Enron Mail

Subject:General Principles for Regional ICAP and its Validation in the
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 14:13:57 -0800 (PST)

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The final draft of General Principles for Installed Capacity (ICAP) and a
draft Regional ICAP Validation Procedure are attached for your information.
These documents were agreed to by the MOU OWG (Operations Working Group).
They will be discussed at our next ICWG Meeting on November 30. Your
feedback will be appreciated.

These documents and other matters should also be addressed at a Regional
Capacity Adequacy Meeting scheduled for December 20 at BWI - Baltimore. The
particulars for the Baltimore Meeting have been or will be posted

(See attached file: MOU_OWG ICAP Principles.doc)(See attached file:
Regional ICAP Validation Procedure and Form Ver2.doc)
- MOU_OWG ICAP Principles.doc
- Regional ICAP Validation Procedure and Form Ver2.doc