Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Professional Dispatch - 1/29/02
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:49:20 -0800 (PST)

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ors have selected these as the top stories of the day: Calif. regulators=
urged to shift power choice date SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 28 (Reuters) Cheney: =
Congress Cannot Have Enron Data By Bob Deans, Austin American-Statesman, T=
exas, Jan. 28 Electric Utilities Power Easley Jan 28, 2002 - Tulsa World U=
S-Russian uranium deal hits impasse: Interfax Jan 28, 2002 - Agence France=
E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most requested by Energy Central=
members in the last two weeks. Court overturns approval of AEP, Central=
SW merger By Julie Vorman, WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) SPECIAL REPOR=
T: U.S. Power Production Scorecard: Who Is Building New Power Plants, And W=
here? What Fuel Sources Will Be Used? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan=
. 16 (Scientech) Virginia Prepares for Deregulation of Electricity Market =
By Greg Edwards, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Va., Jan. 12 Enron energy se=
rvices clients may take profit hits By Carolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (R=
euters) FERC to create electricity market monitoring unit WASHINGTON, =
IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the =
top stories of the day: AGL chief sees deregulation reform in Georgia A=
TLANTA, Jan 28 (Reuters) Dynegy expected to acquire Enron's largest pipelin=
e this week Jan 28, 2002 - Associated Press UK's Centrica buys Enbridge Ca=
nada customers LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - [IMAGE] [IMAGE] UTILITY ST=
rs And Shakers (Top Gainers) [IMAGE] One Week Company Ticker Percent C=
hange First Energy FE 7.0 NRG Energy NRG 5.7 GPU Inc. GPU 3.5 A=
LLETE (MPL) 1 ALE 2.6 Chesapeake Utilites CPK 2.4 Conectiv (DEW/ATE=
) CIV 2.1 IDACORP (Idaho Power) IDA 1.9 Calpine CPN 1.7 Duke En=
ergy DUK 1.4 30 day Company Ticker Percent Change PGE Corp PCG 9.=
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E 7.3 Alliant Energy 1 LNT 5.7 Pinnacle West Capital PNW 5.6 IDA=
CORP (Idaho Power) IDA 5.6 KeySpan KSE 5.2 DPL Inc DPL 4.9 9=
0 day Company Ticker Percent Change PGE Corp PCG 40.8 Edison Internati=
onal EIX 23.7 GPU Inc. GPU 15.3 Otter Tail Power* OTTR 13.9 ALL=
ETE (MPL) 1 ALE 11.7 First Energy FE 6.9 Hawaiian Electric1 HE 6.=
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RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories E=
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/sections/databases/OPEC Top Stories Calif. regulators urged to=
shift power choice date SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 28 (Reuters) A top legal advi=
ser to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) urged the state's =
energy regulators to amend a ruling that jettisoned the right of California=
ns to choose their electricity provider. [IMAGE] Cheney: Congress Cannot=
Have Enron Data By Bob Deans, Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Jan. 28 =
A defiant Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that he would not comply w=
ith a congressional request for details about meetings he and his staff had=
with Enron Corp. officials last year, setting up what legal experts say wo=
uld be the highest-profile court fight between Congress and an administrati=
on since Watergate. [IMAGE] Electric Utilities Power Easley Jan 28, 20=
02 - Tulsa World A state senator who is the chairman of an electric deregul=
ation study committee has received thousands of dollars in contributions fr=
om the industry in the past two years, records show. [IMAGE] US-Russian =
uranium deal hits impasse: Interfax Jan 28, 2002 - Agence France-Presse A=
landmark 1993 deal to sell uranium from Russian nuclear warheads to fuel U=
S power plants has hit an impasse over price, Interfax cited government sou=
rces as saying Monday. Press Release City Utilities Of Springfiel=
d, MO Enhances Customer Management Flexibility Using SPL WorldGroup Softwar=
e Morristown, New Jersey - January 24th, 2002 SPL WorldGroup B.V. (SPL), =
the leading provider of customer management solutions to the global energy,=
water and waste management industries, has successfully implemented SPL?s =
customer management software product at City Utilities of Springfield, MO (=
www.cityutilities.net). City Utilities is a customer-owned utility that ser=
ves approximately 90,000 customers in southwest Missouri with electric powe=
r, natural gas and water. Energy Security NRC Chief Says Terroris=
m Threat Remains Uncertain for Nuke Plants Jan. 28 (Utility Spotlight) Th=
