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Monday, January 14, 2002 KWI [IMAGE] HOME - CONTENT SELECTION - = MEMBER SERVICES - ADVERTISING - PARTNERING - CONTACT US [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for = paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Tod= ay Utility Spotlight RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Pow= er News - Top Stories Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry N= ews - Top Stories Selected Content Not In This Issue Utility Sto= ck Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 80 of 80 Articles Today! = THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Come meet Excelergy's Stephen Prin= ce, Rick Nelson and Al West in New Orleans at the premier energy informati= on technology event - Energy IT Expo on January 14 & 15 at the downtown Hy= att Regency. Excelergy is pleased to be sponsoring the Energy Trading & Ri= sk Management track. Find out why American Electric Power runs its entire = power trading operation using the Excelergy Energy Trading product - and b= e sure to ask about new and exciting Excelergy developments in Risk Manage= ment! For more details, contact Excelergy?s conference manager, Sarah Walk= er, at 781-372-5013 or sarah.walker@excelergy.com. http://www.excelergy.co= m Top Stories Virginia Prepares for Deregulation of Electricity= Market By Greg Edwards, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Va., Jan. 12 Virginia i= s ready for electric competition, but competitors may find the going tough.= [IMAGE] Big power-price swings seen in store for Ontario By Ian McKin= non, CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 11 (Reuters) Residents and businesses in Ontario= , Canada's richest and most populous province, can expect large swings in e= lectricity prices after its power industry is opened to competition in May,= say observers of deregulation in Alberta and California. [IMAGE] Enron = Chooses Swiss Investment Bank's Bid on Its Trading Operations By Tom Fowl= er, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 12 Enron chose an offer on Friday by Swiss inve= stment bank UBS to buy a majority stake in its trading operations, a move t= hat could jump-start the heart of the energy trading company. [IMAGE] Pl= ans to drop power projects worry San Francisco By Leonard Anderson, SAN F= RANCISCO, Jan 11 (Reuters) Though no longer battling the daily power shorta= ges that dogged California last winter, state officials fear San Francisco'= s 800,000 residents could be left stranded if new electricity projects are = stalled. Energy Security State's Nuclear Plants Safe, Graham Says= Jan 13 - Palm Beach Post U.S. Sen. Bob Graham said Monday there is no ne= ed for security forces at the nation's nuclear plants to be federalized. = California Crisis San Diego Gas & Electric Customers Could Pay Extra= $242 Million By Dan McSwain, North County Times, Escondido, Calif., Jan.= 11 San Diego Gas & Electric said Wednesday that the bill to its customers = for California's power crisis would rise by an extra $242 million under a p= roposal released by the Public Utilities Commission. California Moves= to Pull Plug on Worst Power Contracts By Carrie Peyton, The Sacramento B= ee, Calif., Jan. 10 The state has begun tough talks with more than half a d= ozen power sellers, trying to struggle free from the quicksand it was sucke= d into last year when it signed billions of dollars in long-term energy con= tracts. California Attorney General Files Suit against Pacific Gas an= d Electric Corp. By Dana Hull, San Jose Mercury News, Calif., Jan. 11 Sta= te Attorney General Bill Lockyer sued the PG?Corp. Thursday, claiming the p= arent company of California's largest utility drove its subsidiary into ban= kruptcy through fraud and deception. