23/01 - 10/23/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: Skippi= ng Stone [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Project Management for Technology Implementa= tions 10/24/01 - 10/24/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: Skipping Sto= ne [IMAGE] [IMAGE] World Energy Engineering Congress 2001 10/24/0= 1 - 10/26/01 Atlanta, GA USA Presented By: The Association of Energy Eng= ineers [IMAGE] Special Offer! [IMAGE] Introduction to Electricity = Law 10/29/01 - 10/30/01 Alexandria, VA USA Presented By: Scott Hempl= ing, Attorney at Law [IMAGE] [IMAGE] 3rd EPRI Powering the Digital Ec= onomy Workshop 10/31/01 - 11/02/01 San Francisco, CA USA Presented B= y: EPRI PEAC [IMAGE] 5th Annual Mexican Energy 2001 11/01/01 - 11= /02/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: The Center for Business Intelligenc= e [IMAGE] Electricity Summit 11/05/01 - 11/06/01 San Francisco, = CA USA Presented By: Insight Information [IMAGE] North American Gas= Strategies Conference 11/05/01 - 11/07/01 Calgary, AB Canada Presen= ted By: Ziff Energy Group [IMAGE] PJM Regional Conference 11/05/0= 1 - 11/06/01 Philadelphia, PA USA Presented By: Platts [IMAGE] Tra= de Show Strategy 11/05/01 - 11/05/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: S= kipping Stone [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Communications Workshop 11/06/01 - = 11/06/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: Skipping Stone [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = Building And Maintaining Customer Relations & Branding Strategies 1= 1/07/01 - 11/08/01 San Diego, CA USA Presented By: Active Communications= International, Inc. [IMAGE] Making the Most of Market Research 1= 1/08/01 - 11/09/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: Skipping Stone [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] 2001 Electric Market Forecasting Conference 11/12/01 - 11= /13/01 Portland (45 minutes East of Portland Int.),, OR USA Presented By= : EPIS, Inc. [IMAGE] 3rd Annual Financing U.S. Power Projects 11/= 15/01 - 11/16/01 New York, NY USA Presented By: The Center for Business = Intelligence [IMAGE] EMART ENERGY 2001 11/20/01 - 11/21/01 Milan= Italy Presented By: SYNERGY [IMAGE] The Business of Fuel Cells for= Stationary Power 11/27/01 - 11/28/01 Brussels Belgium Presented By:= EyeforFuelCells [IMAGE] Business Energy Solutions 2001 11/28/01 = - 11/29/01 Orlando, FL USA Presented By: The Association of Energy Engin= eers [IMAGE] Special Offer! [IMAGE] 4th Business Case for Fuel Cel= ls 12/03/01 - 12/04/01 Miami, FL USA Presented By: The Center for Bu= siness Intelligence [IMAGE] Energy Investor Policy & Regulation Confe= rence 12/03/01 - 12/04/01 New York, NY USA Presented By: Infocast = [IMAGE] Interactive Energy 12/05/01 - 12/07/01 Houston, TX USA P= resented By: Zeus Development Corporation [IMAGE] 2nd Annual Latin Am= erican Oil & Gas 12/10/01 - 12/11/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: T= he Center for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] 3rd Annual The Renaissanc= e of Nuclear Power 12/10/01 - 12/11/01 Chicago, IL USA Presented By:= The Center for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] Water Resources Symposi= um 2001 12/10/01 - 12/10/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: WestWater = Research [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Investor Summit: Winning Technologies= and Investment Outlook for the New Power Economy 12/11/01 - 12/12/01 = San Francisco, CA USA Presented By: Strategic Research Institute's Privat= e Equity Group [IMAGE] Electricity 101, Electricity 102, Natural Gas = 101, Petroleum Hedging, Gas Hedging, Gas Contracts, Gas Processing 01/0= 1/02 - 01/02/02 Houston, TX USA Presented By: Energy Seminars, Inc. [I= MAGE] Facility Energy Cost Management 01/31/02 - 02/01/02 New Orle= ans, LA USA Presented By: The Center for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] = Fuel Cell Dynamics 2002: Reality, Not Hype 02/06/02 - 02/07/02 New= York, NY USA Presented By: