Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Direct - Daily Edition
Date:Thu, 22 Nov 2001 19:57:09 -0800 (PST)

Friday, November 23, 2001 Power Measurement [IMAGE] HOME - CONTENT=
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Los Angeles Plans to Keep Nevada Power-Plant Share By Rick Orlov, Daily =
News, Los Angeles, Nov. 21 Fearful of future problems with electricity supp=
lies, the Los Angeles City Council reversed itself Tuesday and decided to r=
etain a partnership in a Nevada power plant. [IMAGE] E.ON eyes U.S. acqu=
isitions FRANKFURT, Nov. 22 (Reuters) - German utility E.ON AG on Thursda=
y gave notice that it plans acquisitions shortly as part of a drive to esta=
blish a leading position in the U.S. electricity market. [IMAGE] Atlanta=
-Based Utility Surprised by Rate Decision By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlant=
a Journal-Constitution, Nov. 22 In an apparent setback for Southern Co., fe=
deral regulators have ruled the company can no longer charge unregulated ra=
tes for some wholesale electricity sales. [IMAGE] FERC Plans Workshop to=
Expedite Hydro Relicensing Applications Nov. 22 (Clearing Up) There are =
51 hydroelectric projects that have spent five or more years in FERC's reli=
censing process, and the commission wants to know what can be done to move =
them forward. Special Offer from this Publisher! Press Release A=
tlantic Electric And Gas Underpins Market Expansion With Powerful Billing S=
ystem From SPL WorldGroup Morristown, New Jersey - November 21st, 2001 At=
lantic Electric and Gas, one of the UK?s few non-aligned energy suppliers w=
hich offers a ?fresh new approach? for Britain?s residential and commercial=
energy users, has invested in a new multi-million pound customer billing s=
ystem to reinforce its customer service commitment. Caminus Corporat=
ion Completes Acquisition of Altra Energy Technologies? Software Business =
New York, NY ? November 20, 2001 Caminus Corporation, the energy industry?=
s leading provider of software and strategic consulting for energy trading =
and risk management in North America and Europe, today announced that it ha=
s closed its acquisition of the software operations of Altra Energy Technol=
ogies, Inc. The acquisition is being financed with 1.975 million shares of =
Caminus common stock and $25 million in cash. Based on Caminus? closing sha=
re price of $17.91 on November 19, 2001, the total purchase price for the a=
cquisition is approximately $60 million. Energy Security Warrenvil=
le, Ill., Company Reopens Portion of Lake to Public By Mike Monson, The N=
ews-Gazette, Champaign-Urbana, Ill., Nov. 20 Exelon Nuclear has reopened a =
portion of Clinton Lake to the public for the first time since the Sept. 11=
terrorist attacks. Clinton Calls For 50-Mile Nuclear Evacuation Plan=
Nov 21 - Record - Bergen County Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday=
that New York City should be included in a new evacuation plan that would =
be implemented if there were a serious release of radiation from the Indian=
Point nuclear power plants. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Get the customized=
energy information YOU need. Content blocks revolutionize Energy Central =
Direct. From utility stock prices to Dow Jones 4 Corners Electricity Index=
to energy events, content blocks keep you on top of what's most valuable =
to you. Customize your content blocks today at http://www.energycentral.co=
m/sections/ecdirect/ecd_content.cfm California Crisis Calif. G=
rid Limited on Data Sharing Nov 20 - Associated Press California power gr=
id operators must stop giving the state's energy traders advance notice of =
the grid's electricity needs unless they provide that information to all ma=
rket participants, federal energy regulators ordered Tuesday. Califor=
nia Electricity Supply in the Clear but Resulting Budget Crisis Worsens B=
y Mike Taugher, Contra Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif., Nov. 21 Californi=
a's electricity quagmire continued its transformation from a crisis of supp=
ly and poorly designed markets to a weighty fiscal problem when analysts is=
sued a pair of unrelated reports on Tuesday that said the state probably ha=
s enough electricity to avert blackouts but must now respond to blackening =
