Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Direct - Daily Edition
Date:Sun, 18 Nov 2001 18:32:23 -0800 (PST)

Monday, November 19, 2001 Power Measurement [IMAGE] HOME - CONTENT=
ly Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Re=
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/ Top Stories Security Conference to Examine Interconnected Syste=
ms Nov. 18 (Clearing Up) When the US Department of Defense strategized ab=
out taking out critical infrastructure in foreign countries, military leade=
rs came to a disturbing conclusion: The United States' own power grid is te=
rribly vulnerable. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] Lawmaker =
demands ruling on Cal-ISO independence WASHINGTON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - A C=
alifornia Republican lawmaker this week turned up the heat on federal energ=
y regulators to rule on his complaint alleging improper information-sharing=
between two key state electricity agencies. [IMAGE] Electric-Power Dere=
gulation Presents Uncertainty for Oklahoma By Larry Levy, The Daily Oklah=
oman, Nov. 17 One sure thing about the move toward electric power deregulat=
ion is uncertainty, the former chairman of Federal Energy Regulatory Commis=
sion and the president of the Public Service Co. of Oklahoma said Thursday.=
[IMAGE] Task Force Sends Results from Electric Industry Study to Florid=
a Legislature By David Twiddy, Tallahassee Democrat, Fla., Nov. 16 After =
16 months of work, a state task force studying how to inject competition in=
to Florida's electricity industry Thursday sent its recommendations to the =
Legislature. Energy Security Official: No Threat to Nuclear Plant=
s Nov 17 - Associated Press The United States has not received any credib=
le threats to its nuclear power plants and there are multiple layers of def=
ense in place to prevent an attack, a nuclear regulatory official said Satu=
rday. Schumer Seeks Threat Assessment At W. Valley, State's Other N-S=
ites Nov 17 - Buffalo News - Financial Edition Sen. Charles E. Schumer ha=
s asked Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge and the Nuclear Regulatory Com=
mission to assess the threat from terrorists to the West Valley Demonstrati=
on Project and to nuclear reactors and power plants in New York State. =
Federal Guards for Nuke Plants Sought Nov 16 - Associated Press Two Dem=
ocratic senators plan to introduce legislation after the Thanksgiving congr=
essional recess to federalize security guards at the country's nuclear powe=
r plants. California Crisis Geothermal Plants Sue Southern Califor=
nia Edison over $100 Million Payment By Carrie Peyton, The Sacramento Bee=
, Calif., Nov. 15 A group of geothermal power plants sued Southern Californ=
ia Edison on Wednesday, alleging the utility is reneging on a $100 million =
payment agreement reached during the height of the state electricity crisis=
. Governor's greased lighting / Davis criticized for accepting money =
from power companies Nov 16 - San Francisco Chronicle After having sworn =
off campaign contributions from energy companies, Gov. Gray Davis has start=
ed taking money from power providers seeking to do business with the state.=
[IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT How has Enron remained a dominant factor in en=
ergy markets while other firms have struggled? To find out visit: http://w=
ww.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100386 Competition & D=
eregulation Deregulation yields few choices for Arizona consumers Nov=
16 - AZB, Arizona Business The Electric Power Competition Act passed in 19=
98 by the Arizona Legislature redefined the relationship between the consum=
er and publicly owned power entities. Electricity Dereg Not Foreseen =
Soon Nov 17 - The Commercial Appeal There has been interest in opening Mi=
ssissippi to electricity competition, but it probably won't happen any time=
soon, says Public Service Commissioner Nielsen Cochran. Electricity =
Provider Faults Data Flow but Opposes Texas Deregulation Delay By Laura G=
oldberg, Houston Chronicle, Nov. 16 The New Power Co., a major player in th=
e state's test pilot of electricity deregulation, said Thursday that proble=
ms getting data from other entities have caused it to send out customer bil=
ls late and without all the appropriate charges. State Approves Syste=
m In Which Single Company Runs Power Lines Nov 15 - Palm Beach Post Flori=
da has moved one step closer to a deregulated electricity market. CHA=