Allied Business Intelligence [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] GLOBE 2002 International Conference & Trade Fair on Business and the = Environment 03/13/02 - 03/15/02 Vancouver, BC Canada Presented By: G= lobe Foundation of Canada [IMAGE] [IMAGE] New Listings These listin= gs have been added to the Energy Central service since last week. Click on = a title to view the full description in your web browser. Empire Ener= gy & Environmental Exposition (E4) 11/06/01 - 11/07/01 Albany, NY USA = [IMAGE] Building & Facility Maintenance 11/08/01 - 11/09/01 Sacr= amento, CA USA [IMAGE] NARUC 113th Anuual Convention 11/11/01 - 1= 1/14/01 Philadelphia, PA USA [IMAGE] Agri-Energy Conference 11/1= 2/01 - 11/13/01 State College, PA USA [IMAGE] FERC 101 & 102 11/= 12/01 - 11/13/01 Washington, DC USA [IMAGE] Operation and Maintenanc= e of HVAC/DDC Controls 11/12/01 - 11/16/01 North Dallas, TX USA [IMA= GE] Building & Facility Maintenance 11/15/01 - 11/16/01 Denver, CO= USA [IMAGE] Power Quality Problems in Industrial Environments 11= /27/01 - 11/30/01 Madison, WI USA [IMAGE] Ensuring Power Quality in = a Deregulated Environment 11/28/01 - 11/30/01 Las Vegas, NV USA [IMA= GE] 12th National Energy Services 12/03/01 - 12/05/01 Ponte Vedra = Beach, FL USA [IMAGE] 14th International Conference on Site Remediati= on and Environmental Management 12/03/01 - 12/06/01 Orlando, FL USA = [IMAGE] Association of Energy Engineers 12/03/01 - 12/07/01 New Or= leans, LA USA [IMAGE] Engineering and Planning Telecommunications Loc= al Loop Facilities 12/04/01 - 12/07/01 Madison, WI USA [IMAGE] D= ay of the Trader -- 8th Annual Conference 12/05/01 - 12/07/01 Las Vega= s, NV USA [IMAGE] Introduction to the Petroleum Industry 12/07/01= - 12/07/01 West Drayton, Middlesex United Kingdom [IMAGE] 7th Annua= l MobileEXPO Utility Forum 12/10/01 - 12/13/01 Mesa, AZ USA [IMAGE] = FERC 101 & 102 Houston 12/10/01 - 12/11/01 Houston, TX USA [IMAG= E] Inside Sales Training for Utilities and Energy Services 12/10/01= - 12/13/01 Chicago, IL USA [IMAGE] The Association of Energy Engine= ers 12/10/01 - 12/14/01 Honolulu, HI USA [IMAGE] Water Resources= Symposium 2001 12/10/01 - 12/10/01 Houston, TX USA Presented By: We= stWater Research [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Power Market Design Workshop 1= 2/12/01 - 12/12/01 Denver, CO USA [IMAGE] Electric Power Market Perf= ormance Conference 12/13/01 - 12/14/01 Denver, CO USA [IMAGE] 20= 02 International CES 01/08/02 - 01/11/02 Las Vegas, NV USA [IMAGE] = 7th Annual US Water & Wastewater 01/14/02 - 01/15/02 Washington, DC= USA [IMAGE] The Commercialization of Energy Technologies 01/17/0= 2 - 01/18/02 New York, NY USA [IMAGE] FERC 101 & 102 San Francisco = 01/21/02 - 01/22/02 San Francisco, CA USA [IMAGE] 6th Annual Prof= it from Merchant Plants 01/28/02 - 01/29/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] = 2nd Annual Caribbean Energy 01/31/02 - 02/01/02 Miami, FL USA [I= MAGE] Facility Energy Cost Management 01/31/02 - 02/01/02 New Orle= ans, LA USA Presented By: The Center for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] = New Nuclear Power Plant Technology: Generation III & IV Reactors 02= /20/02 - 02/22/02 New Orleans, LA USA [IMAGE] 4th Annual Electric As= set Valuation 02/25/02 - 02/26/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] The 2n= d Annual Electricity Price Forecast Conference 02/25/02 - 02/26/02 Syd= ney, NS Australia [IMAGE] The Inaugural Australasian Gas to Liquids F= orum 02/27/02 - 02/28/02 Perth, WA Australia [IMAGE] 2002 Gas St= orage Conference 03/06/02 - 03/06/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] CEE= PIF 2002 03/12/02 - 03/14/02 Warsaw Poland [IMAGE] Ensuring Powe= r Quality in a Deregulated Environment 06/11/02 - 06/13/02 Madison, WI= USA [IMAGE] Teaming for Efficiency 08/18/02 - 08/23/02 Pacific = Grove, CA USA [IMAGE] Gastech 2002 10/13/02 - 10/16/02 Doha Qata= r [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] Insight Information Please click to v= isit this sponsor Zeus Development Please click