Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Professional Dispatch - 1/28/02
Date:Sun, 27 Jan 2002 14:37:29 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Monday, January 28, 2002 Home - Email Prefe=
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POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's edito=
rs have selected these as the top stories of the day: As Heat Increases,=
White House Will Examine Contracts with Enron, Andersen By Bennett Roth, =
Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 Attorneys in Nevada Utility's Rate Case Take Dep=
ositions from Executives By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan=
. 25 Calif. rejects $219 mln Sempra power settlement SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 25=
(Reuters) FERC audit shows flaws in Calif power grid operator By Chris Ba=
ltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER =
NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been mo=
st requested by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. Ex-Enron E=
xecs Launch Own Firm By BILL BERGSTROM AP Business Writer, PHILADELPHI=
A, Jan 14, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Power Produ=
ction Scorecard: Who Is Building New Power Plants, And Where? What Fuel Sou=
rces Will Be Used? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 16 (Scientech) C=
ourt overturns approval of AEP, Central SW merger By Julie Vorman, WASH=
INGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) Virginia Prepares for Deregulation of Electricity=
Market By Greg Edwards, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Va., Jan. 12 Report =
Lists Snags in Texas Electric Deregulation By R.A. Dyer, Fort Worth Sta=
r-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 11 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP ST=
ORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected the=
se as the top stories of the day: Alberta Energy, PanCanadian in merger =
talks CALGARY, Alberta, Jan 25 (Reuters) - CFTC approves Merchants Exchang=
e energy futures WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Kansas Utilities Seek to R=
ecoup Losses from Unpaid Bills By Scott Rothschild, Journal-World, Lawrenc=
e, Kan., Jan. 25 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Distributed Generation =
Daily Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power Ne=
ws Restructuring Today Utility Spotlight RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: C=
AL ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories Electric Power News - Most Reque=
sted Gas Industry News - Top Stories Selected Content Not In Thi=
s Issue Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IM=
E] [IMAGE] Selected 95 of 95 Articles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT T=
O YOU BY Why are Microsoft, IBM, HP, Oracle and Sun so focused on incor=
porating "Web services" into their products? Here's what one energy execut=
ive says: "We've been benefiting from Excelergy's Web-based XML services =
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t how Excelergy's products can automate your billing, trading and other vi=
tal processes - saving your business time and money? Contact jay.obrien@ex=
celergy.com or 781-372-5003. http://www.excelergy.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
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usively by Itron, combines the power of the Internet and the speed of wire=
less communications to take field operations to the next level. Service-Li=
nk is a low-cost, fully integrated application to manage virtually all fie=
ld service tasks - service turn ons/turn offs, gas leak detection, credit =
and collections, meter services and emergency calls - quickly and efficien=
tly, while eliminating the labor-intensive manual processing of work order=
s. To know more, start here: http://www.itron.com . Top Stories =
FERC audit shows flaws in Calif power grid operator By Chris Baltimore, W=
ASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) An independent audit of California's electricit=
y grid operator unveiled on Friday by federal regulators revealed numerous =
flaws in its governance which worsened the state's power crisis and will re=
quire a massive overhaul. [IMAGE] Calif. rejects $219 mln Sempra power s=
ettlement SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 25 (Reuters) California energy regulators ha=
ve rejected a settlement proposed by Sempra Energy that seeks to split prof=
