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Subject:Limited Time Offer - Get Norton's 2001 Software Suite for only
Date:Sun, 21 Oct 2001 01:30:03 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] =09

NEW Products Spotlight Norton 2001 Software Suite For a Limited Time O=
nly, Get this Great Suite of 5 Products, a $300 Value, for Only... [IMAGE]=
l Solutions To Protect Your Computer! This terrific suite of products fro=
m Norton combines the world's #1 utility suite with advanced tools for PC =
experts. Take a look at what you get: [IMAGE] Norton AntiVirus? 2001 N=
orton AntiVirus? 2001 is the world's most trusted anti-virus solution. Now=
it repairs common virus infections automatically, without interrupting yo=
ur work. It scans and cleans both incoming and outgoing email, and defends=
against script-based viruses such as "I Love You" even between virus defi=
nition updates. Protect your PC today with award-winning Norton AntiVirus!=
Windows 95/98/ME/2000 Suggested Retail Price: $49.95 [IMAGE] Norton G=
host? 2001 Powerful solutions for system upgrading, backup, and recovery. =
Norton Ghost? 2001 provides high-performance utilities for fast and safe s=
ystem upgrading, backup, and recovery. It writes disk images directly to m=
any popular CD-R/CD-RW drives, making it easy to back up your valuable dat=
a.Files can be added to previously created images, eliminating the need to=
reclone the entire disk to back up new contents. Fast PC-to-PC cloning u=
sing high-speed parallel, USB, or home network IP connections provides ver=
satile direct connectivity. Support for Linux EXT2 and Microsoft
PC file systems (including FAT 16, FAT 32, and NTFS) lets you clone both =
older and newer systems. Multiple cloning methods allow you to choose the =
best approach for each situation. Automatic sizing of destination partitio=
ns streamlines the cloning process. G Disk provides command-line partitio=
ning with more functionality than FDISK. G Disk allows you to completely e=
rase a hard drive with a safe, thorough wipe. Creates bootable diskettes t=
hat can include drivers for network cards, writable CD drives, and USB po=
rts. Flexible, "no-frills" interface gives you precise control over the cl=
oning and imaging processes. Built-in error checking and image comparison =
ensure that each stored image exactly duplicates the original disk. Passwo=
rd protection secures your stored images. Windows 95/98/ME/2000 Suggeste=
d Retail Price: $69.95 [IMAGE] Norton Utilities? 2001 Improve your PC's =
performance. Speed Disk? optimizes your hard drive by putting your most-ne=
eded files near the front of the disk for faster access. That can signific=
antly speed up the loading time of your applications and documents. Subseq=
uent optimizations are even faster, so it's easy to keep your hard drive =
working efficiently. Fix Windows problems. Norton WinDoctor? diagnoses an=
d solves a wide range of Windows problems, from software errors to hardwar=
e configuration conflicts. It protects your work by fixing problems that m=
ight otherwise lead to data loss, and helps Windows run better by cleaning=
up problems that occur from everyday use of your computer. Keep your har=
d drive healthy. If your hard drive develops problems, it can make your PC=
run poorly or even damage your valuable data. That's why Norton Disk Doct=
or? detects and repairs a variety of hard drive problems. It not only chec=
ks the disk's physical surface, but also its directories. Stop trouble b=
efore it starts. Run Norton System Doctor? continuously in the background =
to keep your PC working smoothly every minute it's on. Norton System Docto=
r finds potential disk and system problems, and in many cases can automati=
cally take proactive measures to prevent a minor problem from becoming ser=
ious. The Norton Protected Recycle Bin can help you recover files that yo=
u accidentally deleted. Completely erase unwanted files. Want to make sure=
that files you erase are really gone-especially ones that contain confide=
ntial information? Wipe Info? permanently deletes the contents of selecte=
d files and folders from your hard drive. Use it for peace of mind when yo=
u give your old PC or hard drive to a family member or a charity. Windows=
95/98/ME/2000 Suggested Retail Price: $49.95 [IMAGE] Norton CleanSweep?=
2001 Tired of having your hard drive cluttered with Web pages, URLs, grap=
hics, cookies, ActiveX
controls, plug-ins, and downloaded programs left over from your Internet =
sessions? The Internet Sweep feature removes these unwanted files safely a=
nd easily-without causing problems for your other programs. Clean out Inte=
rnet buildup with award-winning Norton CleanSweep? from Symantec. It impro=
ves your PC's performance by removing unwanted programs and other files t=
hat waste disk space-while protecting you from accidentally deleting impor=
tant files. It removes unwanted files from your computer with the click of=
a mouse. It's the safe, easy way to clean your computer and gain back dis=
k space to improve performance. Trust Norton CleanSweep? 2001 for safe, ea=
sy, complete hard drive cleanup. Windows 95/98/ME/2000 Suggested Retail P=
rice: $69.95 [IMAGE] Norton WinFax PRO? 2001 WinFax, the leading fax man=
agement software for small businesses, has been the best-selling fax softw=
are product from June 1999 to June 2001. Its high-quality faxes help you p=
roject a professional image to your clients and customers. When image clar=
ity is vital, you can generate photo-quality faxes. You can even send or f=
orward faxes via email to people who don?t have fax hardware or software.=
(Requires a free viewer downloadable from the Symantec Web site). WinFax =
PRO lets an entire workgroup send and receive high-quality faxes without b=
uying additional modems or phone lines. WinFax PRO is easy to set up, lear=
n, and use. And it integrates smoothly with key business applications to s=
implify your management of client and customer interactions. Windows 95/9=
8/ME/2000 Suggested Retail Price: $49.95 For a Limited Time Only, Get t=
his Great Suite of 5 Products, a $300 Value, for Only... [IMAGE] FREE SHI=
PPING! ORDER NOW! Limited to Stock on Hand! =09

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