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=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thursday, January 31, 2002 Home - Email Pre= ferences - Account [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SITE = MENU [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Power News Gas News Prices Stoc= k Market Snapshots Industry M & A Power Plants Nuclear Data = Power Marketing Data Company Profiles Investor Owned Utilities = Cooperatives Municipals State / Federal [IMAGE] [IMAGE] NE= W CONTENT! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Include the following in your Energy Centra= l Direct: Weekly Power Plays Focused on market trends and future price di= rection. Publishes extensive price list and market analysis. GasTrader = See where natural gas prices are going in the future. [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] SPONSORS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] KWI [IMAGE] Excelergy = [IMAGE] Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. [IMAGE] RER [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPOR= ATION [IMAGE] Silicon Energy [IMAGE] The Structure Group [IMAGE] Alle= gro Development [IMAGE] Itron [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] Ideas Wanted! We are eager to hear your ideas, feedback, and sug= gestions for this product. Together we will create the most useful informa= tion tool for the electric power industry. Partners Wanted! Reach over 5= 0,000 electric power professionals with your news, analysis, commentary or= insight into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-782-5510 [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] AdvertisementLODESTAR CORPORATION ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP = STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected t= hese as the top stories of the day: Democrats see loopholes in power der= egulation bill WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) Enron fallout mounts as GAO to= sue White House WASHINGTON/AMITYVILLE, N.Y., Jan 30 (Reuters) - FERC may = boost Midwest ISO rate of return WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Probe need= ed into Enron's California deals-FERC WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - [IM= AGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] These stories have been most requested by Energy Central members in t= he last two weeks. Court overturns approval of AEP, Central SW merger = By Julie Vorman, WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Power= Production Scorecard: Who Is Building New Power Plants, And Where? What Fu= el Sources Will Be Used? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 16 (Sciente= ch) Enron's Cutthroat Culture Is Deplored by Those It Served to Profit = By Claudia Kolker, The Boston Globe, Jan. 27 Enron energy services client= s may take profit hits By Carolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) FERC= to create electricity market monitoring unit WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reute= rs) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as the top stories o= f the day: Indonesia's Pertamina ready to bid for Devon assets JAKARTA,= Jan 30 (Reuters) Pipeline Agreement Will Lead to Drop in Natural Gas Price= s in St. Louis Area By Repps Hudson, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jan. 30 U.S.= FERC approves larger nat gas line to Mexico WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] WSI Energycast Trader [IMAGE] [IMAGE] = IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for paul.d.tho= mas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Today RER's= eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories Electri= c Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry News - Top Stories Se= lected Content Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monday Utility= Stock Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= ELECTRIC POWER NEWS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Select= ed 86 of 86 Articles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Char= twell covers retail energy sales & marketing in their new book, Energy Sal= es & Marketing 2001. It features research on marketing and selling new pro= ducts and services, as well as energy management technologies. It also cov= ers strategies for competitive markets and effective CRM. View more.. http= ://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100383 Top Stories = Probe needed into Enron's California deals-FERC WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (R= euters) - A member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said Wednesd= ay that the agency should investigate whether bankrupt Enron Corp. manipula= ted wholesale electricity prices