its from power sales between customers of its utility, San Diego Gas and El=
ectric Co., and the company's shareholders. [IMAGE] As Heat Increases, W=
hite House Will Examine Contracts with Enron, Andersen By Bennett Roth, H=
ouston Chronicle, Jan. 26 As pressure mounted on the Bush administration to=
reveal more of its links to the beleaguered Enron Corp., the White House s=
aid Friday that it will examine $70 million in federal contracts with the e=
nergy company and its former accountant, Arthur Andersen. [IMAGE] Attorn=
eys in Nevada Utility's Rate Case Take Depositions from Executives By Joh=
n G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 25 While state regulators give=
Nevada Power consumers an opportunity to vent their anger in public meetin=
gs, attorneys are privately taking testimony from utility executives in pre=
paration for hearings on the utility's $922 million rate case. Califo=
rnia Crisis California Power Exchange Argues for Independence from Cred=
itors Jan. 27 (California Energy Markets) The California Power Exchange's=
Chapter 11 bankruptcy case has maintained an exceptionally low profile, la=
rgely because there is little to fight over except passthrough debts. Speci=
al Offer from this Publisher! Ratepayers Will Dig Deeper to Pay Edis=
on Debt Jan. 27 (California Energy Markets) Despite strong opposition fro=
m its consumer advocacy division, the California Public Utilities Commissio=
n on January 23 unanimously approved a resolution on an advice letter by So=
uthern California Edison to implement its settlement agreement with the com=
mission to pay down the utility's estimated $3.57 billion debt [E-3765]. S=
pecial Offer from this Publisher! National Energy Policy GAO bran=
dishes lawsuit in energy task force probe WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - =
Congress' top investigator said on Friday he will decide late next week whe=
ther to take the Bush administration to court -- in a potentially historic =
legal fight -- for withholding details about how it developed its controver=
sial energy policy. W.House changed draft plan to help Enron-lawmaker=
WASHINGTON, Jan 26 (Reuters) The White House apparently changed a draft =
energy proposal circulated by the State Department last year to add a provi=
sion aimed at helping energy-trader Enron Corp. in India, a Democratic lawm=
aker says. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Gain exposure to thousands of energy=
professionals with your company's white papers today. Energy Central, the=
industry's most comprehensive on-line information resource is gathering w=
hite papers for inclusion the newest section of its Research Report Center=
. Don't be left out - to learn how to submit your white papers, e-mail mjo=
hnson@energycentral.com. http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research / =
Competition & Deregulation Deregulation Allows Virginia Consumers=
to Shop for Electricity Rates By Michael Davis, The Virginian-Pilot, Nor=
folk, Va., Jan. 25 What is deregulation? Florida Utility Chief Zaps E=
nron Deregulation Push South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Jan. 25 Enron Corp. ma=
y be down and out but that didn't stop a senior FPL Group Inc. official fro=
m taking a dig at the company at a luncheon Thursday. Mergers, Acquisi=
tions & Divestitures Coastal Pays US$11.3mn for Geosa Nicaragua, Jan =
25, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- US-based power company Coastal acq=
uired Thursday (Jan.24) the Nicaraguan generator Geosa for US$11.3mn, the o=
nly state electricity company sold during the fourth attempt by state compa=
ny Enel. AEP officials downplay court ruling Jan 24 - Tulsa World A=
merican Electric Power completed its acquisition of Central South West Powe=
r Corp. 19 months ago, becoming one of the largest electric companies in th=
e nation. Pennsylvania Energy Giant PPL Buys Two Latham, N.Y., Firms =
By Kenneth Aaron, Times Union, Albany, N.Y., Jan. 24 An energy giant look=
ing to expand its offerings has bought a pair of Latham contracting firms. =
Legislation/Regulation Arthur Andersen Draws Fire from Lawmakers f=
or Delay before Halt of Shredding By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan.=
25 Lawmakers on Thursday ferociously criticized Arthur Andersen for waitin=
g weeks after a federal investigation was under way before halting in-house=
destruction of Enron Corp. documents. US lawmakers seek loan data fr=
om ex-Enron CEO Lay By Jeremy Pelofsky, WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) U.S.=
