Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 2/4/02
Date:Sun, 3 Feb 2002 13:02:49 -0800 (PST)

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om/sections/research TOP STORIES Natural Gas Prices Expected to=
Remain Volatile for Colorado Consumers By Steve Raabe, The Denver Post, F=
eb. 1 Consumers whipsawed by last year's erratic natural-gas prices should =
brace for more thrills in coming years. Study pans idea of state equity=
in Alaska gasline ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Feb 2 (Reuters) Alaska would gain li=
ttle and risk much if the state were to assume part ownership of a proposed=
pipeline to ship natural gas from the North Slope to the lower 48 states, =
said a report released on Friday. Indiana Gas Utilities Get Settlement =
Refunds By Chris O'Malley, The Indianapolis Star, Feb. 1 Indiana natural g=
as customers will share in an $11.7 million refund from out-of-state gas pr=
oducers that improperly charged Indiana utilities in the 1980s. Energy=
Security Bush officials say high alert may be needed for years with t=
errorists possibly lurking in U.S. By H. JOSEF HEBERT Associated Press Wr=
iter, WASHINGTON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Despite U.S. =
successes in Afghanistan, the Bush administration is cautioning that terror=
ists may be operating in the United States, requiring the nation to stay on=
high alert for perhaps years. California Crisis FERC Decides Not=
to Extend Reporting Period for Natural Gas Sales to California Feb. 1 (En=
ergy Insights) Last July, the FERC ordered the monthly reporting of transac=
tional information on gas sales to the California market through January 20=
02. Special Offer from this Publisher! ADVERTISEMENT Data on n=
uclear power plant performance available now! Energy Central's Operating Pl=
ant Experience Code (OPEC) allows you to analyze nuclear power plant perfor=
mance, identify trends of lost generation and causes of poor performance. D=
ownload your free trial version today at http://www.energycentral.com/secti=
ons/databases/OPEC . National Energy Policy Two Proposals in M=
emo from Enron's Lay Became Part of Cheney's Energy Plan By Jim Landers, T=
he Dallas Morning News, Feb. 1 The Bush administration's national energy pl=
an included two Enron-endorsed provisions that upset some congressional Rep=
ublicans and Western governors for infringing on state's rights. Court=
tells Cheney to explain task force secrecy WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - =
A federal judge has ordered Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force =
to explain the constitutional argument behind its refusal to release detail=
s of its meetings, a group suing for the records said on Friday. Compe=
tition & Deregulation For reports and related information on this topic =
visit our Data Center [IMAGE] Higgins critical of gas deregulation Fe=
b 01 - Irish Times Deregulation is "limping along" in Irish markets, Fine G=
ael has claimed in a debate on the Interim Gas Regulation Bill. Merger=
s, Acquisitions & Divestitures Rumors Swirl of New Bidder for Conoco =
By Rick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 31 Speculation swirled more for=
cefully around the Phillips Petroleum Co. and Conoco Inc. merger Wednesday,=
with renewed speculation that ChevronTexaco Corp. could jump in as a spoil=
er. Enron May Sell Pittsburgh-Based Firm Limbach Facility Services to =
Raise Money By Dan Fitzpatrick, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 2 Enron Corp=
., the Houston energy trader now engulfed in the largest bankruptcy case in=
U.S. history, has ties to a 101-year-old Pittsburgh mechanical contracting=
firm. Legislation/Regulation Justice Department Tells White Hous=
e Not to Destroy Enron-Related Records By Ron Hutcheson, Knight Ridder Was=
hington Bureau, Feb. 2 The Justice Department on Friday directed the White =
House not to destroy any records related to Enron's contacts with governmen=
t officials because they could be needed in a criminal investigation. =
Congress to Grill Enron Witnesses Feb 03, 2002 - Associated Press Star wit=
ness and presidential friend Kenneth Lay. Lawmakers Aim to Lift Enron'=
s 'Shroud of Secrecy' at Lay Hearings By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, F=
eb. 1 Lawmakers signaled Thursday that their questioning of former Enron Co=