Nov 17 - Roanoke Times & World News As electric deregulation gets under =
way in earnest in Virginia, some observers worry that mergers will result i=
n a return to the days when only a few powerful companies controlled the in=
dustry. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Seven bids for Warsaw=
power distributor WARSAW, Nov 16 (Reuters) Poland's treasury received se=
ven initial offers by Friday's deadline for up to 25 percent of state-owned=
electricity distributor STOEN, which operates in the lucrative Warsaw area=
, the treasury ministry said. Houston Power, Communications Lines Bui=
lder Steels Itself against Takeover Bid By Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronic=
le, Nov. 17 Quanta Services, which builds and maintains power and communica=
tions lines, said Friday it is fighting a "creeping takeover" by UtiliCorp =
United, one of the nation's largest utility holding companies. TXU to=
sell Eastern Energy network - FT LONDON, Nov 16 (Reuters) TXU, the U.S. =
energy group, is expected next week to announce the sale of its eastern Eng=
land electricity network to Electricite de France for more than one billion=
pounds($1.43 billion), the Financial Times reported on Friday. Trade=
, bank buyers circle Enron's Wessex Water-reports LONDON, Nov 17 (Reuters=
) Both financial and trade buyers are considering bids for Wessex Water, th=
e UK utility owned by crisis-hit U.S. energy group Enron, weekend press rep=
orts said. EdF declines to comment on reported takeover of UK's Easte=
rn Energy PARIS, Nov 16, 2001 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Electricite de Fran=
ce declined to comment on a report in the Financial Times which said it has=
agreed to buy TXU Corp's Eastern Energy electricity network in the east of=
England for over 1 bln stg. Bolivia: NRG Energy acquires Cobee and B=
ulo Bulo Bolivia, Nov 13, 2001 (La Razon/SABI via COMTEX) -- NRG Energy =
acquired a 98.9% stake in power company Cobee (Compania Boliviana de Electr=
icidad) and a 60% stake in the Bulo Bulo thermoelectric power plant situate=
d in Carrasco, Cochabamba. Legislation/Regulation Southwestern Pub=
lic Service Company Files Complaint at FERC Against Golden Spread Electric =
Cooperative, Docket No. EL02-21 Nov. 19 (Btu Watch) On November 13, 2001 =
Southwestern Public Service Company (SPS) submitted a complaint with the Fe=
deral Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) against Golden Spread Electric Co=
operative, Inc. (Golden Spread) alleging that Golden Spread has violated th=
e Commitment and Dispatch Service Agreement (C?Agreement) which the parties=
entered into in 1998 as a settlement for the resolution of then-pending li=
tigation between the parties. Special Offer from this Publisher! Dis=
tributed Generation 13 city generators up for sale; SURPLUS: Diesel uni=
ts helped get Tacoma through energy crisis last year Nov 16 - The News Tr=
ibune For sale: 13 diesel generators. Rates Florida Utility Propos=
es Variable Rate Fees By Steve Huettel, St. Petersburg Times, Fla., Nov. =
17 For the first time, Florida Power wants to charge residential customers =
different rates based on how much electricity they use. United Illumi=
nating files new electric rate plan NEW YORK, Nov 16 (Reuters) Connecticu=
t electric utility United Illuminating Co. filed with the state to extend i=
ts rate plan through the end of 2007, the company said in a statement on Fr=
iday. Massachusetts Electric seeks electric rate cut NEW YORK, Nov =
16 (Reuters) With the recent decline in the price of the oil and natural ga=
s that is burned to generate electricity, Massachusetts Electric Co. filed =
with the state to reduce electric rates, the utility said in a statement Fr=
iday. Electric-Power Users May Feel a Surge - in Rates Nov 16, 2001=
- Omaha World-Herald The cost of electricity may start going up in parts o=
f Nebraska, now that Nebraska Public Power District has approved an 8 perce=
nt increase in its wholesale rate. General NPPD, state celebrate c=
ooperation Nov 16 - Omaha World - Herald Good things can happen when regu=
lators and those being regulated work closely together, public officials sa=
id Thursday. City lays out energy plan today; Daley to emphasize cons=
ervation, wind and solar power Nov 16 - Chicago Sun - Times Mayor Daley w=
ill unveil the city's first energy plan today, emphasizing wind and other r=
enewable power sources. Lawmakers seek to close public utility record=