House of Representatives lawmakers on Friday asked former Enron Corp. chie=
f Kenneth Lay to provide information on loans he received from the once hig=
h-flying energy firm and on his sales of company stock. White House D=
enies Political Adviser Has Ties to Ralph Reed's Enron Job The Atlanta Jo=
urnal-Constitution, Jan. 26 White House aides Friday denied that Karl Rove,=
the president's top political adviser, secured work for Republican strateg=
ist Ralph Reed at Enron Corp. five years ago so that Reed would support the=
Bush presidential campaign. Congressional Committee Promises Reform =
to Prevent Future Enron Cases Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 25 As=
Enron's outside auditor tried to deflect the blame for shredding documents=
onto a single fired employee, Congress on Thursday began to focus on preve=
nting a repeat of the financial system's failure to protect investors and e=
mployees hurt by the energy giant's collapse. US FERC to hold closed =
meeting to mull investigation WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) The Federal En=
ergy Regulatory Commission said Thursday it will hold a rare, closed-door m=
eeting next week to discuss a several issues, including the "possible initi=
ation of an investigation." Entergy said overcharging for under-deliv=
eries WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) A dozen power generators have asked th=
e Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to stop Entergy Corp. from charging =
unfair rates for energy imbalances resulting from generation under-deliveri=
es. Campaign-Finance Reform Bill Moves Forward as Enron's Fall Revive=
s Issue By Roma Khanna, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 25 Long-sought legislatio=
n to eliminate unregulated campaign contributions moved toward the House fl=
oor Thursday, propelled by the perception that Enron Corp. purchased influe=
nce with massive political donations. Rates Elizabeth City, Va., C=
ity Council May Tackle Higher Power Costs By Jeffrey S. Hampton, The Virg=
inian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va., Jan. 25 The agency that supplies electricity to =
Elizabeth City has raised rates 6 percent this month and expects more incre=
ases over the next several years. General Enron's Fall Puts Spotli=
ght on Responsibilities of Board of Directors By Bill Deener, The Dallas =
Morning News, Jan. 25 The fallout from Enron Corp.'s collapse has taken a m=
ost predictable turn. U.S. Senate Candidate in Texas Defends Actions =
Regarding Enron By Clay Robison, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 25 Enron cast a =
shadow over the U.S. Senate race on Thursday as Republican candidate John C=
ornyn, a major recipient of Enron donations, defended a decision to side wi=
th the company in a regulatory dispute shortly before its collapse. S=
even Enron Executives Made Millions from Stock By Melita Marie Garza, Chi=
cago Tribune, Jan. 24 Seven officers of Enron Corp. unloaded as much as $17=
5 million worth of their company's shares last year in a stock-selling spre=
e that was extraordinary even by the standards of the aggressive energy-tra=
ding industry. Enron's Financial Chill Not Limited to Firm's Former E=
mployees By Flynn McRoberts, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 26 The financial damag=
e from Enron Corp.'s implosion extends far beyond the thousands of Enron em=
ployees who lost their livelihoods. CHRONOLOGY - Rise and fall of ene=
rgy giant Enron NEW YORK, Jan 25 (Reuters) Following are key dates in the=
history of energy trading giant Enron Corp.: With death, Enron is ev=
en greater human tragedy HOUSTON, Jan 26 (Reuters) - The suicide of forme=
r Enron Corp. Vice Chairman J. Clifford Baxter on Friday showed that the un=
folding Enron debacle is taking far more than a financial toll, mental heal=
th experts said. Developments related to the Enron collapse and inves=
tigation By The Associated Press, Jan 25, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX=
) -- Developments related to the Enron collapse and investigation: M=
innesota Power's Electric Appliance Store to Close in Duluth, Minn. By Pe=
ter Passi, Duluth News-Tribune, Minn., Jan. 26 Electric Odyssey, an electri=
c appliance retailer owned by Minnesota Power, will end its journey in a ma=
tter of days. Senate Candidate in Texas Vows Enron Scrutiny By Jack=
Douglas Jr., Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 25 Former Austin Mayor =
