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Thursday, January 17, 2002 KWI [IMAGE] HOME - CONTENT SELECTION = - MEMBER SERVICES - ADVERTISING - PARTNERING - CONTACT US [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition fo= r paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring T= oday RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - Top Sto= ries Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry News - Top Stories= Selected Content Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Mo= nday Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] ELEC= TRIC POWER NEWS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 66 of 66 A= rticles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Chartwell covers r= etail energy sales & marketing in their new book, Energy Sales & Marketing= 2001. It features research on marketing and selling new products and serv= ices, as well as energy management technologies. It also covers strategies= for competitive markets and effective CRM. View more.. http://www.energyc= entral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100383 Top Stories Bankrupt P= G?asks federal judge for more time to reorganize Jan 16, 2002 - Associate= d Press Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and California power regulators vented= their frustration with one another before a federal bankruptcy judge Wedne= sday, as the state sought permission to develop an alternative plan under w= hich PG?would emerge from bankruptcy. [IMAGE] Allentown, Pa., Utility Sa= ys It Didn't Try to Control Electricity Prices By Benjamin Y. Lowe, The P= hiladelphia Inquirer, Jan. 16 PPL Corp. yesterday told state regulators it = did not set prices in the region's wholesale electricity market last year. = [IMAGE] FERC to create electricity market monitoring unit WASHINGTON, = Jan 16 (Reuters) Federal energy regulators on Wednesday detailed plans to c= reate a new market oversight unit to prevent manipulation of U.S. wholesale= electricity prices and supplies. [IMAGE] Enron energy services clients = may take profit hits By Carolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) The light= s won't go off, but companies that relied on Enron Corp. to manage their en= ergy needs and cut their electricity bills may soon find themselves out in = the cold. Energy Security US FERC to keep sensitive pipeline maps= under wraps WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory C= ommission (FERC) on Wednesday said it will continue to restrict public acce= ss to information about U.S. pipeline routes and other sensitive energy-rel= ated sites. California Crisis FEATURE-A year after blackouts, Cali= fornia counts cost By James Jelter, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 16 (Reuters) A yea= r after the first blackout swept through their state, Californians are tack= ling mountains of debt and litigation raised by last winter's energy crisis= , buoyed by the belief the lights won't go out. California Senate Pan= el Seeks Depositions from Enron, Accounting Firm By Andrew LaMar, Contra = Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif., Jan. 16 A state Senate committee wants t= o know whether documents destroyed by accountants working for Enron Corp. l= ast fall contained information sought by legislators investigating Californ= ia's electricity market. PG?ad blasts big California fraud lawsuit = SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 16 (Reuters) PG?Corp. took out full-page advertisements = in newspapers throughout California on Wednesday, blasting a giant state fr= aud suit against its bankrupt utility unit as a bid to topple the company's= reorganization plan. Democratic Commissioners Steamroll Holding-Comp= any Rule Changes Jan. 16 (California Energy Markets) After Republican com= missioners had put the item on hold, Democratic members of the California P= ublic Utilities Commission on January 9 returned from a closed session to o= verride the hold list, approving far-reaching holding-company regulations t= hat specifically target Pacific Gas & Electric's reorganization plans [I01-= 04-002]. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT E= NERGIZE YOUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new fe= atures, premier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry'= s largest on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/= jobs Competition & Deregulation Georgia Power Explores Enterin= g Gas Market By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. = 16 Georgia Power Co. has a plan to enter the natural gas business by offeri= ng itself as a regulated alternative to the state's unregulated gas markete= rs, the company said Tuesday. Enron Plays Big Role in North Carolina;= Deregulation Draws Lobbyists By Paul B. Johnson, High Point Enterprise, = N.C., Jan. 16 When the debate about reforming the state's electric industry= reached its peak about two years ago, representatives of the now-bankrupt = Enron Corp. circulated through the halls and meeting rooms of the State Leg= islative Building. