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=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thursday, January 24, 2002 Home - Email Pre= ferences - Account [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SITE = MENU [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Power News Gas News Prices Stoc= k Market Snapshots Industry M & A Power Plants Nuclear Data = Power Marketing Data Company Profiles Investor Owned Utilities = Cooperatives Municipals State / Federal [IMAGE] [IMAGE] NE= W CONTENT! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Include the following in your Energy Centra= l Direct: Weekly Power Plays Focused on market trends and future price di= rection. Publishes extensive price list and market analysis. Energy Ini= tiatives - 30 Day Hourly ISO-NE ECP This block charts the last 30 days hou= rly clearing price for ISO New England. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SPONSORS = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] Silicon En= ergy [IMAGE] The Structure Group [IMAGE] Allegro Development [IMAGE] = Itron [IMAGE] KWI [IMAGE] Excelergy [IMAGE] Energy Solutions Plus, In= c. [IMAGE] RER [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ideas= Wanted! We are eager to hear your ideas, feedback, and suggestions for th= is product. Together we will create the most useful information tool for t= he electric power industry. Partners Wanted! Reach over 25,000 electric = power professionals with your news, analysis, commentary or insight into t= he industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-782-5510 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Adver= tisementThe Structure Group ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top = stories of the day: Congressional Investigators Issue Four Subpoenas to = Arthur Andersen Witnesses By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 Flori= da Power Pressed to Cut Rates Even More By Steve Huettel, St. Petersburg T= imes, Fla., Jan. 23 Long Island, N.Y. seeks competitive power market NEW Y= ORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) NRC seeks revised standards for US nuke waste site W= ASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOS= T REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most request= ed by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. Ex-Enron Execs Launc= h Own Firm By BILL BERGSTROM AP Business Writer, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 14,= 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Court overturns approval of AEP, Central S= W merger By Julie Vorman, WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) PJM, Midwest IS= O may form vast US electricity market WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (Reuters) SPEC= IAL REPORT: U.S. Power Production Scorecard: Who Is Building New Power Plan= ts, And Where? What Fuel Sources Will Be Used? by Will McNamara, IssueA= lert, Jan. 16 (Scientech) Virginia Prepares for Deregulation of Electricit= y Market By Greg Edwards, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Va., Jan. 12 [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] E= nergy Central's editors have selected these as the top stories of the day: = BG gets cut-price Enron India fields LONDON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Natural= Gas Rates May Decline Again for Las Vegas-Area Customers By John G. Edwar= ds, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 23 Providence, R.I., Gas Firm, Union, Se= t New Talks on Contract By Timothy C. Barmann, Providence Journal, R.I., J= an. 23 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] OPEC Trial [IMAGE] [IMAGE] IN T= HIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for paul.d.thomas@= enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Today RER's eMe= trix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories Electric Po= wer News - Most Requested Gas Industry News - Top Stories Select= ed Content Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monday Utility Sto= ck Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] EL= ECTRIC POWER NEWS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 7= 8 of 78 Articles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Energy C= entral Direct content blocks enable you to take delivery of multiple subsc= riptions in one e-mail! Stay ahead of competitors with the information fea= tured in Utility Spotlight. This weekly newsletter covers the power utilit= y industry - specifically electricity and natural gas. Established in 1948= , this publication is a must for executives and marketers who need to stay= ahead of competitors. It reports on and analyzes a wide range of industry= news, focused particularly on financial, governmental and marketing areas= . Click to receive your free two-week trial subscription, conveniently del= ivered in Energy Central Direct. http://www.energycentral.com/sections/ecd= irect/ecd_content.cfm Top Stories Long Island, N.Y. seeks compe= titive power market NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) Seeking to reduce electric= bills on Long Island, the New York State-controlled Long Island Power Auth= ority (LIPA) this month opened the Island's power market to full retail com= petition. [IMAGE] Congressional Investigators Issue Four Subpoenas to Ar= thur Andersen Witnesses By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 Proble= ms with two Arthur Andersen witnesses in the unfolding probe of Enron Corp.