Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Direct - Daily Edition
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 23:24:07 -0800 (PST)

Wednesday, November 21, 2001 Power Measurement [IMAGE] HOME - CONT=
Daily Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News =
Restructuring Today RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Powe=
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/www.energycentral.com/sections/ecdirect/ecd_content.cfm [IMAGE] [IMAG=
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Top Stories Time Constraints Blocking Electricity Restructuring A=
ction Nov 20, 2001 - E?Publishing Unless Congress works well past its new=
Dec. 7 deadline for adjournment, electricity restructuring is likely stall=
ed for the year, a senior aide to Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), chairman of th=
e House Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee, said last week. [IMAGE] FER=
C adopts new market power rules WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (Reuters) - The Feder=
al Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on Tuesday announced a new policy it=
will use when considering power sellers' applications to trade electricity=
wholesale, to ensure that no firm can exercise unfair power. [IMAGE] N.=
America winter power supplies seen adequate-NERC NEW YORK, Nov. 20 (Reut=
ers) - Generating resources will be adequate to meet projected electricity =
demand in North America during the 2001/2002 winter season, according to a =
report issued on Tuesday by North America's electric reliability watchdog. =
[IMAGE] Entergy in alternate U.S. Southeast power grid plan NEW YORK, =
Nov. 20 (Reuters) Entergy Corp. said Tuesday it has joined several other So=
utheastern utilities in a plan to amalgamate power transmission lines under=
one regional network. Press Release EXCELERGY PRODUCT AUTOMATES =
GTON, MA (November 16, 2001) -- Excelergy
Corporation, the world?s first provider of open co-action software product=
s to the energy/utility industry and other restructuring markets, is now de=
livering Excelergy Advanced Business Package for Prospecting as a stand-alo=
ne product to rapidly automate customer acquisition and enrollment processe=
s. The product integrates simply with any existing customer information sys=
tem to accelerate the transfer of a client?s prospects directly into its cu=
stomer database. EnvaPower's New Artificial Intelligence Software Ma=
kes Managing Electricity a No-Brainer BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 14 -- EnvaPower=
, a cutting edge software development and service company in electricity ma=
rket forecasting, introduces its 'smart' suite of products and services cal=
led PowerManager(TM). Energy Security Nuclear Agency Official Says=
Plants Have Multiple Defenses Nov 19 - Record - Bergen County The United=
States has not received any credible threats to its nuclear power plants a=
nd there are multiple layers of defense in place to prevent an attack, a nu=
clear regulatory official said Saturday. Wisconsin's Nuclear Plants `=
Prepared' for Disaster, Management Executive Says By Lee Hawkins Jr., Mil=
waukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 19 As the top executive at the company that m=
anages Wisconsin's nuclear plants, Michael Sellman may have spent more time=
with the media in the past two months than in his entire career. Rei=
d developing legislation to improve plant security Nov 19 - Las Vegas Rev=
iew - Journal Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Friday he is developing legisla=
tion with Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., to improve security at nuclear powe=
r plants, including stationing federal agents at reactors to deter potentia=
l terrorists. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Get the customized energy informa=
tion YOU need. Content blocks revolutionize Energy Central Direct. From ut=
ility stock prices to Dow Jones 4 Corners Electricity Index to energy even=
ts, content blocks keep you on top of what's most valuable to you. Customi=
ze your content blocks today at http://www.energycentral.com/sections/ecdi=
rect/ecd_content.cfm California Crisis FERC: Cal-ISO Must Stop=
DWR Preferential Treatment Nov. 21 (Power Market Today) FERC today told =
the California Independent System Operator (Cal-ISO) that it may not give p=
referential treatment to California's Department of Water Resources (DWR), =
which the Commission said must be treated like any other scheduling coordin=
ator. Special Offer from this Publisher! Power Authority Frames Stra=
tegy Nov. 20 (California Energy Markets) The California Power Authority h=