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Montedison= , Edison see all non-core ops sold by yr-end ROME, Jan 16, 2002 (AFX-Euro= pe via COMTEX) -- The Montedison/Edison group expects to have sold all non= -core businesses by the end of the year, said Umberto Quadrino, chairman of= Edison SpA and vice chairman of Montedison SpA. Legislation/Regulatio= n Congress quizzes fired Andersen partner on Enron role WASHINGTON, J= an 16 (Reuters) - Congressional investigators said on Wednesday they quizze= d fired Andersen audit partner David Duncan about the accounting firm's tie= s to collapsed energy trading giant Enron Corp. Justice official refu= ses to step aside on Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The head of the U= .S. Justice Department's investigation of Enron rejected suggestions on Wed= nesday that he should step aside because of his ties to a law firm that had= represented the giant energy company. Bush Administration Says Enron= Calls Were Routine By Bob Deans, Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Jan. = 16 The Bush administration has said the flurry of phone calls Enron Corp. e= xecutives made to senior Cabinet officials last fall were routine communica= tions that take place between the government and corporate America. S= enate Panel Reviews Enron over Tax Breaks By John C. Henry, Houston Chron= icle, Jan. 16 Enron Corp., which sought federal tax breaks as the company h= urtled toward bankruptcy last fall, is coming under scrutiny by federal law= makers for possible misuse of corporate tax laws. White House plays d= own talk of Pitt Enron recusal WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) The White Hou= se on Wednesday played down suggestions that Securities and Exchange Commis= sion Chairman Harvey Pitt recuse himself from the commission's probe of fal= len energy trader Enron Corp. Rates Critics Voice Opinions on Neva= da Power's Rate Increase By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Ja= n. 16 An angry crowd of 175 people Tuesday night cheered on critics of Neva= da Power Co. who blamed the company's request to boost rates $922 million o= n its own "ghastly errors" and "greed." Home Power Rates Will Stay Hi= gh, Utility Head Tells Vancouver, Wash., Council By Allan Brettmann, The = Oregonian, Portland, Ore., Jan. 15 Electricity prices throughout the West h= ave stabilized, but that won't translate into lower residential rates for a= t least two years, the head of Clark Public Utilities predicted Monday nigh= t. Utility Costs in West Virginia Rose 6.6 Percent in 2001, State Law= makers Learn By Phil Kabler, The Charleston Gazette, W.Va., Jan. 15 State= residents' costs for electric, gas, water and telephone utilities jumped a= n average of 6.6 percent in 2001, Public Service Commission Consumer Advoca= te Billy Jack Gregg said Monday. General U.S. Senator from Texas M= ay Aid Enron Workers By Jack Douglas Jr., Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas= , Jan. 16 Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison is considering giving away some of the = campaign contributions she received from Enron if the money could help empl= oyees of the collapsed energy trading company, she said Monday. Some = Bush Officials Sold Enron Stock Before Bankruptcy By Patty Reinert, Houst= on Chronicle, Jan. 16 Government ethics rules forced Bush administration of= ficials to sell their Enron Corp. stock last year, a move that, in the end,= spared them hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses when the Houston en= ergy giant imploded. Enron Made Campaign Contributions to Some North = Carolina Politicians By Paul B. Johnson, High Point Enterprise, N.C., Jan= . 15 Rep. Howard Coble is one of four congressmen from North Carolina who r= eceived contributions from the bankrupt Enron Corp., reports a pair of camp= aign-finance tracking organizations. Andersen rushes out ads in try t= o boost confidence NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) A week after it was found t= hat Andersen destroyed documents that could be crucial to the government's = probe into Enron Corp.'s collapse, the accounting firm on Wednesday took ou= t full-page ads in major U.S. newspapers to attempt to restore confidence i= n its business practices. Enron whistleblower also warned Andersen-la= wmakers WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) Sherron Watkins, the Enron Corp. exe= cutive who warned the company's chairman of troubling accounting practices,= also spoke to the former energy giant's auditor last August, U.S. lawmaker= s said on Wednesday. Enron's Woes Don't Worry Jenkintown, Pa., Subsid= iary's Workers By Margie Fishman, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 16 Will= iard Inc. employees in Jenkintown are following the news blitz about the ma= ssive bankruptcy and investigation of their parent company, energy trader E= nron Corp., with interest but little immediate concern. Oregon Senato= r Donates Money Received from Enron to Former Workers By Tom Detzel, The = Oregonian, Portland, Ore., Jan. 15 Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., who's taken i= n more Enron campaign cash than any Oregon politician, said Monday he'll do= nate the money to Enron workers whose retirement accounts shriveled with th= e company's stock. Ex-Enron Employee Hawking Manual By KRISTEN HAYS= Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 16, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- G= etting laid off from Enron Corp. turned Matt Mitchell into an entrepreneur.