in California. [IMAGE] Enron fallout mo= unts as GAO to sue White House WASHINGTON/AMITYVILLE, N.Y., Jan 30 (Reute= rs) - Congressional investigators on Wednesday planned unprecedented court = action to try to find out what role Enron Corp. and others played in develo= ping the White House's energy plan, as the fallout mounted from the energy = giant's spectacular failure. [IMAGE] Democrats see loopholes in power de= regulation bill WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) A draft Republican bill to d= eregulate the U.S. power industry could create "potentially dangerous looph= oles" for investor protection from companies like failed Enron Corp., two H= ouse Democrats said on Wednesday. [IMAGE] FERC may boost Midwest ISO rat= e of return WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Federal regulators on Wednesda= y said they would consider boosting the rates of return on Midwest electric= ity transmission projects to attract more investment. Press Release = Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. Reports Record Year Forest, Virginia, Janu= ary 31, 2002 Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. (ESP), a premier provider of integ= ration and consulting services to companies within the energy industry, ann= ounced today strong results for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001. N= et revenue for FY2001 was approximately $13.08 million, the highest annual = revenue in the company's history, representing an increase of 65 percent ov= er FY2000. These results exceeded the company?s expectations by 9 percent o= r approximately $1M. Energy Security Bush Prepares for More Super= -Terror Jan 30, 2002 - United Press International President George W. Bus= h spelled out an ambitious program for homeland security in his State of th= e Union speech Tuesday night -- and the programs he announced appeared desi= gned to deal with literal terrorist, nuclear and other attacks against Amer= ican cities. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Gain exposure to thousands of ener= gy professionals with your company's white papers today. Energy Central, t= he industry's most comprehensive on-line information resource is gathering= white papers for inclusion the newest section of its Research Report Cent= er. Don't be left out - to learn how to submit your white papers, e-mail m= johnson@energycentral.com. http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research /= National Energy Policy Bush makes scant mention of energy plan = in speech By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Energy policy = took a predictable back seat to national security in President George W. Bu= sh's State of the Union address on Tuesday, with a call to Congress to pass= comprehensive energy legislation. Daschle Targets Week of Feb. 11 fo= r Senate Energy Debate Jan 30, 2002 - E?Publishing Senate Majority Leader= Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) hopes to have a comprehensive energy bill ready for f= loor action the week of Feb. 11, just in time to beat his self-imposed Pres= idents Day recess deadline, a senior Democratic aide said last week. = Memo Highlights Cheney-Enron Connection Jan 30, 2002 - E?Publishing The W= hite House acknowledged yesterday that elements of the Bush administration'= s energy policy resembled aspects of a memo from former Enron Chairman Kenn= eth Lay to Vice President Dick Cheney written last April. GOP to Figh= t Planned GAO Lawsuit By JESSE J. HOLLAND Associated Press Writer, WASHIN= GTON, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Republicans say they may take = action to stop congressional investigators from suing Vice President Dick C= heney to get information on business executives who met with him and his ai= des on energy policy. Competition & Deregulation Fort Worth, Texas= , Power Company Gears Up to Woo Customers in Dallas, Houston By Dan Pille= r, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 29 First Choice Power of Fort Wort= h, which under its incarnation as Texas New Mexico Power was a company that= couldn't serve the state's largest markets, now has a ticket to the Big Sh= ow. Plans For Power Deregulation Stay Alive Despite Enron Mess By R= ussell Grantham, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 29 The collapse of = Enron won't derail efforts to deregulate the electrical power and other ene= rgy markets, the nation's top energy regulator said Monday. Mergers, A= cquisitions & Divestitures E.ON gets war chest windfall from Veba/BP de= al FRANKFURT, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Germany's E.ON AG said on Wednesday that= proceeds from the sale of its Veba Oel unit would exceed original estimate= s, bolstering the war chest of the group which is still on the