s Nov 15 - Florida Times Union When the Times-Union requested public reco=
rds from the JEA this summer, it found an eye-opening story: Some homeowner=
s had used millions of gallons of water to maintain their lawns while Jacks=
onville suffered from a drought. Trading/Marketing RWE's Trading u=
nit to also trade energy in London ESSEN, Germany, Nov 16, 2001 (AFX-UK v=
ia COMTEX) -- RWE AG said its Trading unit will trade energy in London in =
addition to oil, gas and coal. Cien Inaugurates Power Sales Portal =
Brazil, Nov 16, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- The Cien consortium, w=
hich is controlled by Spain's Endesa, has created a portal on the Internet =
to sell surplus electricity in Brazil, in the context of the country's powe=
r crisis, Endesa said. Atel And Egt Create Energy Trading Company N=
ov 17, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Swiss energy trader Atel =
and the German electricity supplier EGT Energie have created a joint tradin=
g company in Trieberg (Germany). New Technologies/Markets Latham, =
N.Y.-Based Firm Plans to Test Superconducting Cable under Highway By Kenn=
eth Aaron, Times Union, Albany, N.Y., Nov. 15 Intermagnetics General Corp.'=
s quest to wire the nation's power grid with superconducting cable will sta=
rt with a quarter-mile stretch beneath Interstate 90 in Albany. Danbu=
ry, Conn.-Based Fuel Cell Maker Signs Distribution Deal with Caterpillar =
By David A. Smith, Waterbury Republican-American, Conn., Nov. 16 FuelCell E=
nergy Inc., which said Tuesday its Torrington manufacturing facility is now=
ready to meet the expected market demand for its miniature power plants, a=
nnounced a deal Thursday giving it an instant distribution network across t=
he United States. Deals/Contracts Nigeria Awards Contracts to Chec=
k Power Shortage Nov 16 - Xinhua News Agency - CEIS The Nigerian governme=
nt has awarded 14 major contracts totaling 25.6 billion naira (229.2 millio=
n U.S. dollars) for the construction and erection of transmission lines for=
the state-run National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) to provide steady a=
nd uninterrupted power supply to the nation by December. Power Pricing=
/Supply Bargains Galore at the Energy Store Nov. 16 (Special to Weste=
rn Price Survey Contacts) Western electricity prices took a deep slide this=
week, falling to the 20 mills/KWh mark or less at most locations. Special =
Offer from this Publisher! Crude Politics Nov. 15 (Energy Market R=
eport) Day-ahead electricity prices in the Western U.S. extended their loss=
es in Thursday trade. Special Offer from this Publisher! Transmission=
& Reliability Boston-Area Electric Firm Launches $12 Million in Projec=
ts By Peter J. Howe, The Boston Globe, Nov. 16 After committing over $30 =
million for fast-track electric reliability upgrades in Boston and Brooklin=
e, NStar Electric has launched another $12 million worth of projects aimed =
at solving recurring power failures in several suburbs that generated publi=
c outcry this summer. Kansai Electric Strikes Info Deal with N.Y. Pow=
er Operator Nov 16, 2001 - Kyodo News Kansai Electric Power Co. said Frid=
ay it has struck a deal with New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), =
which runs New York State's power grid, to swap information on technologies=
to ensure stable power transmission. Power Projects Decision Near=
s for Two Coal-Fired Power Plants in Thailand Bangkok Post, Thailand, Nov=
. 16 The government is caught in a dilemma over the two coal-fired power pl=
ant projects in Prachuap Khiri Khan. Gas Power Plant Construction Set=
near Chickasha, Okla. By Rick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 17 A D=
allas-based power company plans to start building a $200 million gas-fired =
merchant power plant here next year. Legal Energy Seller Plans to =
Buy Back Stock in Trading Operation Despite Lawsuits By Steve Everly, The=
Kansas City Star, Mo., Nov. 16 UtiliCorp United Inc. is facing 10 lawsuits=
over its plans to reacquire all stock in Aquila Inc., but a top UtiliCorp =
executive said Thursday that the company was hearing little opposition and =
had no plans to change its offer. Large pension funds weigh legal opt=
ions over Enron By Martha Slud, NEW YORK, Nov 16 (Reuters) Some big pensi=
on funds that invested in Enron Corp. said on Friday they are considering l=
egal options in the wake of the energy giant's stock collapse and a regulat=