Kirk Watson, a candidate for state attorney general, said Thursday that the=
investigation of Enron Corp.'s financial collapse means that "Texas is in =
a tough situation." Houston's Astros Field Inquiries over New Brand f=
or Ballpark By Joseph Duarte, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 25 While the fate o=
f Enron remains in limbo, there is no shortage of takers wanting to put the=
ir name on the Astros' 2-year-old downtown ballpark. Charities Hurt B=
y Enron Collapse Jan 25 - Associated Press One of Enron Corp.'s largest c=
haritable beneficiaries expected a $6 million donation by March, but the Un=
ited Way of the Texas Gulf Coast isn't counting on it. Trading/Marketi=
ng Enron Unit's Motive for Hiding Losses May Be Unlawful By Tom Fowle=
r, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 When Enron's energy-services unit slid its tr=
ading operations under the umbrella of its wholesale marketing arm last spr=
ing, it said the move was all about efficiency. Williams plays Enron'=
s game, but with caution Jan 25 - Tulsa World Amid sky-high energy prices=
last January, Williams Cos. Inc. made an unusual boast for an energy compa=
ny. New Technologies/Markets Cable System Is Link to Plains Townsh=
ip, Pa.-Area High-Tech Development By Jerry Lynott, The Times Leader, Wil=
kes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 24 What the railroads and interstate highways were to =
economic development in the past, high-speed data networks are to the futur=
e, PPL Inc. officials said Wednesday in unveiling their fiber-optic cable s=
ystem. Online Access Planned Through Power Lines By Michael P Bruno=
, GERMANTOWN, MARYLAND, Jan 25, 2002 (Newsbytes via COMTEX) -- A Germantow=
n, Md. start-up that wants to make broadband Internet access as convenient =
as the nearest electrical outlet has landed $10 million in venture capital.=
Power Pricing/Supply Central Power Prices Suffer Under Winter Bre=
ak, Excess Gas Jan. 25 (Btu's Daily Power Report) An influx of gas couple=
d with an abundance of power and unseasonably warm weather that seems more =
appropriate for spring rather than winter continued to depress Central powe=
r today, with remaining fundamentals not providing much support for any sor=
t of uptick. Special Offer from this Publisher! The Return of Enron?=
Jan. 24 (Energy Market Report) While some Western hubs saw spot electric=
ity prices for the Friday/Saturday package that were higher than those seen=
for Thursday power, the bulk of transactions took place at lower levels du=
e to reduced weekend demand. Special Offer from this Publisher! Trans=
mission & Reliability Study Advises BPA Look at Non-Wires Alternatives =
to Transmission Jan. 27 (Clearing Up) There are "potentially lower cost a=
nd reliable alternatives" to expanding the Pacific Northwest transmission s=
ystem, and BPA's transmission business line should incorporate consideratio=
n of these alternatives into its transmission planning process. Special Off=
er from this Publisher! Nstar plans to spend $65M more on fixes Ja=
n 26 - Boston Herald The state's biggest utility plans to spend $65 million=
on one- time projects this year to prevent outages like those that hit Bos=
ton and Brookline during the heat wave and storms of last August, the compa=
ny's head said yesterday. Power Projects Longview, Texas, Power-Pl=
ant Agreement May Derail Plans to Protect Lake By Lee Hancock, The Dallas=
Morning News, Jan. 25 An agreement by city officials to sell water for a n=
ew power plant may derail neighboring Marshall's efforts to tap Caddo Lake =
for the project, but lake advocates say their fight to protect Texas' only =
naturally formed lake is not over. Hamburg To Get Report On Building =
Electric Plant Jan 24 - Buffalo News - Financial Edition The Village of H=
amburg is considering building its own electric plant, local officials have=
confirmed. Legal No ruling yet in PG?bankruptcy case SAN FRANCI=
SCO, Jan 25 (Reuters) - A federal judge presiding over the Pacific Gas and =
Electric Co. bankruptcy case ended a marathon hearing on the company's rest=
ructuring plan Friday with no word on how or when he might decide a critica=
l dispute over federal and California laws. PG?Gets Constitutional La=
w Scholar to Speak On Its Behalf in Court By Rick Jurgens, Contra Costa T=
imes, Walnut Creek, Calif., Jan. 26 PG?Corp. sent a leading constitutional =
law scholar to U.S. Bankruptcy Court Friday to persuade Judge Dennis Montal=
i to preempt state laws that PG?claims would prevent it from paying off $14=