prowl for ac= quisitions. Mont. Regulators OK Power Co. Sale By BOB ANEZ Associat= ed Press Writer, HELENA, Mont., Jan 29, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The = state Public Service Commission unanimously approved an agreement Tuesday t= hat lets Montana Power Co. sell the last of its utility holdings and reduce= the size of a rate increase expected in July. TransCanada PipeLines = looks at large power opportunities in near future JAMES STEVENSON, CALGAR= Y, Jan 29, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- TransCanada PipeLines is= rapidly growing its power generation business and is in pursuit of further= acquisitions, the company said Tuesday. Legislation/Regulation En= ron's Demise Didn't Affect Energy Markets in Short Term, Experts Say By K= aren Masterson, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 Experts concluded Tuesday that E= nron's collapse had no short-term negative impact on energy markets, but so= me cautioned that inadequate disclosure requirements may have hidden the co= mpany's influence over California's electricity markets and contributed to = the state's energy crisis last year. U.S. House Broadens Sphere of En= ron Probe, Targeting Andersen's Roles By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, = Jan. 30 House investigators Tuesday widened the scope of the Enron probe, t= argeting the dual roles served by Arthur Andersen in consulting and auditin= g at the energy company. Congressional Committee Asks Andersen for Do= cuments Related to Enron Chicago Tribune, Jan. 30 A congressional committ= ee asked the Andersen accounting firm Tuesday to turn over documents relate= d to the consulting work that the Chicago-based company did for Enron Corp.= , the energy and commodities trading giant now in bankruptcy. Enron A= dmits Error in Lobbying Costs By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer, WASHI= NGTON, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Enron Corp. apparently failed= to disclose many of its lobbying expenses to Congress last year as the ene= rgy trader headed toward financial disaster. Bingaman Plugs Transpare= nt Energy Markets at Enron Hearing Jan 30, 2002 - E?Publishing U.S. energ= y markets may have reacted well following Enron Corp.'s collapse, but that = doesn't mean Congress should shy away from tightening regulations in the fa= ce of a general lack of industry transparency, Senate Energy Committee Chai= rman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) said Tuesday. West Applauds Ferc Investig= ation of Enron Role in Power Crisis Jan 30, 2002 - E?Publishing West Coas= t politicians and utilities welcomed yesterday's announcement by Federal En= ergy Regulatory Commission Chairman Pat Wood that the commission will inves= tigate whether Enron manipulated energy prices during the power crisis in 2= 000 and 2001. FACTBOX-Congress hearings schedule on Enron/Andersen = WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) Following are the hearings which Congress has = firmly scheduled on the collapse of Enron Corp., its auditor Andersen, and = related regulatory issues over the coming weeks. Rates Regulatory = staff propose Puget Sound Energy receive $42 million in interim-rate relief= OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 30 (News Release) Due to uncertain energy and finan= cial markets, regulatory staff today recommended Puget Sound Energy (PSE) r= eceive a $42 million electric rate increase. General Andersen Unde= r Gun to Salvage Lost Data Chicago Tribune, Jan. 30 Prodded by a Texas ju= dge, the Andersen accounting firm has launched an aggressive campaign to re= trieve Enron Corp. records destroyed by its Houston staff, but many of the = missing documents never will be recovered, plaintiffs' lawyers and others s= ay. Enron Was Open Book that No One Could Read By Gregg Fields, The= Miami Herald, Jan. 28 In sifting through the carnage of Enron, the largest= bankruptcy in American history, the accusations and scandals belie one sal= ient fact: Until the roof started caving in, Enron operated by the book. = Governor Asks Florida Lawmakers to Consider Suing Firm Over Enron Stock= By Nancy Cook Lauer, Tallahassee Democrat, Fla., Jan. 30 Two new investi= gations into Florida's disastrous experience with Enron stock were launched= Tuesday. Developments related to the Enron collapse and investigatio= n Jan 30 - Associated Press Developments related to the Enron collapse an= d investigation: Texan Attends State of the Union to Keep Focus on Vi= ctimized Enron Employees By Maria Recio, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas,= Jan. 30 President Bush probably didn't see Debbie Perrotta peering down at= him Tuesday night from the visitors gallery of the House of Representative= s, but she