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=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Wednesday, January 30, 2002 Home - Email Pr= eferences - Account [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SITE= MENU [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Power News Gas News Prices Sto= ck Market Snapshots Industry M & A Power Plants Nuclear Data = Power Marketing Data Company Profiles Investor Owned Utilities = Cooperatives Municipals State / Federal [IMAGE] [IMAGE] N= EW CONTENT! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Include the following in your Energy Centr= al Direct: EREN Network News A weekly newsletter from the U.S. Department= of Energy's (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN). = IntercontinentalExchange Gas Indices See the Firm Physical Natural Gas tr= aded at over 20 hubs through the IntercontinentalExchange trading platform.= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SPONSORS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] RER = [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] Silicon Energy [IMAGE] The Struct= ure Group [IMAGE] Allegro Development [IMAGE] Itron [IMAGE] KWI [IM= AGE] Excelergy [IMAGE] Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = TALK TO US [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ideas Wanted! We are eager to hear your ide= as, feedback, and suggestions for this product. Together we will create th= e most useful information tool for the electric power industry. Partners = Wanted! Reach over 50,000 electric power professionals with your news, ana= lysis, commentary or insight into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-7= 82-5510 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] AdvertisementLODESTAR CORPORATION ELECT= RIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's ed= itors have selected these as the top stories of the day: Bush Backs Chen= ey on Energy Papers, Rejects Suggestions of Enron Influence By Anne E. Kor= nblut, The Boston Globe, Jan. 29 Enron names restructuring expert as CEO H= OUSTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - NY, New England power grid operators agree to jo= in NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) Rhode Island Legislators Hope to Fix Short-C= ircuit in Electricity Law By Timothy C. Barmann, Providence Journal, R.I.,= Jan. 29 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most requested by Energy Centra= l members in the last two weeks. Court overturns approval of AEP, Centra= l SW merger By Julie Vorman, WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) SPECIAL REPO= RT: U.S. Power Production Scorecard: Who Is Building New Power Plants, And = Where? What Fuel Sources Will Be Used? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Ja= n. 16 (Scientech) Enron energy services clients may take profit hits B= y Carolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) FERC to create electricity marke= t monitoring unit WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) Arthur Andersen's CEO P= oints a Finger at Enron's Business Model By Julie Mason, Houston Chroni= cle, Jan. 21 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top = stories of the day: Atlanta Gas Light Seeks Agreement with Public Servic= e Commission on Rates By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitutio= n , Jan. 29 Judge Says Port of Houston Must Move Pipelines for Dredging of = Ship Channel By Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 Petro-Canada to = buy Veba assets for C$3.2 billion CALGARY, Jan 29 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] WSI Energycast Trader [IMAGE] [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com = [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Today RER's eMetrix Load = Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories Electric Power News -= Most Requested Gas Industry News - Top Stories Selected Content= Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monday Utility Stock Price -= Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POW= ER NEWS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 97 of 97 A= rticles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY ITRON OFFERS WEB-B= ASED, WIRELESS WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION. Service-Link, developed by e= Mobile Data and marketed to the utility industry exclusively by Itron, com= bines the power of the Internet and the speed of wireless communications t= o take field operations to the next level. Service-Link is a low-cost, ful= ly integrated application to manage virtually all field service tasks - se= rvice