to visit this sponsor = [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] Search For: Name Description City O= rganizer Search by Topic: - ALL - Acquisitions Alternative Energy Busi= ness Managem... California Crisis Chemical Special... Coal Cogeneration Com= pany Informat... Competition & De... Construction Deregulation Distributed = Gene... Distribution Distribution Energy Management Energy Policy Engineeri= ng Environmental Financial Fuel Gas Human Resources Industry Structure Labo= r Legal Legislation/Regu... Load Shapes Marketing Mergers, Acquisi... New T= echnologies... Nuclear Oil Operations Outsourcing People Planning Plant Ope= rations Power Marketing Pricing Public Power Rates Request for Prop... Sale= s State Technology Telecommunications Transactions & A... Transmission Util= ity Billing Utility Business Utility E-Commerce Water Weather = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The Energy Central Events Center delivers= the most comprehensive listing of conferences, trade shows, seminars and c= lasses relevant to power professionals. Add New Event Listing Edit Yo= ur Event Listing Now you can allow Energy Central members to register fo= r your event instantly! For more details, contact the Events Manager at eve= ntsmgr@energycentral.com or 800-459-2233. For information on Featured Lis= tings, Banner Advertising or Events Center sponsorships, contact Energy Cen= tral Sales at sales@energycentral.com or 800-459-2233. [IMAGE] 10/= 21/01 - 10/25/01 18th World Energy Congress (Argentina) [IMAGE] 10/2= 1/01 - 10/24/01 APPA Customer Connections Workshop (TN, USA) [IMAGE] = 10/21/01 - 10/23/01 Energy Information Technology Conference & EXPO (LA,= USA) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/26/01 17th European Photovoltaic Solar En= ergy Conference and Exhibition (Germany) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/23/01 = EBPP for Utilites Master Class (IL, USA) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/22/01= Energy Risk Management: Pricing and Applications (CA, United States) [= IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/23/01 Fuel Cells for Portal Devices (CA, USA) [= IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/23/01 IBC'S OFFSHORE PIPELINE TECHNOLOGY (TX, U.S= .A) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/23/01 North American Pipelines (IL, United= States) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/23/01 Oil and Gas Law & Practice (AB,= Canada) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/24/01 Powercosm 2001 (CA, USA) [IMA= GE] 10/22/01 - 10/24/01 Project Finance: The Tutorial (NY, USA) [IMA= GE] 10/22/01 - 10/24/01 Utility Finance and Accounting for Attorneys (= AZ, United States) [IMAGE] 10/22/01 - 10/24/01 Utility Finance and Ac= counting for Non-Financial Professionals (AZ, United States) [IMAGE] = 10/22/01 - 10/27/01 Women's Wind Power (KS, USA) [IMAGE] 10/23/01 - = 10/25/01 Beijing Oil Forum: China's Oil & Energy Policy in the 21st Centur= y (China) [IMAGE] 10/23/01 - 10/25/01 District Energy Distribution W= orkshop/14th Annual (IN, USA ) [IMAGE] 10/23/01 - 10/23/01 E-Commer= ce and the Energy Market (TX, USA) Register Online! [IMAGE] 10/23/= 01 - 10/23/01 Economic and Policy Analysis of Restructured Electric Power = Systems (DC, USA) [IMAGE] 10/23/01 - 10/24/01 Electricity 101 (VA, = USA) [IMAGE] 10/23/01 - 10/23/01 Fundamentals of Energy Options (ON,= Canada) [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/26/01 2001 GEOEXCHANGE Conference (GA= , USA) Register Online! Special Offer! [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/26/01= 2nd Annual EPGA Power Generation Conference (Pa, U.S.) [IMAGE] 10/2= 4/01 - 10/26/01 Combined Heat & Power Expo/ Cogeneration Congress (GA, US= A) Register Online! Special Offer! [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/25/01 En= ergy Risk Management (ON, Canada) [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/24/01 Energy= Risk Management: Pricing and Applications (TX, United States) [IMAGE] = 10/24/01 - 10/26/01 