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=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Friday, January 25, 2002 Home - Email Prefe= rences - Account [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SITE ME= NU [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Power News Gas News Prices Stock = Market Snapshots Industry M & A Power Plants Nuclear Data = Power Marketing Data Company Profiles Investor Owned Utilities C= ooperatives Municipals State / Federal [IMAGE] [IMAGE] NEW = CONTENT! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Include the following in your Energy Central = Direct: Weekly Power Plays Focused on market trends and future price dire= ction. Publishes extensive price list and market analysis. Energy Initi= atives - 30 Day Hourly ISO-NE ECP This block charts the last 30 days hourl= y clearing price for ISO New England. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SPONSORS [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] The Structure Group [IMAGE] Allegro Devel= opment [IMAGE] Itron [IMAGE] KWI [IMAGE] Excelergy [IMAGE] Energy S= olutions Plus, Inc. [IMAGE] RER [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] = Silicon Energy [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ideas W= anted! We are eager to hear your ideas, feedback, and suggestions for this= product. Together we will create the most useful information tool for the= electric power industry. Partners Wanted! Reach over 25,000 electric po= wer professionals with your news, analysis, commentary or insight into the= industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-782-5510 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Adverti= sementThe Structure Group ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top st= ories of the day: Andersen under heavy fire at Enron hearings WASHINGTO= N, Jan 24 (Reuters) Calif. consumer group slams PG?restructure plan SAN FR= ANCISCO, Jan 24 (Reuters) Chairman Quits Top Post at Enron By Laura Goldbe= rg, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 PSEG to spend $300 million on clean air comp= liance By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These s= tories have been most requested by Energy Central members in the last two w= eeks. Ex-Enron Execs Launch Own Firm By BILL BERGSTROM AP Business = Writer, PHILADELPHIA, Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Court overtur= ns approval of AEP, Central SW merger By Julie Vorman, WASHINGTON, Jan = 18 (Reuters) SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Power Production Scorecard: Who Is Build= ing New Power Plants, And Where? What Fuel Sources Will Be Used? by Wil= l McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 16 (Scientech) PJM, Midwest ISO may form vast= US electricity market WASHINGTON, Jan 9 (Reuters) Virginia Prepares f= or Deregulation of Electricity Market By Greg Edwards, Richmond Times-D= ispatch, Va., Jan. 12 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as= the top stories of the day: Georgia Senator's Plan Would Establish Regu= lated Gas Supplier By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, = Jan. 24 Reliant Energy Entex Reduces Gas Bills for Houston Customers by 22 = Percent By David Kaplan, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 US gov't oil, natgas r= oyalties at record $8.61 bln WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] OPEC Trial [IMAGE] [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] = Electric Power News Restructuring Today RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL= ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories Electric Power News - Most Request= ed Gas Industry News - Top Stories Selected Content Not In This = Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monday Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers = - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 94 of 94 Articles Today= ! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Save $100 now on "Load Manageme= nt 2001 - Balancing Customers, Regulators and Energy Demand" by The C Three= Group. The report reveals how programs are in a state of flux with some ve= ndors struggling as utilities face great ambiguity. It includes candid and = sometimes hard-hitting commentary on the design details of 18 leading utili= ty programs as well as 23 vendor profiles. The report analyzes major issues= , trends and technology developments. Gain insights and competitive intelli= gence in this essential report. Complete table of contents and profile samp= les are available at http://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D1= 00837 Top Stories Calif. consumer group slams PG?restructure pl= an SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 24 (Reuters) Pacific Gas & Electric's plan to get o= ut of bankruptcy would boost energy costs for the 13 million Californians i= t serves by about $20 billion over 12 years, a San Francisco-based consumer= group said on Thursday. [IMAGE] Andersen under heavy fire at Enron hear= ings WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Auditing firm Andersen came