= Trading/Marketing UBS Wuffli says Enron trading ops acquisition d= iversification not new strategy ZURICH, Jan 16, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMT= EX) -- UBS AG president Peter Wuffli said UBS Warburg's acquisition of Enr= on Corp wholesale energy trading operations represents a diversification of= already existing trading technology and risk management, not a new strateg= y. Buffalo, N.Y., Group to Market Electric Power By Chet Bridger, T= he Buffalo News, N.Y., Jan. 15 The marketing organization established to lu= re businesses to the Buffalo Niagara region has a new tool in its arsenal: = electric power. New Technologies/Markets Workers Return to Torring= ton, Conn.-Based Fuel-Cell Plant after Explosion By David A. Smith, Water= bury Republican-American, Conn., Jan. 16 Employees at FuelCell Energy Inc. = returned Tuesday morning to the Technology Park Drive plant as company offi= cials and local authorities tried to pin down exactly how fumes from a mach= ine might have caused the Monday night explosion that injured five employee= s. Power Pricing/Supply West Power Gets Early Boost from Outages, = Ends Session Low Jan. 16 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Power prices througho= ut the Western U.S. received a modest boost early in the session today as p= ackages were traded for Thursday/Friday delivery due to the upcoming Martin= Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday (1/21). Special Offer from this Publishe= r! A Chill Envelopes Power Markets Jan. 16 (Special to Western Pri= ce Survey Contacts) The weather was clear, bright and cold this week, sendi= ng natural gas and electricity prices higher midweek. Special Offer from th= is Publisher! Andersen Partners Feel the Heat Jan. 15 (Energy Mark= et Report) Day-ahead peak power prices continued to rise in the Western U.S= . Tuesday amid expectations of stronger weather-related demand and higher n= atural gas values. Special Offer from this Publisher! Transmission & = Reliability Nevada Hydro Wants Simplified Power-Line Review Process in = Southern California By William Finn Bennett, North County Times, Escondid= o, Calif., Jan. 15 The company working with Elsinore Valley Municipal Water= District to build a proposed transmission power line between Riverside Cou= nty and San Diego County is recommending a single environmental review proc= ess for its own project and a competing San Diego Gas & Electric project. = Power Projects Kaysville, Utah, Power Plant Plans for Increased Sum= mer Use By Ruth Malan, Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah, Jan. 16 Kaysville = is spending this winter planning for the city's inevitable increase in powe= r use during summer months. Enron Abandons Mexican Generation Project= MEXICO CITY, Jan 15, 2002 (El Universal/Corporate Mexico by Internet Sec= urities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Enron abandoned its project to construct a 28= 4-megawatt electric cogeneration plant that it had already agreed to with M= exico's federal government, reported Mexico City daily el Universal. = Virginia SCC Sends Tenaska Power Plant Application Back To Hearing Examiner= For Further Review RICHMOND, Va., Jan 16, 2002 (U.S. Newswire via COMTEX= ) -- The State Corporation Commission (SCC) is not yet ready to decide whet= her a 900-megawatt power plant should be built in Fluvanna County. Leg= al Texas Agency Sues to Block Utility Panel's Deals By R.A. Dyer, For= t Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 15 The Texas Public Utility Commission h= as been sued over deals that set fallback electric service for some of the = state's poorest residents. INTERVIEW-Nikko unit may mull legal action= over Enron TOKYO, Jan 17 (Reuters) - The new president of Nikko Cordial = Corp's asset management unit -- a major Japanese victim of Enron Corp's fai= lure -- said on Wednesday his company may consider taking legal action agai= nst the U.S. energy trader. Energy company sues Andersen; experts exp= ect many more suits for accounting firm By ALAN CLENDENNING AP Business W= riter, NEW YORK, Jan 16, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- An energy comp= any has sued Arthur Andersen LLP, the accounting firm that issued audits fo= r Enron Corp., and experts predict that Andersen will soon face a rash of s= imilar lawsuits accusing it of complicity in Enron's spectacular collapse. = Renewables Utah Brewery Chooses Wind Power Generated in Wyoming = Environmental News Network, Berkeley, Calif. , Jan. 16 A small Utah company= brews award-winning beers such as Cutthroat Pale Ale and Kings Peak Porter= , and now it's doing it with power generated by the strong winds of Wyoming= . Love your electric bill, Wisconsin cities say in ad drive Jan. 14= (Public Power Weekly) Customers participating in Wisconsin Public Power In= c.?s renewable energy program are enamored with their electric bills. Spec= ial Offer from this Publisher! NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES BACK STATEWI= DE GREEN POWER PROGRAM Jan. 11 (Wind Energy Weekly) Large utilities in No= rth Carolina, as well as some municipal utilities and rural cooperatives, h= ave