rp. Chairman Ken Lay on Capitol Hill next week is likely to be confrontatio=
nal when he delivers his first public explanation of the company's collapse=
. Congressmen Cry Foul in Enron's Self-Investigation By Julie Mason, =
Houston Chronicle , Feb. 2 Lawmakers on Friday sought to discredit a pendin=
g internal investigation from Enron Corp., saying the effort is already com=
promised by a lack of independent oversight. FACTBOX-Congress hearings=
schedule on Enron/Andersen WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) The following are =
the hearings which the U.S. Congress has firmly scheduled on the collapse o=
f Enron Corp., its auditor Andersen, and related regulatory issues over the=
coming weeks. Latest items added are marked *. Lawmaker Wants Utah to=
Debate Means of Selecting Utility Regulators By Steven Oberbeck, The Salt=
Lake Tribune, Jan. 31 Sen. Ed Mayne, D-West Valley City, wants the Legisla=
ture to debate whether Utah's top utility regulators should be elected rath=
er than appointed by the governor. Enron scandal may affect legislatio=
n By Chris Nietupski, MADISON, Wis., Feb 01, 2002 (Badger Herald, U-WIRE =
via COMTEX) -- Policy-making in Wisconsin and across the country could feel=
the effects of the Enron scandal, state officials say. Gas Pricing/Hu=
bs NYMEX Hub gas ends mixed, fronts hold with cash, temps NEW YORK, F=
eb 1 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended mixed Friday in moderate trade, with fro=
nt months finishing steady to slightly higher with a firmer weekend cash ma=
rket and colder weather forecasts into next week, industry sources said. =
Canada spot gas mostly climbs behind stronger U.S. NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reu=
ters) Canadian spot natural gas prices were mostly higher Friday, taking cu=
es from stronger U.S. gas prices in cooling temperatures in the U.S. Midwes=
t and Northeast, industry sources said. Cold weather lifts weekend U.S=
. spot natural gas SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 1 (Reuters) More lasting and colder =
weather pushed spot natural gas prices higher on Friday, especially in the =
Northeast, where temperatures are expected to drop sharply from the spring-=
like readings earlier this week. Futures March Futures Settles Fl=
at following Choppy Short Covering Feb. 1 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) March nat=
ural gas futures settled flat at $2.138 as the market posted choppy trade a=
mid sporadic short covering activity throughout the day, said traders. Spec=
ial Offer from this Publisher! Natural gas flat despite cooler weathe=
r February 4, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- Natural gas futures ended=
Friday's two-sided session flat as the prospect of an increase in market d=
emand failed to rouse upside interest. Leases/Acreage Alaska expa=
nds oil and gas leasing program By Yereth Rosen, ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Feb. 1=
(Reuters) The state of Alaska on Friday released a five-year oil and gas l=
easing program that officials said expands drilling opportunities in respon=
se to industry desires for more exploratory acreage. Rates For more=
information on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Okaloosa, =
Fla., Gas Customers to See Lower Prices By Rebecca Cason, Northwest Florid=
a Daily News, Fort Walton Beach, Feb. 1 Okaloosa Gas customers will receive=
a pleasant surprise beginning in February-- lower gas bills. Natural =
Gas Prices Fall 52 Percent in Year's Time for Western Kentucky Gas By Joe =
Walker, The Paducah Sun, Ky., Jan. 31 Western Kentucky Gas prices will be 5=
2.4 percent lower than last February, thanks to continued strong supply and=
anticipated normal winter demand. Rigs U.S. rig count down 6, Ca=
nada down 7--Baker Hughes NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) The number of rigs sea=
rching for oil and gas in the United States fell by six to 853 during the w=
eek ended Feb. 1, according to oil services firm Baker Hughes. Storage=
Aquila Buys Gas Storage Site Near Kingman Feb 02, 2002 - The Arizona=
Republic (www.azcentral.com) Kansas City energy trader Aquila Inc. has pur=
chased a 36,000-acre ranch north of Kingman where it plans to develop a mam=
moth natural gas storage facility to supply the explosive growth of power p=
lants in Arizona and Nevada. Transmission Trinidad, Colo., Looks =
