Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Direct - Daily Edition
Date:Mon, 14 Jan 2002 20:59:17 -0800 (PST)

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 KWI [IMAGE] HOME - CONTENT SELECTION -=
[IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for=
paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring To=
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Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers Selected Content Not In This I=
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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 75 of 75 Articles Today! =
THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY How can an Enterprise Energy Mana=
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lick http://www.siliconenergy.com/ecentral.htm to register for our Load =
Management web seminar. Top Stories U.S. clearance of UK Grid's N=
imo bid "imminent" LONDON, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Britain's National Grid Gro=
up Plc on Monday said final approval of its $3 billion takeover of U.S. pow=
er group Niagara Mohawk (Nimo) was "imminent". [IMAGE] Cabinet Officials=
Downplay Enron Calls By Michael Hedges, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 14 Treas=
ury Secretary Paul O'Neill said matters he discussed by telephone with Enro=
n Corp. Chairman Ken Lay were "not new news" and not worth informing his bo=
ss, President Bush. [IMAGE] UBS to Share Profits From Enron Unit By A=
LAN CLENDENNING AP Business Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via C=
OMTEX) -- The Swiss investment bank that is buying Enron Corp.'s energy tra=
ding business will share a third of its profits with Enron and its creditor=
s, a source familiar with the situation said Monday. [IMAGE] Lights out =
for U.S. utility stranded cost bonds? NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reuters) Investor=
s may see in 2002 the last flicker of new utility stranded cost bonds, the =
once highly-touted sector in the $1.2 trillion U.S. asset-backed securities=
market. Press Release TransFormance Group Study Highlights Pitfa=
lls For Australian Electricity Suppliers In State Of Victoria Morristown,=
New Jersey - 14th January, 2002 Energy companies in Australia?s State of V=
ictoria face significant new challenges in meeting customer expectations as=
full retail contestability (FRC) comes into effect on 1st January 2002. Th=
at?s the finding of new research by Transformance Group, who found that ove=
r 80% of Victorian consumers are aware of FRC and hope for significant redu=
ctions in electricity prices as a result of increased competition. T=
HOUSTON (January 14, 2002) KWI, a leading supplier of trading and risk man=
agement systems for the energy market, has hired Thomas (Trip) M. Ray III a=
s president and general manager of the company's North America operations. =
California Crisis Los Angeles Utility May Recover $62 Million fro=
m Southern California Edison By Dana Bartholomew, Daily News, Los Angeles=
, Jan. 14 Although city officials had once expected to "kiss the money good=
bye," Los Angeles may recoup $62 million this spring from Southern Californ=
ia Edison, which has pledged to repay a statewide $3.3 billion debt. =
More Legal Battles Seen Likely In CPUC, PG?Bankruptcy Dispute Jan. 14 (Ut=
ility Spotlight) The murky legal minefield distinguishing between state and=
federal energy regulatory jurisdiction surfaced in California last week (J=
an. 8-9) when state regulators weighed in directly and indirectly in Pacifi=
c Gas & Electric's massive Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding in a federal co=
urt here, followed a day later by an aggressive regulatory move. Special Of=
fer from this Publisher! CPUC Includes Renewables in IOU Procurement=
Plans Jan. 14 (California Energy Markets) With the optimistic expectatio=
n that the Department of Water Resources will exit the energy buying busine=
ss in 2003, the California Public Utilities Commission, utilities and other=
s are grappling with strategies for IOUs to resume procurement functions. =
Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE YO=
UR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features, pr=
emier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest =
on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs =
Competition & Deregulation Texas Residents Continue to Apply for Sw=
itch of Electricity Providers By Dan Piller, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Te=
xas, Jan. 13 A total of 34,005 Texans have applied to switch electricity pr=
oviders since Dec. 17, officials of the Electric Reliability Council of Tex=
as reported Friday. Most Ohio Residents Derive Little Benefit from De=