was there -- representing the victimized employees of Enron Corp= . King County, Wash., Utility Taxes Take a Bite Here, Bite There By= Mike Lindblom, The Seattle Times, Jan. 29 Every month, when David Plummer = of Bellevue opens his utility bills, he can't help but resent the fine prin= t. Xcel Energy Finishes Moving Utilities for Light Rail Project in Mi= nneapolis By Toni Coleman, Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Minn., Jan. 30 Despi= te earlier consternation, Xcel Energy actually beat the court-ordered Feb. = 1 deadline for moving its downtown Minneapolis utility lines so that Hiawat= ha Corridor light rail transit construction could proceed on schedule. = Trading/Marketing Sempra agrees to buy Enron metals unit for $145 mln = STAMFORD, Conn, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Sempra Energy said on Tuesday it had a= greed to pay about $145 million for the metals unit of Enron Corp., the lat= est business sold by the bankrupt energy trading giant. Deals/Contract= s GE Energy wins KEPCO unit contract SEOUL, Jan 30 (Reuters) Korea We= stern Power Co, a wholly-owned unit of power monopoly Korea Electric Power = Corp (KEPCO) said on Wednesday it had signed a contract with GE Energy A.S.= of Norway for the supply of turbines and boilers to be used in the buildin= g of two power plants. Power Pricing/Supply NE Cash Climbs on Cold= , Elsewhere Firms as Demand Limited Jan. 30 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Co= oler weather and late elevations in next day clearing prices sent the value= for power traded at hubs in the northern reaches of the Eastern U.S. highe= r for Thursday. Special Offer from this Publisher! New CEO to Resurr= ect Enron Jan. 29 (Energy Market Report) Heavy load energy costs for Wedn= esday delivery turned in mixed results in the Western U.S. on Tuesday, refl= ecting varying weather forecasts in different regions. Special Offer from t= his Publisher! Transmission & Reliability New England Electric Gr= id, New York Grid Take Step toward Merger By Peter J. Howe, The Boston Gl= obe, Jan. 30 ISO New England, the Holyoke-based organization that runs the = New England electric grid, took a step yesterday toward merging with the Ne= w York grid -- and fending off a takeover by the Pennsylvania-New Jersey gr= id that has been pushed by President Bush's administration. Northwest= House Members Still Fighting Ferc On Rto Design Jan 30, 2002 - E?Publish= ing Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Pat Wood's vision of a na= tional power grid managed by four large regional transmission organizations= (RTOs) again caught heat last week from a small but vocal group of lawmake= rs from the Pacific Northwest who believe their region should be left out o= f Wood's grand plan. Power Projects South Carolina Regulators Reje= ct Plan for Merchant Power Plant By Dave L?Heureux, The State, Columbia, = S.C., Jan. 30 State utility regulators Tuesday rejected an application to b= uild a controversial merchant power plant in Greenville County. Oppos= ition Mounts against Calpine Gas-Fired Power Generator in Fort Mill, S.C. = By Sula Pettibon, The Herald, Rock Hill, S.C., Jan. 29 Opposition is mount= ing toward a $400 million gas-fired electric generator in Fort Mill, with a= local citizens' group and the state chapter of the Sierra Club supporting = a moratorium. Macao Builds Power Plant MACAO, Jan 30, 2002 (Xinhua = via COMTEX) -- Construction of an environment- friendly power plant has st= arted in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) to address the regio= n's increasing power demands in the coming decade. Legal Shadow of= Enron Debacle Falls on Houston Law Firm Vinson & Elkins By Mark Curriden= , The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 30 Vinson & Elkins, one of Texas' largest a= nd most prestigious law firms, pocketed $30 million last year working for E= nron Corp., its biggest and most prized client. Enron Workers Seek Go= -Ahead for Class-Action Suit By Rosanna Ruiz, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 = Attorneys representing Enron employees who lost money in the company's 401(= k) plan have asked a judge to let their class-action suit proceed even thou= gh Enron is tied up in bankruptcy court. University of California Hir= es Law Firm to Recover Investments in Enron The Sacramento Bee, Calif., J= an. 30 Facing an uphill battle to recover $144.7 million lost investing in = Enron Corp., the University of California has hired America's most successf= ul and controversial securities-fraud law firm -- a firm that has recovered= billions of dollars for shareholders but is reportedly under investigation= for improper tactics. Legal experts disagree on GAO-Cheney dispute = By Susan Cornwell, WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) Legal