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Tuesday, January 22, 2002 OPEC Trial [IMAGE] HOME - CONTENT SELECT= ION - MEMBER SERVICES - ADVERTISING - PARTNERING - CONTACT US = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edit= ion for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructu= ring Today RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - T= op Stories Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry News - Top S= tories Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers Selected Content Not In= This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monday [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POW= ER NEWS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 66 of 66 Articles = Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY How can an Enterprise Ener= gy Management strategy help utilities and energy service providers balance= supply and demand even when adequate supplies exist? Silicon Energy's EEM= Suite(TM) is a flexible system that can balance a number of load demand m= anagement options and provide a hedge on the most difficult situations now= and in the future. Promote large-scale participation in demand management= by including all customers - voluntary and mandatory curtailment, residen= tial and small commercial, distributed energy resource dispatch and monito= ring. Click http://www.siliconenergy.com/ecentral.htm to register for our= Load Management web seminar. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ITRON UNVEILS A GATEWA= Y TO THE FUTURE: The home, with air conditioners, furnaces, water heaters,= and other energy-guzzling appliances, represents a golden opportunity to i= mplement new technology that can help keep energy costs under control and = balance supply and demand. That's the idea behind the Itron Energy Gateway= , a cost-effective way for energy providers to directly manage residential= demand for energy, build customer relationships, and bring flexibility to= meter reading efforts. To know more, start here: http://www.itron.com . = Top Stories EOB Charges Gaming in 'Dec' Market Jan. 21 (Californ= ia Energy Markets) The California Electricity Oversight Board on January 17= filed a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, charging = a list of energy suppliers with anticompetitive price bidding for decrement= al energy in the California Independent System Operator's real-time energy = market [EL02-51]. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] As Direct = Access Deadlines Approach, Oregon Certifies 3 Electric Service Suppliers = Jan. 21 (Clearing Up) Starting March 1, commercial and industrial customers= of PGE and PacifiCorp will have the option of buying power from a supplier= other than their incumbent IOU. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAG= E] Arthur Andersen's CEO Points a Finger at Enron's Business Model By J= ulie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 21 The head of Arthur Andersen on Sunda= y sought to deflect responsibility for the collapse of its former client En= ron Corp., saying the energy company's business model was a failure. [IMAG= E] Petition against much-disputed Czech nuclear plant gets 915,000 signat= ures By ROLAND PRINZ Associated Press Writer, VIENNA, Austria, Jan 21, 2= 002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- More than 900,000 Austrians signed a pet= ition against a much-disputed Czech nuclear power station in a bitter stand= off that has strained already icy relations between the neighboring nations= , officials said Monday. Press Release KWI Adds Washington State'= s Leading Energy Utility to its North America Client List HOUSTON (Januar= y 21, 2002) KWI, a global company specializing in trading and risk manageme= nt software for energy companies, has been awarded a contract to supply the= kW3000? system to Puget Sound Energy, for complete front-to-back-office tr= ading, risk management and invoice settlement. California Crisis E= dison Wants All Hands on Deck to Pay Debts Jan. 21 (California Energy Mar= kets) Southern California Edison on January 8 filed a proposal with the Cal= ifornia Public Utilities Commission that would require direct-access custom= ers, distributed-generation customers and municipalities to help pay off th= e utility's estimated $3.57 billion in debt [A98-07-003]. Special Offer fr= om this Publisher! Judge Montali Wants Details of CPUC Reorganizatio= n Plan for PG? Jan. 21 (California Energy Markets) In a move that could t= hrow a wrench into PG&E's reorganization plans, US Bankruptcy Court judge D= ennis Montali on January 16 upheld Pacific Gas & Electric's exclusive right= s to file a reorganization plan but told the California Public Utilities Co= mmission to present details of its alternative proposal by February 13. Spe= cial Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Get the custom= ized energy