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE Y= OUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features, p= remier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest= on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs = Competition & Deregulation Report Lists Snags in Texas Electric De= regulation By R.A. Dyer, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 11 Incorre= ct data entries, service switching mistakes and missed communications conti= nue to hamper electric deregulation in Texas, according to the first report= to state regulators since the market opened Jan. 1. Dominion Virgini= a Power Offers Price for Residential Customers' Comparison By Carolyn Sha= piro, Daily Press, Newport News, Va., Jan. 11 Any competing electricity com= pany that wants to sell service to Dominion Virginia Power residential cust= omers this year will have to beat the price of 3.7 cents per kilowatt-hour = to save those consumers money. METI panel divided on extent of power = market liberalization TOKYO, Jan 11, 2002 (Kyodo via COMTEX) -- Members = of an advisory body to the economy, trade and industry minister were divide= d at a meeting Friday over the extent to which Japan should further liberal= ize its power market, a ministry official said. SUPPLIERS NOW KNOW PO= WER PRICE TO BEAT Jan 12 - Roanoke Times & World News American Electric P= ower Co. customers interested in shopping for electricity need to know how = to compare prices to see if they're getting a good deal. Deregulation= Saving Dp?Customers Money Jan 11 - Dayton Daily News In the first year o= f electric deregulation, more than 600,000 Ohioans found new suppliers of c= heaper power, but none of those customers were in the Dayton area. MV= V head says deregulation is in danger Jan 11, 2002, (Die Welt /FT Informa= tion via COMTEX) -- Roland Hartung, the board spokesman for MVV Energie AG= , the German energy company, fears that electricity prices could rise if de= regulation of the energy industry is not more clearer defined legally. = Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Duluth, Minn.-Based Company Still= Trying to Sell Florida Water Supplier By Peter Passi, Duluth News-Tribun= e, Minn., Jan. 12 As a negotiations deadline loomed Friday, Duluth-based Al= lete still had not struck a deal to sell Florida Water Services, the larges= t investor-owned water supplier in the Sunshine State. PG?National En= ergy May Sell Rhode Island, Massachusetts Facilities By Timothy C. Barman= n, Providence Journal, R.I., Jan. 11 The company that owns the Manchester S= treet power plant is putting the huge facility up for sale, just three year= s after buying it. Contact battle set to resume Jan 11 - Dominion T= HE battle for Contact Energy is expected to resume next week as United Stat= es energy giant Edison Mission vies for control of the company. EIL b= id to go to vote after release Jan 12 - The Southland Times A bid by Elec= tricity Invercargill (EIL) for the Balclutha-based Otago Power company will= be released to shareholders by the end of January. Legislation/Regula= tion Enron spread the wealth around Washington WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Re= uters) - Former energy-trading giant Enron Corp. not only lavished campaign= donations on President George W. Bush, but was one of America's biggest po= litical contributors, spreading money across both parties on Capitol Hill. = THE ENRON COLLAPSE / Scandal could taint White House Jan 13 - San F= rancisco Chronicle As the White House scrambles to release information abou= t its contacts with energy giant Enron, it is fighting the perception that = the company bought its way into the Bush administration. Enron Asked = Bush Administration for Help Calling Off Bankers By Ken Moritsugu, Knight= Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 12 As Enron Corp. tried to stave off financ= ial collapse last fall, the company's president asked a senior Bush adminis= tration official to call its bankers, the Treasury Department said Friday. = U.S. Rep. Waxman seeks more data from Enron's Lay WASHINGTON, Jan 1= 2 (Reuters) A high-ranking House Democrat on Saturday asked Enron Corp. Cha= irman Kenneth Lay to provide details on communications between the company = and its employees last summer regarding the financial condition of Enron. = Rates Missouri Regulators' Staff Recommends Utility Rate Decrease, = Not Increase By Steve Everly, The Kansas City Star, Mo., Jan. 11 UtiliCor= p United's Missouri Public Service division should not get the rate increas= e it is seeking but instead should reduce the amount it charges customers, = according to a recommendation by the staff of state regulators. Genera= l Houston feds collected significant information on Enron By C. Bryso= n Hull, HOUSTON, Jan. 11 (Reuters) The top federal prosecutor in Houston on= Friday said his office had collected a significant amount of information a= bout the collapse of Enron Corp. before being recused from the case because= of personal relationships with employees of the fallen energy trader. = Accounting Firm of Enron Corp. Admits to Destroying Relevant Documents = By Laura Goldberg, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 12 Andersen, Enron Corp.'s audit= or, said Thursday its employees destroyed "a significant but undetermined n= umber" of electronic and paper documents in recent months relating to work = it did for the Houston-based company. Virginia Regulatory Commission = Plans Reorganization By Tom Shean, The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va., Jan= . 