budgetary skies. Trustee for Bankrupt California Utility Wants Group =
to Be Ratepayers' Advocate By Claire Cooper, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., =
Nov. 21 Saying Attorney General Bill Lockyer has divided loyalties in the P=
acific Gas and Electric bankruptcy case, the U.S. trustee urged Tuesday tha=
t a consumer group be brought in as the voice of the utility's customers. =
Federal Regulators Say California's Electricity Buyers Got Unfair Brea=
ks By John Woolfolk, San Jose Mercury News, Calif., Nov. 21 Federal regul=
ators Tuesday handed energy companies a victory by ruling that California's=
power grid operator cannot give special treatment to the state's electrici=
ty buyers. California Consumer Advocates Fear State Slash of Utility =
Aid Program By Dana Hull, San Jose Mercury News, Calif., Nov. 22 Consumer=
advocates are worried that state legislators may slash nearly $84 million =
dollars from CARE, the program that gives low-income customers a 20 percent=
discount on their gas and electric bills. PG?attacks Calif. counties=
in bankruptcy case SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 21 (Reuters) PG?Corp.'s Pacific Ga=
s & Electric subsidiary said on Wednesday it filed a court motion attacking=
a bid to set up a committee to represent government creditors in the utili=
ty's bankruptcy case. Competition & Deregulation Energy Report Ok'=
D, But Early Action Unlikely Nov 22 - Palm Beach Post Out-state power com=
panies could start building power plants without restrictions next year if =
the legislature acts on a final report approved Thursday by the Florida Ene=
rgy 2020 Study Commission. New Breed of Electric Companies Has its Ey=
e on South Carolina By John P. McDermott, The Post and Courier, Charlesto=
n, S.C., Nov. 20 Taking a dim view of the economy, many businesses have pul=
led the plug on their capital-investment plans. But not the electric indust=
ry. Collapse of Enron Has Experts Questioning Future of Electric Dere=
gulation By John Dorschner, The Miami Herald, Nov. 19 The astonishing col=
lapse of the once high-flying energy company, Enron, has experts raising qu=
estions about the future of electric deregulation that the company has been=
championing in Florida and many other places. ENERGY CHANGES BRING D=
World News Turning the lights on at home and at work is easy. Making sure =
they stay on is another story in a deregulated market. Tesauro Says E=
nel Is Still the Dominant Force in The Electricity Sector Nov 21, 2001 - =
FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Giuseppe Tesauro, president of the Ital=
ian antitrust authority, has said that despite taking a number of steps to =
improve competition in the electricity market, Enel remains the dominant fo=
rce. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Dynegy says seeking to s=
peed up Enron acquisition HOUSTON, Nov 21 (Reuters) Dynegy Inc. said on W=
ednesday it was seeking to speed up the planned acquisition of beleaguered =
energy trading company Enron Corp. York says terminates sale agreemen=
t with NRG Energy NEW YORK, Nov 21 (Reuters) Renewable energy project dev=
eloper York Research Corp. said on Wednesday an agreement to sell its Trini=
dad Project to NRG Energy Inc.has been terminated by NRG. Dalkia And =
Edf-Gdf Acquire 45% of Two Power Stations Nov 21, 2001 - FT World Media A=
bstracts via Comtex French group Dalkia Termika, part of industrial conglom=
erate Vivendi, and ZECW of Poland, controlled by French electricity and gas=
group EDF-GDF, have signed an agreement for the purchase of 45 per cent of=
two power stations in Torun, north Poland. European Commission Appro=
ves Acquisition of Viesgo by Enel Nov 21, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts=
via Comtex The European Commission yesterday authorised the acquisition of=
Spanish power company Viesgo, owned by Endesa, the largest Spanish power u=
tility, by Italian company Enel. East German Utilities Merger Collaps=
es Nov 21, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex The planned merger =
of Mitteldeutsche Energie AG (Meag) and Envia Energie Sachsen Brandenburg A=
G, the east German subsidiaries of energy group RWE AG, with Stadtwerke Lei=