as an ambitious plan to figure out what it should be doing in the name of r=
educing power supply volatility, promoting renewable resources and preventi=
ng future blackouts. Special Offer from this Publisher! Competition &=
Deregulation Purchase, N.Y.-Based NewPower's Plans for Texas Electrici=
ty Market Fall Short By Elizabeth Goldman, Austin American-Statesman, Tex=
as, Nov. 19 NewPower Holdings Inc. was supposed to be the new wave in dereg=
ulated electric markets. EDF AND GDF LOSING CUSTOMERS Nov 19, 2001,=
(Le Figaro /FT Information via COMTEX) -- The state-owned French electric=
ity company EDF has announced that 111 of its customers and 186 industrial =
sites have opted for another electricity supplier since the deregulation of=
this market began. Safety-net Electric Rates Fall in Houston area =
Nov. 20 (News Release) An agreement between the Public Utility Commission (=
PUC) and a TXU affiliate known as Assurance Energy reduces previously annou=
nced rates and fees for guaranteed back-up electric service in the Houston =
area and south Texas when retail competition begins Jan. 1, 2002. [IMAG=
E] ADVERTISEMENT How has Enron remained a dominant factor in energy mark=
ets while other firms have struggled? To find out visit: http://www.energy=
central.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100386 Mergers, Acquisitions & =
Divestitures Asset Sale Between TXU and EDF Supports European Strategie=
s of Both Companies By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Nov. 20 (Scientech) TXU=
Corp. has agreed to sell its 2,000 MW coal-fired West Burton power station=
, near Retford, Nottinghamshire, England, to London Electricity Group for G=
BP366 million (U.S. $523 million). Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Aquila hires advisers on UtiliCorp proposed offer NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reu=
ters) Aquila Inc. on Tuesday said it hired independent advisers in connecti=
on to utility holding company UtiliCorp United Inc.'s proposed offer to rea=
cquire the firm. RWE's planned merger of Meag, Envia, Stadtwerke Leip=
zig fails ESSEN, Germany, Nov 20, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- RWE AG=
's RWE Plus AG said the planned merger of East German energy suppliers Meag=
, Envia and Stadtwerke Leipzig has failed, but Meag and Envia will continue=
their merger talks. EdF reportedly mulls bid for AEP's Seeboard - Lo=
ndon Electricity CEO Nov 20 - AFX Electricite de France is interested in =
buying Seeboard, the southeast England electricity company owned by America=
n Electric Power Co, the Financial Times reported, citing London Electricit=
y PLC chief executive and chairman Bruno Lescoeur. Alliant Energy Acq=
uires Controlling Interest in SmartEnergy(TM) MADISON, Wis., Nov. 20 /PRN=
ewswire/ Alliant Energy Resources, the non-utility subsidiary of Alliant En=
ergy, today announced it has increased its investment and acquired a contro=
lling interest in SmartEnergy, one of the most successful residential energ=
APPROVE ENEL'S TAKEOVER OF VIESGO Nov 16, 2001, (Expansion /FT Informatio=
n via COMTEX) -- The European Commission and the Spanish economy ministry =
have found no major obstacles to the takeover of Spanish electricity compan=
y Viesgo by Italian group Enel. Legislation/Regulation FERC to rev=
ise power tariffs, set refund plan WASHINGTON, Nov 20 (Reuters) - The Fed=
eral Energy Regulatory Commission on Tuesday proposed revising all existing=
market-based rate tariffs and authorizations for electricity to prevent an=
ti-competitive behavior among U.S. utilities. General Providence, =
R.I.-Area Panel to Cut Cord from Narragansett Electric By Bob Wyss, Provi=
dence Journal, R.I., Nov. 20 The Narragansett Bay Commission wants to snip =
the wire it receives from Narragansett Electric and generate its own power.=
Joint Ventures & Alliances Mitsubishi Corp. to invest Y15.9 bln i=
n U.S. power TOKYO, Nov 20 (Reuters) Japanese trading house Mitsubishi Co=
rp. said on Tuesday it would invest about 15.9 billion yen ($129.1 million)=
to expand its U.S. power business in cooperation with Tenaska Inc., an ind=
ependent power producer. Trading/Marketing InterContinental Exchan=
ge launches weather derivatives NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reuters) The InterConti=
nental Exchange (ICE), an Atlanta-based electronic marketplace, said in a s=
tatement Tuesday that weather derivatives are now available on its trading =
system. New Technologies/Markets Caterpillar Announces Joint Ventu=
re Journal Star, Peoria, Ill., Nov. 20 Caterpillar Inc. announced it has =
signed an agreement with FuelCell Energy Inc. to distribute ultra-low emiss=
