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=09 =09 =09 [IMAGE] HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORI= ES | DATA CENTER [IMAGE]THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2001 =09 =09 [IMAGE]THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Save $100 now on "Load Man= agement 2001 - Balancing Customers, Regulators and Energy Demand" by The C = Three Group. The report reveals how programs are in a state of flux with so= me vendors struggling as utilities face great ambiguity. It includes candid= and sometimes hard-hitting commentary on the design details of 18 leading = utility programs as well as 23 vendor profiles. The report analyzes major i= ssues, trends and technology developments. Gain insights and competitive in= telligence in this essential report. Complete table of contents and profile= samples are available at http://www.energycentral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id= =3D100837 [IMAGE]TOP STORIES [IMAGE]U.S. spot natgas rallies on = cold weather forecasts NEW YORK, Dec 26 (Reuters) U.S. spot natgas prices m= oved up sharply Wednesday, boosted by colder Midwest and Northeast weather = forecasts for the next two weeks despite lingering concerns about high leve= ls of gas in storage, sources said. [IMAGE]Houston-Based Devon Energy S= eeks to Pare Debt by Selling Oil, Gas Properties By Michael Davis, Houston = Chronicle, Dec. 26 Devon Energy Corp. is about to complete the last of the = takeovers that have made it one of the largest independent oil companies, b= ut now it has another mountain to climb. [IMAGE]NATURAL GAS IS PIVOTAL = IN IRAN'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TEHRAN, Dec 26, 2001 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX)= -- Experts have always linked gas and development. [IMAGE]Press Relea= se [IMAGE]EXCELERGY EXPANDS GLOBAL WORKFORCE IN PREPARATION FOR 2002 L= EXINGTON, MA (December 21, 2001) Excelergy Corporation, which delivers high performance software products that automa= te mission-critical business processes in restructuring industries such as = the global energy and utility industry, has added ten new colleagues to its= global marketing, sales, client services, product development and business= development groups. The new hires occur as Excelergy closes its most succe= ssful year ever, with aggressive sales and revenue goals set for 2002. = [IMAGE]Gas Pricing/Hubs [IMAGE]Canada natgas follows U.S. higher in q= uiet trade NEW YORK, Dec 26 (Reuters) Canadian spot natural gas prices foll= owed U.S. values higher Wednesday on below-normal temperatures and short co= vering amid thin trade due to the Canadian Boxing Day holiday, industry sou= rces said. [IMAGE]NYMEX Hub gas pares gains late, still ends up on col= d NEW YORK, Dec 26 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas pared gains late in the session,= but still ended higher Wednesday, buoyed by a firm physical market and col= d Midwest and Northeast forecasts for the next two weeks despite concerns a= bout high inventories, sources said. ADVERTISEMENT Gain the com= petitive intelligence you need to make informed business decisions. Energy = Central's Operating Plant Experience Code (OPEC) is a must for all aspects = of analyzing nuclear power plant performance. Identify causes of poor perfo= rmance, compare lost generation trends, and set performance criteria! Free = trial - visit http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases/OPEC = [IMAGE]Futures [IMAGE]Options Expiry Shoots January Futures to Fresh 7= -Week High Dec. 26 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) January natural gas futures settl= ed up 1.6 cents at $2.911 as the market could not sustain prices above $3.0= 0 for long today amid overly abundant natural gas reserves, said traders. = Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE]Pipelines [IMAGE]SCANA = Subsidiary Files for FERC Certification Of New Interstate Natural Gas Pipel= ine COLUMBIA, S.C., Dec 26, 2001 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- SCANA Corporat= ion subsidiary, SCG Pipeline, Inc., has submitted its application seeking F= ederal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) certification of 18-miles of a n= ew natural gas pipeline in Georgia and South Carolina, and the ownership of= capacity in existing parallel pipelines connected to a liquefied natural g= as (LNG) facility. [IMAGE]Asian members to sign MOU on gas grid projec= t Dec 26, 2001 - Associated Press MEMBERS of the Association of South-East = Asian Nations (Asian) are working on a framework for cooperation to pursue = the Asian gas pipeline grid project. [IMAGE]Rates For more informat= ion on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE]Energy rate cuts sou= ght; Lower gas