experts disagree ove= r who has the better case as the U.S. Congress' investigative arm prepared = a legal action to find out how President George. W Bush's energy policy was= crafted. Plants Surry, Va., Group Returns from Calpine Power-Plan= t Tour By Jessie Halladay, Daily Press, Newport News, Va., Jan. 29 A grou= p of Surry County officials have returned from a trip to Florida with a hea= rty dose of warmth and notebooks filled with power-plant information. = Avista seeks water permit; Utility hopes to expand its Rathdrum plant amid= concerns about drain on aquifer Jan 30 - Spokesman Review Avista Utiliti= es applied for a water permit Friday to expand its 170-megawatt plant on th= e eastern edge of Rathdrum. People Virginia Lawmakers Name Member = of Corporate-Regulating Agency to Second Term By Terry Scanlon, Daily Pre= ss, Newport News, Va., Jan. 30 The General Assembly re-elected Theodore V. = Morrison Jr., a former Peninsula lawmaker, to another six-year term as a me= mber of the State Corporation Commission after closed-door debates that tem= porarily upheld the decision. Texas Attorney General Candidate Faces = Questions on Law Firm's Ties to Enron By Clay Robison, Houston Chronicle,= Jan. 30 The Republican candidate to succeed Texas Attorney General John Co= rnyn is facing questions about potential conflicts similar to the ones that= forced Cornyn to withdraw from his office's investigation into the Enron c= ollapse. Texas Attorney General's Opinion Is Sought in Release of Enr= on Suicide Note By Eric Hanson, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 30 The Police Dep= artment says it will get an attorney general's ruling -- a process that cou= ld take months -- before releasing the suicide note written by a former Enr= on executive whose body was found in his car Friday. NEWSMAKER-Walker= is unlikely Bush administration antagonist By Sue Pleming, WASHINGTON, J= an 30 (Reuters) As a volunteer for President George W. Bush's father's pres= idential campaign and a man with solid Republican credentials, David Walker= seems an unlikely choice to wage a legal battle against the Bush administr= ation. New Enron president no stranger to corporate storms By Dan W= ilchins, NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) Jeff McMahon, promoted Tuesday to presi= dent and chief operating officer at scandal-wracked Enron Corp., has a knac= k for finding himself in the middle of corporate maelstroms. Enron CE= O Cooper Rallies Employees By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUST= ON, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The restructuring specialist cho= sen to help Enron Corp. emerge from bankruptcy told workers there that the = fallen energy giant has enough strength to survive. Video shows Enron= employee asked if Lay was on crack WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) - An enr= aged Enron employee asked then-boss Kenneth Lay if he was on crack during a= staff meeting, videoed as the energy trading giant began to unravel and ai= red on U.S. television on Wednesday. Conference Announcements Emer= ging Trends Within the Merchant Energy Industry (Part 2) By Will McNamara= , IssueAlert, Jan. 30 (Scientech) In continuation of a column I began yeste= rday, the 6th Annual Merchant Plants conference, sponsored by the Center fo= r Business Intelligence (CBI), ended yesterday in Houston. Special Offer fr= om this Publisher! Labor/Human Resources Akron, Ohio-Based Utilit= y Giant Cuts 265 Jobs in Pennsylvania, New Jersey The Patriot-News, Harri= sburg, Pa., Jan. 30 FirstEnergy Corp. said Tuesday that 265 GPU Inc. manage= ment and nonunion clerical and administrative employees in Pennsylvania and= New Jersey will lose their jobs as a result of the merger of the two utili= ty companies. Johnnie Cochran Plans to Lend Help to Enron Workers H= ouston Chronicle, Jan. 30 The Rev. Al Sharpton said Tuesday that attorney J= ohnnie Cochran will help represent Enron employees trying to recover lost r= etirement savings. Constellation to cut work force by 10 percent NE= W YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) Constellation Energy Group on Wednesday said it pl= ans to cut its work force by 10 percent in the first quarter. Jesse J= ackson Rallies Enron Workers in DC Jan 30, 2002 - United Press Internatio= nal The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday led over two-dozen former employees= of bankrupt Enron Corp. to demand government compensation to make up for t= heir losses. Xcel Energy to cut more jobs, fourth-quarter earnings up= Jan 30, 2002 - Associated Press Xcel Energy said Wednesday that it is cu= tting about 500 more jobs as it continues to fine-tune operations of the co= mpany created by the merger of