turn ons/turn offs, gas leak detection, credit and collections, mete= r services and emergency calls - quickly and efficiently, while eliminatin= g the labor-intensive manual processing of work orders. To know more, sta= rt here: http://www.itron.com . Top Stories Bush Backs Cheney on = Energy Papers, Rejects Suggestions of Enron Influence By Anne E. Kornblut= , The Boston Globe, Jan. 29 As the White House and congressional overseers = headed toward an unprecedented court battle, President Bush firmly backed V= ice President Cheney's refusal to turn over the records of the administrati= on's energy task force yesterday. [IMAGE] Rhode Island Legislators Hope = to Fix Short-Circuit in Electricity Law By Timothy C. Barmann, Providence= Journal, R.I., Jan. 29 Key state legislators in the House of Representativ= es are preparing a series of measures to help spark competition in the elec= tricity industry because they say a six-year-old law is not working as they= had hoped. [IMAGE] NY, New England power grid operators agree to join = NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) ISO New England Inc. and the New York Independe= nt System Operator (NYISO), which oversee the electric power and wholesale = market systems in New England and New York, said on Tuesday they have agree= d to develop a common electricity marketplace for their adjacent regions. = [IMAGE] Enron names restructuring expert as CEO HOUSTON, Jan 29 (Reuter= s) - Hobbled energy giant Enron Corp. on Tuesday named restructuring expert= Stephen Cooper as acting chief executive, the latest effort to clean up af= ter former managers who brought the company to its knees. Press Relea= se WORLD ENERGY SOLUTIONS SURPASSES $250 MILLION IN ENERGY TRANSACTIONS= USING EXCELERGY'S TECHNOLOGY WORCESTER, MA and LEXINGTON, MA (January 29= , 2002) Energy procurement and management services leader World Energy Solu= tions Inc. today announced that more than $250 million worth of power and n= atural gas was bought and sold on its Internet-based exchange during 2001. = World Energy Solutions, which is now using Excelergy Corporation's technolo= gy platform, managed the exchange of 2.5 billion kilowatt hours in electric= ity alone, making it the undisputed leading retail electric exchange in Nor= th America. California Crisis Federal Audit Wants to Disband Cali= fornia Governor's Electricity Board By Mike Taugher, Contra Costa Times, = Walnut Creek, Calif., Jan. 26 A five-member board formed last year by Gov. = Gray Davis to run the electricity grid should be disbanded in favor of a mo= re independent panel that is less susceptible to political influence, accor= ding to a federally commissioned audit released Friday. California Bu= rned by Enron Downfall Jan 29, 2002 - Associated Press Enron Corp.'s down= fall opened fresh financial wounds in California - a state that blames the = energy merchant for riddling it with crippling power bills last year. = Plant Construction Slows Jan. 29 (California Energy Markets) The dreaded= bust following the power project boom appears to be kicking in, and the Ca= lifornia Energy Commission expects electricity supplies to be less than pro= jected. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Pub= lic Utilities Fortnightly magazine is offering advertising opportunities i= n their March 15th issue, covering E-Commerce, B2Bs and Security topics. I= n addition to reaching Fortnightly readers, this issue will receive bonus = distribution at the Electric Power/E-ProCom Conference. Contact Joseph Pap= arello for details at paparello@pur.com or 703-847-7759. National E= nergy Policy Congress, White House in Tug-of-War over Energy Policy Tal= ks By James Kuhnhenn, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Jan. 29 Congress w= ants to know who met with Vice President Cheney's energy policy task force = in private last year -- especially who from Enron and other energy companie= s. Competition & Deregulation Survey Finds Dallas-Area Power Users= Profit by Comparing Rates By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, J= an. 29 Residential consumers in the Dallas area can save as much as $6.50 a= month on their power bills if they are willing to shop around in the state= 's newly deregulated market, according to a survey by Wattage Monitor Inc. = Enron Challenged PECO in Duel for Pennsylvania Electricity Consumers = By David DeKok, The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 26 At the time, i= t was just another big Texas energy company. Mergers, Acquisitions & D= ivestitures Analysts Say Indiana Utility's Electric Business May Be for= Sale By Keith Benman, South Bend Tribune, Ind., Jan. 