ere have been no specific and clear threats of terrorist attacks on U.S. nu=
clear power plants, but the possibility requires more study and evolving sa=
feguards, according to Richard Meserve, chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory =
Commission. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT =
Gain exposure to thousands of energy professionals with your company's wh=
ite papers today. Energy Central, the industry's most comprehensive on-lin=
e information resource is gathering white papers for inclusion the newest =
section of its Research Report Center. Don't be left out - to learn how to=
submit your white papers, e-mail mjohnson@energycentral.com. http://www.en=
ergycentral.com/sections/research / California Crisis First Step=
s to a Stable Electric Market Jan. 28 (California Energy Markets) More th=
an anything else, California needs to decide exactly what kind of electric =
power marketplace it wants to have going into the future. Special Offer fro=
m this Publisher! California Utilities Panel Rejects San Diego Gas &=
Electric Deal By Dan McSwain, North County Times, Escondido, Calif., Jan=
. 25 The California Public Utilities Commission said Thursday that it has r=
ejected a settlement with San Diego Gas & Electric Co., seeking instead a f=
ull $363 million refund of profits the utility made from its customers duri=
ng the state's power crisis. National Energy Policy Bush digs in f=
or court fight over energy plan WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - U.S. Presi=
dent George W. Bush dug in on Monday for a court fight with Congress over h=
is refusal to turn over records detailing any involvement by Enron Corp. an=
d other companies in the development of White House energy policy, accusing=
lawmakers of politicizing the issue. Competition & Deregulation P=
acific Northwest's 'Uniqueness' Seen As Test for Competitive Power Future =
Jan. 28 (Utility Spotlight) The New Year promises to unlock a number of en=
ergy questions for the nation, but how they are addressed in the Pacific No=
rthwest may shed some light on how successful federal policymakers are in r=
ealizing their vision of competitive, stable markets that benefit consumers=
throughout the United States. Special Offer from this Publisher! Ma=
jor customers leaving power system Jan 28 - Las Vegas Business Press Stat=
ion Casinos Inc., along with several other prominent Nevada companies, issu=
ed letters of intent last month to Nevada Power Company, outlining plans to=
file applications with the state to purchase electricity on the wholesale =
market from a "new electric resource." Unitil Files Electric Restruct=
uring Proposal in New Hampshire Hampton, NH (January 28, 2002) (News Rele=
ase) Unitil Corporation subsidiaries Concord Electric Company, Exeter & Ham=
pton Electric Company and Unitil Power Corp. jointly filed a comprehensive =
restructuring proposal with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission o=
n Friday, January 25, 2002. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures E=
nron's wind unit winding up sale, bids due today By Vibeke Laroi, SAN FRA=
NCISCO, Jan 28 (Reuters) With bids for Enron Wind, the wind turbine subsidi=
ary of collapsed energy giant Enron Corp. due on Monday, the profitable com=
pany was widely expected to soon be sold, probably to European owners. =
The agreement of AES to take over 49% in Emelec Ecuador, Jan 28, 2002 (=
El Comercio/SABI via COMTEX) -- Despite the intentions formalized by AES (=
Allied Energy System) to acquire 49% of the share of the Guayaquil power di=
stributor Emelec, there was no change in the board of directors of the comp=
any, currently under management of The Progreso Depositors Trust. Legi=
slation/Regulation More Issues Arise at Texas Public Utility Commission=
By R.A. Dyer, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 25 Less than one wee=
k after the resignation of its chairman, the Texas Public Utility Commissio=
n has been hit with new revelations involving possible conflicts of interes=
t and a grand jury investigation. Rates Abundance off Power May Se=
nd Up Utility Rates Again in Northwest U.S. By Lynda V. Mapes, The Seattl=
e Times, Jan. 26 Northwest utilities, including the Bonneville Power Admini=
stration, could have to raise rates if power prices stay in the basement. =
San Isabel Electric Association in Colorado Plans to Increase Rates =
The Pueblo Chieftain, Colo., Jan. 27 Tri-State Generation & Transmission, t=
he wholesale supplier of power for San Isabel Electric Association, has ann=
ounced a 10.01 percent rate increase effective March 1. General Re=
maining Enron Staffers Contemplate Their Future amid Gloom, Fear By David=