agreed to voluntarily participate in a statewide green power program. S= pecial Offer from this Publisher! People Las Vegas Consultant Con= firms Talks with Enron Chairman By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Jour= nal, Jan. 16 Las Vegas consultant Sig Rogich confirmed Tuesday that he spok= e with Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth Lay as the Houston-based company strugg= led to avoid financial collapse this fall. Labor/Human Resources O= ntario Power to cut 2,000 jobs for deregulation TORONTO, Jan 16 (Reuters)= Ontario Power Generation said on Wednesday it would lay off about 20 perce= nt of its workforce to improve profitability as the province's electricity = market opens up for competition on May 1. Environmental Justice De= partment to Prosecute 8 Utilities for Violating Clean-Air Regulation By S= eth Borenstein, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 16 The Justice Depart= ment declared Tuesday it would go ahead and prosecute eight utilities for v= iolating a major clean air regulation, even though the Bush administration = wants to ease the rule. Nuclear Govt. Reports on Missing Nuke Fuel= By DIANE SCARPONI Associated Press Writer, WATERFORD, Conn., Jan 16, 200= 2 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Two radioactive fuel rods missing from a nuclea= r power plant for at least two decades were likely mistaken for other radio= active waste and safely disposed of, federal investigators have concluded. = Neighbors of Florida Nuclear Plants Won't Get Anti-Radiation Pills = By Alex Leary, St. Petersburg Times, Fla., Jan. 15 In what is becoming a gr= owing controversy, the state likely will reject an offer to provide free ra= diation-blocking pills to thousands of people living near Florida's three n= uclear power plants. U.S. May Upgrade Background Checks of Nuclear Po= wer Plant Workers By Sean Adkins, York Daily Record, Pa., Jan. 15 Chances= are the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has subjected your name to a backgro= und check if you have visited Three Mile Island Generating Station or Peach= Bottom Atomic Power Station within the last few years. Pbmr Pilot Pr= oject Taken Forward Jan 16, 2002 - Africa News Service THE construction o= f SA's pilot mini-nuclear project has taken a further step forward with the= appointment of US-based firm Stone & Webster and two local firms to provid= e professional services to develop the scheme. Financial Enron may= find it likes Pink Sheet trading By Mark Weinraub, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reu= ters) Collapsed energy trading firm Enron Corp., under heavy scrutiny for t= he accounting it used to polish earnings, has one thing to be thankful for:= It does not have to report its financial performance anymore. Enron = joins attacks, economy as earnings excuse By Denise Duclaux, NEW YORK, Ja= n 16 (Reuters) When Enron Corp. threw in the towel to file for the biggest = U.S. bankruptcy ever late last year, the fallen energy trader left companie= s ranging from banks to dairies nursing bumps and bruises. Feds Study= Enron Effect on Economy By RON FOURNIER, WASHINGTON, Jan 16, 2002 (AP On= line via COMTEX) -- White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey studied the= economic impact of the potential collapse of Enron Corp. as the Texas-base= d energy firm struggled for its financial life, the Bush administration dis= closed Wednesday. Enron, Andersen bond went beyond auditing By KRIS= TEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 15, 2002 (AP WorldStream via= COMTEX) -- Arthur Andersen LLP didn't just monitor Enron Corp.'s books. = Financial - Ratings RESEARCH ALERT-Morgan Stanley rates Alliant Ener= gy 'neutral' NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) Morgan Stanley on Wednesday began= coverage on Alliant Energy Corp. with a "neutral" rating, calling the comp= any "a solid, regulated business with upside potential from unregulated gen= eration, international energy, and E?operations." Financial - Results = Calpine cuts 2002 capital spending, revises outlook LOS ANGELES, Jan = 16 (Reuters) - Independent power producer Calpine Corp. on Wednesday warned= earnings for the year would fall sharply below Wall Street forecasts as it= slashes up to $2 billion in capital spending and postpones plans to build = 34 new plants. Dominion to meet or exceed 2001 estimates RICHMOND, = Va., Jan 16 (Reuters) - Dominion Resources Inc., one of the largest U.S. en= ergy producers, on Wednesday said its 2001 earnings before special charges = will meet or exceed Wall Street expectations. International Korea'= s public hearing on KEPCO unit sale aborted By Park Sung-woo, SEOUL, Jan = 16 (Reuters) The push by state-run Korea Electric Power Corp (KEPCO) to sel= l power generation units stalled on Wednesday when about 30 demonstrators b= locked a public hearing on the plan. Controversy thickens for Enron I= ndian arm By INDRAJIT BASU, UPI Business Correspondent, CALCUTTA, India, = Jan 16, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Lately, with each = passing day, controversy surrounding the Dabhol Power Co., Enron's beleague= red Indian subsidiary, seems to be taking fresh turns. Brazil eases e= nergy rationing for carnival BRASILIA, Brazil, Jan 15, 2002 (AP WorldStre= am via COMTEX) -- Brazilians won't have to celebrate this year's carnival = in the dark. BRE Bank announces three-step plan to rescue Elektrim = Jan 16, 2002 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- BRE Bank, a key investor= in energy and telecom conglomerate Elektrim might be on the right track to= save the giant from bankruptcy, but the price will be the dismissal of cur= rent managers and break up of the once leading firm. Generation Up 4.