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Friday, January 18, 2002 EC - OPEC [IMAGE] MORE EVENTS - ADD= NEW EVENT - ADVERTISE - FREE SYNDICATION [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] New Listings= Featured Listings Next Two Weeks More Information Look = for events labeled "Register Online!" and REGISTER INSTANTLY. "Special Offe= r!" means a special discounted price for Energy Central Members! Do you= have a colleague that could benefit from the Conference Watch? If so, ple= ase feel free to forward your copy in its entirety. SGA Materials Manage= ment/Supplier Conference SGA Materials Management/Supplier Conferenc= e 2/13/02 to 2/15/02 Albuquerque, NM. Presented by: Southern Gas Associatio= n. Provides a unique opportunity for interaction between the people who dev= elop/implement supply chain strategies. Educational programs, powerful spea= kers and networking opportunities serve to enhance important purchaser/supp= lier relationships essential for success in the changing natural gas indust= ry. Vendors must be SGA members to attend. Open to gas company non-members.= Contact pdowney@southerngas.org 972-620-4026. http://www.southerngas.org/c= alendarinfo.cfm?cid=3D396 DistribuTECH 2002 Attend DistribuTECH= 2002, the utility industry's leading event, February 27 - March 1, in Miam= i Beach, FL. DistribuTECH's conference is the definitive source for providi= ng the most up-to-date information on current trends shaping the industry. = The DistribuTECH exhibition features more than 260 companies on the cutting= edge of technology and innovation. Register by calling +1-888-299-8016 or = visit http://www.distributech.com . Featured Listings Building A= nd Maintaining Customer Relations & Branding Strategies 01/29/02 - 01/3= 0/02 San Diego, CA USA Presented By: Active Communications International= , Inc. [IMAGE] Energy Venture Fair II 01/29/02 - 01/30/02 Housto= n, TX USA Presented By: Infocast [IMAGE] 2nd Annual Caribbean Energ= y 01/31/02 - 02/01/02 Miami, FL USA Presented By: The Center for Bus= iness Intelligence [IMAGE] Facility Energy Cost Management 01/31/= 02 - 02/01/02 New Orleans, LA USA Presented By: The Center for Business = Intelligence [IMAGE] Fuel Cell Dynamics 2002: Reality, Not Hype 0= 2/06/02 - 02/07/02 New York, NY USA Presented By: Allied Business Intell= igence [IMAGE] [IMAGE] CERAWeek 2002 - The New Face of Risk: Energy S= trategies for a Changed World 02/11/02 - 02/15/02 Houston, TX USA Pr= esented By: Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) [IMAGE] 4th A= nnual Electric Asset Valuation 02/25/02 - 02/26/02 Houston, TX USA P= resented By: The Center for Business Intelligence [IMAGE] The Ratemak= ing Process 02/27/02 - 03/01/02 Atlanta, GA USA Presented By: Southe= rn Gas Association (SGA) [IMAGE] GLOBE 2002 International Conference = & Trade Fair on Business and the Environment 03/13/02 - 03/15/02 Vanco= uver, BC Canada Presented By: Globe Foundation of Canada [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] New Listings These listings have been added to the Energy Central s= ervice since last week. Click on a title to view the full description in yo= ur web browser. SCADA for Petroleum, Oil & Gas, and Water Sectors = 02/05/02 - 02/06/02 Singapore, Si Singapore [IMAGE] Effective Chemi= cal Procurement Strategies 2002 Conference 02/06/02 - 02/07/02 Singapo= re, Sh Singapore [IMAGE] Crystallization Operations 02/07/02 - 02= /08/02 New Port Beach, CA USA [IMAGE] Materials Management/Supplier = Conference 02/13/02 - 02/15/02 Albuquerque, NM USA [IMAGE] Distr= ibuted Generation Technology Seminar 02/19/02 - 02/20/02 Tukwila, WA U= SA [IMAGE] New Nuclear Power Plant Technology 02/19/02 - 02/22/02= New Orleans, LA USA [IMAGE] Risk-Based Inspection & Damage Mechanis= ms in Gas Processing/Oil Refinery Operations 02/25/02 - 02/26/02 Singa= pore, Si Singapore [IMAGE] 5th Annual E Source Distributed Energy Sum= mit 02/27/02 - 03/01/02 Boulder, CO US [IMAGE] Planning and Impl= ementing Point-to-Point Microwave Radio Systems 02/27/02 - 03/01/02 Or= lando, FL