27 The Northern Ind= iana Public Service Co. (NIPSCO) may be getting ready to sell off its elect= ric business, according to consumer groups and industry analysts. Mon= tana Public Service Commission Unanimously Approves NorthWestern's Acquisit= ion of Montana Power's Utility Business SIOUX FALLS, S.D., Jan. 29 /PRNew= swire-FirstCall/ -- The Montana Public Service Commission today unanimously= approved NorthWestern Corporation's pending acquisition of The Montana Pow= er Company's energy transmission and distribution business. E.ON Plac= es Pressure on Government Jan 28, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Com= tex The battle by E.ON AG, the German utilities group, to obtain ministeria= l permission (Ministererlaubnis) for its planned acquisition of Ruhrgas AG,= the gas company, is entering a new round after the German cartel office re= fused to approve the deal. EnBW Acquires Majority Stake in Zeag Jan= 28, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Energie Baden-Wurttemberg A= G (EnBW), the German energy company, is acquiring a 50.09 per cent in local= energy company Zementwerk Lauffen-Elektrizitatswerk Heilbronn AG (Zeag) fr= om the municipality of Heilbronn. Legislation/Regulation Senate pa= nel probes Enron's energy market impact WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Fe= deral regulators testifying before a Senate panel on Tuesday said no new en= forcement powers were needed to police energy markets in the wake of Enron = Corp.'s collapse. Democratic senator says Enron collapse shows power = markets need oversight By H. JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press Writer, WASHIN= GTON, Jan 29, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The collapse of Enron Cor= p. shows that government oversight of competitive power markets is still ne= eded, says a Democratic senator whose energy legislation will be taken up b= y the Senate in coming weeks. Arthur Andersen Faces Closer Scrutiny o= n Enron Debacle Chicago Tribune, Jan. 28 With the first round of hearings= investigating the collapse of Enron Corp. now complete, congressional lead= ers say they have many more questions--and plans for more hearings--regardi= ng what role the Chicago-based Andersen accounting firm may have played in = the energy giant's failure. Enron understated lobbying spending -rese= arch group WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Bankrupt energy firm Enron Corp u= nderstated by almost $1 million how much it spent on lobbying Washington fo= r the first half of 2001, the Center for Responsive Politics said on Tuesda= y. US panel seeks data on Andersen-Enron consulting WASHINGTON, Jan= 29 (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday sought additional information fro= m embattled auditor Andersen about consulting work it did for now-collapsed= Enron Corp., as well as details about who was involved in shredding docume= nts related to Andersen's audit of the energy firm's books. RPT-SEC s= taff's accounting report sits unfinished WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - S= ecurities and Exchange Commission staff began drafting a report in 2000 tha= t criticized the way accounting firms rate each other's work but the report= lies unfinished despite renewed interest in audit issues raised by the col= lapse of Enron Corp. Analysis: Enron's shock waves keep growing By = MARTIN SIEFF, Senior News Analyst, WASHINGTON, Jan 28, 2002 (United Press I= nternational via COMTEX) -- Like a giant tidal wave that steadily picks up = force and towering height the closer it gets to land, the political shock w= aves from the Enron collapse are growing by the day rather than diminishing= , and now they are shaking the Bush administration's ship of state, despite= all the shrewd tactical moves that have been made to contain them. Ra= tes Public Reaction Can Influence Nevada Utility's Rate Case, State Off= icials Say By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 29 Hundreds= of local residents have showed up at this month's public hearings to criti= cize Nevada Power's plans to increase rates by nearly $1 billion, but some = of the company's critics wonder if anybody is really listening. Many = Mexicans to pay higher electric rates Mexico City, Jan 28, 2002 (EFE via = COMTEX) -- Nearly one-third of all Mexican households will start paying hi= gher electric bills as of Feb. 1, when government subsidies come to an end,= Finance Minister Francisco Gil said Monday. General Appleton, Wis= ., Analyst Says Enron Inquiry Could Impact Employee-Owned Firms By Judy W= aggoner, The Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wis., Jan. 