Enron Mail

Subject:Your username and password for www.PrincetonReview.com
Date:Sat, 13 Oct 2001 06:01:19 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Paul Thomas,

Welcome to The Princeton Review's Online Companion Tools! You're on your
way to getting higher test scores - and getting into your first choice
school. Below is some important information to help you use the course.
Be sure to save this email for future reference.

Just point your browser at www.PrincetonReview.com and click on "Sign In."
In the next window, click on "Sign In" under "Test Prep." Enter your
username & password & click Enter. Then click on the Online Companion
Tools link to get started. For your records, here are the username and
password you selected when you registered:

USERNAME: paul.d.thomas@enron.com
PASSWORD: qy1qwlih

Please note that you will have access to your Online Companion Tools for a
period of 120 days from today.

If you plan on accessing your tools from multiple machines you'll need to
make sure each is configured properly by running our requirements check,
which is available through a link after you log in.

If you are using a public computer, like one in a library or dorm, it's a
very good idea to log out every time you finish your work on the website.
All you have to do is click on the Exit link that appears at the right end
of the toolbar along the bottom of your tools dashboard.

Tech support is available at no charge to all Princeton Review Online
Companion Tools users Monday through Friday from 7am until 1am EST and
Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 8pm EST. You can reach tech support by
phone or e-mail:

Email: techsupport.online@mail.review.com
Phone: 1-800-546-2102

The machine and software requirements for using your tools are appended to
the end of this message.

If you have any questions about the activities in your tools and how they
fit with your book, please contact us immediately by e-mailing us at

Once again, thanks for choosing The Princeton Review.

The Folks at The Princeton Review

Business before pleasure: in order to work with the Online Companion
Tools, you will need to verify certain capabilities on your machine and
make sure you have the necessary software.
Minimum system requirements include:
* Internal or external modem with speed of 56 kbps
* Your machine should have a sound card to enjoy all the benefits (if you
do not have a sound card, you will still be able to use many features of
the Online Student Center, including taking any computer-based
or -adaptive tests or drills online)
* 32 mg RAM
* CPU speed of 250 MHz
Minimum software requirements
* Internet service provider (ISP), such as Earthlink/Sprint, AT&T, AOL,
* Netscape Navigator 4.7 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or
higher (important note to AOL users: after connecting to the internet
using AOL, you must minimize the native AOL browser and launch one of the
browsers mentioned herein to connect to your Online Companion Tools)
* Mac users are instructed to use Netscape Navigator or Communicator 4.7
or higher, rather than using Microsoft Internet Explorer
* Make sure that cookies are enabled in the browser you use
* Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0, available at
* Macromedia Flash Player 5.0, available at
Depending on your connection speed, downloading new software or software
updates can take minutes or hours, so check this all out at least a day
prior to when you plan to use the Center first.