billion in utility debt. Enron Was Top Contributor to Texas Supreme =
Court Hopefuls, Analysis Finds By Max B. Baker, Fort Worth Star-Telegram,=
Texas, Jan. 24 Texas Supreme Court judges received more campaign money fro=
m Enron executives and the company's political action committee than from a=
ny other corporate contributors, an analysis shows. Judge Approves De=
positions on Enron Document Shredding By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicle,=
Jan. 25 A federal judge has approved an order allowing attorneys for Enron=
stockholders to take depositions from one former and five current employee=
s of the company's auditing firm concerning document destruction. Cit=
y Light Goes To Court To Collect $900,000 Owed By Enron Jan 26 - Seattle =
Post - Intelligencer Seattle City Light ratepayers are among those left hol=
ding the bag because of Enron's bankruptcy. Renewables Cinergy To =
Unload Wind Portfolio Jan. 27 (Power Finance & Risk) Cincinnati-based Cin=
ergy has put its 200 MW wind-farm portfolio--valued at approximately $200 m=
illion--on the block and has retained J.P. Morgan to shop the assets. Speci=
al Offer from this Publisher! Nevada Stake Great in Energy Debate =
By Christine Dorsey, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 24 Democrats and Republ=
icans alike are tossing around the buzzword "renewable" to frame the energy=
debate expected to take place in the Senate as early as February. Ene=
rgy Efficiency/Conservation Champaign, Ill., Students Learn to Audit Bu=
sinesses for Energy Savings By Debra Pressey, The News-Gazette, Champaign=
-Urbana, Ill., Jan. 24 What can a handful of downtown Champaign businesses =
do to save money on energy costs? People Dozens of Depositions, Su=
bpoenas Await Former Enron Chairman By Mary Flood, Houston Chronicle, Jan=
. 25 Ken Lay's day job is likely now to be a professional defendant and wit=
ness. Enron May Get New Boss Soon as Candidate Talks with Directors, =
Creditors By David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 25 A candidate tapp=
ed by Enron's board of directors and largest creditors to assume the compan=
y's helm will meet with Enron managers as early as today. Former Enro=
n executive's death ruled a suicide HOUSTON, Jan 26 (Reuters) The death o=
f former Enron Corp. Vice Chairman J. Clifford Baxter, who died of a gunsho=
t wound to the head, has been ruled a suicide, the Harris County Medical Ex=
aminer's Office said on Saturday. Visibility of Enron's Lay Fades in =
Recent Weeks By Miles Moffeit, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 25 K=
en Lay officially resigned as chairman and chief executive from Enron Corp.=
on Wednesday, but many colleagues and friends wonder if he didn't unoffici=
ally leave the building on Smith Street weeks ago. Enron restructurin=
g czar post may be hard to fill By Dane Hamilton, NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reute=
rs) Looking for the ultimate corporate challenge? Enron Corp. might just ha=
ve the job for you. Congress should call Army chief about Enron-group=
WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - A consumer watchdog group said on Friday =
that Congress should call Army Secretary Thomas White to testify in the col=
lapse of energy giant Enron, since he was formerly a high-ranking Enron exe=
cutive. Enron Chief's Departure Creates Huge Civic Void in Houston =
By Rachel Graves, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 25 Ken Lay was an icon in Houston=
, a political and philanthropic force mentioned for years as a potential ma=
yoral candidate. Wichita, Kan., Celebrates Career of African-American=
Utility President By Dion Lefler, The Wichita Eagle, Kan., Jan. 25 About=
80 residents turned out Thursday for a reception at the Kansas African Ame=
rican Museum to celebrate the career of Ron Holt, who retired earlier this =
month as president of KGE. Enron's Lay cancels meeting with Jesse Jac=
kson HOUSTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Former Enron Corp. chief executive Ken L=
ay on Thursday canceled a meeting with civil rights activist Jesse Jackson,=
who went to the company's headquarters anyway and called for laid off Enro=
n workers to be reimbursed from money pocketed by company executives. =
Labor/Human Resources Resignation of Enron CEO Prompts Mixed Reactions =
from Former Workers By Mary Vuong, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 25 Overdue. Ap=
propriate. Best for the company. Jesse Jackson Announces Bus Trip to =