information YOU need. Content blocks revolutionize Energy Cent= ral Direct. From utility stock prices to Dow Jones 4 Corners Electricity I= ndex to energy events, content blocks keep you on top of what's most valua= ble to you. Customize your content blocks today at http://www.energycentra= l.com/sections/ecdirect/ecd_content.cfm Competition & Deregulation= Northern Virginia Consumers Bargain for Best Price for Electricity B= y Rusty Dennen, The Free Lance-Star, Fredericksburg, Va., Jan. 19 Virginia = electric customers now have some help if they decide to go shopping for a n= ew energy supplier. Peoples Energy To Join Dominion In Marketing Ja= n 21 - Richmond Times - Dispatch Peoples Energy Corp., the owner of Chicago= 's natural gas utility, is joining with Dominion Resources Inc. to market g= as and electricity services to nearly 3 million customers in Chicago and no= rthern Illinois. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Belgium's Tr= actebel eyes Korea, China BANGKOK, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Belgium's Tractebel= , part of French utility Suez Lyonnais, said on Monday it had submitted a b= id for Enron Corp's stake in a South Korean gas distributor and was looking= to enter China's energy market. German regulator confirms ruling aga= inst E.On acquisition of Ruhrgas By DAVID McHUGH AP Business Writer, FRAN= KFURT, Germany, Jan 21, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Germany's antit= rust regulator said Monday it had ruled against utility giant E.On AG's acq= uisition of the country's main natural gas distributor, stalling a drive E.= On says would create a German powerhouse in global energy markets. Ch= arlotte, N.C., Group Plans Bid for Texas Electric Cooperative's Telecom Uni= t By Dan Piller, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 20 A Charlotte, N.= C.-based group emerged as another potential bidder for the bankrupt telecom= munications subsidiary of CoServ, a Denton County electric cooperative. = AES Corp. acquires stake in Ecuadorian power producer Quito, Jan 20, 2= 002 (EFE via COMTEX) -- U.S.-based power plant developer AES Corp. has acq= uired a 49-percent stake in Empresa Electrica de Ecuador (Emelec), which ha= s assets valued at $111 million, National Electricity Council Vice Presiden= t Jorge Trujillo said in an interview published Sunday by the El Universo n= ewspaper. RWE could save stalled CEZ sale By Hana Lesenarova, Jan 2= 1, 2002 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- The government may have found= a new savior for its derailed sale of the country's dominant energy produc= er CEZ whose tender was cancelled after Electricite de France (EDF) and the= consortium of Italian Enel and Spanish Iberdrola failed to fulfill its dem= anding conditions and pay the asking price of Kc 200 billion for the packag= e. French eye Seeboard auction Jan 21 - The Daily Telegraph AMERICA= N Electric Power, the Ohio-based energy trader, is expected to restart the = bidding for Seeboard, its British gas and electricity supplier, within the = next few weeks. Hunt Power Acquires E-MON (Monday, January 21, 2002= ) DALLAS (News Release) Hunt Power, L.P. of Dallas announced today that it = has acquired the assets and operations of E-MON Corporation, a manufacturer= of electric meters and other energy hardware, software, and services aimed= at the electric sub-metering industry. Legislation/Regulation Cha= irman's Resignation Puts Role of Texas Utility Regulatory Agency in Focus = The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 19 After six years of relatively smooth sail= ing, the Texas Public Utility Commission again finds itself in choppy, poli= tical waters. Feds May Subpoena Enron Accountant By PETE YOST Assoc= iated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 21, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A Ho= use panel plans to issue subpoenas if necessary to compel testimony from En= ron's accounting firm and the auditor it fired for the destruction of thous= ands of documents. Enron Issues Appear Likely to Affect Major Legisla= tion The Boston Globe, Jan. 20 Questions about Enron's political influenc= e and complaints from employees whose pensions have been ravaged by the ene= rgy company's failure have not only triggered a string of congressional inv= estigations, but also could influence the fate of major legislation this ye= ar. Enron Was Big Player in Texas By KELLEY SHANNON Associated Pres= s Writer, AUSTIN, Texas, Jan 20, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- In the comp= any's high-flying days, Enron Corp. employees and their political action co= mmittee stuffed the campaign coffers of Texas state officials in nearly eve= ry top post, from the governor to justices on the highest civil court. = Bush Advisers Worry Over Enron Scandal By RON FOURNIER, WASHINGTON, Jan= 21, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- President