ory probe of its dealings. Wisconsin Agency's Counsel Comes Under Fir=
e for Excluding Non-Lawyers By Lee Hawkins Jr., Milwaukee Journal Sentine=
l, Nov. 16 State Senator Rod Moen and several business and consumer groups =
blasted the Public Service Commission's lawyer Monday for a legal opinion t=
hat non-lawyers should not be allowed to participate in rate cases and othe=
r formal agency proceedings. Renewables Dams back big Northwest U.=
S. push for wind power By Nigel Hunt, LOS ANGELES, Nov 16 (Reuters) The P=
acific Northwest is not among the windiest areas of the United States but t=
hat doesn't seem to be slowing its rapid emergence as a leading region for =
the production of wind energy. Wind Power Receives Major Boost from D=
epartment of Energy By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Nov. 16 (Scientech) Sec=
retary of Energy Spencer Abraham announced the department's Bonneville Powe=
r Administration will purchase the entire output of a wind project in Gilli=
am County, Ore. Special Offer from this Publisher! Missouri Natural-=
Resources Chief Fired Up over 'Green Power' By Steve Friedman, Columbia D=
aily Tribune, Mo., Nov. 15 Renewable power sources such as wind, solar, and=
animal and plant wastes are viable energy forms in Missouri, the director =
of the state's Department of Natural Resources believes. POLITICIANS =
PROPOSE SOLAR ENERGY PLAN Nov 16, 2001, (Les Echos /FT Information via CO=
MTEX) -- Reporting on the cost of renewable energy sources in France, UDF =
deputy Claude Birraux and Jean-Yves Le Deaut of the PS told the parliamenta=
ry office for the evaluation of technological and scientific choices yester=
day that France had made a mistake in hoping that investment in wind energy=
alone would be enough to satisfy the relevant European directive. OP=
PD will tap renewable power of wind and methane Nov 16 - Omaha World - He=
rald Put aside your image of Nebraska as the home of the Big Red. Starting =
next year, it could be considered the home of the Big Green. Renewabl=
es summit venue moved to Washington, D.C. Nov 16 - Las Vegas Review - Jou=
rnal A summit on renewable energy and the use of public land to develop it =
has been moved from Pomona, Calif., to Washington, D.C., the Interior Depar=
tment announced Wednesday. Windmills go online today Nov 15 - Fort =
Worth Star - Telegram Getting something good out of that blustery West Texa=
s wind, two of the state's largest power companies will flip the switch tod=
ay on 100 new windmills that will provide additional electricity to North T=
exas. Bonds Will Finance Wind-Power Project Nov 16 - Columbian Ener=
gy Northwest has sold its first bonds without the backing of the Bonneville=
Power Administration in 20 years, closing a chapter on the utility consort=
ium's inglorious financial history. Winds of Conflict Blow on Green P=
ower Nov 17, 2001 - Australasian Business Intelligence Randall Bell is th=
e Victorian chairman of the National Trust of Australia. Energy Effici=
ency/Conservation Tacoma, Wash., Power Company Sends Customers Coupons =
for Bulbs, Fixtures By Kris Sherman, The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., Nov=
. 15 Coupons for energy-efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs and light=
fixtures are being mailed to Tacoma residents in their power bills. P=
eople Executive of Pittsburgh-Area Electricity Supplier Transfers Back =
to Virginia By Frank Reeves, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Nov. 15 Dominion Re=
sources Inc. said it planned to eliminate 19 -- or nearly a quarter -- of i=
ts senior managers by year's end and will transfer its top local manager ba=
ck to its Richmond, Va., headquarters. President of Western Resources=
Subsidiary in Kansas to Retire The Wichita Eagle, Kan., Nov. 15 The pres=
ident of KGE announced his retirement Wednesday, the same day that executiv=
es of Western Resources unveiled plans to merge KPL and KGE under a new nam=
e, Westar Energy. Cal-PERS Will Block Old Enron Board from Joining Ne=
w One Nov. 18 (California Energy Markets) The California Public Employees=
Retirement System, which owns three million shares of the battered giant E=
nron, announced at the end of a closed-door meeting it will oppose the appo=
intment of current Enron board members to the merged Enron-Dynegy company b=
oard. Special Offer from this Publisher! Labor/Human Resources A=
kron, Ohio-Based Energy Firm Mulls Cuts after Merger Reading Eagle, Pa., =