Washington D.C., with Former Enron Workers By Bill Murphy, Houston Chroni=
cle, Jan. 26 The Rev. Jesse Jackson announced Friday that laid-off Enron em=
ployees and their supporters are planning a bus caravan from Houston to Was=
hington, D.C., next week to protest the federal government's failure to pro=
vide relief to them. Akron, Ohio-Based FirstEnergy Corp. Plans Layoff=
Announcement By Karen L. Miller, Reading Eagle, Pa., Jan. 25 The Ohio en=
ergy company that owns GPU Inc. said Thursday that it plans to announce loc=
al layoffs next week. More Layoffs at Invensys Power Systems in Ralei=
gh, N.C., Bring Job Cuts to 600 By Dan Egbert, The News & Observer, Ralei=
gh, N.C., Jan. 25 Invensys Power Systems has laid off, transferred and outs=
ourced a third of the employees from its local operations, or about 600 wor=
kers, over the past nine months, including the layoff of 70 employees last =
week. Environmental New Jersey Utility to Install Pollution-Contro=
l Measures at Plants, Pay Fine By Jerry Seper, The Washington Times, Jan.=
25 The Justice Department yesterday announced a settlement involving a New=
Jersey company under which the firm will spend $337 million to install pol=
lution-control measures at two coal-fired power plants in the state. N=
uclear Las Vegas sues to halt nuclear dump WASHINGTON, Jan 25, 2002 (=
United Press International via COMTEX) -- Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman on=
Thursday filed a lawsuit to stop Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham from rec=
ommending that the nation's nuclear waste be buried in southern Nevada. =
Director of disputed Czech nuclear plant says Austrians need not worry =
PRAGUE, Czech Republic, Jan 25, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Austr=
ian media and politicians have falsely persuaded Austrians that the dispute=
d Czech Temelin nuclear plant is dangerous, the plant's director said in an=
article published Friday. Bulgarian president calls for more experti=
se on nuclear plant SOFIA, Bulgaria, Jan 27, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COM=
TEX) -- Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov called Sunday for experts to a=
ssess the safety of two nuclear reactors before they are shut down at the i=
nsistence of the European Union. Many uncertainties surround plan for=
storing nuclear waste at Yucca Jan 26 - Associated Press A panel of scie=
ntists says the Energy Department's plan to store nuclear waste in Nevada i=
s fraught with uncertainties. Mich. 789-MW Palisades nuke returns to =
full power SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 25 (Reuters) Consumers Energy's 789-megawat=
t Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan has returned to full power, completin=
g a refueling and maintenance outage that began June 2001, plant operator N=
uclear Management Co. said in a statement. Financial E-Mail Reveal=
s Arthur Andersen Auditing Software Raised `Red Alert' at Enron By Julie =
Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 The same day Arthur Andersen hired outsid=
e counsel to handle lawsuits arising from Enron Corp., auditors issued an i=
nternal "red alert" about possible fraud in the energy giant's financial st=
atements. Analyst Says Failure of Accounting System Contributed to En=
ron Collapse By Aldo Svaldi, The Denver Post, Jan. 25 The collapse of Enr=
on Corp. was not only a business failure but a failure of the country's acc=
ounting system, Lynn Turner, director of the Center for Quality Financial R=
eporting at Colorado State University, told U.S. senators Thursday morning.=
Seattle Electric Utility Is Owed $900,000 by Enron By Jim Brunner,=
The Seattle Times, Jan. 25 Add Seattle City Light to the considerable list=
of creditors for Enron, the Houston-based energy giant that has fallen int=
o bankruptcy and scandal in recent months. Former SEC Officials Seek =
Auditing Overhaul after Enron Collapse By Tim Lemke, The Washington Times=
, Jan. 25 Two former Securities and Exchange Commission officials said yest=
erday that Enron's collapse underscores the need for sweeping changes in th=
e current financial system, even though the Houston energy company ran into=
trouble because it failed to follow existing rules. Constellation En=
ergy files $2.3 bln debt offering WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Constell=
ation Energy Group Inc. filed on Friday with the Securities and Exchange Co=
mmission to periodically sell up to $2.3 billion in debt securities. =