Bush's advisers, fearing the = Enron Corp. bankruptcy controversy could divert attention from his second-y= ear agenda, are debating what to do about a political problem they helped c= reate. Auditor: Enron, Accountant Share Blame By PETE YOST Associat= ed Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 21, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A fired= auditor has told congressional investigators that Enron and its accounting= firm share the blame for the partnership arrangements that helped drive th= e energy giant into bankruptcy. FERC Establishes Oversight Unit as Ca= l-ISO Produces Plan For Deadline Jan. 21 (Utility Spotlight) The Federal = Energy Regulatory Commission moved last week to create the Office of Market= Oversight and Investigations as a new oversight unit aimed at preventing m= anipulation of wholesale electricity prices and supplies. Special Offer fro= m this Publisher! SEC's Pitt says US agency cannot police accountant= s WASHINGTON, Jan 20 (Reuters) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Ch= airman Harvey Pitt said on Sunday that his agency lacks the money and staff= to directly police the accounting industry in the wake of Enron Corp.'s co= llapse. Rates Candidate for Congress Questions Rate-Case Notice Se= nt Out by Nevada Power By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan.= 19 An independent candidate for Congress on Friday suggested Nevada Power = be required to refile its $922 million deferred energy rate case. Gene= ral Experts Say Memory of Enron Will Last but System Can Overcome Demis= e By Angela Shah, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 20 The details of Enron C= orp.'s spectacular demise are still playing out, but the debacle has alread= y become a metaphor for failed bets on the free enterprise system. An= dersen executive says shredding note unprecedented-WSJ NEW YORK, Jan 21 (= Reuters) An executive at Arthur Andersen LLP, the auditing firm used by now= -shattered energy trader Enron Corp., told congressional investigators that= an e-mail reminder to employees sent by Andersen headquarters was unpreced= ented, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. Enron Victim of Co= rporate Meltdown By JEFF DONN Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 20, 2= 002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Several years before the meltdown, something = already seemed out of whack to Tom Brigger at Enron's Corp. headquarters he= re. Enron Expose Widens, Affects Past, Present U.S., Andersen Officia= ls Jan. 21 (Utility Spotlight) As federal investigators arrived in town t= o dig into the Enron scandal last week, the company's practically worthless= stock was delisted by the New York Stock Exchange and the nation's biggest= bankruptcy mushroomed with serious new allegations involving its Andersen = auditor. Special Offer from this Publisher! Power Pricing/Supply = US post-holiday power little changed on mild weather NEW YORK, Jan 21 (Re= uters) Spot power prices in the eastern United States for Tuesday delivery = were little changed on Monday amid mild weather forecasts for much of the c= ountry despite expected higher loads from schools and businesses reopening = after the Martin Luther King holiday. Enron-UBS Ruling Delayed Jan.= 18 (Energy Market Report) While day-ahead peak power prices typically rise= on a Friday due to the uncertainty of scheduling several days out, this wa= s not the case in the Western U.S. this Friday. Special Offer from this Pub= lisher! Transmission & Reliability Pjm, Miso Planning Joint And C= ommon Wholesale Energy Market Jan 21, 2002 - PR Newswire PJM Interconnect= ion and the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (MISO) t= oday announced that they have executed a "Letter of Intent" to develop a si= ngle wholesale market for electricity producers and consumers in all or par= ts of 27 Midwest and mid-Atlantic states, the District of Columbia and the = Canadian province of Manitoba. States agree to $44m upgrade of power = link By Simon Evans, Jan 22, 2002 (The Australian Financial Review - ABIX= via COMTEX) -- The New South Wales and Victorian governments have agreed = to spend $A44m to upgrade the Snowy interconnector. Endesa Chile Plan= s Power Transportation Line to Argentina Jan 21, 2002 - South American Bu= siness Information Until 2005 Endesa Chile plans to set up a 500 Mw power t= ransportation from Chile up to Argentina. Power Projects Florida P= ower & Light's Plan for $1.1 Billion Expansion Stokes Rivals' Ire By John= Dorschner, The Miami Herald, Jan. 19 In a move with long-term implications= for the future of the state's electric industry, Florida Power & Light has= announced plans for a $1.1 billion expansion that would add 1,900 megawatt= s of power over the next three years -- a proposal that has drawn intense c= riticism from independent energy companies which want to build the plants t= hemselves. Garnet plant reflects trend Jan 21 - The Idaho Business = Review The Garnet Energy natural gas-fired electricity plant that IdaWest E= nergy plans near Middleton illustrates a trend. Refocusing capital ..