USA [IMAGE] The Ratemaking Process 02/27/02 - 03/01/02 = Atlanta, GA USA Presented By: Southern Gas Association (SGA) [IMAGE] = The Merchant Power Development Institute 03/04/02 - 03/08/02 Atlant= a, GA USA [IMAGE] The 2nd Annual Calgary Arctic Gas Symposium 03/= 07/02 - 03/08/02 Calgary, ON Canada [IMAGE] 9th Annual E Source Ener= gy Managers' Roundtable 03/10/02 - 03/12/02 Santa Fe, NM USA [IMAGE]= Asian Coal Forecast 2002 03/11/02 - 03/13/02 Singapore, Si Singap= ore [IMAGE] Lube-Oil Blending Executive Seminar 03/11/02 - 03/12/= 02 Singapore, Si Singapore [IMAGE] Practical Project Evaluation: Cap= ital and Operating Cost Estimation 03/11/02 - 03/13/02 New Orleans, LA= USA [IMAGE] Principles of Substation Design and Construction 03/= 11/02 - 03/13/02 Madison, WI USA [IMAGE] Project Finance Week 03= /11/02 - 03/15/02 New York, NY USA [IMAGE] High Voltage Electrical S= afety OSHA Req 29 CFR 1910.269 03/13/02 - 03/14/02 Albuquerque, NM USA= [IMAGE] ExecuNet for CXO 03/17/02 - 03/18/02 Tampa, FL USA [I= MAGE] Advanced Management Workshop 03/26/02 - 03/28/02 Dallas , TX= [IMAGE] High Voltage Electrical Safety OSHA Req. 29 CFR 1910.269 = 03/27/02 - 03/28/02 San Diego, CA USA [IMAGE] Burning PRB Coal: Ris= k Management Strategies & Tactics 04/09/02 - 04/10/02 Louisville, KY U= SA [IMAGE] International Energy Project Financing Conference 04/1= 8/02 - 04/18/02 San Francisco, CA U.S.A. [IMAGE] Facility Forum 2002= 04/21/02 - 04/24/02 San Diego, CA USA [IMAGE] Project Managemen= t 04/22/02 - 04/24/02 Baltimore, MD USA [IMAGE] Restructuring Tr= ansmission Operations 04/22/02 - 04/23/02 Alexandria, VA USA [IMAGE]= 9th Annual FORUM 2002 04/24/02 - 04/26/02 New York, NY USA [IMA= GE] Crystallization Operations 04/25/02 - 04/26/02 Baltimore, MD U= SA [IMAGE] Live 2002 04/28/02 - 04/30/02 Anaheim, CA USA [IMAG= E] Metering Americas 04/29/02 - 05/01/02 New Orleans, LA USA [IM= AGE] Effective Chemical Procurement Strategies 2002 Conference 06/0= 2/02 - 07/02/02 Singapore, Sh Singapore [IMAGE] Energy 2002 -- Hot C= hallenges, Cool Solutions Workshop & Exposition 06/02/02 - 06/05/02 Pa= lm Springs, CA USA [IMAGE] 3rd Annual Petro Business IT 2002 06/1= 0/02 - 06/11/02 Houston, TX USA [IMAGE] 20th Annual Coal Market Stra= tegies Conference 10/14/02 - 10/16/02 Tucson, AZ USA [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Infocast Please click to visit this sponsor [IMAGE] [IMAG= E][IMAGE] Search For: Name Description City Organizer Searc= h by Topic: - ALL - Acquisitions Alternative Energy Business Managem... Cal= ifornia Crisis Chemical Special... Coal Cogeneration Company Informat... Co= mpetition & De... Construction Deregulation Distributed Gene... Distributio= n Efficiency/Conse... Energy Management Energy Policy Engineering Environme= ntal Financial Fuel Gas Human Resources Industry Structure Labor Legal Legi= slation/Regu... Load Shapes Marketing Mergers, Acquisi... New Technologies.= .. Nuclear Oil Operations Outsourcing People Planning Plant Operations Powe= r Marketing Pricing Public Power Rates Renewable Energy Request for Prop...= Sales State Technology Telecommunications Transactions & A... Transmission= Utility Billing Utility Business Utility E-Commerce Water Weather = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The Energy Central Events Center del= ivers the most comprehensive listing of conferences, trade shows, seminars = and classes relevant to power professionals. Add New Event Listing Ed= it Your Event Listing Now you can allow Energy Central members to regist= er for your event instantly! For more details, contact the Events Manager a= t eventsmgr@energycentral.com or 800-459-2233. For information on Feature= d Listings, Banner Advertising or Events Center sponsorships, contact Energ= y Central Sales at sales@energycentral.com or 800-459-2233. [IMAGE] = 01/19/02 - 01/21/02 Renewable Energy for Rural Development (Bangladesh)= [IMAGE] 01/21/02 - 01/22/02 FERC 101 & 102 San Francisco (CA, USA) = [IMAGE] 01/22/02 - 01/25/02 5th Electric Utilities Environmental Conf= erence (AZ, USA) [IMAGE] 