pzig, the municipal works of Leipzig, has collapsed, according to Leipzig m=
ayor Wolfgang Tiefensee. Eon AG Expects Green Light for Acquisition o=
f Powergen PLC Nov 22, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Eon AG,=
a German utilities group, announced yesterday that it was confident that a=
nti-trust authorities would give the green light to the planned acquisition=
of PowerGen PLC, a British energy group, and its U.S. subsidiary LG&E. =
WestLB makes a grab for pounds 1bn Wessex Water Nov 21 - The Sunday Te=
legraph - London WESTLB, the German state-owned bank, is in talks to buy We=
ssex Water from its troubled US parent, Enron. Enron Continues to Imp=
lode; Will the Dynegy Deal Proceed? By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Nov. 21=
(Scientech) Enron Corp. shares fell sharply in opening trade on Nov. 20 af=
ter the humbled energy giant warned it could be forced to pay by next week =
$690 million in debt triggered by a credit downgrade last week. Special Off=
er from this Publisher! Power Firm Wins Bidding for Thailand Petroch=
emical Industry Plant By Srisamorn Phoosuphanusorn, Bangkok Post, Thailan=
d, Nov. 21 Banpu Plc has won an initial agreement to acquire Thai Petrochem=
ical Industry's power plant at a price of $100 million, beating three other=
contenders. Legislation/Regulation US FERC says "concerned" about=
Enron problems WASHINGTON, Nov 21 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulator=
y Commission, the agency that monitors interstate electricity markets, said=
on Wednesday it was worried by the rapid financial deterioration of energy=
giant Enron Corp. Avista seeks ruling on power purchases Nov 22 - =
Spokesman Review Avista Utilities has asked Washington regulators to confir=
m the prudence of electricity purchases that caused a 25 percent rate surch=
arge imposed in September. Price Controls Put on Power Producers No=
v 22 - Associated Press Federal regulators are imposing new price controls =
on power producers that dominate their markets, hoping to head off electric=
ity price spikes like the ones that crippled California a year ago. Ra=
tes TXU Electric to Cut Rate for Back-up Service in Some Parts of Texas=
By R.A. Dyer, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Nov. 21 TXU Electric cut =
a deal Tuesday with Texas regulators that will lower the company's previous=
ly announced rates for certain fallback electric service in Houston and oth=
er parts of South Texas. Equipment Problems Cause Higher Electric Rat=
es for Some Customers in Wisconsin The Wisconsin State Journal, Nov. 21 E=
quipment problems at the Columbia power plant in Portage are to blame for h=
igher rates Madison Gas and Electric Co. customers will have to pay for ele=
ctricity, starting Jan. 1. Oregon regulators reaffirm Enron utility r=
ate hike SALEM, Ore., Nov 21 (Reuters) The Oregon Public Utility Commissi=
on on Wednesday rejected a consumer petition to reconsider rate hikes grant=
ed to utility Portland General Electric, a unit of troubled energy giant En=
ron Corp. No Boost In Rates Expected By Utility Nov 21 - Columbian =
A year ago, Clark Public Utilities officials unveiled a tentative 2001 budg=
et that they warned was likely to become a complete fiction because of the =
tumultuous times in the energy markets. General High Point, Lexing=
ton, N.C., Consider Joint Electric Operations By Jacob McConnico, High Po=
int Enterprise, N.C., Nov. 21 Engineers and accountants looking into the fe=
asibility of a joint electric operation between the cities of High Point an=
d Lexington are about a month away from releasing preliminary findings. =
St. Petersburg, Fla.-Based Utility Seeks Bids for More Power By Cherie=
Jacobs, Tampa Tribune, Fla., Nov. 21 Got some spare electricity on your ha=
nds? Enough to power 250,000 homes? Florida Power Corp. wants to talk to yo=
u. Court strikes down Washington schools' energy fee By Kara Cogswe=
ll, EUGENE, Ore., Nov 20, 2001 (Oregon Daily Emerald, U-WIRE via COMTEX) --=
Charging students an energy surcharge fee is not legal in Washington anym=
ore, but students are still working to end the energy fee in Oregon. =
ISO study highlights flaw in pricing Nov 21 - Boston Herald A report comm=
issioned by the organization that runs the region's wholesale electricity m=