= forced congressional investigators to issue subpoenas Tuesday night for a = hearing on the destruction of evidence. [IMAGE] Florida Power Pressed to= Cut Rates Even More By Steve Huettel, St. Petersburg Times, Fla., Jan. 2= 3 The state's utility consumer advocate and a group of industrial customers= say Florida Power should cut rates far beyond the $5-million a year that t= he utility has proposed. [IMAGE] NRC seeks revised standards for US nuke= waste site WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) The Nuclear Regulatory Commissio= n on Wednesday proposed revised guidelines for determining whether it shoul= d issue a license for the U.S. government's planned nuclear waste storage s= ite in Nevada. Press Release Excelergy Completes Record Year in 2= 001 LEXINGTON, MA (January 23, 2002) Excelergy Corporation, the world's l= eading provider of high performance software products automating business p= rocesses in the energy/utility industry and other restructuring markets, re= ported today it completed a record quarter for sales in Q4 2001. This cappe= d a record year for Excelergy for 2001, a year in which overall revenues in= creased 65 percent, overall bookings increased 89 percent, software license= revenue grew 91 percent, and maintenance and support services revenue grew= 130 percent despite generally down market conditions in the technology sec= tor. California Crisis PG?Files Claim Against State for Prohibitin= g Plant Sales Jan. 23 (California Energy Markets) Pacific Gas & Electric = filed a claim against the state late this week for passing legislation duri= ng the height of last year's energy crisis that prohibited the company (and= the other investor-owned utilities) from selling off power plants. Special= Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE YOUR CARE= ER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features, premier e= mployers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest on-line= job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs Nat= ional Energy Policy Democrats Increase Pressure Over Enron By PETE YO= ST Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX)= -- Four top Democratic senators Wednesday gave their full support to a Gen= eral Accounting Office inquiry into meetings between the Bush White House a= nd industry leaders on administration energy policy. Senate Republica= ns want mid-Feb energy bill vote WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Senate Re= publican Leader Trent Lott on Wednesday said he expects the Senate to begin= debate on a broad energy bill early next month and hopefully vote on the m= easure by mid-February. Competition & Deregulation Maryland select= s Pepco Energy for electric supply NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) Maryland se= lected Pepco Energy Services to supply competitively priced electricity to = state agencies and departments, the company said in a statement. PSC = Strengthens Consumer Protections in Competitive Energy Markets Albany, NY= ? January 23, 2002 (News Release) To further strengthen consumer protectio= ns in New York?s competitive energy markets, the New York State Public Serv= ice Commission today voted on financial requirements that will apply to ene= rgy services companies (ESCOs) offering prepayment plans or requiring depos= its from their customers. Legislation/Regulation Enron Auditor Ref= uses to Testify By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2= 002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The Arthur Andersen auditor fired for his rol= e in the destruction of Enron-related documents is refusing to testify to C= ongress about the shredding, his attorney said Wednesday. Panel Seeks= Enron Tax Return Release By CURT ANDERSON AP Tax Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan= 23, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A Senate committee asked Enron Corp. on= Wednesday to authorize release of its tax returns to give the public and C= ongress a "more informed understanding" of the bankrupt energy trader's fin= ancial dealings. Enron Debacle Could Fuel Campaign-Finance Battle B= y Dick Polman, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 23 The last decade has not b= een kind to those who want to take big money out of politics. Develop= ments Related to Enron Probe By The Associated Press, Jan 23, 2002 (AP On= line via COMTEX) -- Senior officials of the Arthur Andersen accounting fir= m are receiving subpoenas to compel them to testify to Congress about the m= assive destruction of Enron-related documents. Bush Defends Administr= ation's Dealings with Enron's Fall By Ron Hutcheson, Knight Ridder Washin= gton Bureau, Jan. 23 President Bush defended his administration's handling = of the Enron debacle Tuesday and expressed outrage