Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Direct - Daily Edition
Date:Tue, 23 Oct 2001 20:25:27 -0700 (PDT)

Wednesday, October 24, 2001 Itron [IMAGE] HOME- CONTENT SELECTION- M=
AGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for paul.d.thoma=
s@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Today RER's eMe=
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Content Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monday Utility Stock P=
rice - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE]Selected 66 of 66Articles Today! THESE A=
CLICK AWAY. See how and when residential, commercial, and industrial custo=
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plete energy analysis software. Produce accurate estimates of energy profi=
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E FACTORY, visit http://www.rer.com/software/index_SitePro.htm. [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] ENERGIZE YOUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new l=
ook, new features, premier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energ=
y industry's largest on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.c=
om/sections/jobs Top Stories Officials, Groups At Odds Regarding Nu=
clear Safety Oct 23 - Dayton Daily News Government and nuclear industry of=
ficials continue to assure a jittery public that nuclear power plants are s=
afe from terrorist attack as the industry remains on high alert and the Nuc=
lear Regulatory Commission conducts a "comprehensive" review of its securit=
y programs. [IMAGE] Move to Deregulation Prompts Texas Utilities to Put =
Greater Focus on Marketing By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, Oc=
t. 23 Each day was a lot like the next for Wade Freeman when he started wor=
king at Texas Electric Service Co., a TXU Corp. predecessor. [IMAGE] U.S=
. Power Firms Plunge Into Europe's Trading Market; U.K.'s NETA Rules May Se=
t Continental Standard By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Oct. 23 (Scientech) U=
.S.-owned Entergy-Koch Trading is boosting its European electricity and wea=
ther trading business with expansion in Germany and the Netherlands. Speci=
al Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] RTOs Aside, New England Regulators =
See Congestion Costing Consumers Oct 23, 2001 - E?Publishing Transmission =
congestion in New England will cost electricity consumers anywhere from $12=
5 million to $600 million over the next five years without more capital inv=
estment to spur construction of new power lines, according to a report last=
week by ISO (Independent System Operator) New England, the body charged wi=
th running the region's transmission grid. Press Release LODESTAR =
BODY, MA ? October 24, 2001 ? LODESTAR Corporation took a major step in its=
global expansion today with the opening of its first international subsidi=
ary ? LODESTAR Solutions Limited -- in London, England. LODESTAR is a leadi=
ng provider of software solutions to the energy industry. Caminus Cor=
poration to Report Third Quarter Results on October 30, 2001 New York, NY =
? October 23, 2001 -- Caminus Corporation, a leading provider of software s=
olutions and strategic consulting services to participants in the competiti=
ve energy markets throughout North America and Europe, will be announcing i=
ts financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2001 after m=
arket close on Tuesday, October 30, 2001. Energy Security National =
Guard Assumes Post around Plymouth, Mass., Nuclear Power Plant By David Ar=
nold, The Boston Globe, Oct. 23 Twenty members of the Massachusetts Nationa=
l Guard reported for duty yesterday afternoon at the Pilgrim nuclear power =
plant in Plymouth to beef up security at the 1,600-acre facility. Nucl=
ear Power Plant Fears Revived Oct 22, 2001 - United Press International Ju=
st as nuclear power was gaining a new respectability as a vital electricity=
resource to meet America's growing energy needs, the Sept. 11 terrorist at=
tacks on the United States created new fears and concerns that the nation's=
nukes were potentially a disaster waiting to happen. Nuke Plant War G=
ames Alarmed Locals Oct 23, 2001 - Associated Press A special operations m=
ock attack on a nuclear power plant just days after the Sept. 11 terrorist =
attacks alarmed officials in two states because the military didn't notify =
them. Pennsylvania Lawmakers Give Opinions on Security Actions York D=
aily Record, Pa., Oct. 22 One day after federal officials received a threat=
on Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, some lawmakers criticized how of=
ficials handled the potential crisis while others said they thought the pla=
n worked. Security to Be Improved at Nuke Power Plants in Fukui Pref. =
Oct 23, 2001 - Kyodo News The Fukui prefectural police said Tuesday additi=
onal measures to strengthen security at all 15 of the prefecture's nuclear =