arket says there are flaws in the way power is priced which could eventuall=
y prevent the construction of needed plants. Joint Ventures & Alliance=
s Buzzi Unicem, E.ON in jv to produce gas-fired electricity on Buzzi si=
tes MILAN, Nov 21, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Buzzi Unicem SpA said=
it has reached an agreement with E.ON to set up a joint venture to produce=
electricity from using natural gas on Buzzi Unicem sites. Trading/Mar=
keting U.S. energy traders scale back deals with Enron NEW YORK, Nov =
21 (Reuters) U.S. natural gas and electricity firms have further scaled bac=
k trading with Enron Corp. this week, as fears mounted about the humbled en=
ergy giant's credit standing, industry sources said on Wednesday. Apx=
Celebrates Record Trading on Their UK Exchange Nov 22, 2001 - Business W=
ire Automated Power Exchange(TM) Inc. reported record volumes today on its =
UK Spot Market. New Technologies/Markets RWE PINS HOPES ON FUEL CE=
LLS Nov 22, 2001, (Die Welt /FT Information via COMTEX) -- RWE AG, the G=
erman utility group, is aiming for a leading position on fuel cell business=
, and the group plans to launch fuel cell products on the market for the de=
centralised supply of electricity and heat to households and industrial com=
plexes from 2005. Power Pricing/Supply Stuffing Not in Evidence; L=
ean Prices Continue Flight into Holiday Nov. 21 (Special to Western Price=
Survey Contacts) As the energy markets prepared for the Thanksgiving holid=
ay, business continued in relatively quiet fashion, with no big surprises i=
n electricity prices throughout the region. Special Offer from this Publish=
er! Western Power Prices Climb on Monday/Tuesday Expected Load Hike =
Nov. 21 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Power traded for Monday and Tuesday at=
the major hubs in the Western U.S. as schedules remained revised due to th=
e four-day holiday weekend. Special Offer from this Publisher! Fair =
Play, or Play Fair? Nov. 20 (Energy Market Report) Spot electricity price=
s in the West rallied for the Thursday-Friday-Saturday package, most predom=
inantly on large natural gas gains on Tuesday. Special Offer from this Publ=
isher! U.S. Midwest to meet winter power demand-NERC SAN FRANCISCO=
, Nov 20 (Reuters) The U.S. Midwest and Plains states are expected to have =
enough electricity supplies to meet power demand from the region this winte=
r, the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) said Tuesday in i=
ts 2001/2002 winter assessment of U.S. power supplies. Transmission & =
OI, Nov 22, 2001 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- Construction of Vietnam's secon=
d 500 kV electric transmission line will begin on November 30, according to=
the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) Corporation. SMUD Sings 'Breaking U=
p Not So Hard to Do' to Cal-ISO Nov. 22 (California Energy Markets) In a =
move it claims will save between $2 million and $15 million a year, the Sac=
ramento Municipal Utility District board voted unanimously November 1 to es=
tablish its own transmission grid control area. Special Offer from this Pub=
lisher! Power Projects Utility to Build Three Power-Generating Un=
its in Anderson County, S.C. By Ron Menchaca, The Post and Courier, Charl=
eston, S.C., Nov. 20 Santee Cooper's board voted Monday to spend $120 milli=
on to build three additional gas-fired electricity-generating units at its =
new Rainey Generating Station in Anderson County. Dona Ana County, N.=
M., Joins Energy Leaders at Plant Ground Breaking By Marvin Tessneer, Las=
Cruces Sun-News, N.M., Nov. 21 Do?a Ana County joined state energy leaders=
last week with the Afton Generation Station ground breaking at the new Pub=
lic Service Company of New Mexico plant site 12.5 miles southwest of Las Cr=
uces. Power Company Group Questions $7 Billion Wisconsin Energy Proje=
ct By Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Nov. 21 A group of indep=
endent power companies is challenging a decision by Wisconsin regulators th=
at permits Wisconsin Energy Corp. to begin spending money on a $7 billion p=
ower generation project. Energy Company Hopes to Build Power Plant in=
West Chicago, Ill. By William Grady, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 20 A plan to =