28 What the Watergate scan= dal did to the Nixon administration is what the Enron debacle is threatenin= g to do to America's 11,500 employee-owned companies. Enron collapse = latest shock to Houston's economy By Ellen Chang, HOUSTON, Jan 29 (Reuter= s) The collapse of Houston-based energy trading giant Enron Corp., the late= st in a string of blows to the Texas city, puts the local economy in peril = for the near term, according to one economist. Developments related t= o the Enron collapse and investigation By The Associated Press, Jan 29, 2= 002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Developments Tuesday related to the Enr= on collapse and investigation: Andersen CEO Says Scandal Has Been Tou= gh, But Firm Will Survive By Delroy Alexander, Chicago Tribune, Jan 29 Th= e Andersen accounting firm's chief executive acknowledged Monday that the o= ngoing scandal over its audits of Enron Corp. had cost Andersen business, b= ut he said longtime clients remain loyal and he predicted the firm would su= rvive. Charities Benefit from Enron Cash By Jeff Zeleny, Chicago Tr= ibune, Jan. 28 When former Enron employee Rebekah Rushing opened an account= at the Humble Community Bank in Texas to help her jobless colleagues, she = hoped her deposit of $90 would slowly multiply from the kindness of ordinar= y citizens. Enron Ethics Manual and Much More for Sale on eBay By W= illiam Hageman, Chicago Tribune, Jan. 28 They may not exactly be laughing a= ll the way to the bank, but some former Enron employees are at least smirki= ng these days. Art exhibit is telling lens on Enron culture By C. B= ryson Hull, HOUSTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) It is probably the only funny collect= ion of tombstones in the world. Trading/Marketing CFTC chairman sa= ys no market manipulation by Enron WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Bankrupt = Enron Corp. did not try to engage in market manipulation at any futures exc= hange, the chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission told a Sena= te panel on Tuesday. ICE e-exchange to start U.S. clearing system in = Feb LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) IntercontinentalExchange, the energy and met= als Internet trading platform, said on Tuesday it planned to introduce clea= ring systems for its U.S. oil and natural gas trades by the end of next mon= th. ICE to launch European power trading by mid-year LONDON, Jan 29= (Reuters) - Electronic trading platform IntercontinentalExchange said on T= uesday it planned to begin trading European power contracts by middle of 20= 02. Energy Traders Under Scrutiny By BRAD FOSS AP Business Writer, = NEW YORK, Jan 28, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Enron Corp. is not the onl= y energy trader whose books are getting a closer look. Enron collapse= does not mean energy futures mkts need reform - US regulators WASHINGTON= , Jan 29, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- US federal regulators said the coun= try's energy futures markets do not need reforming in the wake of Enron Cor= p's recent collapse. Sempra Energy Trading Acquires Enron Metals Limi= ted STAMFORD, Conn., Jan 29, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- S= empra Energy Trading, the wholesale energy trading subsidiary of Sempra Ene= rgy, today announced that it is acquiring London-based Enron Metals Limited= , the leading metals trader on the London Metals Exchange (LME). Power= Pricing/Supply Analysts Split on Enron's Role in Setting Northwest Pow= er Prices The Seattle Times, Jan. 29 Enron used its clout in the Northwes= t power market to set artificially high prices in a segment of the Northwes= t electricity market, a Portland utility analyst contends. Outage Rum= ors, Varying Temps Leave Central Prices Mixed Jan. 29 (Btu's Daily Power = Report) Prices in the Central U.S. were seen varying today as some areas ex= perienced temperatures that soared as high as 18 degrees above normal while= others fell victim to mixtures of sleet and rain. Special Offer from this = Publisher! Enron-omic Stimulus? Jan. 28 (Energy Market Report) Des= pite the continuing grip of a cold snap, and a rash of unit outages over th= e weekend, most Western power prices for Tuesday delivery ended slightly we= aker in the first trading session of the new week. Special Offer from this = Publisher! Transmission & Reliability TransEnergie seeks Australi= a power link approval MELBOURNE, Jan 29 (Reuters) Power company TransEner= gie Australia Pty Ltd said on Tuesday it had sought approval for a A$100 mi= llion regulated power project to boost power flows between New South Wales = and Victoria. MISO, PJM and SPP Announce Single Market Design Forum = CARMEL, Ind., VALLEY FORGE, Pa. and LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 28 /PRNewswire= / The Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (MISO), PJM In= terconnection and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) announce the formation o= f a Single Market Design Forum to identify the needs of market participants= and promote efficiency in electricity markets. Min: Andean Intercon= nection Agreement Almost Ready Jan 28, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -= - The agreement on interconnection between Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Ven= ezuela is almost ready for signing, and progress has been made by the regul= ators to bring each country's rules into line, Peru's Mines & Energy minist= er Jaime Quijandria told Peruvian press. Power Projects Enron Fall= out Hits Energy Projects in Northwest By Jeff Manning, The Oregonian, Por= tland, Ore., Jan. 28 The far-reaching Enron disaster is making itself felt = even in tiny burgs like Turner, Ore., and Starbuck, Wash. NRG, Alinta= Gas plan power station MELBOURNE, Jan 29 (Reuters) Energy company AlintaG= as Ltd and NRG Asia-Pacific Ltd said on Tuesday they were looking into buil= ding a generator in Western Australia to provide lower-cost electricity to = customers in the state's south-west grid. Residents balk at proposal = for power station Jan 28 - The Santa Fe New Mexican Fifty yards west of a= two-lane highway that runs along the Rio Grande bosque, a modest sign hang= s upside-down on a fence post. Legal Retirement Plan Is Focus of C= lass-Action Lawsuit by Former Enron Employees By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Ch= ronicle, Jan. 29 More than 400 former Enron Corp. employees have filed a fe= deral class-action lawsuit demanding company executives, Arthur Andersen an= d the administrator of their retirement plan "make good" on its losses. = Renewables Wind Energy Faces Hurdles in Nebraska By Nancy Gaarder, = Omaha World-Herald, Neb., Jan. 28 The blustery high plains near the Panhand= le city of Kimball, Neb., soon will be home to what may be the future of wi= nd energy in Nebraska. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Pushes Wind Power Opti= on By Russell Ray, Tulsa World, Okla., Jan. 29 Customers of Oklahoma Gas = & Electric Co. would be offered an opportunity to buy wind-generated electr= icity under a proposal that would raise rates by $22 million, papers filed = Monday with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission show. INTERVIEW-Enel = GreenPower to up production 30 pct by 2005 By Julia Hancock, ROME, Jan 29= (Reuters) Italy's GreenPower, the world's largest renewable energy produce= r, will spend 2 billion euros on a range of generating systems to raise its= output by 30 percent in the next three years, GreenPower's CEO said on Tue= sday. Renewable Energy in Sweden AB to investigate possibilities of u= sing wind power in Afghanistan Jan 29, 2002 (NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT via C= OMTEX) -- The Swedish energy resources developer Renewable Energy in Swede= n AB has been commissioned by the US company Convergence Energy to investig= ate the possibilities for using wind power in Afghanistan. Wind power= report questioned Jan 28 - South Bend Tribune A recent study published b= y Purdue University professor Stephen B. Lovejoy on the potential for wind = power in Indiana generated a little bit of heat, but almost no light on the= subject. Congressional Battle Stalls Wind Power Tax Credit Jan 29 = - Environment News Service New wind farms installed across the United State= s in 2001 will produce as much electricity annually as 475,000 average Amer= ican households use, according to a year end analysis by the American Wind = Energy Association. Plants Power Plant Company's Contract Sparks F= eud over Payment in California By Jim Hinch, The Orange County Register, = Calif., Jan. 28 AES Corp.'s controversial seaside power plant, already suff= ering the effects of a drastically changed electricity market, is mired in = a $58 million dispute with a Costa Mesa contractor and more than 100 subcon= tractors nationwide, some of whom say they face layoffs and bankruptcy if t= heir bills are not paid. Energy Efficiency/Conservation Power Plan= t Will Slash Marine Base Energy Bills in Twentynine Palms, Calif. By Jose= ph Ascenzi, The Business Press, Ontario, Calif., Jan. 28 A Milwaukee compan= y will build and install a $16.1 million electrical system that will sharpl= y cut energy bills at the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command