power plants will be implemented in the following days as a precautionary m=
easure against terrorist attacks. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Representativ=
es from the Bush Administration, Congress, FERC, NRC, and state PUCs will c=
ome to Wall Street at the Energy Investor Policy and Regulation Conference,=
December 3-4, 2001, New York City, to outline the future direction of ener=
gy policy and regulation. Details for this important event available at htt=
p://www.infocastinc.com/energyinvestor.htm California Crisis Calif=
ornia's Governor Hopes to Rework Power Deals By Jim Sanders, The Sacrament=
o Bee, Calif., Oct. 21 With California holding billions in long-term energy=
contracts at higher-than-market prices, Gov. Gray Davis' advisers said Fri=
day that he will try to renegotiate some of the pacts. Calif. official=
s said near power bond agreement By Leonard Anderson (Reuters) SAN FRANCIS=
CO, Oct 23 (Reuters) California energy officials are trying again to reach =
an agreement that would let the state's Department of Water Resources (DWR)=
issue a record $12.5 billion bond to cover emergency power purchases. =
SF Voters Consider Two Public Power Options Oct. 23 (California Energy Ma=
rkets) Often faced with a daunting array of ballot choices, San Francisco v=
oters will consider two measures in the upcoming November 6 election that o=
ffer overlapping roadmaps for publicly-owned water and power services in th=
e Bay Area. Special Offer from this Publisher! Competition & Deregula=
tion ISO New England Cites Progress in Upgrading Region's Wholesale Elec=
tricity Market Oct 23, 2001 - Business Wire ISO New England Inc., which ov=
ersees the region's electric power system, said that the second year of the=
region's deregulated wholesale electricity markets saw major progress in o=
perational efficiency and reliability. Forum revisits energy issues; R=
estructuring needs tweaking Oct 14 - Telegram & Gazette Considerable progr=
ess has been made to restructure the state's electric power industry, but f=
our years into the process, several lingering issues need revisiting, offic=
ials said yesterday. Pilot program has been disappointment Oct 23 - F=
ort Worth Star - Telegram A debate is raging over whether Texas should laun=
ch electric deregulation as scheduled on Jan. 1. Mergers, Acquisitions=
& Divestitures Rwe Seeks Takeover Candidates in North America Oct 23, =
2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex RWE AG, the German utilities gro=
up, is continuing to focus its expansion policy on the North American marke=
t, where it will count 23,000 employees if it succeeds in acquiring New Jer=
sey-based American Water Works. Electrabel Withdraws from Competition =
to Buy Cez Oct 23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Electrabel, =
the Belgian electricity group, is withdrawing from the competition to buy C=
zech power group CEZ, which is being privatised. EDF sights still set =
on Seeboard Oct 22 - Evening Standard - London FRENCH State-owned power gi=
ant EDF still hopes to buy British South coast distributor and generator Se=
eboard despite the likelihood of intense opposition from politicians and ri=
vals, writes Ross Tieman. Tractebel Considers Forming Alliances to Bid=
for Copel Oct 23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Mauricio Bah=
r, chairman of the Brazilian subsidiary of Tractebel, the Belgian energy co=
mpany, has confirmed that the company has presented the necessary documents=
to bid for Copel, the Brazilian state-owned electricity company. Legi=
slation/Regulation Protests Sparked By New York Independent System Opera=
tor (NYISO) Oct. 24 (Btu Watch) Protestors made their positions known to F=
ERC by filing their opposition to the September 28, 2001, request of the Ne=
w York Independent System Operator, Inc (NYISO) that the termination date f=
or the an Automated Mitigation Procedure (AMP) be extended to October 31, 2=
002. Special Offer from this Publisher! Rates Unitil's FG?seeks ele=
ctric rate cut in Mass. NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reuters) Unitil Corp. said its F=
itchburg Gas and Electric Light Co. (FG&E) subsidiary filed with Massachuse=
tts regulators to immediately reduce electric distribution rates. Gene=
ral Limits sought on rules for power shutoffs Oct 23 - Providence Journ=
al As cold weather sets in, an estimated 7,200 families in Rhode Island are=
without heat because their gas or electricity has been cut off for nonpaym=
ent of bills. Hermiston,Ore., makes the switch to public power Oct. 2=
2 (Public Power Weekly) The small town of Hermiston in northeastern Oregon =
is now operating its own electric utility, after buying Pacific Power?s wir=
es and poles for $8 million in an agreement reached in July. Special Offer=
from this Publisher! Deals/Contracts GE to Supply Gas Turbines for =