build an 800-megawatt peak-use power plant in West Chicago was a tough sell=
Monday night in a community that has struggled in recent years to improve =
its image. Calpine to build 1,000-MW natgas plant in Virginia SAN F=
RANCISCO, Nov 21 (Reuters) Calpine Corp. said Wednesday it plans to build, =
own, and operate a 1,000-megawatt combined-cycle, natural gas-fired power p=
lant in Virginia at an estimated cost of $500 million. Govt. Proposes=
46 New Electricity Projects Mexico, Nov 21, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COM=
TEX) -- Mexico's government will submit a proposal to the Chamber of Deput=
ies to develop 46 new electricity projects between 2002 and 2009 at a cost =
of US$4.5bn. Aes Invests in Two Thermal Plants to Supply Eletropaulo =
Nov 22, 2001 - South American Business Information The American AES compa=
ny is investing US$600mil in the Santa Branca thermoelectric plant in Sao P=
aulo, which will have the capacity to generate 1,044 MW. Company expl=
ains regulations for power plant Conectiv Mid-Merit wants to build in Peach=
Bottom Twp. Nov 21 - York Daily Record Parts of a proposed power plant, =
but not the plant itself, would be under the jurisdiction of the Federal En=
ergy Regulatory Commission, according to testimony Monday at a meeting betw=
een Peach Bottom Township and Conectiv Mid-Merit Inc Site Zoned for P=
lant, Board Says Nov 21, 2001 - Sacramento Bee Sacramento County supervis=
ors agreed Tuesday that a 90- acre site is properly zoned for a power plant=
proposed in Rio Linda. Rwe AG to Construct Power Station for Basf AG=
Nov 22, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex RWE AG, Germany's big=
gest energy group, and Electrabel SA, the Belgian energy provider, have sig=
ned a contract with BASF AG, Germany's second biggest pharmaceuticals group=
, for the construction of a power station in Antwerp. Legal Employ=
ee sues Enron, alleging $400,000 stock loss HOUSTON, Nov 21 (Reuters) An =
Enron Corp. employee whose retirement savings were heavily invested in Enro=
n stock has sued the company after losing $400,000 because of the sharp fal=
l in the Houston-based energy giant's stock, his attorneys said. Renew=
ables Chubais Criticizes Insignificant Number Of Hydroelectric Power St=
ations In Russia St. Petersburg, Russia, Nov 22, 2001 (RosBusinessConsult=
ing via COMTEX) -- The share of hydroelectric power stations operating in =
Russia is one of the lowest in the world and makes up only 18 or 20 per cen=
t, RAO UES head Anatoly Chubais announced at the second Russian meeting bet=
ween representatives of hydroelectric power stations. CONSORTIUM FORM=
Release) A consortium was formed this week to install a demonstration proje=
ct to generate electricity from ocean wave energy. Bridge in Georgia=
near key hydroelectric plant blown up Nov 20 - Associated Press A bridge=
near a key hydroelectric power station in Georgia was blown up early Tuesd=
ay, officials said. People Constellation president Grubman resigns=
BALTIMORE, Nov 20 (Reuters) Constellation Energy Group Inc., owner of Ba=
ltimore Gas and Electric, on Tuesday said Co-President Eric Grubman has res=
igned, effective Dec. 1, following the company's decision not split into tw=
o. Labor/Human Resources Tennessee Valley Authority Aims to Keep W=
orkers Happy By Dave Flessner, Chattanooga Times/Free Press, Nov. 21 The =
Tennessee Valley Authority, which cut more than two thirds of its staff thr=
ough resignations, retirements and RIFs (reductions in force) in the past d=
ecade and a half, is learning a new set of 3 Rs to help keep enough qualifi=
ed workers for the future. Environmental Butte, Mont., Power Plant=
Draft EIS Due in December By Leslie McCartney, The Montana Standard, But=
te, Nov. 20 Although state workers were shooting for the release of a draft=
environmental impact statement on the Continental Energy Services' generat=
ion project in late October, it appears that it will not be available until=
mid-December, at the earliest. NY regulator ordered to review impact=
of NYC turbines NEW YORK, Nov 21 (Reuters) New York's highest court hand=
ed community and environmental groups a victory by requiring the New York P=
ower Authority (NYPA) to evaluate the environmental impact of 10 new power =