= . Power-plant projects taken off Avista's menu Jan 21 - Journal of Busine= ss - Spokane Avista Corp. has quietly mothballed its Avista Power subsidiar= y, citing changes in the power-plant development business and the parent co= mpany's financial troubles. Conoco To Build 730-Megawatt Combined Hea= t and Power Plant in the U.K. Jan 21 - Business Wire Conoco Global Power = (U.K.) Limited today announced the go-ahead for one of the largest, cleanes= t and most efficient Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants in Europe, to be = built alongside its industry-leading Humber refinery in the United Kingdom.= Legal Enron Prosecuting Team Will Be Tough to Build By Michael = Hedges, Houston Chronicl, Jan. 20 The sprawling criminal investigation of E= nron will be a team effort involving prosecutors from both coasts and Texas= , as large numbers of federal lawyers bowed out to avoid conflict of intere= st charges. Renewables China Launches Hydroelectric Project Jan = 21, 2002 - United Press International China has begun work on a massive hyd= roelectric power station on the Lancang-Mekong River, second in size to the= Three Gorges Dam project still under construction, the official People's D= aily newspaper reported Monday. Brussels firm forges deal on hydropow= er project in Laos BANGKOK, Jan 21, 2002 (Kyodo via COMTEX) -- A Brussel= s-based company specializing in hydroelectric power has purchased a control= ling stake in the Hoauy Ho hydroelectric project in Laos from Daewoo Engine= ering and Construction Co. of South Korea and Loxley Public Co. Of Thailand= for $131 million, the company said Monday. Plants Iberdrola opens= new cogeneration plant near Burgos MADRID, Jan 21, 2002 (AFX-Europe via = COMTEX) -- Iberdrola SA said it has opened a new 30 MW electricity cogener= ation plant in Aranda de Duero, near Burgos, in the Castilla y Leon region.= People Profiles of major figures in Enron saga WASHINGTON, Jan = 21 (Reuters) Following are profiles of some of the major figures involved i= n the growing political and financial saga revolving around the collapse of= energy trading giant Enron Corp., and ensuing criticism of its auditors, a= ccounting giant Andersen. Aggressive and Driven, Enron Chief Financia= l Officer Has Many Faces By David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 20 A= fter 11 years at Enron, Andrew S. Fastow had good reason to strut. En= ron CEO gave back stock to repay loans Jan 21 - Milwaukee Journal Sentine= l Kenneth L. Lay, the chairman and chief executive officer of the Enron Cor= p., was forced to repeatedly repay millions of dollars in loans by handing = over stock to Enron last year as his various investments declined in value,= his lawyer said Sunday. Labor/Human Resources TEPCO to cut manage= ment posts by one-third by March 2007 - report TOKYO, Jan 20, 2002 (AFX-A= sia via COMTEX) -- Tokyo Electric Power Co Inc will reduce the number of m= anagerial jobs to 4,000 from the current 6,000 by the end of March 2007, th= e Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported, citing company sources. Ex-Enron Wor= kers Seek Severance Pay By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON,= Jan 20, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Nearly 200 former Enron Corp. worke= rs have united to demand severance pay from the bankrupt energy giant that = abruptly laid them off last month. Nuclear Nuclear reactor halves = capacity, another stopped for repairs in Ukraine KIEV, Ukraine, Jan 21, 2= 002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Nuclear workers stopped one nuclear rea= ctor and reduced the capacity of another to check control systems and repai= r some equipment at Ukraine's two atomic power plants over weekend, officia= ls said Monday. DOE Decision Dispels Some Doubt On Political Path to = Yucca Mountain Jan. 21 (Utility Spotlight) Business organizations now are= looking forward to votes in Congress that should settle the matter of whet= her a nuclear waste repository will be built in Nevada's Yucca Mountain. Sp= ecial Offer from this Publisher! Myanmar Reacts to Media Reports on = Nuclear Reactor Jan 21, 2002 - Kyodo News Foreign media reports on Myanma= r's efforts in nuclear science were deliberate attempts to derail the progr= am, Deputy Foreign Minister Khin Maung Win charged Monday. Financial = Enron's Collapse May Carry Greater Economic Cost Jan 20, 2002 - thedai= lycamera.com The collapse of Enron Corp., so far a political, legal and inv= estor crisis, is now imposing widespread costs on the U.S. economy, accordi= ng to a range of companies, energy experts and bankers. Enron's Debts= Hit