Nov. 15 A spokesman for GPU Energy said Wednesday no final decision has bee=
n made on job cuts resulting from the acquisition of GPU Inc. by Akron, Ohi=
o-based FirstEnergy Corp. Belgian Gas And Electricity Unions Accept E=
lectrabel Offer Nov 17, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Belgia=
n gas and electricity sector unions, respectively FEG and CGSLB, have accep=
ted the terms of a protocol agreement on the status of employees at Electra=
bel. Deal Averts Power Workers' Strike Nov 17, 2001 - Newsquest (Th=
e North East) Ltd The threat of industrial action by nuclear power workers =
on Teesside has been averted after union leaders agreed a new pay deal. =
Fuel Delta, Utah-Area Power Agency Seeks Changes to Open-Meetings Act=
By Steven Oberbeck, The Salt Lake Tribune, Nov. 16 The Intermountain Pow=
er Agency, operator of the Intermountain Power Project near Delta, wants to=
modify the state's Open and Public Meetings Act to allow its member cities=
to hold private meetings to discuss coal contracts. GNP Development-=
Kiewit Announce Plans for Coal Projects in Montana Nov. 12 (News Release)=
Great Northern Power Development LP and Kiewit Mining Group Inc. today for=
mally announced their venture to develop certain lignite holdings in Easter=
n Montana for mine-mouth, coal-fired power plant projects. Environment=
al Wisconsin Moves to Purchase 9,200 Acres from Electric Utility By J=
o Sandin, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 15 More than 14 square miles of =
forest, waterfalls and fly-fishing rapids along the Peshtigo River will be =
purchased from an electric utility for $25 million, Gov. Scott McCallum ann=
ounced Wednesday -- a move immediately criticized by some conservation grou=
ps because the company was already required to keep the land in a pristine =
state until at least 2037. California Energy Agency Alienates Allies =
with Rule Change By Chris Bowman, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Nov. 15 All=
ies of the California Energy Commission on Wednesday protested its decision=
that allows higher-polluting power plants to run decades longer than plann=
ed. US Senate delays utility pollution bill until Feb. WASHINGTON, =
Nov. 15 (Reuters) The Senate Environment Committee will delay until Februar=
y a planned bill to slash U.S. power plant air pollution to give the Bush a=
dministration more time to provide its recommendations, the panel said on T=
hursday. Nuclear Mie Town Votes Against Urging Firm Build Nuclear =
Plant Nov 18, 2001 - Kyodo News Residents of a small town in the western =
Japan prefecture of Mie on Sunday voted against the idea of having a power =
company build a nuclear power plant in the region in the first such plebisc=
ite to be held with no pending construction plans at stake. Citizens'=
Group Opposes Cleanup Agreement between Connecticut, Utility By Paul Cho=
iniere, The Day, New London, Conn., Nov. 16 The state and Connecticut Yanke=
e Atomic Power Co. have reached an agreement on how the company's former nu=
clear power plant and the property around it should be cleaned up, but the =
cleanup plan still faces opposition from a citizens' group. European =
parliament emphasises key role of nuclear energy Brussels, Nov 16, 2001 (=
M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- The need to retain nuclear power in Europe's e=
nergy mix was underlined by a series of votes in the European Parliament ye=
sterday (Thursday). Public Confidence in Nuclear Power Shaken Nov 1=
7, 2001 - Kyodo News Public confidence in nuclear power has been shaken ami=
d a series of recent accidents at a nuclear reactor in the town of Hamaoka =
in Shizuuoka Prefecture in the heart of earthquake-prone central Japan. =
Public spat puts nuclear rebirth at risk Nov 16 - The Guardian Britain=
's two nuclear power groups, British Energy and British Nuclear Fuels, have=
embarked on an unprecedented row over fuel and reprocessing costs that thr=
eatens to tear the industry apart. Financial Reliant gets $2.2 bln=
to fund purchase of Orion HOUSTON, Nov 16 (Reuters) Power generator and =
marketer Reliant Resources Inc. on Friday said it had arranged for a $2.2 b=
illion credit facility to help finance its planned $2.9 billion purchase of=
electric power generating firm Orion Power Holdings Inc. Enron plans=
to sell off losing assets Nov 16 - Tulsa World Enron Corp., the once-mig=
hty energy trader, is dumping money-losing assets and focusing on its core =