regulation of Electricity By Jon Chavez, The Blade, Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 13=
When Ohio began its seven-year quest to deregulate its electric power indu=
stry a year ago, Lucas County administrator Ed Cieka was among those eager =
to take advantage of an expected fight by marketers to supply him with chea=
per power. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Merger Talk: Oil m=
ajors poised to bridge energy divide NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Big oil=
is limbering up for a push into the brave new world of deregulated power, =
in a move to reinforce its already strong grip on the energy business. =
EU's De Palacio sees more mergers in the energy sector difficult MADRID=
, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- EU Transport and Energy Commissi=
oner Loyola de Palacio said she believes further mergers in the European en=
ergy sector will be difficult, as the industry already boasts "a large conc=
entration of firms." Iberdrola Presents Surety in Bid for Eurogen J=
an 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Iberdrola, the Spanish el=
ectricity company, has presented a 100m euro (Pta16.638bn) euro surety in o=
rder to bid for Eurogen, the largest of the three generation subsidiaries o=
f Italian electricity group Enel, which is up for sale as part of the priva=
tisation of the Italian electricity market. Legislation/Regulation =
Senate banking committee says sets hearing on Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (=
Reuters) The powerful Senate Banking Committee said on Monday it will hold =
a Feb. 12 hearing on Enron Corp., the energy trading giant whose bankruptcy=
filing last year threw thousands out of work, devastated investors and rai=
sed questions about its accounting practices. APPA supports FERC prop=
osal on market-based rates Jan. 14 (Public Power Weekly) APPA ?fully supp=
orts? the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission?s efforts to protect consume=
rs from market power abuse by imposing a refund condition on the market-bas=
ed rate authority granted to investor-owned utilities. Special Offer from t=
his Publisher! NW Refund Attorneys Preview FERC Price Order Implicat=
ions Jan. 14 (Clearing Up) FERC brushed up against the $500-million North=
west refund proceeding in a global order last month, but then stepped back.=
Special Offer from this Publisher! Rates Rebate Delay on Power B=
ills Jan 14, 2002 - Australasian Business Intelligence Victorians may hav=
e to wait up to three months for promised rebates on power bills. Gene=
ral Ex-Enron Execs Launch Own Firm By BILL BERGSTROM AP Business Writ=
er, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Several former Enr=
on executives launched a new company Monday to market energy services to sm=
all and medium-sized businesses instead of the large industrial customers t=
he bankrupt giant had sought out. Enron's Mark Is Deep in Political P=
ockets By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 13 Texas politicians, long=
the biggest beneficiaries of Enron Corp.'s prodigious campaign spending, a=
re now facing the downside of the fallen corporation's political largess. =
Enron Reportedly Gave to Politicians TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Jan 14, 2002=
(AP Online via COMTEX) -- Florida's pension fund investment in Enron Corp.=
has cost the state more than $300 million, but many top politicians receiv=
ed money from the Texas-based energy giant. Document ordering data de=
struction raises legal questions, senator says By H. JOSEF HEBERT Associa=
ted Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 14, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- T=
he timing of an accounting firm's memo directing the destruction of documen=
ts raises the serious possibility of obstruction of justice, says the chair=
man of a Senate committee investigating Enron Corp.'s collapse. Ander=
sen Under Scrutiny: How Much Culpability Does the Accounting Firm Have for =
Enron's Collapse? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 14 (Scientech) The h=
eat on Enron's auditors went up another notch on Jan. 13 following a report=
that Arthur Andersen executives issued an order to destroy audit documents=
just days before Enron posted a $618-million third-quarter loss. Special O=
ffer from this Publisher! York County, Pa., Officials Blame Siren Si=
lence on Computer Malfunction By Sean Adkins, York Daily Record, Pa., Jan=
. 12 Contractors for Exelon Generation Co. spent most of Friday installing =
a new computer system and modem after 34 York County sirens fell silent dur=
ing an annual emergency public notification test. Enron Scandal Grows=
As Andersen Says Staff Disposed of Documents Jan. 14 (Utility Spotlight)=