at the losses suffered b= y the company's stockholders, including his mother-in-law. US Congres= s returns to Enron, recession, politics By Thomas Ferraro, WASHINGTON, Ja= n 23 (Reuters) U.S. lawmakers return on Wednesday for the second and final = year of the 107th Congress with the Enron scandal, the recession and the up= coming November elections crowding center stage. White House cancels = photo op with Congress leaders WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) The White Hou= se on Wednesday abruptly canceled a picture-taking session between Presiden= t George W. Bush and congressional leaders to lay out his agenda as Congres= s returns to work after a holiday recess. Ex-Senator Metzenbaum calls= for SEC head to resign WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Retired Senator Howa= rd Metzenbaum, now head of a leading U.S. consumer group, said on Wednesday= that Harvey Pitt should resign as Securities and Exchange Commission Chair= man because of his past work representing accounting firms. Rates = Capacity Crowds Rail against Nevada Power's Rate Increases By John G. Edw= ards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 23 Hundreds of consumers turned out Tu= esday to lambaste Nevada Power Co. over its request to increase rates $922 = million over the next three years. General Watchdog Group Criticiz= es Wisconsin's Top Utility Regulator for Planned Trip By Lee Hawkins Jr.,= Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 23 The state's top utility regulator was = criticized by a consumer group Tuesday for agreeing to travel to Germany to= tour generation plants with a delegation of utility executives, state lead= ers and others. Consumer Group Wants Florida Power Corp. to Pay for B= ad Service By Cherie Jacobs, Tampa Tribune, Fla., Jan. 23 Florida Power C= orp.'s service has been lousy, a consumer advocate says, so the St. Petersb= urg utility should lower its rates. Federal Authorities Take Over at = Enron's Houston Headquarters Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 23 Fed= eral authorities appeared to take control of Enron's headquarters here Tues= day in response to mounting accusations that vital documents were being shr= edded by the bankrupt energy empire's employees. CHRONOLOGY - Rise an= d fall of energy giant Enron NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) Following are key= dates in the history of energy trading giant Enron Corp.: Security T= eam Leaves Enron to Form Consulting Company By Alan Bernstein, Houston Ch= ronicle, Jan. 23 Enron's top security team, including four former CIA offic= ers and an ex-FBI agent, has left the company to form a private consulting = firm. ConAgra Foods Nearly Took Enron Route out of Nebraska By Stev= e Jordon, Omaha World-Herald, Neb., Jan. 22 Kenneth L. Lay came to Omaha in= 1985 and left, more or less for good, in 1986. New Technologies/Marke= ts New Energy Program May Boost Eatontown, N.J.-Based Fuel-Cell Technol= ogy Firm By David P. Willis, Asbury Park Press, N.J., Jan. 21 Stephen S. = Tang, chief executive officer of Millennium Cell Inc. in Eatontown, envisio= ns a world where you drive to your neighborhood service station and fill up= your tank not with gasoline, but with a clean, clear, recyclable liquid fu= el. Power Pricing/Supply Eastern Power Squeaks Lower in Quiet Trad= e as Winter Naps Jan. 23 (Btu's Daily Power Report) There was nothing to = drive the price of power traded in Eastern U.S. markets higher today, trade= rs said. Special Offer from this Publisher! In the Shredder Jan. 2= 2 (Energy Market Report) Peak power prices in the Western U.S. were mostly = lower on Tuesday as slightly milder temperatures cut into demand. Special O= ffer from this Publisher! Transmission & Reliability Shanghai to = Invest Heavily to Upgrade Its Power Grid SHANGHAI, Jan 23, 2002 (Xinhua v= ia COMTEX) -- This China's leading industrial and commercial city plans to= invest 6.33 billion yuan (about 762 million U.S. dollars) this year to mod= ernize its power grid to meet the demand of rapid economic development and = social progress. Power Projects Calpine Continues with Plans for A= lameda County, Calif., Power Plant By Tim Moran, The Modesto Bee, Calif.,= Jan. 22 Calpine Corp. is proceeding with efforts to get a license for the = $500 million East Altamont Energy Center, despite reports of cutbacks by th= e San Jose-based company. Calpine Threatens to Abandon Plans for Fort= Mill, S.C., Power Facility By Sula Pettibon, The Herald, Rock Hill, S.C.