Kaplan, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 28 Every day, the scandal at Enron brings =
a new shock, with no letup in sight. Questions Are in Ready Supply af=
ter Enron's Failure By Bill Deener, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 27 In i=
ts heyday, Enron Corp. traded electricity, natural gas and other commoditie=
s with a speed that dazzled its industry and a complexity that baffled Wall=
Street. Enron's Cutthroat Culture Is Deplored by Those It Served to =
Profit By Claudia Kolker, The Boston Globe, Jan. 27 The Rev. James Nutter=
first glimpsed what he calls the Enron darkness years ago. Enron's S=
urvival Remains a Question amid Turbulent Bankruptcy Proceedings By Eric =
Berger, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 In the largest, most complex bankruptcy =
ever, with the possibility of criminal acts by the company, one question lo=
oms above all others: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to Jo=
in Utilities on Trip to Germany By Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Senti=
nel, Jan. 25 A trip to Germany that stirred criticism of the chairwoman of =
the state Public Service Commission this week -- because she considered joi=
ning a trip that included executives from utilities she regulates -- also w=
ill include top personnel from the Department of Natural Resources. E=
nron Incidents Put Focus on Shredding By Maureen Fan, San Jose Mercury Ne=
ws, Calif., Jan. 27 Wells Fargo shreds teller trash. Trading/Marketing=
UBS Warburg sees EnronOnLine back up in February By Scott DiSavino, =
NEW YORK, Jan 28 (Reuters) UBS Warburg hopes to have a renamed EnronOnLine,=
the bustling energy trading system once at the center of Enron Corp.'s emp=
ire, back on line in February, officials at the investment banking firm sai=
d Monday. Power Pricing/Supply East Power Mostly Lower as Spring-l=
ike Temps Pressure Values Jan. 28 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Weather Serv=
ice Corporation forecasts indicating 60 and some 70-degree temperatures in =
the Eastern U.S. pressured next day values for deals done at major trading =
hubs across the region. Special Offer from this Publisher! Cold Clob=
bers Weak Demand Jan. 25 (Energy Market Report) Day-ahead peak power pric=
es in the Western U.S. rose sharply for Monday delivery, partly on the retu=
rn to weekday loads, but more predominantly on forecasts calling for colder=
weather and increased heating demand. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Power Projects Many Power Plants Scheduled for Construction Now on=
Hold in Texas By Michael Davis, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 27 While 29 new =
power plant projects have been announced in Texas, as electricity prices ha=
ve declined and financing has dried up, more than one-third of them have be=
en shelved or put on hold. El Paso to construct new power plant in Ri=
o de Janeiro Brazil, Jan 27, 2002 (Jornal do Commercio/SABI via COMTEX) -=
- The Rio de Janeiro state has been benefited by new investments in the th=
ermal electric power generation. Legal Enron employees file suit o=
ver 401(k) losses HOUSTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) Hundreds of current and forme=
r employees of collapsed energy trader Enron Corp. filed a class action law=
suit in Houston seeking damages for losses they suffered by investing in th=
e company's 401(k) plan, lawyers said on Monday. Renewables France=
to build its biggest wind park Jan 28, 2002 - Agence France-Presse Autho=
rities in France have selected a company to build the country's biggest win=
d park, comprising 100 energy-producing generators capable of providing "gr=
een" electricity to 100,000 homes, the firm involved said in a statement Mo=
nday. Garbage-Fired Power Plant Approved by UNDP NANJING, Jan 28, 2=
002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- A garbage-fired power plant capable of generati=
ng 8.7 million kWh of electricity annually has recently been approved by th=
e United Nations Development Program and the State Administration of Enviro=
nmental Protection. 50 windfarms in the pipeline Jan 27 - Sunday Ma=
il - Glasgow POWER firms are battling to secure 50 sites for windfarms acro=
ss north-east Scotland. People Acting Chief of Federal Power Agenc=
y Gets Nod to Take Reins By Jonathan Brinckman, The Oregonian, Portland, =
Ore., Jan. 25 Steve Wright was named administrator of the Bonneville Power =
Administration on Thursday, becoming the 13th head of the federal agency th=
at distributes nearly half of the Northwest's electricity. Ex-Enron C=
EO's wife says they are broke WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - The wife of =
ex-Enron CEO Kenneth Lay said on Monday her family lost its fortune when th=