Power Plant Expansion in Venezuela Oct 23, 2001 - Business Wire GE Power S=
ystems has received contracts totaling US$107 million to supply two gas tur=
bines, additional equipment and services for the 295-megawatt expansion of =
a power plant in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Power Pricing/Supply Eastern=
U.S. Power Prices Surge on Peach Bottom Outage Oct. 23 (Btu's Daily Power=
Report) Eastern power prices shot higher today as a number of market facto=
rs combined to drive prices from recent ranges. Special Offer from this Pu=
blisher! Triple Treat Oct. 22 (Energy Market Report) Western spot elec=
tricity schedulers traded a Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday package on Monday in=
order to accommodate the NWPP Schedulers Meeting in Portland, Oregon on Tu=
esday and Wednesday, October 23 and 24. Special Offer from this Publisher!=
Transmission & Reliability Southeast U.S. utilities balk at FERC gr=
id plan By Chris Reese (Reuters) NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reuters) Utilities and =
regulatory officials in the U.S. Southeast are balking at a federal proposa=
l to gather power transmission lines under one regional network, saying the=
plan could raise power prices. Existing Route Urged for New Power Lin=
e Oct 23, 2001 - Bangor Daily News Bangor, ME A new power line across east=
ern Maine should be built in an existing utility corridor rather than cutti=
ng a new swath through the woods, the Board of Environmental Protection sai=
d Monday. Power Projects Henderson County, Ky., Board Issues Use Pe=
rmits to Power Plant Developers By James Mayse, Messenger-Inquirer, Owensb=
oro, Ky., Oct. 23 Monday night, the Henderson County Board of Zoning Adjust=
ment unanimously voted to issue conditional-use permits to Cash Creek Gener=
ation LLC, which proposes to build a coal-fired power generation plant in e=
astern Henderson County. Resident riled over power plant Oct 23 - Sar=
asota Herald Tribune A Texas company's plan to build a small power plant ju=
st east of Lakewood Ranch is generating heat from an east county resident w=
ho is trying to halt the project. Legal Judge Criticizes Nw Utiliti=
es As She Opposes Their Bid For Refunds Oct 23 - Seattle Post - Intelligen=
cer The sky-high electricity rates Northwest consumers are paying can be bl=
amed on bad weather, but they're also the result of questionable decisions =
by Seattle City Light and Tacoma Power, a federal administrative judge has =
concluded. Renewables Naturenergie AG Criticises State Financing Po=
licy Oct 23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Naturenergie AG, t=
he German hydroelectric power trader, has complained that the German govern=
ment is giving insufficient support to hydroelectric energy. Bill woul=
d let utilities claim renewable energy tax credits Oct 22 - Las Vegas Revi=
ew - Journal Public utilities and rural utility cooperatives would become e=
ligible for renewable energy tax breaks under legislation introduced Thursd=
ay by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore. ABB BUILD=
ING WORLD'S HIGHEST WIND POWER PLANT Oct. 19 (Wind Energy Weekly) In Septe=
mber, the global engineering firm ABB announced plans to construct the worl=
d's highest wind turbine near Andermatt, Switzerland. The 800-kW unit will =
be built 2,350 meters (7,710 feet) above sea level. Special Offer from th=
is Publisher! More renewable power plants to be set up by 2005 Oct 23,=
2001 - Associated Press ABOUT 50 to 60 renewable power plants will be set =
up by 2005 to meet the targeted 5 per cent or 750 megawatt (MW) of the tota=
l estimated national power supply, said Energy Commission chairman Datuk Mo=
hd Annas Mohd Nor. Plants Calif. power plant outages - Oct 23 SAN =
FRANCISCO, Oct 23 (Reuters) California officials, as part of the state's ef=
forts to come to grips with its energy crisis, released on Tuesday a list o=
f power plants in the state operating below full capacity. N. American=
power plant outages summary - Oct 23 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 23 (Reuters) The =
following lists current and planned outages at U.S. power plants by NERC re=
gion. Energy Efficiency/Conservation Bill Busters hit the road to h=
elp reduce electricity costs Oct 23 - The Belfast News Letter NORTHERN Ire=
land Electricity `Bill Busters' will be taking to the roads in the coming m=
onths to host a series of roadshows aimed at helping local businesses reduc=
e costs. Attack aftermath shakes state's energy structure Oct 22 - Bo=
ston Herald Desktop computers and new SUVs offer the proof: Neither the Mid=
dle Eastern oil woes of the 1970s nor occasional surges in fuel prices have=
inspired Americans toward long-term energy conservation. Environmenta=
l Garnet Power Plant Gets Environmental Go-Ahead Oct 23, 2001 - The Ida=
ho Statesman Idaho's environmental regulators issued an air permit Friday t=