in = Twentynine Palms. People Scandal Surrounds Columbia, Mo., Native, = after Leaving Helm of Enron By Chris Birk, Columbia Daily Tribune, Mo., J= an. 28 Dan Simon was just out of Chicago airspace when it hit him. Ar= my Official Comes under Scrutiny over Ties to Enron By Patty Reinert, Hou= ston Chronicle, Jan. 29 Army Secretary Thomas White, a former top executive= at Enron Corp., is coming under scrutiny by congressional investigators pr= obing links between the Bush administration and the collapsed Houston energ= y trader. Wife of Former Enron Chairman Says Lay Did No Wrong, But Co= uldn't Stop Crash By Bill Murphy, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 29 The wife of = former Enron Chairman Ken Lay said he would have acted to fix the company's= problems if he hadn't been kept in the dark by accountants from Arthur And= ersen and outside legal counsel. Lay's wife seeks to distance her fam= ily from Bush WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) The wife of Kenneth Lay, forme= r chief of Enron, the biggest financial backer in President George W. Bush'= s 2000 campaign, said on Tuesday her family was closer to Bush's parents th= an the current first couple. Hastert backs Bush's withholding of ener= gy records WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives S= peaker Dennis Hastert on Tuesday backed President George W. Bush's decision= not to hand over records to congressional investigators on involvement by = Enron Corp. and other companies in developing the White House's energy poli= cy. Baker backs Cheney on Enron By PATRICK J. KILLEN, TOKYO, Jan 29= , 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- U.S. Ambassador Howard B= aker, a former senator and White House chief of staff, said Tuesday he woul= d not criticize Vice President Richard Cheney for invoking the doctrine of = separation of powers in declining to disclose information to Congress about= his talks with Enron, Corp. officials. Bode defends 1998 Lay contrib= ution Jan 28 - Tulsa World Enron executive Kenneth Lay, now at the epicen= ter of investigations and accusations of financial misdealing at the Housto= n energy giant, was a major contributor to Corporation Commissioner Denise = Bode's 1998 campaign. Jesse Jackson Meets with Former Enron Chairman = Lay about Workers' Plight By Janette Rodrigues, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 2= 9 As former Enron employees gathered in a church across the street from the= bankrupt company's headquarters, the Rev. Jesse Jackson met for nearly an = hour with Ken Lay on Monday and reported that Lay seems truly concerned wit= h the workers' financial plight. NEWSMAKER-Restructuring pro Cooper f= aces Enron challenges NEW YORK, Jan 28 (Reuters) Stephen Cooper, the part= ner in restructuring firm Zolfo Cooper who is expected to take over the rei= ns of Enron Corp., may not succeed in reviving the bankrupt energy firm, in= dustry watchers say. But it won't be for lack of trying. Conference An= nouncements "Live" From Houston and CBI's 6th Annual Merchant Energy Co= nference: Challenges That The Merchant Power Business Will Face in 2002 (Pa= rt 1) By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 29 (Scientech) On Jan. 28 and 29= , I am in Houston serving as chairman of the 6th Annual Merchant Plants con= ference, sponsored by the Center for Business Intelligence. Special Offer f= rom this Publisher! Labor/Human Resources Midwest Generation to R= educe Staff at All Seven Illinois Plants By Paul Gordon, Journal Star, Pe= oria, Ill., Jan. 26 The Powerton power station will lose 38 jobs as Midwest= Generation plans to reduce manpower at all seven of its Illinois plants. = Environmental US Senate panel to tighten power plant emissions WA= SHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Congress can spur development of new clean air t= echnology with legislation tightening the limits on power plant emissions o= f sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, mercury and carbon dioxide, a prominent = backer said on Tuesday. Senators, EPA at Odds Over Pollution By JOH= N HEILPRIN Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 29, 2002 (AP Online via= COMTEX) -- Lawmakers who are working to reduce emissions from coal-burning= power plants are frustrated by the Bush administration's determination to = craft separate policies to deal with air pollution and climate change. = Lobbyists Win Out over Environmentalists in Texas Report on Global Warmin= g By Randy Lee Loftis, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 28 Dallas has had so= me warm spells this month -- during one eight-day stretch