Enron Mail

Subject:Home Equity Loans without Perfect Credit!
Date:Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:48:22 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] =09=09
[IMAGE] =09=09
[IMAGE] =09=09
[IMAGE] =09 Getting the money you need to pay off high-interest debts and =
credit cards may be just a call or a click away. For more than 20 years, h=
omeowners have been turning to Ameriquest Mortgage sm to get money for deb=
t consolidation, home improvements and to give their families the things th=
ey need. To learn more, click on www.ameriquestmortgage.com With a home =
loan from Ameriquestsm, you can: Lower your monthly payments Get preappro=
ved in 24 hours or less Work with the same loan expert from start to finish=
Enjoy possible tax advantages* With competitive rates and over 185 branch=
es nationwide, there's an Ameriquest Mortgage branch in your area that can =
help you get control of your finances and more enjoyment out of life. Cli=
ck on www.ameriquestmortgage.com for more information or to request your =
loan today. And don't forget to tell your friends and family members about =
Ameriquest's refinancing loans! Click below now: [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Equal Housing Lender. Licensing. *Ask your tax advisor for details. ? 2=
001 Ameriquest Mortgage Company. Ameriquest does not make loans in Washingt=
on, D.C., Virginia, W. Virginia, N. Carolina, Wisconsin,outside the United =
States, or where prohibited by law. =09

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