Energy Service & E-Commerce Conference & Expo (GA, = USA) Register Online! Special Offer! [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/26/01 = Environmental Technology Conference (GA, USA) Register Online! Specia= l Offer! [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/26/01 Plant and Facilities Expo 2001 (= GA, USA) Register Online! Special Offer! [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/24/= 01 Project Management for Technology Implementations (TX, USA) Registe= r Online! [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/25/01 The 17th Annual Utility Tax Con= ference (DC, USA) [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/25/01 The 7th Annual Confere= nce on CEEnergy 2001 (Czech Republic) [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/24/01 TH= E ELECTRICITY BUYERS' FORUM (VA, USA) [IMAGE] 10/24/01 - 10/26/01 Wo= rld Energy Engineering Congress 2001 (GA, USA) Register Online! Speci= al Offer! [IMAGE] 10/25/01 - 10/26/01 CRM: The Deregulation Survival T= ool (DC, USA) [IMAGE] 10/25/01 - 10/26/01 Performance Management for= Electric Distribution Companies (GA, USA) [IMAGE] 10/25/01 - 10/25/0= 1 Planalytics Gas Buyer WebCast [IMAGE] 10/25/01 - 10/26/01 Project= Structuring in the Real Word (NY, USA) [IMAGE] 10/25/01 - 10/26/01 = Utility Pole Structures Conference & Tradeshow (NV, USA) [IMAGE] 10/2= 6/01 - 10/26/01 Energy Risk Management: Pricing and Applications (NY, Uni= ted States) [IMAGE] 10/28/01 - 11/02/01 2001 Transmission and Distrib= ution Conference and Exposition (GA, USA) [IMAGE] 10/28/01 - 10/31/01= Retrench, Reregulate or Proceed? (VA, US) [IMAGE] 10/29/01 - 11/02/= 01 Advanced Natural Gas Power Generation Applications (IL, USA) [IMAGE]= 10/29/01 - 10/30/01 Devising & Implementing Energy Management Programs= for Plants & Facilities (IL, USA) [IMAGE] 10/29/01 - 10/31/01 Gas V= olatility & Storage Valuation (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 10/29/01 - 10/30/01 = Introduction to Electricity Law (VA, USA) Register Online! [IMAGE] = 10/29/01 - 10/30/01 Pipeline Emergency Preparedness & Response (AB, Cana= da) [IMAGE] 10/29/01 - 10/29/01 Testing of Electrical Installation (= UK) [IMAGE] 10/29/01 - 10/30/01 The ACEEE National Conference on Ener= gy Efficiency and Reliability: Lessons Learned in 2001 (CA, USA) [IMAGE]= 10/29/01 - 10/31/01 Utility Finance and Accounting for Financial Profe= ssionals (NY, United States) [IMAGE] 10/30/01 - 10/30/01 Energy Risk= Management: Pricing and Applications (United Kingdom) [IMAGE] 10/30/= 01 - 10/31/01 Reducing Energy Costs (CA, USA) [IMAGE] 10/31/01 - 11/= 02/01 3rd EPRI Powering the Digital Economy Workshop (CA, USA) [IMAGE] = 10/31/01 - 11/02/01 Ancillary Services Conference (CO, USA) [IMAGE] = 10/31/01 - 11/01/01 POWER2001 (AZ, USA) [IMAGE] 10/31/01 - 11/02/= 01 Underground Electrical Distribution Systems (WI, USA) [IMAGE] 11/= 01/01 - 11/02/01 5th Annual Mexican Energy 2001 (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 11= /01/01 - 11/02/01 Distributed Generation: Opportunities & Obstacles (CA, = USA) [IMAGE] 11/01/01 - 11/02/01 Fundamentals of Energy Management (= NJ, USA) Register Online! Special Offer! [IMAGE] 11/01/01 - 11/02/= 01 Skills Update 2001 for Certified Energy Managers (NJ, USA) Register= Online! Special Offer! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] HOME | NEWSROOM | EV= ENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES | DATA CENTER = Contact sales@energycentral.com or (303)782-5510 for information on FE= ATURING your event on this page. Your conference, seminar, or trade show li= sting will be sent to more than 28,000 electric power professionals. = DIRECTIONS, INFORMATION AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE This supplement to the Ener= gy Central Daily News Service is provided FREE to qualified professionals i= n the electric power industry. To BEGIN receiving the Daily News Service= directly, send a message with a subject of 'signup' to service@energycen= tral.com . 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