Amid the growing number of investigations into the mushrooming Enron scand=
al, Andersen, the nation's 5th largest accounting firm, notified the Securi=
ties and Exchange Commission that "in recent months individuals disposed of=
a significant but undetermined number of electronic and paper documents an=
d correspondence relating to the Enron engagement." Special Offer from this=
Publisher! Tacoma, Wash., Area May Buy Water from Lake Owned by Pug=
et Sound Energy By Rob Tucker, The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 14 S=
ome Pierce County cities may purchase water from Lake Tapps -- if a $250 mi=
llion drinking water project materializes at the lake. Joint Ventures =
& Alliances Aquila and NiSource Form Alliance KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. =
14 /PRNewswire/ The Aquila subsidiary of UtiliCorp United and NiSource Inc.=
today announced the formation of a unique alliance under which the two com=
panies will seek to capitalize on market opportunities and deliver comprehe=
nsive energy solutions by leveraging the capabilities and knowledge of the =
two companies. Trading/Marketing New electricity exchange quietly =
launched on partially liberalized market By Chris Johnstone, Jan 14, 2002=
(New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- Czech electricity liberalization got=
off to a slow start with hesitant early trading on the new short-term exch=
ange for power purchases. New Technologies/Markets Australian Util=
ity Plans Broadband Internet Service By Adam Creed, PERTH, AUSTRALIA, Jan=
14, 2002 (Newsbytes via COMTEX) -- Australian energy company Western Powe=
r is planning to offer high-speed Internet access and video-on-demand to ho=
mes and small businesses. Deals/Contracts Duke/Fluor building 3 po=
wer plants in Western U.S. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 14 (Reuters) Duke/Fluor Dan=
iel has been awarded contracts to build three natural gas-fired power plant=
s with a combined capacity of 2,420 megawatts in the Western United States,=
Duke Energy said in a statement Monday. Keppel FELS unit wins 400 ml=
n usd electricity supply contract in Brazil SINGAPORE, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-=
Asia via COMTEX) -- Keppel FELS Energy said its unit Nordeste Generation L=
td has signed a 400 mln usd "take-and-pay" contract with the Commercializad=
ora Brasileira de Energia Emergencial (CBEE) for the supply of electricity =
to northeastern Brazil. Power Pricing/Supply East Power Ends Mostl=
y Steady as Mild Weather Lingers Jan. 14 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Press=
ured by weather milder than anticipated deals at the Northeast and Mid-Atla=
ntic regional trading hubs edged below Friday for Monday values. Special Of=
fer from this Publisher! Misery Loves Company Jan. 11 (Energy Mark=
et Report) Heavy load energy costs in the Western U.S. rose for Monday deli=
very on expectations of more weather-related demand at the start of the new=
week, as well as on the usual premium that occurs when scheduling three da=
ys out. Special Offer from this Publisher! Transmission & Reliability=
Central Maine Power says 31,000 remain powerless AUGUSTA, Maine, Jan=
14 (Reuters) Some 31,000 customers of Central Maine Power remained without=
power on Monday one day after storm unleashed heavy, wet snow and high win=
ds on New England. Gov't to Retain Control of Nepa's Transmission J=
an 14, 2002 - Africa News Service Even as work continues on government's pr=
oposed privatisation of the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA), the M=
inister of State, Power and Steel, Alhaji Murtala Aliyu has said that gover=
nment would retain its hold on the transmission segment of the power sector=
. Legal Judge Says Enron's Bankruptcy Trial Will Stay in New York =
City By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 12 Some former emp=
loyees of Enron Corp. savored mental images of what company executives migh=
t face during a bankruptcy trial in the city that once counted the energy t=
rader among its most successful corporate citizens. Texas Attorney Ge=
neral Recuses Himself from Enron Inquiry By Jay Root, Fort Worth Star-Tel=
egram, Texas, Jan. 12 Joining a growing list of politicians seeking distanc=
e from collapsed energy giant Enron, Texas Attorney General John Cornyn rec=
used himself Friday from a state investigation of the company. Consum=
er Right to Be Decided in Power Case Jan 14, 2002 - Africa News Service T=
he right of power consumers to challenge in court power tariffs will be kno=
wn when the Court of Appeal starts sitting in Mombasa today. Renewable=
s Investors Sought for Thai Solar-Cell Hub By Srisamorn Phoosuphanuso=
rn, Bangkok Post, Thailand, Jan. 14 Investors have been invited to contribu=
