Enron Mail

Subject:Save up to 70% on Life Insurance
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 06:35:41 -0800 (PST)

Dear Friend, Term life insurance prices have fallen steadily since 1996=
.* And, because we're likely at the bottom of this cycle, the time to buy t=
erm life insurance is now. Let us help you take advantage of the lowest li=
fe insurance prices in history and put protection in place for your loved-=
ones today. Click here to get your Free no obligation INSTANT QUOTE and s=
ave up to 70%. [IMAGE] Sincerely, Brenda Lawrence Customer Care (800) 388=
-9211 *According to LIMRA International trade association, the industry=
's largest financial services and marketing information resource. Copyrigh=
t ? 2002 Quote Advantage Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved. No p=
art of this site may be reproduced without written permission from Quote Ad=
vantage. All other marks and names on this Web site are the property of the=
ir respective owners. Quote Advantage Insurance Services, Inc. and/or its P=
resident Steve Davidson act as and are licensed life insurance agents in al=
l states except Hawaii. In CA, DBA as Quote Advantage Insurance Services. C=
A License #0C57954. LA license #256154. MA license #1577343. FL license #A3=
16112. OK license #932326. UT license #118441. =09

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