the highs reached= 6 to 21 degrees above normal -- but the real heat has come from the debate= about what Texas should do about global warming. Senate Votes to Lim= it Scc's Power; Let the Deq Determine Environmental Effects of Power Plants= , Lawmakers Say Jan 29, 2002 - Roanoke Times & World News The Senate pass= ed legislation stripping the State Corporation Commission of the power to c= onduct environmental reviews of proposed power plants. Nuclear Rus= sia's Nuclear Plants to Double Power Output by 2015 Jan 29, 2002 - Itar-T= ass News Agency Russia's nuclear power plants are supposed to double the ou= tput of electricity by the year 2015, and the plant at Balakovo in the Midd= le Volga area will have the decisive role in it, Bulat Nigamtulin, atomic e= nergy deputy minister, said Tuesday. Financial Lead Hydro One unde= rwriter may be named this week By Rajiv Sekhri, TORONTO, Jan 29 (Reuters)= The lead underwriter in the initial public offering for Ontario power dist= ributor Hydro One could be announced by the end of this week, a government = spokesman told Reuters on Tuesday. Enron Investments Lured Pension Gi= ant CalPERS By Pamela Yip, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 28 CalPERS inves= ted in two of Enron's controversial outside partnerships, which the company= used to move debt off its balance sheet. Liquidation seen as increas= ing prospect for Enron By C. Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) There= may not be enough of Enron Corp. left to reorganize now that its major mon= ey-making unit is gone, making liquidation a more probable and less palatab= le option, analysts and bankruptcy experts said on Monday. ICE e-bour= se considers IPO, says enjoys fast growth LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Ener= gy and metals electronic trading platform IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) is= considering floating its shares under an initial public offering, the U.S.= -based company's chief executive officer Jeff Sprecher said on Tuesday. = Mirant tries to reassure investors ATLANTA, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Power t= rader and generator Mirant Corp. on Tuesday attempted to assuage investor c= oncerns over its marketing and risk management operations on a day when its= shares fell as much as 19 percent. With Enron collapse, other energy= companies' books get scrutinized By BRAD FOSS AP Business Writer, NEW YO= RK, Jan 28, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Enron Corp. is not the only= energy trader whose books are getting a closer look. Veba Was Alread= y Concerned Over Enron Creative Accounting in 1999 Jan 28, 2002 - FT Worl= d Media Abstracts via Comtex Veba AG, the former German energy group which = has now been merged with Viag to form the utilities giant E.ON AG, broke of= f merger talks with Enron, the stricken US energy trading company, in 1999,= owing partly to the US group's debts in subsidiaries which were not public= ly known, and partly because Enron was obviously speculating over a takeove= r of the German power group.. Enron Employees' 401K Disasters Send Me= ssage to Diversify By David Ranii, The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., Ja= n. 29 The devastating losses suffered by Enron employees whose 401(k) plans= were heavily invested in Enron stock have pointed a glaring spotlight at t= he obvious remedy: diversification. Virginia State Workers Retirement= System Reports $60 Million Loss in Enron By Tom Shean, The Virginian-Pil= ot, Norfolk, Va., Jan. 29 The retirement system for state employees and man= y municipal workers and teachers in Virginia estimated Monday that it lost = $60 million from its investments in Enron Corp., the bankrupt energy compan= y under investigation for possible accounting fraud and other misdeeds. = Financial - Results United Illuminating Parent Buoyed by Non-Utility = Businesses in Fourth Quarter Connecticut Post, Bridgeport, Jan. 29 Fourth= -quarter profits rose at United Illuminating Co.'s parent firm as nuclear g= eneration performance improved and the non-utility businesses did better th= an expected. WPS Resources earnings rise 52 percent GREEN BAY, Wis.