under heavy= fire on Thursday, as a sacked Andersen partner refused to testify in Congr= ess on the shredding of documents related to the Enron collapse, and senior= Andersen officials tried to lay blame on their former partner. [IMAGE] = Chairman Quits Top Post at Enron By Laura Goldberg, Houston Chronicle, Ja= n. 24 Ken Lay resigned Wednesday as chairman and chief executive officer of= Enron at the request of the committee representing the company's creditors= . [IMAGE] PSEG to spend $300 million on clean air compliance By Chris = Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Public Service Enterprise Group Inc= . said on Thursday it had agreed to spend $300 million over 10 years to ins= tall equipment to limit air pollution at its New Jersey coal-fired power pl= ants in a settlement with federal and state regulators. Press Release= City Utilities Of Springfield, MO Enhances Customer Management Flexibi= lity Using SPL WorldGroup Software Morristown, New Jersey - January 24th,= 2002 SPL WorldGroup B.V. (SPL), the leading provider of customer managemen= t solutions to the global energy, water and waste management industries, ha= s successfully implemented SPL's customer management software product at Ci= ty Utilities of Springfield, MO (www.cityutilities.net). City Utilities is = a customer-owned utility that serves approximately 90,000 customers in sout= hwest Missouri with electric power, natural gas and water. California= Crisis Judge Considers Pacific Gas & Electric's Asset Spin-Off Scheme = By Mike Taugher, Contra Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif., Jan. 24 The fa= te of Pacific Gas & Electric Company's vast Sierra land holdings is on the = table as a judge considers the bankrupt utility's request to spin its hydro= power assets to deregulated subsidiaries of its parent company. Calif= . regulators clear SCE debt payment plan SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 23 (Reuters) = Southern California Edison (SCE) said measures approved on Wednesday by the= California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will permit the utility to s= ecure financing needed to pay all of its creditors by the end of the curren= t first quarter. Calif. court orders Enron to save documents SAN FR= ANCISCO, Jan 23 (Reuters) A San Francisco judge on Wednesday ordered bankru= pt Enron Corp. to preserve all paper and electronic documents California of= ficials have subpoenaed in an investigation of possible price gouging durin= g last year's power crisis. Enron delinquent in paying Calif. tax bil= l SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan 24 (Reuters) Bankrupt energy giant Enron Corp.,= under intense fire from federal regulators and a host of congressional com= mittees looking into the firm's demise, may soon also have the California t= axman hot on its trail. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT ENERGIZE YOUR CAREER - = The Energy Central Job Center has a new look, new features, premier employ= ers and is updated daily! Visit the energy industry's largest on-line job = center today: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/jobs National= Energy Policy Cheney again refuses to give energy policy details By = Randall Mikkelsen, WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) Vice President Dick Cheney'= s office again refused on Wednesday to turn over details of how the White H= ouse formulated its energy policy -- including bankrupt Enron Corp.'s invol= vement -- despite increased pressure from Congress. Mergers, Acquisiti= ons & Divestitures Securities and Exchange Commission Told to Review Po= wer-Company Merger By Rick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 22 In a de= cision trumpeted by small electric companies as a victory for consumers, a = federal appeals court Friday sent the merger of two large power companies b= ack to the Securities and Exchange Commission for further consideration. = Legislation/Regulation Fired Andersen partner refuses to testify on = Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - A fired partner of auditor Andersen = on Thursday refused to testify to Congress on the destruction of evidence i= n the collapse of energy giant Enron, prompting lawmakers to say he was fru= strating their probe. Text of Enron Auditor's Testimony By The Asso= ciated Press, Jan 24, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The discussion Thursd= ay between fired Enron auditor David Duncan and Rep. Jim Greenwood, R-Pa., = chairman of a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee investigating the Enro= n collapse: Flurry of Enron Hearings to Begin; Scrutiny May Lead to C= hanges in Laws By Christopher Lee, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 24 When = Enron went down, a great many public policy issues came up. Democrats= May Also Feel Sting from Enron's Lobbying, Campaign Contributions By Rob= ert Schlesinger, The Boston Globe, Jan. 24 With congressional hearings on t= he Enron Corporation's collapse scheduled to resume today, Democrats face a= touchy political question of how much -- if at all -- they can profit