01/22/02 - 01/23/02 Basis Trading With Natu= ral Gas Futures & Options (AL, Canada) [IMAGE] 01/22/02 - 01/23/02 D= istributed Generation Technology Seminar (FL, USA) [IMAGE] 01/22/02 -= 01/23/02 Electricity Risk Management 101 (NY, USA) [IMAGE] 01/23/02= - 01/25/02 Building New Coal-Fired Generation (AZ, USA) [IMAGE] 01/= 23/02 - 01/25/02 Energy Infrastructure in the Northeast (MA, USA) [IMAG= E] 01/23/02 - 01/24/02 European Online Trading (United Kingdom) [IMA= GE] 01/23/02 - 01/25/02 High-Temperature Fuel Cell Power Plant Systems = (SC, USA) [IMAGE] 01/23/02 - 01/24/02 The 15th Annual Utility M&A Sy= mposium (NY, USA) [IMAGE] 01/24/02 - 01/25/02 3rd Annual Stability D= ata Management (PA, USA) [IMAGE] 01/24/02 - 01/25/02 Portfolio Optim= ization for Electric Utilities Conference (NY, USA) [IMAGE] 01/24/02 = - 01/25/02 Utility Billing (NV, USA) [IMAGE] 01/24/02 - 01/24/02 Wo= rld Energy Security and Commerce Forum (DC, USA) [IMAGE] 01/27/02 - 0= 1/30/02 Tailings and mine waste '02 (CO, USA) [IMAGE] 01/28/02 - 01/= 29/02 6th Annual Profit from Merchant Plants (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 01/28= /02 - 01/29/02 Investment Opportunities in Spain's Energy Industry (Spain= ) [IMAGE] 01/28/02 - 01/30/02 Validating Utilities (NY, USA) [IMA= GE] 01/29/02 - 02/01/02 Basic Telephony and Digital Switching (WI, USA= ) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/31/02 Basics of Industrial Electricity (NC, = USA) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/30/02 Building And Maintaining Customer Re= lations & Branding Strategies (CA, USA) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/30/02 = Energy Venture Fair II (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/29/02 It's On= ly Time and Money (CO, USA) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/29/02 Natural Gas = Basic Training (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/30/02 Successful busi= ness strategies for Stadtwerke (Germany) [IMAGE] 01/29/02 - 01/29/02 = Transmission Executive Forum (DC, USA) [IMAGE] 01/30/02 - 01/31/02 = Electricity - 101 Seminar (FL, USA) [IMAGE] 01/30/02 - 01/30/02 Elec= tricity Basic Training (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 01/30/02 - 02/01/02 The 200= 2 National Electrical Code (FL, USA) [IMAGE] 01/30/02 - 01/31/02 Tra= nsmission Summit 2002: The Impact of New FERC Policies on the Future of the= Grid (DC, USA) [IMAGE] 01/31/02 - 02/01/02 2nd Annual Caribbean Ene= rgy (FL, USA) [IMAGE] 01/31/02 - 01/31/02 Energy Risk Management Bas= ic Training (TX, USA) [IMAGE] 01/31/02 - 02/01/02 Facility Energy Co= st Management (LA, USA) [IMAGE] 02/01/02 - 02/01/02 Advanced Power T= rading (TX, USA) [IMAGE] Energy Central Corporate Sponsors = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM= AGE] [IMAGE] HOME | NEWSROOM | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSI= NESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES | DATA CENTER Contact sales@en= ergycentral.com or (303)782-5510 for information on FEATURING your event o= n this page. Your conference, seminar, or trade show listing will be sent = to more than 28,000 electric power professionals. DIRECTIONS, INFORMA= TION AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE This supplement to the Energy Central Daily New= s Service is provided FREE to qualified professionals in the electric power= industry. To BEGIN receiving the Daily News Service directly, send a me= ssage with a subject of 'signup' to service@energycentral.com . If you= do not wish to receive the Conference Watch, you may cancel your subscript= ion at any time by using one of the three methods below: Go to http://www.= energycentral.com/sections/services/ , click on Email Management, then canc= el your subscription. -OR- Reply to this e-mail with the word UNSUBSCRIBE i= n the subject line. -OR- Type in your e-mail address here: and click This= supplement to the Energy Central Daily News Service may be redistributed p= rovided it is kept in its entirety. 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