bills on the horizon Dec 26 - Telegram & Gazette Declining g= as prices have prompted three natural gas distribution companies serving Ce= ntral Massachusetts to seek additional rate cuts that would pare bills $13 = to $20 a month. [IMAGE]Rigs [IMAGE]Patterson-UTI buys 17 rigs fro= m Cleere Drilling NEW YORK, Dec 26 (Reuters) Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. said= on Wednesday it acquired 17 land-based drilling rigs from Cleere Drilling = Co., building on earlier expansion moves this year. [IMAGE]General = [IMAGE]Energyshare Begins Accepting Applications January 2 Dec 26, 2001 -= Business Wire EnergyShare, Dominion East Ohio's program to help individual= s and families in need stay warm this winter, will begin accepting applicat= ions Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2002. [IMAGE]Trading/Marketing [IMAGE]ECO= -Tankship Tries to Block Enron Auction Dec 25, 2001 - United Press Internat= ional Eco-Tankship Inc. is contemplating a bid to oppose the auction of Enr= on Corp.'s "enrononline" trading division. [IMAGE]People [IMAGE]P= enn Virginia Corporation Announces New Board Member Dec 26, 2001 - PR Newsw= ire Penn Virginia Corporation announced today that Edward B. Cloues, II has= been elected to its Board of Directors. [IMAGE]Labor/Human Resources = [IMAGE]Enron's Retirees Go from Riches to Rags By Bill Day, San Antoni= o Express-News, Dec. 23 After working 33 years for Enron, since before ther= e even was a business called Enron, retiree Charles Prestwood is angry that= his stock in the energy company is worthless. [IMAGE]Financial [= IMAGE]INDONESIA SEES 28 PCT FALL IN OIL AND GAS SECTOR INVESTMENT JAKARTA,= Dec 26, 2001 (AsiaPulse via COMTEX) -- Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas= company Pertamina has reported a 28 per cent drop in investment in the oil= and gas sector in 2001. [IMAGE]J.P.'s Enron exposure now $2.6B Dec 25= - Cincinnati Post J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. now says it has $2.6 billion in = exposure stemming from the collapse of Enron Corp. - more than double what = it previously disclosed - including nearly $1 billion it says it is owed by= insurance companies. [IMAGE]Financial - Ratings [IMAGE]Moody's D= owngrades Energy Ratings Argentina, Dec 26, 2001 (BNamericas.com via COMTE= X) -- Credit rating agency Moody's has downgraded certain Argentine energy = companies to Caa3 from Ca, as a consequence of the similar downgrade of Arg= entina's sovereign rating. [IMAGE]International [IMAGE]PAKISTAN'S= GAS SUPPLY FROM MIANO DELAYED UNTIL FEBRUARY KARACHI, Dec 26, 2001 (AsiaP= ulse via COMTEX) -- The gas supply from Miano to the distribution system of= Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) has been delayed for the second time as so= me foreign operators of the Austrian company OMV are yet to land in Pakista= n. [IMAGE]Egypt found 178 mln barrels of oil, 1.5 trln cubic meters of= gas in July-Nov CAIRO, Dec 26, 2001 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Oil companie= s discovered 178 mln barrels of crude oil and condensates and more than 1.5= trln cubic meters of gas in Egypt between July and November, state-owned M= ENA wire service reported, citing Oil Minister Sameh Fahmy. [IMAGE]Ukr= aine, Russia close to agreement on gas supplies Dec 26 - BBC Monitoring For= mer Soviet Union As much as 10 per cent of the payment for the transit of R= ussian gas through Ukraine will be made in cash. [IMAGE]Uzbekistan res= umes gas supplies to Kyrgyzstan, but talks continue Dec 25 - BBC Monitoring= Central Asia The managing director of the Kyrgyzgaz [Kyrgyz gas] joint-sto= ck company, Avtandil Sydykov, has held talks in Tashkent to solve energy pr= oblems. [IMAGE]China to invest over 1m dollars in Tajik oil and gas ex= ploration Dec 26 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union Tajikistan and China = have signed a protocol on the targeted use of funds for oil and gas prospec= ting and a joint memorandum on this, the Tajik news agency Asia-Plus report= ed on 26 December. [IMAGE]Russian Gazprom gas company opens office in = Beijing Dec 26 - BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union Russian Gazprom concern= today opened its permanent office in Beijing. [IMAGE]Enron Collapse D= elays Bg Buy Dec 26, 2001 - The Independent - London THE ENERGY group BG ha= s encountered fresh snags in its proposed purchase of the Indian oil and ga= s assets of the collapsed US energy trader Enron. If you are an Ener= gy Central News Subscriber and you have checked any news articles above, se= lecting the 'Get Articles' button below will deliver all of the checked art= icles in one page. This is a convenient way to get exactly the news you nee= d - quickly! 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