te US$11 million for a 54 percent stake in a solar-energy venture that its =
sponsors claim will turn Thailand into one of the top five countries for th=
e production of photovoltaic solar cells. Thai Developer to Ride Out =
Delay of Hydro-Electric Power-Plant Construction By Charoen Kittikanya, B=
angkok Post, Thailand, Jan. 14 The profitability of Italian-Thai Developmen=
t Plc is unlikely to be reduced by the government's postponement of an agre=
ement to buy power from the Nam Theun 2 project in Laos. State to Buy=
More Green Power Jan 13, 2002 - Australasian Business Intelligence The V=
ictorian Government is to announce a new electricity agreement on 14 Januar=
y 2001. Big Boost for Power Windmills Jan 13, 2002 - Australasian B=
usiness Intelligence The Acting Victorian Premier, John Thwaites, has forec=
ast that windmills will be used to generate the State's electricity. =
Battle for Construction of Wind Turbines in The North Sea Commences Jan 1=
4, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex The battle for the constructi=
on of wind turbines off the coast near Egmond in the Netherlands has commen=
(Wind Energy Weekly) FPL Energy announced on January 7 that the 278-MW Kin=
g Mountain Wind Ranch near Odessa, Tex., and the 263-MW Stateline Wind farm=
near Walla Walla, Wash., both went into full operation in mid-December. S=
pecial Offer from this Publisher! Plants TXU Europe to mothball 2=
UK power stations as wholesale prices slide LONDON, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-Eu=
rope via COMTEX) -- TXU Europe, a division of TXU Corp and the largest sup=
plier of energy in the UK, said it will mothball two of its UK units, due t=
o low wholesale prices and system over-capacity. People Enron CEO =
Took Long Path from Farm to Rig By Robert Schlesinger, The Boston Globe, =
Jan. 13 Kenneth Lay came from humble roots that, his friends and associates=
say, he never forgot. Bewag chairman Winje to step down this week - =
report FRANKFURT, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Bewag AG's cha=
irman Dietmar Winje will step down this week, Financial Times Deutschland r=
eported, citing company sources. Review Shows Enron Chief, Wife Gave =
More Money to Bush in Texas Governor Race By Wayne Slater, The Dallas Mor=
ning News, Jan. 12 In distancing himself from Enron, President Bush said th=
at CEO Kenneth Lay "was a supporter" of Democrat Ann Richards in his first =
race for Texas governor in 1994. Fuel Coal Set for Greening in Low=
er Emission Research Jan 13, 2002 - Australasian Business Intelligence Th=
e Queensland coal industry, which is the source for 95 per cent of the stat=
e's electricity, employs almost 10,000. Environmental Bush Moves W=
orry Environmental Community By Bennett Roth, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 14 =
The environmental community has grown increasingly concerned that the Bush =
administration is quietly rolling back water, air and land protections, mak=
ing changes that have gone largely unnoticed as war and the economy have do=
minated the headlines. Round table promotes emissions-trading system =
to reduce pollution ALISON AULD, HALIFAX, Jan 14, 2002 (The Canadian Pres=
s via COMTEX) -- Canada could save $20 billion over the next decade if it a=
dopts an innovative program that uses financial incentives to encourage com=
panies to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to a federal report. =
Heat Rises on 'New Source Review' As Reforms Continue Taking Shape Jan.=
14 (Utility Spotlight) Critics of the Bush Administration are cranking up =
their opposition to possible changes in the "new source review" (NSR) provi=
sions of the Clean Air Act. Special Offer from this Publisher! Utili=
ty Tops Triad Polluters Jan 13 - Greensboro News Record On an abnormally =
warm day in December, Katherine Welch sits in a metal chair on her front po=
rch in rural Stokes County and enjoys the weather. Nuclear Officia=
ls at California Nuclear Power Plant Reassure Residents about Security By=
Jessica Peralta and Chris Knap, The Orange County Register, Calif., Jan. 1=
1 Officials at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station say security at th=
e plant is so tight the possibility of a breach is almost nonexistent. =
Austrian party launches weeklong petition against Czech nuclear power pla=
nt By VANESSA GERA Associated Press Writer, VIENNA, Austria, Jan 14, 2002=
(AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- A nationwide petition backed by the far-rig=
ht Austrian Freedom Party began on Monday, calling for a veto of the Czech =
Republic's admission into the European Union if it does not shut down a nuc=
lear power plant near the Austrian border. Controversial nuclear plan=
