Enron Mail

Subject:Important changes to your current service
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 08:12:44 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE][IMAGE] Dear Valued Subscriber: As a current paid subscrib=
er to Energy Central Daily Gas News, we are pleased to inform you that we h=
ave upgraded the content of your subscription. Your new service, Energy Ce=
ntral Professional, is the next generation of news, data and information fo=
r energy professionals. Here's what you get with your annual subscription=
: 1. Unlimited access to our exclusive Members Only area of the Energy=
Central Professional site including: The most relevant news stories for =
the electric power and gas industries from wire services, key news reportin=
g agencies and exclusive content partner alliances A comprehensive IOU data=
base including hard to find information Detailed information on companies o=
perating or owning plants in the energy industry Cooperative, Municipal, S=
tate and Federal plant operation and generation data Daily financial recap =
including stocks, market volumes, currency, foreign indices and price indic=
es for power, gas and futures Rich US plant data for all fuel types and key=
statistics Inclusive merger and acquisition database 2. Your daily e-ma=
il service, Energy Central Professional Dispatch, included with your subsc=
ription, provides the latest news and information for the electric power an=
d gas industries directly to your e-mail inbox. This new service will begi=
n delivery on Wednesday, January 23rd and will replace your current daily e=
mail. Should you have any questions about the new format or additional c=
ontent, please call Mark Johnson at 303.782.5510 or email him at mark@energ=
ycentral.com . [IMAGE] You are receiving this message as an Energy Cent=
ral Daily News subscriber. If you have any questions about your account o=
r subscription, please contact us at service@energycentral.com . =09