from= the scandal politically. Former SEC Chairman Tried to Change Auditin= g Rules By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 Long before the Enro= n implosion made clear what happens when giant corporations get too cozy wi= th the accountants policing their books, former Securities and Exchange Com= mission Chairman Arthur Levitt tried to change the rules to make auditors m= ore independent. White House: Lay resignation will not deter probe = WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) The resignation of Enron Corp chairman Kenneth= Lay will not deter the administration from seeking answers to the energy t= rading firm's spectacular collapse, a White House spokesman said on Thursda= y. Committees investigating Enron By United Press International, Ja= n 24, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Here is a list of Con= gressional committees investigating Enron: Congress should study deri= vatives trading regulation after Enron - Lieberman WASHINGTON, Jan 24, 20= 02 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Senator Joe Lieberman said that Congress needs= to restore investor confidence and protect retirement security, in the wak= e of Enron Corp's collapse, and should also assess whether to regulate ener= gy derivatives trading and deregulate energy markets. Auditor Decides= Not to Testify in Enron Hearing Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 24= The auditor fired for shredding Enron documents in the midst of a governme= nt investigation has declined to testify before lawmakers when a series of = hearings opens Thursday on Capitol Hill. Congress begins marathon ser= ies of Enron hearings WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) A pair of congressiona= l hearings into the failure of Enron Corp. will focus on Thursday on the ro= le of the collapsed energy giant's auditor, Andersen, and whether regulator= s could have prevented the crisis. General Facing Suit, Georgia Po= wer Finds More Hangman's Nooses at Plant By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta= Journal-Constitution, Jan. 24 Eighteen months after facing accusations tha= t it failed to correct racially hostile workplace conditions, Georgia Power= Co. said Wednesday that seven more hangman's nooses have been discovered a= t one of its power plants. Al Sharpton Comes to Houston, Urges Aid fo= r Enron Investors By S.K. Bardwell, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 The govern= ment failed to protect investors from the downfall of Enron and therefore s= hould find money to help those who lost their savings in the corporation's = collapse, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Wednesday. Wisconsin Agency Says = Top Regulator Won't Visit German Power Plants By Lee Hawkins Jr., Milwauk= ee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 24 The state Public Service Commission said Wedne= sday that its top regulator has decided not to travel to Germany with a del= egation of utility executives to visit power plants there. Nader: Enr= on Collapse Could Cause Sell-Off of Portland, Ore., Utility By Gail Kinse= y Hill, The Oregonian, Portland, Ore., Jan. 23 Consumer advocate Ralph Nade= r on Tuesday warned Oregonians that the Enron bankruptcy could force the pi= ece-by-piece sell-off of Portland General Electric hydropower plants and tr= ansmission lines, with dire consequences for the utility's 730,000 ratepaye= rs. Pinellas County, Fla., Residents Rip Florida Power at Meeting T= ampa Tribune, Fla., Jan. 24 Dennis Buthmann is tired of blackouts. En= ron scandal gives rise to new verb WASHINGTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) First Enr= on was a company. Then it was a scandal. Now it is a transitive verb. = CHRONOLOGY - Rise and fall of energy giant Enron NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reute= rs) Following are key dates in the history of energy trading giant Enron Co= rp.: Developments Related to Enron Case By The Associated Press, Ja= n 24, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- David Duncan, a fired Arthur Andersen= LLP auditor, cited his Fifth Amendment rights, declining to testify to Con= gress about anything he knows or anything he did in the destruction of docu= ments relevant to the collapse of Enron.(p) Denver Charter School Gi= ves $4,500 Donation to Enron Pension Fund By Trent Seibert, The Denver Po= st, Jan. 23 It's a $4,500 donation nobody wants. Sacramento, Calif., = Plans to Build on Riverfront's Past By Tony Bizjak, The Sacramento Bee, C= alif., Jan. 23 For a half-century, the imposing PG?power plant overlooking = the Sacramento River downtown has stood empty -- while scheme after grandio= se scheme for its reuse came and went. Trading/Marketing Two Congr= essional Panels Extend Enron Scrutiny to Energy-Trading Allegations By Ji= m Landers, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 24 Two congressional committees ar= e investigating allegations that Enron Corp. manipulated energy trading mar= kets to profit from insider information. APX Exceeds 500 Million Mega= watt Hours in 2001 Power Transaction Processing SANTA CLARA, Calif. (Jan.