11 Virginia's most powerful regulatory agency is restructuring to become = more efficient and answer charges from critics. Differing Versions in= Enron Affair By PETE YOSTA Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 11, = 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Transformed in just one day from the nation'= s biggest bankruptcy to a major political controversy, some of the players = in the Enron affair are already giving conflicting versions of who said wha= t to whom. Key dates in Enron's collapse Jan 11 - San Francisco Chr= onicle Enron Corp., formed in 1985 and based in Houston, was the largest na= tural gas merchant in North America and the largest marketer of electricity= in the United States before its collapse. Morale falling faster than= Enron stock / Enron's master of disaster Jan 11 - San Francisco Chronicl= e Enron employees, whose retirement plans vanished amid the debris of the e= nergy giant's bankruptcy, are quietly pointing federal investigators toward= the man they think most responsible for the fiasco: former Chief Executive= Officer Jeffrey Skilling. Amarillo, Texas, Panel Approves Incentives= for Xcel Energy Facility Expansion By Greg Rohloff, Amarillo Globe-News,= Texas, Jan. 10 The Amarillo Economic Development Corp. board Wednesday app= roved a $750,000 grant to Xcel Energy to assist the power company with the = expansion of the company's customer-service center. Power Pricing/Supp= ly East Power Prices Buoyed by Reemerging Cold; Higher Loads Jan. 11 = (Btu's Daily Power Report) Cold weather forecasted to resurface in the East= ern U.S. underpinned power markets exacerbating weekend jitters sending the= premium for pre-weekend trading higher in the Northeast. Special Offer fro= m this Publisher! Power Market Sedated by Hydro Ions Jan. 11 (Spec= ial to Western Price Survey Contacts) Western power markets calmed to the p= oint of sedation this week, with peak prices falling below 20 mils/KWh thro= ughout the region and some off-peak transactions coming in the single digit= s. Special Offer from this Publisher! Gas Pains Jan. 11 (Energy Ma= rket Report) With the latest weather forecasts revising temperatures upward= from the Arctic blast predicted on Tuesday and hydropower in the Northwest= remaining strong, peak power prices for Friday and Saturday delivery gener= ally fell modestly across the WSCC. Special Offer from this Publisher! = Transmission & Reliability ACC Approves 345 KV Wires Project, Duke's = 600 MW Arlington Plant Jan. 13 (California Energy Markets) The Arizona Co= rporation Commission at a special open meeting on January 3 unanimously app= roved a transmission line proposed by Tucson Electric Power and Citizens Co= mmunications [L00000F-01-0111]. Special Offer from this Publisher! Po= wer Projects California Energy Panel Gives Favorable Word to Burbank's = Power-Plant Plan By Helen Gao, Daily News, Los Angeles, Jan. 11 While a n= umber of companies and public entities have withdrawn applications to build= new power plants, Burbank is moving steadily forward with its Magnolia Pow= er Project. Kane County, Ill., Looks at Curbing Power Plants By Wil= liam Grady, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 10 A proposed change to Kane County's zon= ing regulations would prevent power plants from being built in agricultural= areas. Proposed Power Plant Would Use Limestone Pits Jan 11 - Palm= Beach Post A $500 million natural gas power plant could one day rise from = the flat fields northwest of Wellington, offering power to Florida Power & = Light customers and possibly helping with the Everglades restoration. = Work Continues on Power Plant in Autauga County, Ala. By Nick Lackeos, M= ontgomery Advertiser, Ala., Jan. 8 "Elvis" gives a