= , Jan. 22 A company planning to build a $400 million gas-fired electric gen= erator in York County is sounding the alarm that it will abandon the projec= t if a state House bill calling for a moratorium becomes law. Endesa = to invest 234m euros in new power plant in Brazil Jan 23, 2002, (El Pais = /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Spanish power utility Endesa is to invest 2= 33.9m euros in the construction of a combined-cycle plant in Fortaleza in t= he Brazilian state of Ceara. Legal Enron Creditors Seek Outside Su= pervision of Firm's Management By Eric Berger, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23= Lawyers for Enron creditors have asked a U.S. bankruptcy judge to appoint = an outsider to supervise the current management or take control of the trou= bled company. PG?Asks Judge for Bankruptcy Help By KAREN GAUDETTE A= ssociated Press Writer, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 22, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) = -- Pacific Gas and Electric Co. told a federal judge late Tuesday that Cali= fornia officials should allow it to bypass state laws to get out from under= its $13.2 billion bankruptcy. Enron Contributions Are at Issue in Te= xas Judge's Confirmation to Federal Post By Janet Elliott, Houston Chroni= cle, Jan. 23 Enron's political contributions have become an issue in the co= nfirmation battle involving a Texas Supreme Court justice who has been nomi= nated to a federal appellate bench. Lawyers Agree on Proposed Restrai= ning Order to Safeguard Enron Documents By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicl= e, Jan. 23 Attorneys for Enron shareholders agreed late Tuesday on a propos= ed restraining order to safeguard financial documents and investigate their= destruction by employees of the company and its auditor, Arthur Andersen. = Renewables Solar- and Wind-Energy Users May Get Benefit in Utah = By Steven Oberbeck, The Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 21 Environmentalists dream = of the day when small nonpolluting power plants on individual homes will do= t the landscape and huge energy projects such as the coal-fired Intermounta= in Power Project near Delta will be declared obsolete. Danish Firm Se= en as Likely Winner in Bidding for Enron's Wind-Turbine Business By Tim W= ebb, Sunday Business, London, Jan. 20 Enron is expected to sell its wind-tu= rbine business by the end of the month, with a Danish rival as frontrunner = to clinch the UKpound 500 million deal. Royal Dutch/Shell to buy out = Siemens, E.ON in solar energy venture AMSTERDAM, Jan 23, 2002 (AFX-UK via= COMTEX) -- Royal Dutch/Shell Group unit Shell Renewables said it plans to= buy out the stakes of Siemens AG and E.ON Energie AG in the three companie= s' solar energy joint venture. People Texas Congressman Changes Co= urse, Gives Enron Donation to Worker Fund By Kristen Mack, Houston Chroni= cle, Jan. 23 Reversing himself, U.S. Rep. John Culberson said Tuesday he wo= uld donate the $5,000 he received from Enron's political action committee t= o a fund benefiting the company's employees. Sen. Gramm Could Face Co= nflict of Interest if His Wife Is Questioned on Enron By David Ivanovich,= Houston Chronicle, Jan. 23 Wendy Gramm, a member of Enron's board of direc= tors, stands to lose more than $686,000 in retirement funds because of the = company's bankruptcy filing. Hunt rejoins SEC, another commissioner m= ay join soon By Peter Ramjug, WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Isaac Hunt on = Wednesday regained his commissioner seat at the Securities and Exchange Com= mission, filling one of several empty slots as the SEC continues to piece t= ogether the complex dealings behind Enron Corp.'s dramatic fall. Labor= /Human Resources Electricity, water, transportation workers strike in L= ebanon BEIRUT, Lebanon, Jan 23, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Some= 6,000 electricity, water and transportation workers went on strike in Leba= non Wednesday, saying they would do no maintenance or repairs until the dem= ands for better pay and benefits were met. Fuel U.S. to use weapon= s plutonium as nuclear plant fuel WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) The Bush a= dministration on Wednesday unveiled a plan to convert 34 metric tons of sur= plus weapons-grade plutonium into fuel for nuclear power plants. Envir= onmental NE states to press clean air case with U.S. EPA WASHINGTON, = Jan 22 (Reuters) Eight states will press the head of the U.S. Environmental= Protection Agency on Wednesday to cease any effort to weaken Clean Air Act= limits on emissions from power plants, refineries and industrial plants, a= member of the New York attorney general's staff said on Tuesday. Env= ironmental Groups in West Virginia Plan Protest for President Bush's Visit = By Ken Ward Jr., The Charleston Gazette, W.Va., Jan. 22 Environmental and= citizens groups plan to welcome President Bush to Charleston today with a = protest against the administration's energy policies. Nuclear Fede= ral Regulators Cite Texas Nuclear Power Plant for Improper Waste Handling = By Neil Strassman, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 23 The Nuclear Re= gulatory Commission has cited the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant for rep= eated improper handling of low-level radioactive waste, its first significa= nt safety violations in more than eight years. PPL to seek new nuclea= r license for Susquehanna NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) PPL Susquehanna noti= fied the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) it intends to seek renewal of = its operating license for the Susquehanna nuclear plant in Berwick, Pennsyl= vania, the company said in a statement on