wholesale power marketing business as it moves toward a merger with rival D=
ynegy Inc. Electric companies returning to market Nov 17 - Asset - =
Backed Alert Two affiliates of Northeast Utilities are planning to securiti=
ze special charges on consumere electric bills. Northwestern Eyes Ear=
ly Bond Market Refinancing Nov. 18 (Power Finance & Risk) Sioux Falls, S.=
D.-based NorthWestern will look to tap the bond market by year-end with a $=
600 million offering to repay a similar sized one-year term loan. Special O=
ffer from this Publisher! Low Yields Draw Scottish Utility To Market=
Nov. 18 (Power Finance & Risk) Scottish & Southern is considering tappin=
g the bond market in the next few weeks to refinance debt at historically l=
ow levels. Special Offer from this Publisher! Financial - Results =
Energy firms buck the trend Nov 16 - The Guardian Two leading British en=
ergy groups, BG and International Power, yesterday brushed aside sliding oi=
l and power prices as they delivered higher profits and forecast earnings g=
rowth. International Brit Energy, AES want UK to spread power prob=
e cost LONDON, Nov. 16 (Reuters) British Energy and AES said on Friday co=
sts of nearly 900,000 pounds ($1.29 million) incurred by a Competition Comm=
ision probe into an operating licence dispute should be shouldered by all U=
K producers and not just themselves. Czech official says grid could d=
erail CEZ selloff By Petra Vodstrcilova, PRAGUE, Nov 16 (Reuters) A senio=
r parliamentary official on Friday turned up pressure on the government to =
change its energy privatisation plan, saying failure to do so may derail th=
e largest sale in the country's history. Ontario eyes non-profit opti=
on for power firm TORONTO, Nov 16 (Reuters) Ontario's giant electricity d=
istributor, Hydro One, could be transformed into a non-profit entity instea=
d of a fully privatized commercial company under a new plan being studied b=
y the provincial government. Power firms urged to supply power to use=
rs of new entrants TOKYO, Nov 16, 2001 (Kyodo via COMTEX) -- The Fair Tr=
ade Commission (FTC) said Friday it is illegal for the nation's major elect=
ric power companies to deny power supply contracts with corporations that r=
eceive power from new entrants in the power industry. Brazil: Governm=
ent postpones privatization of Furnas Brazil, Nov 16, 2001 (Gazeta Mercan=
til/SABI via COMTEX) -- The privatization of Furnas Centrais Eletricas wil=
l not be held in 2002, on the contrary of what said the Brazilian president=
Mr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Private Industry Holds Back On Energy=
Investments MEXICO CITY, Nov 16, 2001 (El Universal/Corporate Mexico by =
Internet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Private industry held back 15.683=
billion pesos of investment in the Mexican energy sector this year, despit=
e having agreed with Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricit=
y Commission (CFE) to make these investments, reported Mexico City daily el=
Universal. Enbw Denies Agreement in Spain Nov 16, 2001 - FT World =
Media Abstracts via Comtex Energie Baden-Wurttemberg (EnBW), the German ene=
rgy company, has denied reports in the Spanish media over the future contro=
l of the country's fourth largest electricity supplier, Hidrocantabrico. =
Brazil : El Paso to Set Up Thermal Facility at Bahia State Nov 16, 20=
01 - South American Business Information El Paso has plans to set up a ther=
mal electric facility at Bahia state. Government Still to Decide Abou=
t Power Companies' Privatization Nov 16, 2001 - South American Business I=
nformation The Ecuadorian government still has not decided when the 17 powe=
r companies will be privatized. Vattenfall Interested in Co-Operation=
with German Gas Supplier Vng Nov 16, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via=
Comtex Verbundnetz Gas AG, Germany's second-largest gas supplier, would be=
affected if the conglomerate E.ON AG were to succeed in acquiring a majori=
ty stake in Ruhrgas, the country's largest gas supplier, as it is thought t=
hat Ruhrgas would have to reduce its stake in VNG from the current 36.84 pe=
r cent. Electric (Bill) Shock Nov 16, 2001 - Australasian Business =
Intelligence Victoria's electricity consumers are getting ready for higher =
power prices in late 2001. NGC: More gas stations needed to avert sho=
rtages Nov 15 - Daily News - New Plymouth BUILD more gas-fired power stat=
ions -- or face more and more national electricity shortages. [IMAGE] =