whole new meaning to mon= ster trucks. Cherokee County, S.C., Council Endorses Power-Plant Plan= By Julie Woodcock, Herald-Journal, Spartanburg, S.C., Jan. 8 Cherokee Co= unty Council passed a resolution Monday endorsing a plan to build a $100 mi= llion electrical power generation plant. Legal Chromium 6 Suits ag= ainst California Utility Giant Can Proceed, Judge Says By Claire Cooper, = The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Jan. 10 A bankruptcy judge has rejected Pacific= Gas and Electric Co.'s attempt to shield itself from 1,267 new state court= claims over chromium 6, a cancer-causing water contaminant made infamous b= y the 2000 movie "Erin Brockovich." Prosecutors Face Tough Challenges= in Enron Investigation Chicago Tribune, Jan. 11 Government attorneys fac= e major obstacles in their investigation of Enron Corp., legal experts say,= and while prosecution is possible, it could take many months to find evide= nce of crime. Enron Probe Could Complicate UBS Warburg's Attempts to = Sell Assets By Melita Marie Garza, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 12 Even as inves= tment bank UBS Warburg won a bidding contest for Enron Corp.'s wholesale en= ergy trading business, legal experts said the widening criminal investigati= on of Enron could complicate the bankrupt company's efforts to sell off its= remaining assets. Renewables Connecticut Agency's Enron Losses Ma= y Drive Up State's Garbage-Dumping Fees By Ken Dixon, Connecticut Post, B= ridgeport, Jan. 11 Officials admit the state's garbage-to-energy agency may= have lost up to $220 million invested with now-bankrupt Enron Corp., but c= an't say if losses will trigger higher trash disposal costs for communities= that use their facilities. Huge Irish windfarm finally gets go-ahead= Jan 12 - The Belfast News Letter The Irish government today gave the go-= ahead for the world's biggest off-shore wind-generated power plant. C= onditions for Relicensing Box Canyon too Pricey for PUD Jan. 13 (Clearing= Up) Conditions being attached to the relicensing of Pend Oreille PUD's Box= Canyon Dam on the Pend Oreille River in the northeast corner of Washington= have led the utility to say rates will go way up unless something gives. = Special Offer from this Publisher! TVA Mulling $50 Million 'wind far= m' Jan 12, 2002 - KnoxNews.com TVA's first three windmills are spinning o= n Buffalo Mountain now as part of the agency's Green Power Switch Program, = which emphasizes nonpolluting energy generation. Plants N.M. Four = Corners 745-MW Unit 5 taken off line LOS ANGELES, Jan 11 (Reuters) The 74= 5-megawatt Unit 5 at the Four Corners plant in New Mexico has been taken do= wn for an overhaul and is expected to return to service in about two months= , a plant spokeswoman said on Friday. People Enron CEO Ken Lay res= igns from Compaq's board NEW YORK, Jan 11 (Reuters) Ken Lay, chief execut= ive of troubled energy giant Enron Corp., stepped down from Compaq Computer= Corp.'s board of directors on Dec. 31, a spokesman for the No. 2 personal-= computer maker said on Friday. Justice Dept: Enron Funded Ashcroft = By KAREN GULLO Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 11, 2002 (AP Online= via COMTEX) -- Shortly after he was confirmed as attorney general, John As= hcroft was invited by Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth Lay to speak at an exclu= sive meeting of corporate leaders, Justice Department officials said Friday= . Bush and Enron chief rose out of the same circles of achievement = By DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 12, 2002 (AP Worl= dStream via COMTEX) -- President George W. Bush bestowed the nickname "Kenn= y Boy" on embattled Enron executive Kenneth Lay back when the two were up-a= nd-comers in Texas. Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Promotes S= taffer to Executive Director By David DeKok, The Patriot-News, Harrisburg= , Pa., Jan. 11 The state Public Utility Commission Thursday promoted from w= ithin to fill the key position of PUC executive director. Robert Rubi= n disclosed as an Enron contact WASHINGTON, Jan 12, 2002 (United Press In= ternational via COMTEX) -- A Senate panel probing energy conglomerate Enro= n Corp.'s sudden collapse sent a subpoena Friday to Texas Republican Sen. P= hil Gramm's wife, Wendy Gramm, panel sources confirmed. Labor/Human Re= sources Northern Indiana Utility Ready to Cut 250 Jobs, Union Says By= Keith Benman, South Bend Tribune, Ind., Jan. 12 Leaders of the union repre= senting more than 2,200 workers at Northern Indiana Public Service Co. (NIP= SCO) say the company is preparing to eliminate 250 to 300 jobs or about 10 = percent of its work force. Enron Misled Employees on Stock By PETE = YOST Associated Press Writer, Jan 12, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- In a p= air of e-mails to his employees in August, the chairman of now-bankrupt Enr= on touted the company's stock and declared that the energy trader giant's g= rowth "has never been more certain." Dayton, Ohio, Power and Light Of= fers Severance Package to 150 By Jim Bohman, Dayton Daily News, Ohio, Jan= . 8 To cut more jobs, the Dayton Power and Light Co. is offering a voluntar= y separation package for up to 150 union employees, the company confirmed M= onday. Environmental Current, Former Owners of Upstate New York Po= wer Plants May Face Fines By David Robinson, The Buffalo News, N.Y., Jan.= 11 The companies that have owned the coal-powered power plants in Dunkirk = and the Town of Tonawanda over the last half century could face penalties t= hat could reach tens of millions of dollars under a lawsuit filed Thursday = by the state for illegally pumping tons of dangerous chemicals into the air= over the last two decades. Washington Discusses Changes That Could R= elax Clean-Air Regulation By Repps Hudson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jan. = 11 Possible changes in Clean Air Act enforcement could mean that older powe= r plants would not be updated to reduce emissions of pollutants, such as su= lfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot. BC Hydro Receives Bids to Red= uce Greenhouse Gases Jan 11, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Canadia= n power company BC Hydro is receiving proposals for 5.5 million tonnes of g= reenhouse gas offsets, the company said in a statement. Nuclear Ne= vada Vows to Fight Yucca Mountain Jan 11, 2002 - United Press Internation= al For 15 years Nevada has been preparing to launch a legal counterattack a= gainst the federal government's plans to create a central nuclear waste sto= rage facility in the state, and will likely be headed to court as soon as P= resident Bush gives the controversial project the green light, the state's = attorney general said Friday. San Onofre, Calif., Nuclear Plant Secur= ity Warning about Disgruntled Employee North County Times, Escondido, Cal= if., Jan. 11 Security officers were warned to watch for a fired maintenance= worker soon after he called a former co-worker Friday and threatened to ki= ll "a bunch of people" at the San Onofre nuclear power facility, plant spok= esman Ray Golden said Wednesday. Southern's Hatch nuclear plant licen= se renewed WASHINGTON, Jan 11 (Reuters) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission= said Friday it renewed the operating license of the Southern Co.'s Edwin H= atch nuclear power plant in Georgia for another 20 years. New U-turn = on nuclear powerplant Jan 11 - Mail on Sunday - London PLANS for a furthe= r nuclear power plant in Scotland have been revealed - just days after the = Government indicated it will shelve future atomic expansion. Czech nu= clear plant starts up again after emergency shut-down Jan 12, 2002 - Agen= ce France-Presse A glitch-plagued Czech nuclear power plant was started up = again on Saturday after a faulty generator caused it to be shut down in an = emergency the day before, a spokesman for the plant said. Financial = Andersen's future at stake after Enron NEW YORK, Jan 11 (Reuters) - And= ersen, once the creme de la creme of accounting firms, has been knocked to = its knees after a series of revelations about its audit of bankrupt energy = trader Enron Corp. Mirant Seeks Lead Arranger For $750M Construction = Loan Jan. 13 (Power Finance & Risk) Atlanta-based Mirant has been taking = pitches for the lead bank slot on a possible $750 million non-recourse cons= truction loan. Special Offer from this Publisher! Canadian State Inv= ites Bids For Jumbo IPO Jan. 13 (Power Finance & Risk) The Ontario govern= ment has asked banks to submit bids within the next two weeks for the lucra= tive lead underwriting mandate for its planned $5 billion initial public of= fering of state-owned utility Hydro One, the restructured Ontario Hydro, sa= y bankers familiar with the matter. Special Offer from this Publisher! = Prompted by Enron's Collapse, Administration to Review Pension, 401(k) R= ules By Pamela Yip, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 11 Reacting to the Enro= n debacle, President Bush on Thursday ordered his economic team to undertak= e a rare review of rules regulating company pensions and 401(k) plans. = Financial - Results Allentown, Pa.