plants in New York City or face closing them, the groups said in a statemen=
t. Nuclear Trade group rebuts effort to shut NY nuke plants NEW =
YORK, Nov 21 (Reuters) Arguing that customer costs would increase, an elect=
ric trade association in New York opposed a recent effort by environmental =
groups and local elected officials to shut nuclear power plants due to secu=
rity concerns, the group said in a statement late on Tuesday. Financia=
l Enron Tries to Pacify Worries as More Investors Decide to Sell Shares=
By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, Nov. 22 Faltering Houston e=
nergy trader Enron Corp. tried to calm investors' worries Wednesday, announ=
cing progress in relieving its debt situation, but its stock lost a quarter=
of its value for the second day in a row. Accounts board to eye peer=
reviews amid Enron furor By Kevin Drawbaugh, WASHINGTON, Nov 20 (Reuters=
) The regulatory panel that oversees big U.S. accounting firms plans to dis=
cuss concerns about its "peer review" process and other issues at its next =
meeting in December, the panel's chairman said on Tuesday. Enron cris=
is poses threat to Oregon utility By Nigel Hunt, LOS ANGELES, Nov 21 (Reu=
ters) Oregon's largest utility, Portland General Electric, faces an uncerta=
in future as its parent Enron Corp. fights for its life amid a deepening fi=
nancial crisis, industry experts said on Wednesday. U.S.-Qatari power=
firm signs $572 million loan DOHA, Nov 22 (Reuters) A joint venture U.S.=
-Qatari power firm has signed a $572.25 million loan with a group of banks =
to part finance an independent water and power project in Qatar, a lead arr=
anger said. Financial - Results Profit drops at Canadian power sup=
plier BC Hydro VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov 22 (Reuters) Provincially=
-owned BC Hydro, a major supplier of electricity to the western United Stat=
es, said on Thursday its profits have dropped sharply on lower rates and hi=
gher energy costs. Rwe Is Analysts' Favourite Nov 22, 2001 - FT Wor=
ld Media Abstracts via Comtex RWE, the German utility group, will present f=
igures for the first quarter of the 2001 truncated business year (July to D=
ecember) today, but the figures will not be comparable with accounts from t=
he previous year because of changes to the company structure, the newly acq=
uired VEW and Thames Water and the conversion of the business year to match=
the calendar year. International Enron says reviewing operations =
in Japan TOKYO, Nov 22 (Reuters) U.S. energy giant Enron Corp, which has =
seen its share price fall to a decade low, is reviewing its operations in J=
apan, including an option to sell the business to a third party, a spokeswo=
man at Enron's Japanese unit said on Thursday. Pemex to Call for Bids=
on 13 Cogen. Projects Mexico, Nov 21, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -=
- Mexico's state oil company Pemex and the country's Energy Department wil=
l call for bids on 13 cogeneration projects at Pemex plants, whose operatio=
ns will be 100% in the private sector, newspaper El Financiero reported. =
Brazil: Petrobras to penetrate in energy market Brazil, Nov 21, 2001 =
(O Estado de Sao Paulo/SABI via COMTEX) -- The Brazilian state owned oil a=
nd gas company Petrobras starts in December a new chapter of its story when=
the thermal electric power plant Piratininga starts up. Ecuador: Ame=
rican and European companies eye power companies' sale Ecuador, Nov 20, 2=
001 (El Comercio/SABI via COMTEX) -- The Ecuadorian national electrical en=
ergy agency Conelec announced today that several American and European comp=
anies have shown interest in the 30-year concession of electric power energ=
y distribution services in Guayaquil, which is served by state-owned Emelec=
. Brazil eases energy rationing for residential/commercial use effect=
ive Dec BRASILIA, Nov 22, 2001 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- The government=
will ease energy rationing targets for commercial and residential use effe=
ctive December, but is maintaining the current target for industrial use, E=
nergy Crisis Management Committee chairman and Presidential Chief of Staff =
Pedro Parente said. Paper: Iberdrola Looking to Offload Water Busines=