= 24, 2002) (News Release) APX, a provider of transaction processing service= s for the electric power industry, today announced that it processed a tota= l of more than 500 million megawatt hours in wholesale electric power trans= actions in 2001. Power Pricing/Supply West Power Expecting Modest = Boost from Cooler Weather Jan. 24 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Power prices= in the Western U.S. moved slightly higher today on the heels of weather fo= recasts indicating that a cold front should settle into the region by next = week. Special Offer from this Publisher! Steady as She Goes in Power= Markets Jan. 23 (Special to Western Price Survey Contacts) There was lit= tle movement in power prices this week and little to report that differed f= rom last week. Special Offer from this Publisher! Duncan Demands Imm= unity Jan. 23 (Energy Market Report) Day-ahead peak power prices in the W= estern U.S. were mostly steady for Thursday delivery amid weather forecasts= calling for a slight increase in temperatures and an abundance of Northwes= t hydropower. Special Offer from this Publisher! Power Projects P= roposed Buttonwillow, Calif.-Area Power Plant Raises Environmental Concerns= By Erin Waldner, The Bakersfield Californian, Jan. 22 A proposal to buil= d a 49.5-megawatt electrical power plant near Buttonwillow has raised some = concerns about possible environmental impacts. Calpine Puts Two Walnu= t Creek, Calif.-Area Power-Plant Projects on Hold By Melissa Moy, Contra = Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif., Jan. 24 Construction of two proposed Eas= t Bay power plants might be delayed as their builder grapples with a depres= sed energy market. Evansville, Ky., Public Health Advocate Opposes Pe= rmit for Coal Power Plant By David Blackburn, Messenger-Inquirer, Owensbo= ro, Ky., Jan. 23 An Evansville public health advocate said Tuesday he oppos= es a coal-fired power plant in Central City because politics instead of sci= entific studies led Kentucky officials to tentatively approve the project's= air permit. Lawmaker Opposed to Fort Mill, S.C., Power Plant May Mak= e Compromise By Gene Crider, The Herald, Rock Hill, S.C., Jan. 23 The spo= nsor of a resolution that would halt the construction of new merchant power= plants in South Carolina says he's willing to consider a compromise to all= ow a $400 million plant in Fort Mill to be built. Legal PG?bankrup= tcy case gets critical hearing Friday By Leonard Anderson, SAN FRANCISCO,= Jan 24 (Reuters) Pacific Gas & Electric Co.'s restructuring plan, at the h= eart of the biggest U.S. utility bankruptcy ever, will be weighed at a cour= t hearing Friday to determine whether the energy giant can split itself int= o four companies. Texas Justice's Enron Money Draws Criticism By Mi= chelle Mittelstadt, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 23 An Enron scandal that = has proved nettlesome to the executive and legislative branches now is spil= ling over to the judiciary, with word that a prospect for a prestigious fed= eral appellate court seat received Enron campaign contributions and later a= uthored a Texas Supreme Court opinion favorable to the bankrupt energy trad= er. Texas Attorney General's Opinion in Utility Disclosure Case Favor= ed Enron By Wayne Slater, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 24 Attorney Gener= al John Cornyn sided with Enron in September in a utility case in which the= company sought to keep financial information secret as it competed for bus= iness in the deregulated utility market. Enron Documents Cause Attorn= eys to Pull Out of Agreement By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 = An agreement fell apart Wednesday between attorneys representing Enron shar= eholders on how to protect financial documents held by the company's former= auditor, Arthur Andersen. Suit Seeks to Apply Federal Racketeering L= aws to Enron By Elizabeth Allen, San Antonio Express-News, Jan. 24 Former= Enron employees hope to use federal racketeering laws to recoup some of th= e $1.3 billion they lost in retirement money when the Houston-based energy = trading company collapsed. Lawyers see settlement of massive Andersen= suits NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Andersen, which handled Enron Corp.'s= audits, will have to pay what could be hundreds of millions of dollars to = settle massive civil litigation if it hopes to survive the scandal over the= energy trader's collapse, legal experts say. FEATURE-Pension funds s= eek key role in Enron actions By Martha Slud, NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) = Public retirement funds, burned by huge losses on Enron Corp., are pressing= to play a lead role in the shareholder lawsuits against the company -- and= are hoping the fallout over Enron's downfall will help spur corporate gove= rnance reforms at other U.S. companies. Judge grants early Andersen d= epositions in Enron suit By C. Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) A f= ederal judge on Thursday ordered six key Andersen employees to give early d= epositions about the shredding of Enron-related documents, handing an initi= al victory to shareholders suing the auditor and the failed energy giant's = top insiders. Renewables Shell adds Texas wind farm to U.S. power = portfolio HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Shell WindEnergy Inc., seeking to boo= st its wind power portfolio, said Thursday it acquired an 80 megawatt wind = power facility on the north Texas plains from Cielo Wind Power LLC. C= onstruction begins on controversial Ugandan dam By HENRY WASSWA Associate= d Press Writer, KIKUBAMUTWE, Uganda, Jan 24, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTE= X) -- After eight years of opposition, construction began Thursday on a dam= project that will be the largest single investment by an American company = in sub-Saharan Africa. China to Build 8 Power Stations on Lancang Riv= er CHINA, Jan 24, 2002 (AsiaPort via COMTEX) -- China will build eight h= ydroelectric power stations at the middle and lower reaches of the Lancang = River in southwest China, the fifth longest in the country. Plants = Surry, Va.-Area Officials to Go to Florida to Tour Power Plant By Jessie= Halladay, Daily Press, Newport News, Va., Jan. 23 Eight county officials w= ill travel to Florida on Thursday to visit a natural-gas-fired power plant = similar to one that Calpine Corp. wants to build on Hog Island. People= Energy Secretary Names Bonneville Head WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 /PRNewswi= re/ Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham announced today the appo= intment of Steve Wright as administrator of the Bonneville Power Administra= tion (BPA). Texas Senator Defends Wife's Actions on Enron By Jim La= nders, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 23 Texas Sen. Phil Gramm on Tuesday de= fended his wife's actions on Enron Corp.'s board of directors and said the = couple lost more than $600,000 in the energy company's bankruptcy. Co= lorado Senators to Give Up Campaign Money from Enron, Andersen By Mike So= raghan, The Denver Post, Jan. 23 U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard reversed himself Tu= esday and decided to give up thousands of dollars in political contribution= s from Enron and Andersen LLP. Pennsylvania Senate Panel Supports Pub= lic Utility Commission Nominee By David DeKok, The Patriot-News, Harrisbu= rg, Pa., Jan. 24 A state Senate committee Wednesday unanimously recommended= Kim Pizzingrilli for a seat on the state Public Utility Commission. = Newsmaker-Enron's Lay scorned, lauded for vision By Andrew Kelly, HOUSTON= , Jan 23 (Reuters) Ken Lay, who resigned as chairman and chief executive of= ficer of bankrupt Enron Corp. on Wednesday, was once lauded as a visionary = of the energy business but more recently vilified as a callous profiteer. = A look at the life of former Enron Chairman Kenneth L. Lay By PAM EA= STON Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Jan 24, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COM= TEX) -- A pillow former Enron chief executive Kenneth L. Lay once had in hi= s upscale Houston home read: "Happiness is a positive cash flow." Sha= rpton offers Bush mother-in-law help on Enron HOUSTON, Jan 23 (Reuters) C= ivil rights activist Al Sharpton offered on Wednesday to help President Geo= rge W. Bush's mother-in-law recoup her lost Enron Corp. stock investment as= part of his campaign to get government help for victims of the company's f= inancial collapse. Jesse Jackson to meet, pray with Enron's Lay HOU= STON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson and former = Enron Corp. chief executive Ken Lay were set to talk on Thursday night in a= meeting at Enron headquarters that was likely to include a prayer session,= a Jackson spokesman said. Labor/Human Resources Enron's Once-Prou= d Workers Left Feeling Betrayed By Bob Dart, The Atlanta Journal-Constitu= tion, Jan. 24 Enron left a voice mail message for Mark Lindquist to let him= know that he had been laid off. Officials Look Into Time When Enron = Blocked Stock Sales By David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 The La= bor Department's probe into the Enron debacle has focused on a period when = participants in the company's 401(k) retirement plan were barred from selli= ng their Enron stock, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao said Wednesday. Fuel= South Carolina Governor Takes Wait-and-See Stance on Plutonium Plant P= lan The State, Columbia, S.C., Jan. 24 U.S. Department of Energy official= s will meet with Gov. Jim Hodges today to discuss shipping 34 metric tons o= f plutonium to South Carolina for processing a proposal that has yet to rec= eive the governor's blessing. Foes Speak Out against Tax Exemption fo= r Kentucky Uranium Plant By Bill Bartleman, The Paducah Sun, Ky., Jan. 24= A bill to exempt enriched uranium produced at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusio= n Plant from the state sales tax met with opposition Tuesday, but supporter= s don't think the measure is dead. Environmental Overseas, U.S. Fi= rms Warm Up to Emissions Protocol By Carter Dougherty, The Washington Tim= es, Jan. 24 Major U.S. companies see potential opportunities and pitfalls i= n the Kyoto Protocol even though the Bush administration vowed not to follo= w the global-warming agreement last year. Whitman Meets With Attorney= s General By JOHN HEILPRIN Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 23, 2= 002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Attorneys general from seven East Coast state= s met Wednesday with Environmental Protection Agency chief Christie Whitman= to argue against easing cleaner air rules adopted by President Clinton. = Nuclear Regulators Ponder Penalty for Improper Waste Handling at Tex= as Nuclear Plant By Neil Strassman, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan.= 24 TXU Energy should not be penalized for the improper handling of low-lev= el radioactive waste at its Comanche Peak nuclear power plant, company offi= cials told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Wednesday. Barney Rub= blized: GAO Questions New Nuke Owners' Long-Term Viability Jan. 24 (Calif= ornia Energy Markets) The time span between the late Stone Age and 2002 is = just about the same as that between now and when high-level radioactive was= te should dissipate thoroughly. Special Offer from this Publisher! = Austria Holds Off on Early Elections By WILLIAM J. KOLE Associated Press = Writer, VIENNA, Austria, Jan 24, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Austria's f= ar-right Freedom Party withdrew its call for early elections Thursday, easi= ng a government crisis triggered by a dispute over the party's threat to bl= ock EU membership for the Czech Republic. Financial Ex-Enron emplo= yee says unit hid losses of $500 mln By Andrew Kelly, HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Re= uters) Bankrupt Enron Corp. hid losses of $500 million at its energy manage= ment unit, Enron Energy Services (EES), creating an illusion of profitabili= ty by transferring the losses to other parts of the company, according to a= llegations by a former employee. Derivatives at root of Enron collaps= e, expert says By Andrew Clark, WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) Enron Corp.'= s extensive use of derivatives, not just its accounting practices, lie at t= he root of the fallen energy giant's slide into the largest bankruptcy in U= .S. history, an expert in the complex financial instruments told Congress o= n Thursday. California Employees' Retirement System Played Unwitting = Role in Enron Debacle By Dale Kasler, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Jan. 24= It was a simple and straightforward arrangement for CalPERS, and a profita= ble one, too. EnBW declines comment on report chairman to make propos= al to postpone IPO KARLSRUHE, Germany, Jan 24, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTE= X) -- Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG declined to comment on a report that c= hairman Gerhard Goll will today propose to the supervisory board a postpone= ment of the utility's listing on the stock market, originally planned for M= ay this year. What Accounting Changes Should the Energy Industry Expe= ct from the SEC? By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 24 (Scientech) Respon= ding to growing pressure over Enron's collapse, the head of the Securities = and Exchange Commission (SEC) has proposed to have a group of outside exper= ts discipline accountants rather than relying on the industry to police its= elf. Special Offer from this Publisher! Enron's Collapse Has Tiny Ef= fect on South Carolina Pension Fund By R. Kevin Dietrich, The State, Colu= mbia, S.C., Jan. 23 The S.C. Retirement Systems lost millions of dollars la= te last year because of an investment in troubled Enron Corp. Enron D= ebacle Is a Wake-Up Call to 401(k) Investors By Kelby Hartson Carr, The F= ree Lance-Star, Fredericksburg, Va., Jan. 24 The highly-publicized Enron fi= asco is a wake-up call for people who invest in employer retirement plans. = Progress Energy files $2 bln shelf of debt, equity WASHINGTON, Jan = 23 (Reuters) Progress Energy Inc. on Wednesday filed with U.S. regulators t= o sell over time up to $2 billion worth of senior debt securities, common a= nd preferred stock and stock purchase contracts and units. Pitt oppos= es new body under accounting industry By John Poirier, WASHINGTON, Jan 23= (Reuters) U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt con= tinued on Wednesday to promote revamping oversight of the accounting profes= sion, saying he opposes a structure placing a new oversight body under the = control of the industry. FEATURE-Under the gun, earnings reports come= clean By Deepa Babington, NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) Now here's somethin= g investors will be pleasantly surprised to see popping up in corporate ear= nings press releases: Easier-to-understand financial reports. Financia= l - Ratings Power company dealmakers face changes after Enron By Arin= dam Nag, NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) The demise of Enron Corp. is forcing ac= quisitive U.S. power companies to adopt new tactics including appeasing