= 1% in 2001 Peru, Jan 16, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Electricity= generation in Peru totaled 1,800GWh in December, 6.2% higher than December= 2000, totaling 20,735GWh for the whole of 2001, a 4.1% increase on 2000, t= he Mines & Energy Ministry announced. Suez Group Mulls New Energy Pro= jects Peru, Jan 16, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- France's Suez gr= oup is interested in increasing its presence in Peru's energy sector and is= looking at several potential projects in the country, reported Diario Gest= ion. Prodi threatens to use special directive to force energy liberal= isation STRASBOURG, Jan 16, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- European Com= mission President Romano Prodi said he may use a special single market dire= ctive to force liberalisation of the EU's gas and electricity markets if no= progress is made by member states. Power Companies Quit Aneel Auctio= ns Jan 16, 2002 - South American Business Information The appetite of the= large power consuming companies for competing in the auctions of licences = for the construction of new power generating plants is causing the electric= ity companies to think twice before competing in them in the future. [IMA= GE] Powered by Energy Central ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reser= ved. More News Top Excelergy [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 16, 2002 Comparison gas sho= pping in Ga OK with good software Enron vets set up service firm = Aquila, NiSource reveal plans to work together Republic opens up in T= exas market Maine regulators go for political price headlines Sem= pra signs Army for energy savings MidAmerican tells of Illinois saving= s Duke tells of 3 plants due next year The Enron thing gets reall= y big Calif may trim overcharge claims Stranded cost recovery bon= d business wanes Powered By US Publishing ? 2001 US Publishing. Al= l Rights Reserved. More Info Top [IMAGE] RER'S EMETRIX LOAD FORECA= ST: CAL ISO [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly lo= ad for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 2001 RER. All= Rights Reserved. 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[IMAGE] RER [IMAGE]= LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] Silicon Energy [IMAGE] The Structure Grou= p [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE] Ideas Wanted! We are eager to hear your = ideas, feedback, and suggestions for this product. Together we will create= the most useful information tool for the electric power industry. Partne= rs Wanted! Reach over 25,000 electric power professionals with your news, = analysis, commentary or insight into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 30= 3-782-5510 ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy = Central's editors have selected these as the top stories of the day: All= entown, Pa., Utility Says It Didn't Try to Control Electricity Prices By B= enjamin Y. Lowe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 16 Bankrupt PG?asks federa= l judge for more time to reorganize Jan 16, 2002 - Associated Press Enron = energy services clients may take profit hits By Carolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan= 16 (Reuters) FERC to create electricity market monitoring unit WASHINGTON= , Jan 16 (Reuters) Advertisement RERs Short-Term Load Forecasting System= s ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories = have been most requested by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. = Energy companies cutting plant construction -WSJ NEW YORK, Jan 4 (Reu= ters) Texas to launch electricity deregulation By JIM FORSYTH, AUSTIN= , Texas, Dec 31, 2001 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Enron Beg= ins to Bail on Retail Contracts; California Customers Not Yet Cut Jan. = 7 (California Energy Markets) Ex-Enron Execs Launch Own Firm By BILL = BERGSTROM AP Business Writer, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via COM= TEX) -- FEATURE-U.S. power plant cuts could be storing up trouble By C= arolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 7 (Reuters) Advertisement OPEC Trial GAS = INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have = selected these as the top stories of the day: Energy Consultants' Study = Favors Canada Plan for Gas Pipelines By Tony Hopfinger, Anchorage Daily Ne= ws, Alaska, Jan. 16 US FERC oks North Baja natgas pipeline project WASHING= TON, Jan 16 (Reuters) US natgas pipelines to spend $68 bln on expansion WA= SHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) [IMAGE] HOME - PERSONALIZE - MEM= BER SERVICES - ADVERTISING - PARTNERING - CONTACT US Copyright = ? 1996-2001 by CyberTech, Inc. 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