ion fuel cell products. Deals/Contracts Electrabel Snatches Dcn Co=
ntract from Edf Nov 19, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Electr=
abel, the Belgian power group, has landed a contract with DCN, the ship-bui=
lder for the French navy, to supply electricity to five of DCN's sites. =
$165m Hwange Power Deal Nov 19, 2001 - Africa News Service ZIMBABWE ha=
s signed a US$3 million (Z$165m) contract with South African power utility,=
Eskom Enterprises (EE), to help it operate the Hwange Power station. =
Power Pricing/Supply Texas power grid seen ready for normal winter dema=
nd NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reuters) Texas power supplies remain well above expe=
cted demand this winter, according to a study released on Tuesday by the co=
untry's electric reliability watchdog. Northeast US/Canada winter pow=
er adequate-NPCC NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reuters) Residents of the Northeast U.=
S. and Eastern Canada have no cause to fret about electricity supplies this=
winter, which should be adequate, according to a report by the region's el=
ectric reliability watchdog. U.S. Southeast winter power use seen up =
0.8 pct NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reuters) Peak demand for power in the Southeast=
was projected to rise by 0.8 percent to a record level this winter over de=
mand in the same period last year, the North American Electric Reliability =
Council (NERC) said in its 2001/2002 winter assessment of U.S. bulk electri=
city supply. Holiday Loads Counter Cooling to Soften Eastern Power Pr=
ices Nov. 20 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Power traded mixed at hubs across=
the Eastern U.S. today in limited next day trading as cool weather counter=
ed holiday loads in the North to steady prices, while mild weather in the S=
outh combined with limited commercial and industrial demand expectations to=
soften cash there. Special Offer from this Publisher! Slip Sliding =
Away Nov. 19 (Energy Market Report) Western day-ahead electricity prices =
fell for the fifth consecutive day, underpinned by mild weather, low loads =
and rising Northwest hydro flows. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Transmission & Reliability FERC oks Otter Tail asset transfer to Midwes=
t ISO WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commiss=
ion on Tuesday approved the transfer of Otter Tail Power Co.'s transmission=
assets to the Midwest Independent System Operator (ISO). Brazil: Gov=
ernment tries to advance start up of transmission line Norte-Sul II Brazi=
l, Nov 19, 2001 (O Globo/SABI via COMTEX) -- The Brazilian Ministry of Min=
es and Energy is trying to advance to December 2002, the start up of transm=
ission line Norte-Sul II, originaly predicted to April 2003. NYISO Ap=
proves Besicorp-Empire Electric Interconnection KINGSTON, N.Y., Nov 20, 2=
001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Besicorp-Empire Development Company, LLC received a=
pproval of its System Reliability Impact Study for the electric interconnec=
tion of the project the Company plans to construct in the City of Rensselae=
r, New York. Power Projects Florida Power proposes a 500-MW plant =
for 2005 NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reuters) Florida Power, a subsidiary of Progre=
ss Energy Inc., said Tuesday it plans to add about 500 megawatts (MW) of ge=
nerating capacity to its Florida portfolio in November 2005. Legal =
Estag Launches Action Against Energy Alliance Nov 20, 2001 - FT World Me=
dia Abstracts via Comtex Energie Steiermark Holding AG (Estag), the Austria=
n energy company, has announced that it is launching a legal action against=
the energy alliance between Osterreichische Elektrizitatswirtschafts-AG Ve=
rbundgesellschaft (Verbund) and Germany's E.ON. Renewables AEP Pla=
ns Strategic Growth in Renewable Generation COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 20 /PRNe=
wswire/ American Electric Power, the nation's largest generator of electric=
ity, made a significant foray into renewable energy with the completion of =
one of the nation's largest wind farms, the first step toward strategic gro=
wth in renewable generation. Geothermal Systems Save Money for Reside=
nts in Mustang, Okla., Neighborhood By Richard Mize, The Daily Oklahoman,=
Nov. 20 A year ago, natural gas prices were bouncing off the heavens and i=
nterest in Savannah Lakes, a neighborhood designed exclusively for homes wi=
th geothermal heating and cooling, was sky high, too. After Californi=
a Energy Crisis, Windmills Make Comeback and Create Conflicts By Tracey K=