o allow a controversial power plant to be built near Middleton. Nuclea=
r Salem, Pa., Residents Discuss Feelings on Nearby Nuclear Facility By =
Kyle S. Thomas, The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 21 Thomas and Ger=
trude Church try not to think about the nuclear power plant in their back y=
ard. US NRC approves Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site WASHINGTON, Oc=
t 23 (Reuters) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Tuesday signed off on a=
plan to build an underground dump in Nevada's Yucca Mountain to hold radio=
active spent fuel from nuclear power plants. Federal agency asks citiz=
ens to voice nuclear concerns Oct 22 - Herald - Rock Hill, S.C. Since the =
mid -1980s, the Catawba Nuclear Station located on the shores of Lake Wylie=
has been a part of the York County landscape. The Construction of The=
Atomic Power Station Bashkirskaya Will Be Resumed Oct 22, 2001 - A & G In=
formation Service The Minister of atomic energy has already signed the corr=
esponding decree. The construction of Bashkirskaya APS was begun in 1980, b=
ut was stopped in 1990. Financial Enron seeks to soothe investors a=
fter stock slump By Carolyn Koo (Reuters) NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reuters) Enron=
Corp. sought to assuage investor concerns on Tuesday after U.S. regulators=
said they were looking into transactions involving the company's chief fin=
ancial officer and its stock shed more than $10 billion in value over the p=
ast week. ANALYSIS-Brazil's Cesp rides roller coaster on sale rumors =
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Oct 23 (Reuters) - The recent roller coaster ride i=
n shares of Brazilian power utility Cesp could continue for a while as the =
government struggles to resurrect its long-delayed privatization to boost d=
epleted state coffers, analysts say. We're no Railtrack, says 'insolve=
nt' BNFL Oct 22 - Evening Standard - London BRITISH Nuclear Fuels Limited =
today confirmed that is technically insolvent, but denied that it is anothe=
r Railtrack disaster waiting to happen. SEC Requests Enron to Provide =
Information on Investment Partnerships By Laura Goldberg, Houston Chronicl=
e, Oct. 23 Shares in Enron Corp. fell almost 21 percent Monday after the co=
mpany disclosed federal securities regulators asked for details on investme=
nt partnerships formerly run by its chief financial officer. RESEARCH =
ALERT-Exelon deleted from UBS list NEW YORK, Oct. 23 (Reuters) UBS Warburg=
said it deleted utility Exelon Corp. from its list of recommended stocks, =
effective Tuesday. Financial - Results Atlanta-Based Southern Co. R=
eports $554 Million in Third-Quarter Earnings By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atl=
anta Journal and Constitution, Oct. 23 Southern Co. overcame lower electric=
ity demand during a mild summer and an economic slowdown to report better-t=
han-expected third-quarter earnings. Format Change Boosts Third-Quarte=
r Profits for Connecticut-Based Utility Firm By Dana Ambrosini, Connecticu=
t Post, Bridgeport, Oct. 23 UIL Holdings Corp. reported higher third-quarte=
r profits Monday, but noted that much of the increase came through a change=
in its earnings format. FPL third-quarter earnings rise 6.4 pct JUNO=
BEACH, Fla., Oct 23 (Reuters) - FPL Group Inc., owner of Florida's largest=
utility, on Tuesday reported a 6.37 percent increase in third-quarter net =
income and said it was "on track for meeting our 2001 target." PS Ente=
rprise profits rise 21 percent NEWARK, N.J., Oct 23 (Reuters) - Public Ser=
vice Enterprise Group, owner of New Jersey's largest gas and electric utili=
ty, on Tuesday reported a 21 percent rise in third-quarter earnings, but th=
e results were near the low end of Wall Street expectations. Exelon st=
ock drops despite improved earnings CHICAGO, Oct 23 (Reuters) - The stock =
of Exelon Corp dropped on Tuesday after the big utility holding company rep=
orted improved third quarter net income and better-than-projected earnings =
per share, but offered a 2002 outlook that trailed analysts' expectations. =
AEP's quarterly earnings rise on higher sales NEW YORK, Oct 23 (Reute=
rs) Integrated utility holding company American Electric Power Co. Inc. on =
Tuesday said third-quarter earnings rose 12 percent on the strength of its =
wholesale operations. Edison's Ray Of Light Fading Fast; Power Plants =
Fuel Huge Loss Oct 23 - Daily News - Los Angeles Edison International's tw=
o-week respite from the clutches of a bankruptcy court took a hit Friday wh=
en the parent company of Rosemead-based Southern California Edison Co. repo=
rted a third-quarter loss of $413 million. International Copel" Pri=
vatisation to Be Harmed by Lawsuits Oct 23, 2001 - South American Business=
Information Several court orders may harm even more the privatisation of C=
