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Subject:Paul, what is your success worth?
Date:Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:24:06 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] If you would like to be removed from our email list, please click=
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[IMAGE] Hot Head or Cool Head? How do you react to conflict? =
Do you want to jump in with fists blazing? Or maybe you prefer a gentler w=
ay to deal with conflict. Sometimes the resolution to conflict is better r=
eached through peaceful methods. No one in history demonstrates this more e=
ffectively than Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi's doctrine of nonviolent protest fo=
r social and political progress in India has been revered around the world=
. January marks the anniversary of his assassination; and if you are intere=
sted in reading more about this famous leader and his nonviolent methods, =
you'll want to check out the books below from search our collection or s=
tart with the books we've selected below. [IMAGE] The life of another f=
amous nonviolent protestor is also celebrated in January. Be sure to check =
out our Featured Topic on Martin Luther King, Jr., and read his "I've Got =
A Dream" speech. Why Questia is Better See why 1,000s of subscribers =
believe Questia is better than other Internet sites or the library. Non-=
Violent Resistance (Satyagraha) Written by Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma =
Gandhi: Peaceful Revolutionary Written by Haridas T. Muzumdar War W=
ithout Violence: A Study of Gandhi's Method and Its Accomplishments =
Written by Krishnalal Shridharani Gandhi on War and Peace Written b=
y Rashmi-Sudha Puri Selected Writings of Mahatma Gandhi Written by M=
ahatma Gandhi Subscribe today and start enjoying success Don't let yo=
ur resolution slip! It's been almost a month since you made that New Year's=
resolution to become a better student. Becoming a better student is certai=
nly within your grasp. Did you know that 8 out of 10 subscribers told us th=
ey believed they got a better grade on their paper using Questia? Subscribe=
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is your academic achievement worth? Questia offers a monthly subscription =
that's less than your monthly pizza budget! It's less than what you pay for=
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education. Save Time Subscribing to Questia will not only make your life e=
asier, it will save you all those trips to the library. With our time-savin=
g research and writing tools, you'll have time to enjoy all the things you =
like to do -- like sleeping and sharing pizza with friends. Take our free t=
est drive and click through the features to see how much time you'll save. =
Wishing you success, The Questia Team ©2002 Questia Media America, In=
c. Questia and the Questia (logo) are service marks of Questia Media and i=
ts affiliates. =09