aplan, San Jose Mercury News, Calif., Nov. 20 Propelled by California's ene=
rgy crisis, windmills are making a comeback in the state's hinterlands. =
Museveni Writes World Bank to Save Aes Dam Nov 20, 2001 - Africa News =
Service Bujagali Hydro Electric Dam project has hit a snag forcing Presiden=
t Yoweri Museveni to write to the World Bank in a last minute effort to sal=
vage it. Undersea Grid Planned for Green Energy Nov 20, 2001 - The =
Daily Telegraph London THE Government yesterday signalled the next stage of=
its efforts to raise the contribution from "green energy" with the launch =
of a study into a scheme for a 400-mile underwater electricity grid along t=
he west coast of Britain. Labor/Human Resources Electrabel Becomin=
g More Competitive Nov 20, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Bel=
gian energy group Electrabel has reached a new stage in its efforts to beco=
me more competitive by reaching an agreement with some unions over conditio=
ns of recruiting new employees. Fuel Ontario, Calif.-Based Power C=
ompany Sees Biodiesel Product Certified By Robert Chacon, The Business Pr=
ess, Ontario, Calif., Nov. 19 Ontario-based Southern States Power Co. annou=
nced Nov. 8 it has received a key certification for its biodiesel fuel prod=
uct. Nuclear Rio to Make Angra 3 Support Official Brazil, Nov 20=
, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Brazil's Rio de Janeiro state will f=
ormally back construction of the 1,300MW Angra 3 nuclear plant, a project b=
eing developed by federally-owned Eletronuclear, Rio de Janeiro state energ=
y department told BNamericas. Lithuania: MP urges tougher stand in ta=
lks with EU on nuclear plant shutdown Nov 19 - BBC Monitoring Former Sovi=
et Union Lithuanian MP Kazimiera Prunskiene, who heads a parliamentary comm=
ission for problems related to the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power pl=
ant, has urged the government to adopt a tougher position in talks with the=
EU on the plant's decommissioning. Nuclear Reactor Is Supplied to Ir=
an Nov 19, 2001 - A & G Information Service JSC "Izhorskiye Zavodi" has c=
ompleted production of the nuclear reactor with a power of 1000 MW. Fi=
nancial Edison Int'l says focus on repairing credit LOS ANGELES, Nov =
19 (Reuters) - Edison International, the parent of financially troubled uti=
lity Southern California Edison, said on Monday it will focus on repairing =
the damage California's power crisis caused to its balance sheet and return=
ing to an investment-grade debt rating next year Reliant surprised by=
latest Enron disclosure HOUSTON, Nov 20 (Reuters) Reliant Resources Inc.=
, a trading partner of beleaguered energy trading giant Enron Corp, said on=
Tuesday it was surprised by news that Enron could be forced to pay $690 mi=
llion in debt next week because of a credit rating downgrade. Enron s=
tock hits decade low after debt warning HOUSTON, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Share=
s of Enron Corp. plunged to their lowest level in more than a decade on inv=
estor concerns more debt problems loom at the crippled energy trading giant=
. Financial - Ratings S?may still cut Enron, expects Dynegy merger=
NEW YORK, Nov 20 (Reuters) Enron Corp.'s debt ratings may still fall to =
junk status, Standard & Poor's said on Tuesday, a day after the energy trad=
ing giant said it may have to pay off a $690 million note next week, and ow=
es $9.15 billion in debt and other obligations by the end of 2002. Ra=
ting Agencies Could Downgrade EDP Nov 20, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX=
) -- International credit rating agencies could downgrade Portuguese power=
company EDP due to the reduction of electricity rates in Portugal, a bilat=
eral electricity agreement between Spain and Portugal and the company's int=
ernational expansion, according investment bank Bear Stearns. Financia=
l - Results Enron Makes Changes to Third-Quarter Earnings in SEC Filing=
By Tom Fowler, Houston Chronicle, Nov. 20 Enron Corp.'s financial well-b=
eing continues to be a moving target as the company made more adjustments t=
o its earnings Monday. Eletrobras Reports R$1.548bil Profit Nov 20,=
2001 - South American Business Information The reduction of 20% on the con=
sumption of energy in Brazil had a negative impact of R$407.053mil between =
June and September 2001. International Government Revives Sell-Off=
Plan for British Nuclear Fuels Firm By Tim Webb, Sunday Business, London=
, Nov. 18 The government is to unveil plans for the privatisation of Britis=
h Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) by the end of the year. National Grid Group Sp=
arks in the US By Tim Webb, Sunday Business, London, Nov. 18 National Gri=