American Electric Power unit files for $450 mln shelf WASHINGTON, Jan 25 =
(Reuters) Appalachian Power Company, a unit of American Electric Power Co.,=
filed with U.S. regulators on Friday to sell over time up to $450 million =
worth of unsecured notes. EnBW postpones flotation Jan 25, 2002, (D=
ie Welt /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Energie Baden-Wurttemberg AG (EnBW)=
, Germany's third-largest power company, has decided against a stock market=
flotation for the first half of 2002. As Enron stock tanked, some pr=
ofessional money managers saw a bargain By ADAM GELLER AP Business Writer=
, NEW YORK, Jan 26, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- It wasn't just Enro=
n employees and individual investors who bet heavily - and lost big - on th=
e company's stock last fall. AEP Plots $1B Equity Offering Jan. 27 =
(Power Finance & Risk) American Electric Power is considering issuing up to=
$1 billion in common stock and convertibles to shore up its balance sheet =
and also to ensure an investment-grade rating for its unregulated business =
when it is spun off. Special Offer from this Publisher! In the Pink =
of Things? Enron May Find Advantages in Being Delisted by the NYSE By Wil=
l McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 25 (Scientech) The New York Stock Exchange (NY=
SE) announced last week that it had suspended trading in Enron Corp. and mo=
ved to delist the energy company's shares from the Big Board. Special Offer=
from this Publisher! Enron Collapse Cost Nevada's Pension Plan $22 =
Million By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 24 The collaps=
e of Enron, the energy trading giant, cost Nevada's pension plan $22 millio=
n in investment funds, but that represents less than a percentage point of =
the plan's total $13.3 billion. Enron Collapse Won't Knock Out Large =
Missouri Pension Funds By Leo John, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jan. 25 Larg=
e state-employee and teacher pension funds in Missouri lost more than $33 m=
illion in the collapse of Enron Corp. Financial - Ratings E.ON out=
performs as Morgan Stanley repeats 'strong buy' LONDON, Jan 25, 2002 (AFX=
-Europe via COMTEX) -- Shares in E.ON AG were outperforming in midmorning =
trade after Morgan Stanley repeated its 'strong buy' rating on the stock, c=
iting benefits from its ongoing restructuring, dealers said. Financial=
- Results Atlanta-Based Utility Southern Co. Reports Higher Earnings f=
or Quarter, Year By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, J=
an. 25 Southern Co. reported better-than-expected fourth-quarter earnings T=
hursday, capping a year in which net income rose 12.7 percent despite dampe=
ned electricity demand. Duluth, Minn.-Based Utility Holding Firm Meet=
s Its Goals for 2001 By Peter Passi, Duluth News-Tribune, Minn., Jan. 25 =
Allete Inc. warned analysts three months ago that its earnings probably wou=
ld fall short of management's target for the year. But on Thursday, the Dul=
uth-based company posted results for 2001 that met its goal. Exelon S=
ays It Reported Incorrect Third-Quarter Figures By James P. Miller, Chica=
go Tribune, Jan. 26 Commonwealth Ed parent Exelon Corp. said Friday it had =
overstated its profits for the third quarter by $27 million because of a fl=
awed estimate on the investment performance of a big Exelon trust fund--and=
later overlooked data that made it clear the company had reported incorrec=
t figures. New Mexico-Based Utility PNM Resources Reports 2001 Earnin=
gs By Rosalie Rayburn, Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Jan. 24 Momentum from a=
soaring wholesale power market early last year carried PNM through a decli=
ning fourth quarter to end the year ahead of expectations, the company said=
Wednesday. International Thailand Rating, Information Services Mo=
nitors Ratings of Power Producer Bangkok Post, Thailand, Jan. 25 Thai Rat=
ing and Information Services says it is monitoring ratings of Cogeneration =
Plc (Coco) following the announcement by Tractebel Asia of its investment p=
lans and restructuring. Thailand Sugar Producer to Expand Power Plant=
s By Yuthana Praiwan, Bangkok Post, Thailand, Jan. 26 Mitr Phol Sugar Cor=
p has set aside 2.36 billion baht to invest in power project expansion over=
the next seven years, according to president Issara Vongkusolkit. Hy=
dro-Quebec plans to invest C$11 bln on plants By Patrick White, QUEBEC CI=
TY, Jan 24 (Reuters) Canadian electricity giant Hydro-Quebec said on Thursd=