t shuts down again PRAGUE, Czech Republic, Jan 14, 2002 (AP WorldStream v=
ia COMTEX) -- A technical malfunction on Monday triggered the shutdown of =
a nuclear power plant near the border with Austria for the second time in o=
nly four days, an official said. Energy Department Endorses Yucca Mou=
ntain as Nuclear Waste Site, But Battle Is Far From Over by Will McNamara=
, IssueAlert, Jan. 11 (Scientech) Addressing the most troubling issue facin=
g the nuclear industry, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham on Jan. 10 chose Y=
ucca Mountain in Nevada to be the U.S. burial site for thousands of tons of=
nuclear waste. Special Offer from this Publisher! Former California=
Nuclear Plant Employee Awaits Arraignment The Orange County Register, Ca=
lif. , Jan. 11 The fired nuclear-plant employee whose alleged threats spark=
ed a brief national scare faced 13 charges Thursday, weeping as he walked i=
nto a courtroom wearing shackles and an orange jumper. Financial F=
ormer Enron CEO Skilling shorted competitor's stock NEW YORK, Jan 14 (Reu=
ters) Jeffrey Skilling, the former chief executive of Enron Corp., sold sho=
rt AES Corp.'s stock last summer in a bet that the competing power company'=
s share price would fall, his spokeswoman said on Monday. Enron worke=
r warned execs on accounting -lawmakers WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) An E=
nron Corp. employee warned the energy giant's top executive in August 2001 =
about potential problems with how it accounted for certain transactions, Co=
ngressional investigators said on Monday. Enron Shares Halted on NYSE=
Jan 14, 2002 - AFX News Limited Enron Corp shares were halted at the mar=
ket opening on the New York Stock Exchange. Financial - Ratings Br=
itish Energy seen active as Morgan Stanley turns positive LONDON, Jan 14,=
2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Shares in British Energy PLC are expected to =
be actively traded in response to an upgrade in stance from Morgan Stanley,=
dealers said. European utilities' rating downgrades set to continue =
in 2002 - Moody's LONDON, Jan 14, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Moody'=
s Investors Service said it expects credit rating downgrades among European=
utility companies to continue in 2002. International The power pl=
ay By Hana Lesenarova, Jan 14, 2002 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- =
The lights burned late last week at the Kramar Villa, the prime minister's=
official Prague residence, as the government attempted to close the sale o=
f the CEZ electricity package to Europe's biggest electricity company, Elec=
tricite de France. No easy solution to Elektrim troubles By Roseann=
e Gerin, Jan 14, 2002 (New World Publishing via COMTEX) -- A group of shar=
eholders in troubled telecom and energy firm Elektrim hope to devise a plan=
by next month to save the company from bankruptcy. Guyana's governme=
nt criticizes private management of electricity utility GEORGETOWN, Guyan=
a, Jan 14, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Government officials said M=
onday they are unhappy with the management of a British-Irish consortium th=
at owns half of and operates the South American country's electricity utili=
ty. BNDES Spent Less on Electricity in 2001 Brazil, Jan 14, 2002 (B=
Namericas.com via COMTEX) -- Brazil's national development bank BNDES rele=
ased less money in 2001 to the electricity sector, despite announcements to=
the contrary and the power crisis in Brazil. Regulator to Step in to=
Save Electrolima Jan. 18-21 Colombia, Jan 14, 2002 (BNamericas.com via C=
OMTEX) -- Colombia's public services regulator Superservicios will step in=
to save Tolima department distributor Electrolima between January 18 and 2=
1, to avoid power cuts to more than 250,000 people, a Superservicios source=
told BNamericas. Emergency Power Plants to Cost Government R$4bil =
Jan 14, 2002 - South American Business Information The provision of emergen=
cy power supplies planned by the Brazilian government will cost up to R$4bi=
l by the end of 2005. Companies Welcome End of Mae, But Express Reser=
vations Jan 14, 2002 - South American Business Information The restructur=
ing of the Brazilian electricity sector, announced by the government in the=
second week of January, is seen as an important step in redefining the reg=
ulatory environment for the sector. Spanish Clients Abandon Enron J=
an 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex The crisis involving Enro=
n, the US energy company which suspended payments, is affecting Spain. =
Enron Fallout Extends to Britain Jan 14, 2002 - United Press Internatio=
nal Lord John Wakeham, the former Conservative government minister and the =