cre= dit rating agencies in order to retain investor interest. Financial - = Results Dynegy Reports Net Income of $77 Million for Fourth Quarter B= y Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 24 Dynegy said Wednesday its fourt= h-quarter earnings were whittled down by special charges mostly related to = its exposure to Enron and an aborted merger with it, but the full year was = a record-breaker. Florida Power's Parent Ends Year with Loss By Ste= ve Huettel, St. Petersburg Times, Fla., Jan. 24 The parent of Florida Power= Corp. on Wednesday reported a $90.5-million loss for the final quarter of = last year after it discounted the value of two technology investments. = Southern Co. fourth-quarter earnings rise ATLANTA, Jan 24 (Reuters) Pow= er producer and distributor Southern Co. said Thursday its fourth-quarter p= rofits rose as customer growth and cost controls offset the effects of unse= asonably mild weather and a weak economy. Dominion earnings rise, exc= luding unusual items RICHMOND, Va., Jan 24 (Reuters) Utility holding comp= any Dominion Resources Inc. said Thursday fourth-quarter profits rose due t= o strength in its power generation and gas pipeline business. MDU Res= ources earnings fall as revenue drops BISMARCK, N.D., Jan 24 (Reuters) MD= U Resources Group Inc., a power and gas utility with oil and gas production= , on Thursday said earnings fell in the fourth quarter as revenues declined= . Sempra fourth quarter profits rise LOS ANGELES, Jan 24 (Reuters) = - Sempra Energy said on Thursday fourth-quarter profits rose 11 percent des= pite flat earnings from its Californian utilities and a sharp drop in repor= ted results from its key energy trading business. Raleigh, N.C.-Based= Utility Reports Strong Fourth-Quarter Earnings By Dudley Price, The News= & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 24 Progress Energy, the parent corporation= of CP&L, overcame mild weather and a slowing economy that reduced industri= al demand for gas and electricity to report strong fourth-quarter earnings.= International Norway to offer help to N.Korea on power shortage = SEOUL, Jan 24 (Reuters) Norway will offer support to North Korea with expe= rtise in hydro power for the energy-short country, Prime Minister Kjell Mag= ne Bondevik said on Thursday. Enron business model in Europe still va= lid-analysts LONDON, Jan 24 (Reuters) The collapse of U.S. energy group E= nron is unlikely to stop other utilities in Europe adopting a similar busin= ess model to that of the Houston-based giant, an analyst's report said on T= hursday. Enron collapse casts doubt on American model for deregulatin= g energy in Asia By REGAN MORRIS Associated Press Writer, SINGAPORE, Jan = 23, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Cronyism, cooking the books, nepoti= sm - when it comes to corrupt business practices, Asia is infamous. C= hechnya got 900 million kilowatts gratis in 2001 By Vadim Manenkov, GROZN= Y, Jan 24, 2002 (Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- Chechnya's enterprises and homes= got 198 million roubles worth of electric power in 2000, and 270 million r= oubles worth in the year 2001 free of charge, according to Nurdin Usamov, d= eputy head of a RAO UES department. Enel, gencos to be sold off by th= e end of 2002 Jan 24, 2002, (La Stampa /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Fr= anco Tato, managing director of Italian electricity group Enel, has said th= at Enel's market share dropped below 50 per cent in 2001 and will drop even= further following the disposal of its power generation companies (gencos),= the sale of which will be completed by the end of 2002. Five French = companies face peculiar privatisation problems Jan 24, 2002, (Le Monde /F= T Information via COMTEX) -- The proposed privatisation - either partial o= r total - of five of France's public-service providers presents five differ= ent challenges, say observers. Brazil govt to ease energy rationing f= urther in Feb BRASILIA, Jan 24, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- The govern= ment will further ease energy rationing at the beginning of February, with = all classes of consumers being allowed to increase usage by 7.5 pct, offici= al news agency Agencia Brasil reported. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Cen= tral ? 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 25, 2002 DOE wisely picked Steve Wright C= EO . . . looking at Enron John Rowe: We should have looked harder at = public numbers Durbin checks out Enron carrion Maryland regulator= defends competition Tauzin probes Enron minus key documents Nati= onal do-not-call plan weighed at FTC Wood sees rising agreement on LMP= More hearings set on grandfathering, market monitoring Restructuring = Digest Lay quits as Enron CEO 4 stories in 1 minute: Power= ed By US Publishing ? 2002 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RER'S EMETRIX LOAD FORECAST: CAL ISO= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL = ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 2002 RER. All Rights Res= erved. 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