ay that it plans to invest C$11 billion ($6.9 billion) over the next 10 yea=
rs on new power plants. Enron Australia administrators propose liquid=
ation MELBOURNE, Jan 25 (Reuters) Enron Australia's administrators said o=
n Friday they would recommend to a creditors' meeting on Tuesday that the c=
ompany be placed in liquidation as disagreement continued over the value of=
outstanding contracts. El Nino, rebels may force Colombia to ration =
power BOGOTA, Colombia, Jan 25 (Reuters) Colombia could face electricity =
rationing over the next three years, due to guerrilla attacks and the feare=
d onset of the El Nino weather phenomenon which saps hydroelectric dams of =
water supplies, the local generators' association said on Friday. Int=
erest from Spanish, U.S. firms could delay sale of utility Quito, Jan 25,=
2002 (EFE via COMTEX) -- The recent interest shown by Spain's Iberdrola a=
nd the U.S. firm Sempra Energy in purchasing Ecuador's electrical utility c=
ould extend the timeframe for bidding. Enron Linked to Fox's Electric=
Reform Mexico, Jan 25, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- A highly-pla=
ced executive of the Mexican subsidiary of US company Enron was linked to t=
he project to reform Mexico's electricity sector to allow private participa=
tion and end the state's monopoly, according to newspaper La Jornada. =
CRE Gives Permission To Build Generation Plants MEXICO CITY, Jan 25, 200=
2 (El Universal/Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -=
- Mexico's Regulatory Energy Commission (CRE) issued two permissions for t=
he generation of 17 megawatts of electricity for self-supply to Mexicana de=
Electrogeneracion, allowing the company to further increase its national g=
enerating capacity, reported Mexico City daily el Universal. Egyptian=
minister on financing of major electricity projects Jan 26 - BBC Monitor=
ing Middle East Dr Hasan Yunus, minister of electricity and energy, said Sa=
turday [26 January] that the strategy of carrying out new major projects wi=
ll rely, in the coming period, on self-finance, grants and easy loans from =
Arab funds and international financial organizations to build new power sta=
tions. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central ? 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All=
rights reserved. More News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] REST=
2002 Friday January 25 2002 John Baxter dead Market without =
Enron does have costs senators told Enron legacy? Cleaner American pol=
itics? . . . behind closed doors FERC to debate PJM ICAP penalty for n=
ext meeting Law professor wants gatekeepers held accountable PG?b=
ankruptcy ending near? Gov Davis opponent wants him to pay back Enron =
Powered By US Publishing ? 2002 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved=
MAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 22, 2002 Enron Expose W=
idens, Affects Past, Present U.S., Andersen Officials Power Marketing =
-- FERC Establishes Oversight Unit as Cal-ISO Produces Plan For Deadline =
D.C. Current -- DOE Decision Dispels Some Doubt On Political Path to Yuc=
ca Mountain D.C. Current -- Enron Situation Looks Bad; Reforms Unclear=
Communications & PR -- Andersen May Be ?Better, Stronger? After Enron=
Involvement?Berardino Communications & PR -- Houston, TX Communi=
cations & PR -- Spokane, WA Natural Gas -- FERC Okays U.S. Part of $2=
30M, 215-Mile North Baja Pipeline Plan Natural Gas -- $153M Deal No Ef=
fect on Progress Energy?S? Natural Gas -- Castle Shares Add 26% on Del=
ta Sale Agreement Natural Gas -- 2001 Storage Ends 66% Above 2000 Leve=
l?EIA Natural Gas -- Westcoast Energy Seeks Okay for C$338M Project =
Nuclear -- Indian Point Closing Demands Backed By Vote of Local Governme=
ntal Group Nuclear -- Stone & Webster Joins South African Project =
Around the Circuit -- World, U.S. Defaults at Record High Totals in 2001?S=
&P, Fitch Surveys Around the Circuit -- Duke Energy Poised for Expansi=
on Moves Around the Circuit -- Calpine Gains on Plan to Control Spendi=
ng Around the Circuit -- HTS Cable Demonstration Delayed for New Tests=
Who's News Rates -- Conceding Misclassifications, NStar Refunds =
of $1.45M Set for 24,000 Rates -- Gas Prices Down 30% in North Carolin=
a, Study Says Contracts Enron Debacle Derails Utility Stock Marke=
t Rally, Says Baird?s Parker Financial Focus: American Gas Index Fund =
Presents Its Case Powered By Utility Spotlight ? 2002 Utility Spot=
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