e energy trading giant collapsed and her husband had done "absolutely nothi=
ng wrong" in the biggest bankruptcy case in U.S. history. Wakeham fac=
es British inquiry into Enron role Jan 27 - The Observer - London LORD Wa=
keham, the former Tory Energy Secretary who now chairs of the Press Complai=
nts Commission, faces the humiliating prospect of a British inquiry into hi=
s role in the Enron scandal. Citing Distraction of Many Probes, Lay F=
orced to Resign As Enron Head Jan. 28 (Utility Spotlight) With FBI agents=
roaming the halls, hounded by the looming spectacle of a dozen highly publ=
icized congressional hearings, investigations by at least 6 federal agencie=
s, a spiraling number of lawsuits and even a disgusted President Bush, Enro=
n's Ken Lay resigned last week as chairman & CEO of the energy company he c=
reated and built into a world-wide powerhouse, only to see it dissolve in a=
ruinous scandal. Special Offer from this Publisher! Fullerton, Cali=
f., Congressman Says Enron Donations Will Not Impact Actions By Dena Buni=
s, The Orange County Register, Calif., Jan. 25 Rep. Ed Royce says that when=
he sits in the Financial Services Committee's hearings into Enron, the $3,=
500 the company's PAC has given him over the past five years will have no e=
ffect on his actions. Labor/Human Resources UBS to cut 300 jobs at=
Enron trading unit - paper FRANKFURT, Jan 28 (Reuters) Swiss bank UBS wi=
ll cut about 300 of 800 jobs at the energy trading unit purchased from Enro=
n Corp. but plans no additional cuts in the rest of the group, UBS chief Pe=
ter Wuffli said in a newspaper interview on Monday. Environmental =
Hydro Relicensing Cases Could Mean More Environmental Input Jan. 28 (Clea=
ring Up) Two cases in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals could have big imp=
acts on the environmental input on dam operations. Special Offer from this=
Publisher! Nuclear Prime minister tries to soothe anxiety about =
early reactor closures SOFIA, Bulgaria, Jan 28, 2002 (AP WorldStream via =
COMTEX) -- Shutting down reactors at Bulgaria's only nuclear power plant w=
ill benefit the country in the long run by winning European Union support, =
the prime minister told an anxious public Monday. Financial Enron =
Used Partnerships in Speculative Stock Ventures By Bill Deener, The Dalla=
s Morning News, Jan. 27 Many of the financial sleights of hand that Houston=
-based Enron Corp. used were accomplished through so-called off-balance-she=
et partnerships, accounting experts say. Enron Used Independent Compa=
nies to Control Stock Market, Credit Rating By Dan Feldstein, Houston Chr=
onicle, Jan. 27 As accountants, stockbrokers and others study Enron's colla=
pse, they focus on the company's now-infamous "special-purpose vehicles" --=
independent companies that propped up Enron's income and hid its debt. =
Beneath Energy Trading Innovations, Enron Seethed with Deceptive Bookkee=
ping Houston Chronicle, Jan. 27 Enron spent more than a decade successful=
ly crafting an image as an unrivaled innovator capable of creating and domi=
nating new markets. Many Hedge Their Bets on Enron's Stock; Millions =
of Shares Sold for Pennies By Bill Murphy, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 26 Whe=
n Enron was riding high a year ago, its shares sold for $82 and nearly 7 mi=
llion changed hands. FEATURE-After Enron, short sellers gain respecta=
bility By Svea Herbst-Bayliss, NEW YORK, Jan. 28 (Reuters) The stock of s=
hort sellers is rising. UBS' Wuffli says Enron trading ops takeover t=
o level out earnings fluctuations DUESSELDORF, Jan 28, 2002 (AFX-UK via C=
OMTEX) -- UBS AG chief executive Peter Wuffli said the acquisition of Enro=
n Corp's wholesale energy trading business will help the bank to level out =
earnings fluctuations, German newspaper Handelszeitung reported. Napo=
cor considering to raise bond offer to 500 mln usd from planned 100 mln M=
ANILA, Jan 27, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- The National Power Corp is co=
nsidering to raise a planned 100 mln usd bond offering to 500 mln after obt=
aining investment grade ratings from international credit rating agencies, =
the Philippine Daily Inquirer reported, quoting Energy Secretary Vicente Pe=
rez. Financial - Results Pinnacle West fourth-quarter profits fall=
By Nigel Hunt, LOS ANGELES, Jan 28 (Reuters) Pinnacle West Capital Corp.=
, owner of Arizona's largest utility, on Monday reported a 15 percent drop =
in fourth-quarter profits mainly due to a charge related to bankrupt energy=
giant Enron Corp. International Russian military sees red over bl=
ackouts VLADIVOSTOK, Russia, Jan 28 (Reuters) Top military commanders rus=
hed to Russia's far east on Monday after the local power company briefly pu=