Northern States Power Co. and New Century En= ergies. Fuel US, Kazakhstan to turn uranium into power fuel By A= ndrea Shalal-Esa, WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) The United States and Kazakh= stan announced a joint venture on Wednesday to process uranium into fuel fo= r commercial nuclear reactors and hopefully keep former Soviet atomic scien= tists and engineers from being hired by rogue nations. Environmental = NYC Council seeks cut in power plant CO2 emissions NEW YORK, Jan 30 (R= euters) New York City Council member Peter Vallone Jr. reintroduced a bill = that would require the city's power plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissio= ns or face stiff fines, the council said in a statement Wednesday. Ma= yor bids to reduce gases / Brown wants to change way S.F. uses energy Jan= 29 - San Francisco Chronicle In a classic example of thinking globally and= acting locally, Mayor Willie Brown introduced a resolution yesterday to dr= amatically reduce greenhouse gases over the next decade in San Francisco. = Nuclear FERC OK's Entergy buy of Vermont Yankee nuke plant WASHIN= GTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved on= Wednesday the $180 million sale of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.'s nu= clear plant to Entergy Corp. Dominion Drops the Word `Nuclear' from T= hree Waterford, Conn., Plants By Paul Choiniere, The Day, New London, Con= n., Jan. 29 What Shakespeare certainly never considered was whether a nucle= ar plant by any other name would prove as controversial. Three Nuke P= ower Plants Ready for Use This Year BEIJING, Jan 30, 2002 (Xinhua via COM= TEX) -- Three of China's four nuclear power plants under construction are = expected to begin operating this year, a Chinese nuclear official announced= Wednesday. Independent Review Questions Approval of Yucca Mountain = Jan 29 - Environment News Service Scientific uncertainties make it impossi= ble to ensure that a proposed nuclear waste dump in Nevada would remain saf= e for the thousands of years necessary to protect the environment, suggests= a review by the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board. Mitsubishi Hea= vy Industries enters French nuclear power plant business TOKYO, Jan 30, 2= 002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan= 's largest heavy machinery maker, said Wednesday it will enter France's nuc= lear power plant market in cooperation with a French firm. Financial = Mirant Rebounds Following Assurances about Finances By Matthew C. Quin= n, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 30 Mirant, reassuring investors f= ollowing a drop in its stock price to as low as $8.75, said Tuesday it has = the financial wherewithal to "conduct full business operations" despite las= t month's credit rating downgrade. Auditors Begin Duke Power Investig= ation The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Jan. 29 After a month-long debate ove= r just how much access they would have to company records and employees, au= ditors have begun reviewing Duke Power's accounts. N.C., S.C. Investi= gate Duke Power Profits Jan 30, 2002 - E?Publishing Auditors hired by Nor= th and South Carolina state regulators have started to investigate claims t= hat Duke Power underreported nearly $100 million in profits over the past f= our years. Utility Firm Considers Filing Telecommunications Reorganiz= ation Plan in Texas By Dan Piller, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. = 27 Under a tight timetable and facing the possibility of foreclosure, CoSer= v plans to file a reorganization plan for its telecommunications unit with = the U.S. Bankruptcy Court sometime next week. Enron's Books Aren't th= e Only Place Andersen Has Made Mistakes By Seth Borenstein, Knight Ridder= , Jan. 30 Two years before their Enron Corp. work came under scrutiny, Arth= ur Andersen auditors approved another client's inaccurate accounting. = 'Enron Effect' Rattles Investors By LISA SINGHANIA AP Business Writer, N= EW YORK, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Fears of another Enron-type= scandal has become Wall Street's latest excuse to sell in an environment a= lready plagued by uncertainty. Financial - Results Cost-Cutting, S= trong Quarter Boost Chicago Utility's 2001 Earnings Report By Benjamin Y.= Lowe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 30 A stronger than expected fourth q= uarter and vigorous cost-cutting enabled Exelon Corp. to report 2001 earnin= gs yesterday toward the high end of its forecast range. First Energy = earnings rise on lower costs NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) FirstEnergy Corp.