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Subject:FREE Stuff from WeatherBug!
Date:Sat, 13 Oct 2001 05:08:15 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] As a special thank you for being a valued WeatherBug member, y=
ou are invited to select FREE gifts from leading manufacturers including S=
, Amity
, Jaguar
and more. You pay only a small charge for each item, which covers it all =
including shipping & handling. Quantities are limited so hurry! The gift i=
s absolutely free for you to keep. Why pay retail prices of up to $59.95 =
per item in a retail store when WeatherBug, in conjunction with ThankUGift=
.com, is making it available to you for FREE? Freshwater Pearl Earri=
ngs [IMAGE] Freshwater Pearl Earrings Retail Value: $ 39.95 FREE! =
"Collected from oriental pearl beds, designed and crafted by a family of =
artisans, these will add a splendid finishing touch to whatever you wear, =
day or evening. Solitary cultured pearls placed securely on silver-alloy p=
osts. Elegant. Intriguing. Generation Power Shaver [IMAGE] Gener=
ation Power Shaver Retail Value: $ 49.95 FREE! "This rechargeable, tri=
ple-headed electric razor makes short work of the trickiest beard. A well =
engineered instrument that anticipates different angles of growth and vari=
ables in texture to groom closely and comfortably. High strength, stainle=
ss steel cutter bits, with six blades per head. Navigator Torch [IM=
AGE] Navigator Torch Retail Value: $ 24.95 FREE! "A swirl of me=
tal to hold in your hand and guide your way with fire, light, and compass.=
Sound incredible? Take a look. The coiled filament under the cap flares w=
ith incendiary splendor when ignited, while a red bulb near the base glows=
cheerily. Hands Free Cell Phone Headset [IMAGE] Hands Free C=
ell Phone Headset Retail Value: $ 29.95 FREE! "Why wait for legislators=
to implement the inevitable? It's just plain common sense to get a headse=
t and keep your hands free to properly handle your vehicle! The device is =
automatically compatible with most phones that take a 2.5 millimeter jack.=
Spy Multi Tool With Light Beam [IMAGE] Spy Multi Tool With L=
ight Beam Retail Value: $ 29.95 FREE! "An incredible tool that lights =
its own way to tackle tough jobs. A magnetic tip, telescoping capacity, a=
nd multiple bits are among its many features. You'll want to get several o=
f these to keep handy for spur-of-the-moment repairs. Freshwater Pear=
l Necklace [IMAGE] Freshwater Pearl Necklace Retail Value: $ 49.=
95 FREE! "Such lovely gifts from nature, plucked from watery depths to =
adorn the slope of her neck. How beautifully this solitary strand modifies=
, but never overpowers. The pearls glow softly - but she glistens! Memorie=
s are made of this. Super Bright LED Light [IMAGE] Super Bright =
LED Light Retail Value: $ 24.95 FREE! "Intensity. Convenience. Longevi=
ty. Words that sure fit THIS hot little item! A beam powerful enough to b=
e seen a mile away. A casing smaller than your car keys. And a bulb that'l=
l put everything else to shame! (10,000 + hours!) Cell Phone Antenna =
Booster [IMAGE] Cell Phone Antenna Booster Retail Value: $ 24.95=
FREE! "Cell phones and pagers follow us everywhere. But sometimes the =
transmissions can fade when we pass through tunnels or certain buildings. =
Moments of lost communication and frustration can be a thing of the past w=
ith this remarkable antenna booster. =09

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