lled the plug on a crucial space communications base for failing to pay its=
electricity bill. British government rejects Enron lobbying claims =
By Mike Peacock, LONDON, Jan 28 (Reuters) The British government sought to=
refute opposition attempts on Monday to dig up dubious links between it an=
d collapsed U.S. energy group Enron. Government to sell interest in p=
ower co. MANILA, Philippines, Jan 28, 2002 (United Press International vi=
a COMTEX) -- The Philippine government this week was expected to begin the=
process of divesting itself of its interest in the National Power Corp., w=
hile the company has announced plans for an international offering in an ef=
fort to raise $500 million. EU says Italy should speed up utility lib=
eralisation, pension reform MILAN, Jan 27, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- T=
he Italian government should speed up liberalisation of energy and telephon=
y sectors to cut tariffs, and pension reform, according to the European Com=
mission, La Repubblica reported. Philippine Congress committee approv=
es rules to implement power reform law MANILA, Jan 27, 2002 (AFX-Asia via=
COMTEX) -- The joint congressional power commission has approved in princ=
iple the implementing rules and regulations for the electric power industry=
reform act of 2001, the BusinessWorld reported, quoting congressman Floren=
cio Abad. Endesa to invest 14.5 bln eur in 5 yrs in core energy ops =
MADRID, Jan 28, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Endesa SA plans to invest=
14.5 bln eur in its core energy business in the next five years, Cinco Dia=
s reported, citing comments by CEO Rafael Miranda. Iberdrola to doubl=
e generating capacity to 30,800 megawatts in 2006 vs 2000 MADRID, Jan 28,=
2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Iberdrola SA expects to nearly double its=
installed electricity generation capacity to 30,800 megawatts in 2006 from=
16,062 in 2000, Head of Investor Relations Ignacio Cuenca said. Elec=
tricity Brings New Meters to Check Power Theft By John Ricks Kayizzi, Jan=
28, 2002 (The Monitor/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- The Uganda E=
lectricity Distribution Company Ltd. (UEDCL) has introduced pole mounted me=
ters to check the rampant illegal connections and electric power losses. =
E.ON advertising injunction lifted by Hamburg court MUNICH, Jan 28, 2=
002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- E.ON AG's E.ON Energie AG said a Hamburg co=
urt today lifted a temporary injunction on its "Mix-it" advertising campaig=
n brought by Hamburg-based energy distributor Hansestrom. Ande Seeks =
Alternatives to Purchase Energy Jan 28, 2002 - South American Business In=
formation The Paraguayan state owned electric distribution company Ande (Ad=
ministracion Nacional de Electricidad) is seeking alternatives to secure th=
e power supply to the Grand Asuncion area, purchasing power from transporta=
tion or power generating companies. Enron bankruptcy kills plans for =
steel project in Mozambique MAPUTO, Mozambique, Jan 27, 2002 (AP WorldStr=
eam via COMTEX) -- The bankruptcy of the American energy company, Enron Co=
rp, signaled the end of plans to construct a natural gas-fueled factory to =
produce steel slabs for export in Mozambique, the Mozambique News Agency re=
ported Sunday. Colombian electricity targeted Colombia, Jan 24, 200=
2 (Portafolio/SABI via COMTEX) -- Colombia suffers a terrorist attack on i=
ts electricity infrastructure every 14 hours and 15 minutes. RWE, VW =
start talks on power station tie-up in Mexico FRANKFURT, Jan 28, 2002 (AF=
X-UK via COMTEX) -- RWE AG's RWE Solutions AG said it has signed a memoran=
dum of understanding with Volkswagen Kraftwerk GmbH jointly to build a powe=
r station in Puebla, Mexico, worth a three-digit million euro amount. =
Sale of Indian Power Plant in Dabhol Due to Start This Week Jan 28, 2002=
- The beginning of the sale procedure for the Indian Dabhol power plant, =
in which General Electric holds a stake, is expected to start this week. =
[IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central ? 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All rights r=
TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 28, 2002 =
Friday January 25 2002 John Baxter dead Market without Enron doe=
s have costs senators told Enron legacy? Cleaner American politics? =
. . . behind closed doors FERC to debate PJM ICAP penalty for next meeti=
ng Law professor wants gatekeepers held accountable PG?bankruptcy=
ending near? Gov Davis opponent wants him to pay back Enron Po=
wered By US Publishing ? 2002 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More I=
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