-Based Utility PPL Corp. Lowers Earn= ings Expectations By Benjamin Y. Lowe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 11= PPL Corp. joined a growing number of electric companies last week when it = lowered its 2001 and 2002 earnings projections and reduced the number of po= wer plants it planned to build. International Ukraine aims to priv= atise 12 utilities in H2 KIEV, Jan 11 (Reuters) Ukraine plans to hold pri= vatisation tenders to sell 12 electricity distributing companies in the sec= ond half of this year, Oleksander Bondar, head of the State Property Fund, = said on Friday. Tractebel Interested in Egasa & Egesur Peru, Jan 11= , 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Belgian power company Tractebel is i= nterested in participating in the privatization of Peruvian generators Egas= a and Egesur, as a way of increasing its presence in Peru's electricity mar= ket, said Klaus Huys, Tractebel representative and general manager of Eners= ur, the Peruvian generator controlled by the Belgian company. Govt. t= o Step in to Try to Save Electrolima Next Week Colombia, Jan 11, 2002 (BN= americas.com via COMTEX) -- Colombia's public services regulator (Superser= vicios) will intervene next week to try and save electricity distributor El= ectrolima, which serves more than 250,000 people in Tolima department, as d= ebts owned to generators have pushed the company's financial situation to a= critical point. Gas Natural suffers from rising electricity prices = Jan 11, 2002, (Expansion /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Spanish electrici= ty companies Endesa, Union Fenosa, Hidrocantabrico and Iberdrola were charg= ing a historic high of 15 eurocents (Pta25) per kilowatt hour of electricit= y yesterday. Power play for switchers By Karen Collier, Jan 12, 200= 2 (Herald Sun - ABIX via COMTEX) -- Victorian electricity retailer, TXU, wi= ll launch a drive for electricity customers on 12 January 2002. Power= tariffs hike rejected Jan 12, 2002 (The East African Standard/All Africa= Global Media via COMTEX) -- A report recommending a hike in electricity t= ariffs was yesterday condemned. Electricity Generating Companies Leav= e the Privatisation Program Jan 11, 2002 - South American Business Inform= ation The Brazilian government has decided to create a new company, complet= ely publicly financed, called the Companhia de Energia e Desenvolvimento Hi= drico do Nordeste, which will be responsible for the supply of electrical e= nergy in the Northeast of the country and the management of water resources= . Aneel Discontinues Mae Jan 11, 2002 - South American Business Inf= ormation Aneel (Agencia Nacional de Energia Eletrica) is to define the rule= s for MBE (Mercado Brasileiro de Energia). Revision of Power Act Is o= n Jan 11, 2002 - Africa News Service The Ministry of Energy is undertakin= g the revision of the Electric Power Act (1997). Kplc 'Must Raise Tar= iffs to Survive' Jan 11, 2002 - Africa News Service Kenyans may soon have= to dig deeper into their pockets to pay electricity bills if a consultant'= s draft report for the review of electricity tariffs is adopted. Hous= eholds Face Rise in Electricity Costs Jan 11, 2002 - Australasian Busines= s Intelligence Victorian consumers are unlikely to reap big benefits from r= etail contestability. Authorities cut back power supply because of ba= d weather Jan 12 - Associated Press Albania instituted stark cutbacks in = electricity Saturday after temperatures below freezing pushed power plants = to brink of collapse. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central ? 