Wednesday. Party Forces Aus= tria Govt. Crisis By WILLIAM J. KOLE Associated Press Writer, VIENNA, Aus= tria, Jan 23, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Austria's coalition government= was thrown into crisis Wednesday after the far-right Freedom Party pushed = anew for early elections in an escalating dispute over a nuclear power plan= t in the neighboring Czech Republic. Temelin nuclear plant faces more= technology problems Jan 23, 2002 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- A= further delay in test operation of the Temelin nuclear power plant first b= lock reactor has resulted from problems with German-made armatures. Fi= nancial North Carolina Banks, State Pension Fund among Shareholders Hur= t by Enron Hit By Rick Rothacker, The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Jan. 23 C= harlotte's big banks and the state pension funds in both Carolinas are amon= g the thousands of Enron Corp. shareholders forced to sell shares in a decl= ine or hold on to nearly worthless stock after the Houston energy company's= collapse. Enron, Kmart Woes Highlight Role of Surety Bonds By Sher= yl Jean, Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Minn., Jan. 23 Two of the nation's bigge= st bankruptcies -- the recent failures of energy trader Enron Corp. and Kma= rt Corp. -- has focused attention on a little-known, but widely used insura= nce product: surety bonds. Andersen Quakes as Enron Puts Accountancy = into Crisis By Matthew Lynn, Sunday Business, London, Jan. 20 David Dunca= n probably never expected to have a huge impact on his profession. Ac= counting Oversight Board to Disband WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2002 (AP Online v= ia COMTEX) -- A board that oversees the accounting profession has voted to= disband after raising concerns about proposed changes in the way firms are= regulated following the collapse of Enron. Financial - Ratings St= andard & Poor's Warns of More Enron-Like Failures, Urges Better Disclosure = By Robert Bailhache, Sunday Business, London, Jan. 20 Standard & Poor's, = one of the world's leading credit-rating agencies, has urged global financi= al markets to enforce a culture of greater disclosure if spectacular corpor= ate failures such as Enron's are to be minimised. Centrica surges aft= er UBS Warburg turns 'strong buyer', ups target LONDON, Jan 23, 2002 (AFX= -UK via COMTEX) -- Shares in Centrica PLC were trading sharply higher in e= arly deals, supported by defensive buying and news UBS Warburg turned very = positive on the utility, dealers said. Financial - Results Dynegy = earnings meet targets despite Enron woes HOUSTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Powe= r marketer Dynegy Inc. on Wednesday met earnings expectations in a difficul= t fourth quarter that included its broken merger with bankrupt rival Enron = Corp., and saw its 2001 net income grow by more than half over the previous= year. Warm Weather Hurts Profits for Dayton, Ohio, Utility's Parent = Company By Jim Bohman, Dayton Daily News, Ohio, Jan. 22 DPL Inc. Monday r= eported record operating earnings for 2001, but saw warm temperatures melt = fourth-quarter profits. Berlin, Conn.-Based Northeast Utilities Says = Revenues Up 17 Percent in 2001 By David A. Smith, Waterbury Republican-Am= erican, Conn., Jan. 23 Northeast Utilities Inc., which owns subsidiaries se= rving 1.3 million electric and gas customers in Connecticut, said Tuesday i= ts 2001 revenues increased 17 percent, helping push its year-end profits to= nearly $245 million. Progress fourth-quarter earnings beat estimate = RALEIGH, N.C., Jan 23 (Reuters) Progress Energy Inc., which owns utilitie= s distributing electricity and natural gas in the U.S. Southeast, on Wednes= day reported a fourth-quarter profit compared with a year-earlier loss and = beat Wall Street earnings expectations despite mild weather and a slowdown = in industrial demand because of the weak economy. Hydro-Quebec credit= s exports for record profit QUEBEC CITY, Jan 23 (Reuters) - Hydro-Quebec,= North America's largest power utility, said on Wednesday its 2001 net prof= it reached a record C$1.1 billion ($685 million), thanks to strong electric= ity exports to the United States and despite warmer weather than usual. = International French State-Owned Power Giant to Launch Reorganisation= By Ross Tieman, Sunday Business, London, Jan. 20 Commercial reality is d= awning at Electricite de France (EdF), the state-owned power giant that has= played Cock o' the Heap in the world's electricity markets while protected= by the French government from competition in its own back yard. Scot= s Pay the Price of Electricity Duopoly By Tim Webb, Sunday Business, Lond= on, Jan. 20 Scotland's electricity market is "anti-competitive, imbalanced = and inefficient", according to the director of trading at the generating co= mpany, Innogy. Taiwan fully opens energy sector to foreign investment= TAIPEI, Jan 23, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- The government has fully = opened the energy industry to foreign investment in a bid to lure more capi= tal to the island after