chairman of Britain's Press Complaints Commission, Monday faced the prospec=
t of being called to the U.S. Senate to give evidence on the collapse of th=
e Enron energy corporation. Dynegy Create Subsidiaries to Compete in =
The Spanish Energy And Telecoms Markets Jan 14, 2002 - FT World Media Abs=
tracts via Comtex Dynegy, the energy services subsidiary of US oil group Ch=
evron Texaco, is to enter the Spanish market. No Power Crisis in Ghan=
a This Year: Official Jan 14 - Xinhua News Agency - CEIS Volta River Auth=
ority (VRA), Ghana's sole electric power supplier, said on Friday that ther=
e would be no power shortage this year and assured consumers they would not=
revisit the crisis of 1997, the Ghana News Agency reported. Northern=
delight at Ofgem's switch-off Jan 13 - Independent - London Britain's en=
ergy regulator will tone down controversial plans that would have raised th=
e cost of generating electricity in the north of the UK. [IMAGE] Powe=
red by Energy Central ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More N=
IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 14, 2002 Switching customers to affilia=
tes bogs down in Texas US judge may make Enron execs pay for workers'=
loss Enron flap now becomes major political issue If one markete=
r files bankruptcy why would futures fall 30%? McCullough finds Enron rich =
in customer deposits Calif AG sues PG?for taking money from utility =
Pa price caps work to keep marketers out of business FERC talks to=
weigh MISO-PJM tie but not a merger Going back in Georgia to cost $5=
00 million New Calif poll shows Houston didn't create crisis Po=
wered By US Publishing ? 2001 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More I=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] =
CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 2001 RER. All Rights Reserved. Top =
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entral's editors have selected these as the top stories of the day: Cabi=
net Officials Downplay Enron Calls By Michael Hedges, Houston Chronicle, J=
an. 14 Lights out for U.S. utility stranded cost bonds? NEW YORK, Jan 14 (=
Reuters) U.S. clearance of UK Grid's Nimo bid "imminent" LONDON, Jan 14 (R=
euters) - UBS to Share Profits From Enron Unit By ALAN CLENDENNING AP Bus=
iness Writer, NEW YORK, Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Advertise=
ment RERs Short-Term Load Forecasting Systems ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MO=
ST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most requested by Ene=
rgy Central members in the last two weeks. Energy companies cutting plan=
t construction -WSJ NEW YORK, Jan 4 (Reuters) Texas to launch electric=
ity deregulation By JIM FORSYTH, AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 31, 2001 (United P=
ress International via COMTEX) -- Enron Begins to Bail on Retail Contracts=
; California Customers Not Yet Cut Jan. 7 (California Energy Markets) =
U.S. PPL cancels power projects, cuts forecast NEW YORK, Jan 4 (Reuters=
) - FEATURE-U.S. power plant cuts could be storing up trouble By Carol=
yn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 7 (Reuters) Advertisement OPEC Trial GAS INDU=
STRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have sele=
cted these as the top stories of the day: Canadian energy profit gusher =
to slow to a trickle By Jeffrey Jones, CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 14 (Reuters) =
FERC's Brownell: Quick action needed in El Paso case By Chris Baltimore, W=
ASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters) Pertamina to talk gas sales with Malaysia's Pet=
GE] [IMAGE] Utility Stock Price Movers And Shakers (Top Gainers) [IMAGE] =
One Week Company Ticker Percent Change First Energy FE 7.0 NRG Ener=
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DA 1.9 Calpine CPN 1.7 Duke Energy DUK 1.4 30 day Company Ti=
cker Percent Change PGE Corp PCG 9.0 Atmos Energy Co. ATO 8.0 ALLET=
E (MPL) 1 ALE 7.9 First Energy FE 7.3 Alliant Energy 1 LNT 5.7 =
Pinnacle West Capital PNW 5.6 IDACORP (Idaho Power) IDA 5.6 KeySpan=
KSE 5.2 DPL Inc DPL 4.9 90 day Company Ticker Percent Change P=
GE Corp PCG 40.8 Edison International EIX 23.7 GPU Inc. GPU 15.3 =
Otter Tail Power* OTTR 13.9 ALLETE (MPL) 1 ALE 11.7 First Energy =
FE 6.9 Hawaiian Electric1 HE 6.8 Conectiv (DEW/ATE) CIV 6.4 Nst=
ar NST 5.1 Powered By Baird ? 2001 Roberts W. Baird & CO. Incorpor=
ated. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use [IMAGE] HOME - PE=
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(including lost data, information or profits) sustained or incurred in conn=
ection with the use of, operation of, or inability to use Energy Central. =
Contact: 303-782-5510 or service@energycentral.com =09