s Nov 22, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Spanish power company Iber=
drola is looking for a buyer for its water distribution and treatment busin=
ess, including its participation in Chilean utility Essal and Uruguay's Ura=
gua, Spanish paper Expansion reported. Empresa Electrica De Piura to =
Supply Energy to Ecuador Nov 21, 2001 - South American Business Informati=
on Endesa sources claimed that the fact that Empresa Electrica de Piura ope=
rates near the border between Peru and Ecuador would allow this company to =
export electricity. Conam Postpones Power Companies' Privatization =
Nov 22, 2001 - South American Business Information The Conam commission del=
ayed until the beginning of 2002 the auction for a 51% interest in 17 natio=
nal electric power energy distribution companies. Tato Says Enel Will=
Focus on the German Market Nov 22, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via C=
omtex Franco Tato, managing director of Italian electricity group Enel, has=
said his group will focus on the German market. French become UK's b=
iggest power distributor with pounds 1.3bn Eastern deal Nov 20 - Independ=
ent - London THE STATE-OWNED power company Electricite de France became Bri=
tain's biggest electricity distributor yesterday after paying pounds 1.3bn =
for the UK wires business of TXU, formerly known as Eastern Electricity. =
Edison head warns of US-style power crisis Nov 21 - The Daily Telegra=
ph BRITAIN could face a Californian-style power crisis in three years becau=
se the economics of building new stations do not work, the European head of=
US-owned generator Edison warned yesterday. [IMAGE] Powered by Energ=
y Central ? 2001 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News T=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] November 23, 2001 Marketers call Reliant's 17% pr=
ice cut a disaster for them & market ARM wrestles hearing on Reliant's head=
room 'The situation is dire; Texas is critical' Ga ends ban on 2d=
deadbeat switch Texas PUC cuts TXU POLAR rate Ohio decides gas =
market rules What FERC did at market power theme day FERC orders =
ISO to stop favoring its sister agency New market power screen set to =
aid making RTOs Why AES may keep market rates authority Calif sum=
mer outlook? Dicey but not too bad Broadband firms can get money =
SeTrans utilities may form RTO Share the benefits of RT with your who=
le company Powered By US Publishing ? 2001 US Publishing. All Righ=
ts Reserved. More Info Top SchlumbergerSema [IMAGE] RER'S EMETRI=
ted hourly load for CAL ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? =
2001 RER. All Rights Reserved. Top [IMAGE] ABOUT ENERGY CENTRAL DIRE=
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ision By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nov. 22 E.ON =
eyes U.S. acquisitions FRANKFURT, Nov. 22 (Reuters) - FERC Plans Workshop =
to Expedite Hydro Relicensing Applications Nov. 22 (Clearing Up) Los Angel=
es Plans to Keep Nevada Power-Plant Share By Rick Orlov, Daily News, Los A=
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ed by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. Enron deals latest b=
low to U.S. power deregulation By Vibeke Laroi, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 9 (R=
euters) Significant Trend Seen in Stalling of Electric Competition by Stat=
e Units Nov. 12 (Utility Spotlight) Enron Collapse Might Inhibit Energ=
y Dereg in Some States, Say Observers Nov. 19 (Utility Spotlight) Jess=
e Jackson Says Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Wants Role in Enron-Dynegy Deal B=
y Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Nov. 13 Dynegy, Enron Merger Deal Wort=
h Almost $25 Billion By Melita Marie Garza, Chicago Tribune, Nov. 10 =
have selected these as the top stories of the day: Centrica expands gas=
field interests LONDON, Nov. 22 (Reuters) - Duke says gets a key Canada o=
k in Westcoast deal NEW YORK, Nov. 21 (Reuters) FERC rule on natgas shippi=
ng needs more work-industry By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Nov 21 (Reuter=
s) Missouri Utilities Win Round in Legal Battle against Regulators By Stev=
e Everly, The Kansas City Star, Mo., Nov. 22 [IMAGE] HOME - =
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