2001 Cybe= rTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News Top Excelergy [IMAG= E] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 10,= 2002 Industrials back Va regulators on control by FERC NRECA favo= rs tough treatment of those using market power National merchant trans= mission group to form in Wash Beacon brokering Enron deals Mich signs = up two large marketers Can technology hold key to getting markets open= ? Waxman tries to embarrass George Bush with Enron CORRECTION = Calif ISO turns to LMP to avoid market power FPL to pump power into = Texas grid Don't blame market for Enron's failure says Pa's Thomas = What a difference a recession makes PNM withdraws from accord with= Western Powered By US Publishing ? 2001 US Publishing. All Rights= Reserved. More Info Top [IMAGE] UTILITY SPOTLIGHT [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 14, 2002 Enron Scandal Grows As Anderse= n Says Staff Disposed of Documents More Legal Battles Seen Likely In C= PUC, PG?Bankruptcy Dispute D.C. Current -- Heat Rises on ?New Source R= eview? As Reforms Continue Taking Shape D.C. Current -- EIA Issues Sho= rt-, Long-Term Forecasts Communications & PR -- Entergy Nuclear Northe= ast Tries Ad To Counter Indian Point Opposition Communications & PR --= NEW YORK Communications & PR -- New York (Scottish Power) Commun= ications & PR -- ConEdison Solutions Power Marketing -- Texas Deregula= tion Starts as Maine Looks Back on 2 Years with Choice Natural Gas -- = FERC Judge Reopens Investigation Of El Paso CA Market Manipulation Nat= ural Gas -- Western Arctic Gas Plan Advancing Natural Gas -- Jacobs Jo= ins Dutch Upgrading Project Powered By Utility Spotlight ? 2001 Ut= ility Spotlight. All Rights Reserved. More Info Top [IMAGE] RER'S = EMETRIX LOAD FORECAST: CAL ISO [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and f= orecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RE= R ? 2001 RER. All Rights Reserved. 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Silicon Ener= gy [IMAGE] The Structure Group [IMAGE] Allegro Development [IMAGE] It= ron [IMAGE] KWI [IMAGE] Excelergy [IMAGE] Energy Solutions Plus, Inc.= [IMAGE] RER [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE= ] Ideas Wanted! We are eager to hear your ideas, feedback, and suggestion= s for this product. Together we will create the most useful information to= ol for the electric power industry. Partners Wanted! Reach over 25,000 e= lectric power professionals with your news, analysis, commentary or insigh= t into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-782-5510 ELECTRIC POWER= NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected= these as the top stories of the day: Big power-price swings seen in sto= re for Ontario By Ian McKinnon, CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 11 (Reuters) Enron C= hooses Swiss Investment Bank's Bid on Its Trading Operations By Tom Fowler= , Houston Chronicle, Jan. 12 Plans to drop power projects worry San Francis= co By Leonard Anderson, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 11 (Reuters) Virginia Prepares = for Deregulation of Electricity Market By Greg Edwards, Richmond Times-Dis= patch, Va., Jan. 12 Advertisement RERs Short-Term Load Forecasting Syste= ms ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories= have been most requested by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. = Energy companies cutting plant construction -WSJ NEW YORK, Jan 4 (Re= uters) Texas to launch electricity deregulation By JIM FORSYTH, AUSTI= N, Texas, Dec 31, 2001 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- U.S. PPL= cancels power projects, cuts forecast NEW YORK, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Enr= on Begins to Bail on Retail Contracts; California Customers Not Yet Cut = Jan. 7 (California Energy Markets) Texas Utility Surrenders Claim on Bill= ions of Dollars By R.A. Dyer, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Dec. 29 = Advertisement OPEC Trial GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top stories of t= he day: Georgia Public Service Commission Extends Emergency Natural Gas = Service By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 11 Pak= istan to revive Turkmen gas project only when peace in Afghanistan Jan 12,= 2002 - Agence France-Presse Utility Eyes Pipeline to Ship Gas to Arizona f= rom Wyoming By Ed Taylor, The Tribune, Mesa, Ariz., Jan. 11 [IMA= GE] HOME - PERSONALIZE - MEMBER SERVICES - ADVERTISING - PARTNERING= - CONTACT US Copyright ? 1996-2001 by CyberTech, Inc. All righ= ts reserved. Energy Central is a registered trademark of CyberTech, Incorporated. 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