opel (Companhia Paranaense de Energia Eletrica), predicted for October 31. =
Saesa Should Call for Offers for The Fourth Time Oct 23, 2001 - South=
American Business Information In early November, Saesa, controlled by the =
US firm PSEG, should call for offers from firms keen to provide it with ele=
ctrical energy to deliver to its clients. Bernabe Says Ok to Enel's Di=
versification Into Gas Sector Oct 23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via =
Comtex Franco Bernabe, former chairman of Italian oil group ENI, has said t=
hat he is in favour of the diversification of Italian electricity group Ene=
l into the gas sector following its recent acquisition of a majority stake =
in Camuzzi, the Italian gas distribution company. Edf Privatisation Co=
ntinues Oct 23, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex The state-owned=
French electricity company EDF is to put another slice of its activities u=
p for sale at the beginning of December. North Korea: Power plants rep=
ortedly exceed production target Oct 22 - BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific - Ec=
onomic Power-generating facilities of thermal and hydraulic power plants in=
South Pyongan Province are making roaring buzzing sounds of power producti=
on. Ineffective Electric Power Grid Costs Latin America Oct 22 - Xinh=
ua News Agency - CEIS Latin America incurs an annual loss of more than one =
billion U.S. dollars because of an ineffective integrated electric power gr=
id, Ecuadorian Energy Minister Pablo Teran said Friday while highlighting t=
he need for regional integration in the energy sector. De Palacio says=
EU targets more nuclear power; electricity/gas deregulation Oct 23 - AFX =
The European Union energy policies aim at a greater development of nuclear =
power and deregulation of electricity and gas markets, said European Commis=
sion vice president for transport and energy Loyola de Palacio. Summit=
Asks Fg to Deregulate Economy Oct 23, 2001 - Africa News Service The just=
-concluded Nigerian Economic Summit (NES) has asked the Federal Government =
to set realistic goals to deregulate key sectors of the economy, if it want=
s quick solutions to the nation's problems. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy=
Central ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News Top E=
GE]October 24, 2001 Those low East Texas prices did it again But what if=
Texas' retail market gets really good? Entergy the cleanest? Shareho=
lders flee Enron in SEC financial probe Alberta muni buys Ontario custom=
ers 5 stories in 1.5 minutes: Powered By US Publishing ? 2001 US Pu=
blishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info Top Energize Your Career [IM=
ctual and forecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Po=
wered By RER ? 2001 RER. All Rights Reserved. Top [IMAGE] ABOUT ENERG=
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the following in your Energy Central Direct: Plant Status Report See a li=
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510 Advertisement Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. ELECTRIC POWER NEWS -=
TOP STORIES [IMAGE][IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these a=
s the top stories of the day: Move to Deregulation Prompts Texas Utiliti=
es to Put Greater Focus on Marketing By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning=
News, Oct. 23 Officials, Groups At Odds Regarding Nuclear Safety Oct 23 - =
Dayton Daily News RTOs Aside, New England Regulators See Congestion Costing=
Consumers Oct 23, 2001 - E?Publishing U.S. Power Firms Plunge Into Europe'=
s Trading Market; U.K.'s NETA Rules May Set Continental Standard By Will Mc=
Namara, IssueAlert, Oct. 23 (Scientech) Advertisement Call for White Pap=
ve been most requested by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. =
As Supreme Court Ponders Its Fate, States Study Deregulation Problems Oc=
t. 8 (Utility Spotlight) By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, =
Oct. 15 Calif. to remain blackout free, possibly for years By Nigel Hun=
t (Reuters) LOS ANGELES, Oct 11 (Reuters) New Breed of Power Plant Catchin=
g on Oct 10, 2001 - Power Engineering Consumer Groups Cite Flaws in Tex=
as' Electricity Deregulation Project Oct 12 - Houston Chronicle GAS =
INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE][IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have s=
elected these as the top stories of the day: Atlanta Governor Vows Speed=
in Forming Panel on Gas Deregulation By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Jour=
nal and Constitution, Oct. 23 FERC Moves to Create More Flexibility for Fir=
m Capacity Holders in Structuring Capacity Release Transactions Oct. 24 (Bt=
u Watch) Massachusetts Officials Disagree over Allowing Gas Tankers in Bost=
on Harbor By Ralph Ranalli, The Boston Globe, Oct. 23 [IMAGE] =
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