Powered by Energy Central ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. M=
ore News Top Allegro Development [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] November 19, 2001 Peretz advocat=
es city aggregating in NJ markets Wants NJ to be more like Mass Builde=
r to cut energy use 33% AGA seeks support for R?tax in new federal law=
Shell sees fuel cells getting big post- 2025 market share Gas seen as=
bridge to fuels of future Buyers take PUC right to Supreme Court in C=
alif Texas PUC staff against surtax CORRECTION E-bills flour=
ish in time of anthrax La PSC wants more study of retail competition =
2 stories in 0.5 minutes: Powered By US Publishing ? 2001 US=
Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info Top SchlumbergerSema =
12, 2001 Beleagured Enron Closes Merger With Rival Cross-Town Dynegy =
3rd Quarter Earnings Surprising With PG&E?s $771M Net; Enron?s Loss =
PG&E?s Cash/Earnings Get Questions About Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan =
DC Current -- FERC Rules DWR Must Pay CA-ISO For Power Bought 2 State 3 I=
OU?s DC Current -- FERC Watching Enron?s Impact on Markets DC Cur=
rent -- Nation?s Energy Sites Serious Targets?Report Communications & =
PR -- Ads with Timely Problems, Pictures Tout Exelon?s ?Welcome Change? Ide=
a Communications & PR -- Duke Energy Communications & PR -- Crous=
e Hinds division of Cooper Industries? Communications & PR -- PSEG and=
KeySpan Power Marketing -- Significant Trend Seen in Stalling of Elec=
tric Competition by State Units Natural Gas -- EIA: No ?Fundamental Ra=
tionale? For $3+ Gas, More Likely $2-$3 Natural Gas -- Marathon to Pay=
$993M for CMS African Stakes Natural Gas -- FERC Okays NW Natural Int=
erstate Storage Plan Nuclear -- Records of Loaned Nuclear Materials Fo=
und to Be Inaccurate?DOE Report Nuclear -- Niagara Mohawk Completes $6=
03M Assets Sale Nuclear -- Westinghouse Sells Safety System to TVA Pla=
nt Around the Circuit -- Many Questions, But Few Answers As Voters App=
rove San Francisco Muni Around the Circuit -- UtiliCorp Sets $362.1M f=
or 20% Aquila Buyback Around the Circuit -- Long Island Underwater Cab=
le Plan Put on Hold Who?s News Rate Actions Contracts M=
oody?s Confirms Debt Ratings of GPU Subsidiaries After Takeover Financ=
ial Focus: PPL Set to Capitalize on Its Opportunities?Hecht Powered =
By Utility Spotlight ? 2001 Utility Spotlight. All Rights Reserved. More=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE]=
CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 2001 RER. All Rights Reserved. Top=
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WS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected th=
ese as the top stories of the day: Electric-Power Deregulation Presents =
Uncertainty for Oklahoma By Larry Levy, The Daily Oklahoman, Nov. 17 Lawma=
ker demands ruling on Cal-ISO independence WASHINGTON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - =
Security Conference to Examine Interconnected Systems Nov. 18 (Clearing Up=
) Task Force Sends Results from Electric Industry Study to Florida Legislat=
ure By David Twiddy, Tallahassee Democrat, Fla., Nov. 16 Advertisement =
AGE] These stories have been most requested by Energy Central members in t=
he last two weeks. Enron deals latest blow to U.S. power deregulation =
By Vibeke Laroi, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 9 (Reuters) Deregulation seen as ?co=
lossal failure,? says polling firm Nov. 5 (Public Power Weekly) Signif=
icant Trend Seen in Stalling of Electric Competition by State Units Nov=
. 12 (Utility Spotlight) Dynegy, Enron Merger Deal Worth Almost $25 Billio=
n By Melita Marie Garza, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 10 Jesse Jackson Says R=
ainbow/PUSH Coalition Wants Role in Enron-Dynegy Deal By Nelson Antosh,=
Houston Chronicle, Nov. 13 GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top stories of th=
e day: FERC meets on LNG plant restart security WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 (Re=
uters) - Indigent Gas Fund Plan in Georgia Faces Money Woes By Matthew C. =
Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nov. 16 Missouri Gas Energy Sues o=
ver New State Rules on Customer Reconnection By Steve Everly, The Kansas C=
ity Star, Mo., Nov. 17 More downside seen ahead for U.S. gas prices By Jos=
eph Silha, NEW YORK, Nov. 16 (Reuters) [IMAGE] HOME - PERSON=
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