d Group has come a long way since it was formed out of the privatisation of=
the electricity industry in 1990. Philippine ERC says completed '70 =
pct' of Meralco rate increase review MANILA, Nov 19, 2001 (AFX-Asia via C=
OMTEX) -- The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has completed "about 70 p=
ct" of its review process on the tariff increase petition of the Manila Ele=
ctric Co but cannot say when it will issue a decision, ERC chairwoman Fe Ba=
rin said. Aneel Approves Power Imports Brazil, Nov 20, 2001 (BNamer=
icas.com via COMTEX) -- Brazil's electric power regulator Aneel has author=
ized the import of 88MW from Bolivia by Duke Trading, a subsidiary of US-ba=
sed Duke Energy, Aneel said in a statement. Argentina grants Cia Merc=
osur 20-yr 50 MW electricity export licence to Brazil BUENOS AIRES, Nov 2=
0, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Cia Comercializadora de Energia del Mer=
cosur SA was awarded an export licence to sell 50 megawatts of energy to Ci=
a de Interconexao in Brazil until June 2020, according to an energy and min=
ing department resolution published in the Official Bulletin. TotalFi=
naElf's Central Puerto gets 20-yr 1.2 GW electricity export licence BUENO=
S AIRES, Nov 20, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- TotalFinaElf SA power pla=
nt Central Puerto SA was awarded a 20-year export licence to sell 1.2 Gigaw=
att firm power and associated energy to Energia do Sul Ltda in Brazil, acco=
rding to an energy and mining department resolution published in the Offici=
al Bulletin. Del Ninno Says Enel Should Sell Fourth Genco Nov 20, 2=
001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Mario Baldassarri, deputy economy=
minister, says that further tranches in Italian oil group ENI and in Itali=
an electricity group Enel will soon be put on the market. Uncertain F=
uture for Enron in Argentina Nov 20, 2001 - South American Business Infor=
mation Dynegy will absorb Enron and the group's global operations are being=
restructured but in the local market Enron operations are uncertain. =
Firms told 'put house in order' Nov 19 - Northern Echo THE region's ener=
gy companies have been warned to put their house in order after an increase=
in complaints from consumers. Investors Urge Energy Reforms - Mexico=
Nov 20, 2001 - Business News Americas (BNamericas.com) Prospective inves=
tors in Mexico's energy industry have urged the government to consider seve=
ral reforms to make the industry more attractive and flexible and achieve i=
ts stated investment goals. Electrolima's Days Are Numbered Nov 20,=
2001 - South American Business Information The out-going Colombian ministe=
r for mines and energy, Ramiro Valencia Cossio, has indicated that the gove=
rnment is working on ways to liquidate the electricity group Electrolima (E=
lectrificadora del Tolima) so as to create a new company in its place, offe=
ring services to the surrounding area [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Centr=
al ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News Top Al=
IMAGE] [IMAGE] November 21, 2001 Here's how Reliant is getting ready f=
or Texas market Hire 400 people to get ready for Jan 1 opening No we =
weren't talking about New York's ISO Steve Sullivan tells about a robust ma=
rket 6 stories in 1.5 minutes: Powered By US Publishing ? 200=
1 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info Top SchlumbergerSema=
MAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Cha=
rt Powered By RER ? 2001 RER. All Rights Reserved. Top [IMAGE] =
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te U.S. Southeast power grid plan NEW YORK, Nov. 20 (Reuters) FERC adopts =
new market power rules WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 (Reuters) - N. America winter p=
ower supplies seen adequate-NERC NEW YORK, Nov. 20 (Reuters) - Time Constr=
aints Blocking Electricity Restructuring Action Nov 20, 2001 - E?Publishin=
g Advertisement Call for White Papers ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST RE=
QUESTED [IMAGE] We're sorry, but we're unable to retrieve the information =
needed to create this content block. GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top stori=
es of the day: FERC OKs expanded El Paso natural gas pipeline WASHINGTO=
N, Nov. 20 (Reuters) Laclede Gas Starts Taking Applications in St. Louis un=
der Cold Weather Rule By Repps Hudson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Nov. 20 Pi=
peline Industry Leaders Come Together on Pipe Safety Bill Nov. 21 (NGI's D=
aily Gas Price Index) [IMAGE] HOME - PERSONALIZE - MEMBER S=
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