= , Jan 29 (Reuters) Energy holding company WPS Resources Co. on Tuesday repo= rted a 52 percent increase in fourth-quarter earnings, as higher profits in= nonregulated businesses offset a drop in income at its electric and gas ut= ility operations. TransCanada PipeLines profit slips, dividend up C= ALGARY, Alberta, Jan 29 (Reuters) - TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. said on Tues= day its fourth-quarter profit slipped 5 percent, but the country's top pipe= line operator raised its dividend for the second time in as many years, say= ing growth plans were on track. Exelon backs 2002 EPS forecast, sees = lower 1st qtr NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) Exelon Corp., the largest U.S. n= uclear generator, on Tuesday maintained its earnings forecast for 2002 and = warned that its first-quarter results will be lower than year-ago results. = OUTLOOK Scottish Power Q3 boosted by reduction in US power costs LO= NDON, Jan 29, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Scottish Power PLC's third q= uarter results, due Friday, are expected to show a significant improvement = in underlying earnings due to a reduction in power costs in the US. E= nel Storms Ahead Despite Deregulation Jan 29, 2002 - FT World Media Abstr= acts via Comtex Enel, the former Italian electricity monopoly, has closed 2= 001 with a revenue of 28.8bn euros (+7 per cent) and a gross operating marg= in of 8.5bn euros (+3 per cent). International UK govt says claims= on Enron connection 'overheated nonsense' LONDON, Jan 29, 2002 (AFX-UK v= ia COMTEX) -- Downing Street has once again been forced to deny that the g= overnment's dealings with failed US energy group Enron Corp were improper a= fter newspaper reports this morning suggested Prime Minister Tony Blair int= ervened to water down restrictions on gas-fired power stations. Enron= Australia in Liquidation Jan 29, 2002 - Associated Press The Australian = arm of Enron was placed into liquidation Tuesday, two months after its debt= -ridden parent entered the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Thaila= nd Power Firm to Expand in Subregion By Yuthana Praiwan, Bangkok Post, Th= ailand, Jan. 29 GMS Power Plc, part of MDX Plc, a major construction group,= plans to invest at least US$3 billion in independent power projects in the= Greater Mekong Subregion covering Yunnan in China, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, C= ambodia and Thailand. Parana Cancels Privatization of Copel Brazil,= Jan 28, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- The governor of Brazil's Para= na state Jaime Lerner has cancelled the privatization process of integrated= power company Copel due to changes in federal government policy and electr= icity regulations. Spain power cos to receive 482 mln eur in 2002 to = offset nuclear moratorium MADRID, Jan 29, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) --= Iberdrola SA, Union Electrica Fenosa SA and Endesa SA are to receive 482 = mln eur from the government in 2002 to offset the impact of the nuclear mor= atorium, El Pais reported, citing a new sector regulation. German car= tel office starts probe into RWE, E.ON energy units' overpricing BONN, Ja= n 29, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- The German cartel office said it has= launched an investigation into the overpricing of access to networks of te= n energy network companies, including three subsidiaries of E.ON AG and two= RWE AG units. Gas Natural Gains 40% of Enron's Spanish Clients Jan= 28, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spanish gas company has gai= ned 40 per cent of US energy group Enron's clients in Spain, according to s= ector sources, as part of its strategy to enter the electricity sector. = Hidrocantabrico Concludes Gas Agreement with Eni Group Jan 28, 2002 - = FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spanish power utility Hidrocantabrico (= HC) will have a powerful ally to develop its gas business in Spain. C= hubu Electric to Cut Fees by Roughly 5% Jan 29, 2002 - Kyodo News Chubu E= lectric Power Co., the utility in charge of central Japanese prefectures, i= ndicated Tuesday it intends to match the fee cut planned by Tokyo Electric = Power Co. by October. Electricity Board - Prequalified Bidders Shun G= ovt Over Tariffs Jan 29, 2002 - Africa News Service THE PRIVATISATION of = the Uganda Electricity Board's successor companies has suffered a setback a= s two pre-qualified bidders for the generation and distribution arms of the= former parastatal pulled out of talks with the government, citing confusio= n in tariffs. Operation Sigma Update - Sigma Makes Arrests By Frank= Sserwaniko, Jan 28, 2002 (New Vision/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -= - UGANDA Electricity Distribution Company Limited (UEDCL), on Friday held = one Mustafa Nsimbe after dismantling unauthorized power connections at his = residence in Kawaala near Kampala. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central = ? 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. 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