its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), = officials said. Andersen May Lose Audits for Top British Firms in Enr= on Fallout Evening Standard, London, Jan. 22 Accounting giant Andersen is= facing the prospect of losing more lucrative contracts to audit some of Br= itain's leading companies as concerns grow over the firm's role in the coll= apse of energy group Enron. Doosan Heavy close to winning tender to b= uild thermal power plants in Dangjin SEOUL, Jan 22, 2002 (AFX-Asia via CO= MTEX) -- Daewoo Heavy Industries Co Ltd said it is close to winning an int= ernational tender to build two thermal power plant units in Dangjin, Chungc= hong Province, for about 300 bln won. Electric energy demand to incre= ase 6% in 2002 Chile, Jan 22, 2002 (El Mercurio/SABI via COMTEX) -- Chil= ean energy demand grew by 5,7% in 2001, less than the initial forecasts of = 6% - 7%, and far from the 8,3% growth registered in 2000. Enron conti= nues in Mexico through corporation`s plant Mexico, Jan 22, 2002 (El Econo= mista/SABI via COMTEX) -- Enron`s cogeneration plant in Mexico (on a conce= ssion from the federal government) will remain under the control of the mul= tinational Tractebel and will begin working at the end of the year. E= uropean power market: Pierret considers liberalisation process irreversible= Jan 23, 2002, (Les Echos /FT Information via COMTEX) -- On Friday Chris= tian Pierret, the French secretary of state for industry, said that the pro= cess to open up the European power market is irreversible, and that France = is conforming with European directives. France's electricity to cost = more Jan 23, 2002, (Le Figaro /FT Information via COMTEX) -- The French = industry secretary, Christian Pierret, yesterday confirmed that French cons= umers will soon be paying more for their electricity because the applicatio= n of the European energy directive "will have a price". RWE and EnBW = battle for regional energy market Jan 23, 2002, (Frankfurter Allgemeine Z= eitung /FT Information via COMTEX) -- German energy companies RWE AG and E= nergie Baden-Wurttemberg AG (EnBW) are intensifying their battle for the en= ergy market in Germany's Saar region. Spanish energy commission could= investigate BBVA stakes in Repsol and Iberdrola Jan 22, 2002, (Expansion= /FT Information via COMTEX) -- The Spanish energy commission (CNE) could = launch an investigation into Spanish bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (= BBVA) to analyse whether its stakes in oil group Repsol YPF and power utili= ty Iberdrola breach legal restrictions on stakes in rival companies. = Ukraine rejects idea of common electrical power market in CIS KIEV, Jan 2= 3, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- The government of Ukraine on Wednesday a= pproved two energy agreements with CIS states, except those provisions whic= h call for the creation of a single energy market in the CIS. Arthur = Andersen assured operations can continue in Emirates ABU DHABI, United Ar= ab Emirates, Jan 23, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Concerned monetar= y officials had summoned representatives of the former auditing firm of ban= krupt U.S. energy giant Enron, but said Wednesday the company could continu= e to operate normally in the United Arab Emirates. Industrial Compani= es To Pass On Higher Electricity Costs To Product Prices MEXICO CITY, Jan= 23, 2002 (El Economista/Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities, Inc. via = COMTEX) -- The 8.5-percent increase in electricity prices will be passed o= n directly to the final price of products, several companies told Mexico Ci= ty daily el Economista. Eskom to Work With Shell On Project By King= sley Kubeyinje And John Fraser, Jan 23, 2002 (Business Day/All Africa Globa= l Media via COMTEX) -- SA's Eskom Enterprises and the Shell Petroleum Deve= lopment Company (SPDC) have landed a $540m contract for the rehabilitation = of a cluster of power plants in Rivers State, Nigeria, and the start-up of = a fifth plant. Crippled generator cuts state reserves By Rod Myer,= Jan 24, 2002 (The Age - ABIX via COMTEX) -- A report by Deutsche Bank cla= ims Victoria's power-generation reserves are at inadequate levels in late J= anuary 2002. UK Firms Are Caught Up in the Backlash from Enron Debacl= e Sunday Business, London, Jan. 20 Andersen faces a backlash in this coun= try because of its involvement with Enron. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy = Central ? 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 24, 2002 Celeren CEO is Enron veteran = Goes after smaller firms than Enron Did you email us? Draper sees= 8% growth on bumpy road S?paints grim retail competition outlook = AEP cool about court decision on CSW merger Polite stakeholders set = tone for FERC market design Powered By US Publishing ? 2002 US Pub= lishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IMAG= E] RER'S EMETRIX LOAD FORECAST: CAL ISO [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ac= tual and forecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Pow= ered By RER ? 2002 RER. All Rights Reserved. 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