a Variety of Houston Businesses By Bruce Nichols, The Dallas Morning= News, Jan. 21 Compared with the $2 billion Enron Corp. owes Chase Manhatta= n, the $11,000 that Brown Book Shop is due isn't that big. Worker Pen= sion Funds Often Trapped in Company Stock By Janet Kidd Stewart, Chicago = Tribune, Jan. 20 Enron. It could happen again. International Power= battle begins in NSW Jan 20, 2002 (The Sunday Telegraph - ABIX via COMTE= X) -- The fully-deregulated power market in New South Wales (NSW) is even = attracting Victorian electricity suppliers. Bangladesh newspaper gets= power restored after court order DHAKA, Bangladesh, Jan 21, 2002 (AP Wor= ldStream via COMTEX) -- A newspaper that said its electricity was cut off = after it reported alleged corruption and mismanagement by the local utility= service got power restored after a court order, the utility said Monday. = Tenaga Nasional, Malakoff sign deal on revised terms for Kapar plant s= ale KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 21, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Tenaga Nasional = Bhd announced said it has entered into a heads of agreement with Malakoff B= hd and its unit Kapar Energy Ventures Sdn Bhd (KEV) on the recent revision = in tariff rates, selling price and other terms over the sale of Tenaga Nasi= onal's Kapar power plant. Modernization Of Russia's Electrical Power = Industry Requires $5Bn In Investments Moscow, Russia, Jan 21, 2002 (RosBu= sinessConsulting via COMTEX) -- The modernization of the electrical power = industry of Russia requires an increase in the investments in this sector b= y fivefold, raising them to $5 billion, Vyacheslav Ovchenkov, first deputy = chairman of the Federal Energy Commission, said at a news conference today.= Massive power outage hits main northern Philippine island of Luzon = MANILA, Philippines, Jan 21, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- A massive= power failure struck the main northern Philippine island of Luzon on Monda= y, disrupting trains, lights, refrigeration and other services for millions= of people, officials said. Major power outage hits broad swath of Br= azil RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Jan 21, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- = A major electricity blackout hit at least five Brazilian states on Monday,= dramatically hampering commerce in six key cities. Chilectra: 6 Buy = Bidding Supply Rules Chile, Jan 21, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- = Chilean distributor Chilectra, controlled by the Enersis group, has sold bi= dding rules for supply contracts to six generators, a company advisory serv= ice source told Bnamericas. Gener, Colbun to Review Thermal Power Gen= erating Projects Jan 21, 2002 - South American Business Information The 2= 0% taxation on hydrocarbons imported from Argentina will affect the timing = of gas feed thermal power generating projects in Chile. 31 Firms May = Emerge from Nepa Jan 21, 2002 - Africa News Service The Power Sector Refo= rm Committee has recommended that the National Electric Power Authority (NE= PA) be unbundled into 31 different companies to handle electricity generati= on, transmission and distribution across the country. Totalfina Inter= ested in Enron Power Station Jan 21, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via = Comtex TotalFinaElf, the Franco-Belgian oil giant, is reportedly interested= in the Indian assets of Enron, the failing US energy broker. Electri= city Restructuring Plan to Go Before Cabinet Jan 21, 2002 - Africa News S= ervice A FINAL plan to restructure the R25bn electricity distribution indus= try is due to go before the cabinet early next month, finalising the establ= ishment of six regional distributors. State Power seen selling off 25= pc of capacity in reforms Jan 21 - South China Morning Post State Power C= orp, which has a near-monopoly on mainland power supply, is expected to put= 40 gigawatts - about 25 per cent of its installed capacity - up for sale a= s part of sweeping reforms to liberalise the sector. BRE Bank, Vivend= i agree on new Elektrim management Jan 21, 2002 (New World Publishing via= COMTEX) -- BRE Bank, which together with allied investors controls over 2= 0% of Elektrim, is looking to change the telecom and energy group's supervi= sory and management boards as soon as possible. [IMAGE] Powered by En= ergy Central ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News = Top Excelergy [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 22, 2002 ISO convinced DTE it's listening Allian= ce wasn't as convincing to DTE leaders NEPOOL shopping for ISO New Eng= land replacement AEP-CSW merger ruled out by appeals court Only Congre= ss can repeal PUHCA, jurists declare UK regulators assault competition= myths LA lawmakers find way to find, hold LADWP CEO Wiggs Perlma= n saddened by Yzaguirre's leaving PSC may set NYSEG prices low enough = to kill market Va holds up on merchant plants Restructuring Diges= t Powered By US Publishing ? 