= , which delivers electricity to Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, on Wedne= sday reported a 34 percent rise in fourth-quarter net income, helped by low= er fuel and operating costs. Constellation reports fourth-quarter los= s BALTIMORE, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Constellation Energy Group Inc. on Wednes= day reported a steep fourth-quarter loss after booking a number of one-time= charges, including the cost of shedding part of its work force. Inter= national Lead lender invites bids for Enron's India plant By Anirban = Nag, BOMBAY, Jan 30 (Reuters) The Industrial Development Bank of India (IDB= I) said on Wednesday it was inviting bids for the stake held by foreign sha= reholders in bankrupt Enron Corp's $2.9 billion Dabhol power project. = Enron collapse subjects British government, opposition to accusations By= ROBERT BARR Associated Press Writer, LONDON, Jan 30, 2002 (AP WorldStream = via COMTEX) -- Enron's collapse has cast a shadow over Downing Street, with= Prime Minister Tony Blair under pressure to explain how Enron won favorabl= e government decisions after giving financial support to the Labor Party. = Mexico says it will pull the plug on some electric subsidies; consumer= s measuring the shock By LISA J. ADAMS Associated Press Writer, MEXICO CI= TY, Jan 30, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Mexico's state-owned power = utility is pulling the plug on some residential electricity subsidies, crea= ting a surge of opposition and confusion across the country. Tenaga N= asional to maintain low, competitive electricity production cost KUALA LU= MPUR, Jan 29, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Tenaga Nasional Bhd will ensur= e that it maintains a low and competitive electricity production cost in th= e wake of increasing competition from other producers such as China, the co= mpany's vice president of corporate affairs Md Sidek Ahmad said, according = to Bernama news agency. Endesa to invest 18.5 mln eur in Canary Islan= ds gas turbine project MADRID, Jan 30, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- E= ndesa SA said it plans to invest 18.5 mln eur in the installation of two ga= s turbines in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. French finance ministe= r calls for energy diversification with "solid nuclear base" Jan 30, 2002= , (Les Echos /FT Information via COMTEX) -- The French finance minister, L= aurent Fabius, yesterday said that France must diversify its energy sources= , while retaining a "solid nuclear base". Goiais government gives up = privatising Celg Brazil, Jan 29, 2002 (Gazeta Mercantil/SABI via COMTEX) = -- The government of Goiais does not believe it can privatise the electric= power company Celg (Companhia Energetica de Goiais) and submitted to the f= ederal government a proposal concerning the settlement of accounts with the= Union that may result in a future transfer of the company' control to Elet= robras. Enersis to review power contracts in Argentina Chile, Jan 3= 0, 2002 (El Mercurio/SABI via COMTEX) -- February is a key month for the C= hilean electric utility Enersis, as the Argentinean government will start r= eviewing the electric concession contracts, that may affect Edesur, the pow= er distributor in the Buenos Aires area. Electric companies lose mill= ions in Argentina due to devaluation Buenos Aires, Jan 30, 2002 (EFE via = COMTEX) -- Argentine electric companies, most of them foreign, estimate th= at they will lose some $2.9 billion due to the devaluation of the peso afte= r it was allowed to float after 10 years of parity between the peso and the= U.S. dollar. Edelnor Profit Warning over Gas Supply Problems Chile= , Jan 30, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Chilean electricity generato= r Edelnor warned the market on Wednesday (Jan.30) about possible negative e= ffects on its profits after natural gas supplies were suspended due to dama= ge on the Norandino gas pipeline. Electric power losses at high level= Ecuador, Jan 30, 2002 (El Comercio/SABI via COMTEX) -- Ecuadorian power= distribution companies registered leaks of 25% in 2001 incurring losses of= US$100mil, when the acceptable rate is 10%. [IMAGE] Powered by Energ= y Central ? 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] January 31, 2002 Will Rhode Island be 2d to = open electric market? They were 1st but that was a joke six years ago = What was wrong with EnronOnline? New era begins; FERC sets 13% ROI for= MISO Enron gets CEO Retail web exchange hit $250 million Se= nators pick up on McCullough's price dip view Do industrials lean towa= rds NERC as standards maker? Powered By US Publishing ? 2002 US Pu= blishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IMA= GE] RER'S EMETRIX LOAD FORECAST: CAL ISO [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL ISO. 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