2001 US Publishing. All Rights Reserv= ed. More Info Top Energy Venture Fair II [IMAGE] RER'S EMETRIX L= OAD FORECAST: CAL ISO [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted= hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 200= 1 RER. All Rights Reserved. Top [IMAGE] ABOUT ENERGY CENTRAL DIRECT = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ABOUT ENERGY CENTRAL DIRECT This e-mail summary ser= vice is provided FREE to qualified professionals in the power industry. Thi= s e-mail summary may be redistributed provided it is kept in its entirety.= * Click here to change your preferences. * Visit Member Services to= START, STOP, or CHANGE FORMAT for all of your e-mail subscriptions. * = To BEGIN receiving this service directly signup at www.enerycentral.com/sec= tions/ecdirect/ . * To STOP receiving this service click here or send = a message to service@energycentral.com or call Member Services at 303-782-= 5510. PRESS RELEASES Submit press releases and other news to pr@energycen= tral.com . 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The Structure Group [IMAGE] Allegro Development [IMAGE]= Itron [IMAGE] KWI [IMAGE] Excelergy [IMAGE] Energy Solutions Plus, I= nc. [IMAGE] RER [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] Silicon Energy = [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE] Ideas Wanted! We are eager to hear your ide= as, feedback, and suggestions for this product. Together we will create th= e most useful information tool for the electric power industry. Partners = Wanted! Reach over 25,000 electric power professionals with your news, ana= lysis, commentary or insight into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-7= 82-5510 ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Cen= tral's editors have selected these as the top stories of the day: Arthur= Andersen's CEO Points a Finger at Enron's Business Model By Julie Mason, = Houston Chronicle, Jan. 21 As Direct Access Deadlines Approach, Oregon Cert= ifies 3 Electric Service Suppliers Jan. 21 (Clearing Up) EOB Charges Gamin= g in 'Dec' Market Jan. 21 (California Energy Markets) Petition against muc= h-disputed Czech nuclear plant gets 915,000 signatures By ROLAND PRINZ As= sociated Press Writer, VIENNA, Austria, Jan 21, 2002 (AP WorldStream via CO= MTEX) -- Advertisement The Structure Group ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MO= ST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most requested by Ene= rgy Central members in the last two weeks. Ex-Enron Execs Launch Own Fir= m By BILL BERGSTROM AP Business Writer, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 14, 2002 (AP= Online via COMTEX) -- Energy companies cutting plant construction -WSJ = NEW YORK, Jan 4 (Reuters) PJM, Midwest ISO may form vast US electricity = market WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (Reuters) Enron Begins to Bail on Retail Cont= racts; California Customers Not Yet Cut Jan. 7 (California Energy Marke= ts) FEATURE-U.S. power plant cuts could be storing up trouble By Carol= yn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 7 (Reuters) Advertisement Energize Your Career = GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors= have selected these as the top stories of the day: Oil Search in A$1.4 = bln Orogen merger SYDNEY, Jan 21 (Reuters) - PanCanadian cuts 2002 spendin= g CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Shell, Exxon eyeing Korea gas asset= s SEOUL, Jan 21 (Reuters) UTILITY STOCK PRICE - TOP GAINERS [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] Utility Stock Price Movers And Shakers (Top Gainers) [IMAGE] One= Week Company Ticker Percent Change First Energy FE 7.0 NRG Energy NR= G 5.7 GPU Inc. GPU 3.5 ALLETE (MPL) 1 ALE 2.6 Chesapeake Utilite= s CPK 2.4 Conectiv (DEW/ATE) CIV 2.1 IDACORP (Idaho Power) IDA 1.= 9 Calpine CPN 1.7 Duke Energy DUK 1.4 30 day Company Ticker P= ercent Change PGE Corp PCG 9.0 Atmos Energy Co. ATO 8.0 ALLETE (MPL= ) 1 ALE 7.9 First Energy FE 7.3 Alliant Energy 1 LNT 5.7 Pinnac= le West Capital PNW 5.6 IDACORP (Idaho Power) IDA 5.6 KeySpan KSE = 5.2 DPL Inc DPL 4.9 90 day Company Ticker Percent Change PGE Cor= p PCG 40.8 Edison International EIX 23.7 GPU Inc. GPU 15.3 Otte= r Tail Power* OTTR 13.9 ALLETE (MPL) 1 ALE 11.7 First Energy FE 6= .9 Hawaiian Electric1 HE 6.8 Conectiv (DEW/ATE) CIV 6.4 Nstar NS= T 5.1 Powered By Baird ? 2001 Roberts W. Baird & CO. Incorporated. = All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use [IMAGE] HOME - PERSONAL= IZE - MEMBER SERVICES - ADVERTISING - PARTNERING - CONTACT US = Copyright ? 1996-2001 by CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. Energ= y Central is a registered trademark of CyberTech, Incorporated. 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