for More from Subdividers Concerning Utility Lines By Mike Garrett, The Pu=
eblo Chieftain, Colo., Feb. 1 The city of Trinidad is strengthening its pos=
ition on installation and replacement of city utility lines and infrastruct=
ure by subdividers. General Attorney: Enron Officer Ordered Whist=
leblower's Computer Seized By Miles Moffeit, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Tex=
as, Feb. 1 Shortly after Enron Corp. Vice President Sherron Watkins reporte=
d a pattern of accounting irregularities to company chief Kenneth Lay last =
year, management seized her computer, Watkins' attorney said. Enron Ex=
ecutives' Image Slips in New Poll By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Feb=
. 2 As the Enron scandal unfolds, a majority of Americans believe executive=
s acted illegally as the Houston energy trader spiraled toward bankruptcy l=
ast fall, according to a poll released Friday. `Enron' Becomes a Verb =
By Marja Mills, Chicago Tribune, Feb 1 To Enron's enormous legal and finan=
cial nightmares, add this indignity: The bankrupt behemoth's name has morph=
ed into slang for slippery accounting, leaving employees in the lurch and o=
ther unsavory conduct. Enron execs using company jets to attend bankru=
ptcy hearings By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer-, HOUSTON, Jan 31, 2=
002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Since Enron Corp. filed the largest U.S.=
bankruptcy in history last year, the company has used its two jets for eig=
ht round-trip flights to New York where the case was filed, a spokesman sai=
d Thursday. Enron Developments at a Glance Feb 01 - Associated Press =
Developments related to the Enron collapse and investigation: Computer=
Sleuths Confident about Ability to Find Deleted Enron Data By Cara Anna, =
Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Jan. 31 The head of the company hired to =
retrieve the electronic records destroyed by Arthur Andersen LLP concerning=
Enron Corp. was guarded but confident Wednesday as he talked about the tas=
k already under way in Houston, protected by armed guards. Enron Vacat=
es Most of Its California Offices By Kate Berry, The Orange County Registe=
r, Calif., Feb. 1 Enron Corp., the bankrupt energy-trading company that inf=
luenced the design of California's disastrous experiment with electricity d=
eregulation, has vacated nearly all its offices in the state, including an =
Orange County headquarters in Costa Mesa. Chattanooga, Tenn., Steel-Pl=
ant Operator Has Unique Agreement with Enron By Mike Pare, Chattanooga Tim=
es/Free Press, Feb. 1 Huntco Inc., which operates a steel processing plant =
at Chattanooga's riverport, has what a steel industry spokesman calls uniqu=
e financial agreements with Enron. Enron Collapse Affects Shares Omaha=
, Neb., Retirees By Judith Graham, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1 The small sign =
welcoming the white-haired men and women to lunch last Friday was a minor a=
ct of rebellion. "Northern Natural Gas retirees luncheon," the sheet read. =
A month ago, it would have carried the name of Enron. Trading/Marketin=
g Barclays hires 2 ex-Enron executives to run energy trading desk LO=
NDON, Feb 01, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Barclays Bank PLC unit Barcla=
ys Capital said it hired two former executives from Enron Europe to run a n=
ewly created energy trading team, the Wall Street Journal reported. Le=
gal Bank of America Subsidiary Sued over Advice It Gave on Enron Bonds=
By Rick Rothacker, The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Feb. 2 A Bank of America=
Corp. subsidiary is among three companies being sued by an institutional i=
nvestor who says they promoted Enron Corp. bonds even when they knew the en=
ergy trader was in financial trouble. Lawyers for Former Enron Workers=
File Motions, Seeking to Clear Way for Suits By Ron Nissimov, Houston Chr=
onicle, Feb. 1 Lawyers for two groups of former Enron employees have filed =
three motions in New York bankruptcy court they say will protect the intere=
sts of their clients. Williams, WCG sued over telecom unit spinoff By=
C. Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) Energy conglomerate Williams Cos.=
and its telecommunications spinoff, Williams Communications Group, on Frid=
ay faced mounting shareholder lawsuits alleging the communications venture =
was fraught with misstated financial results and debt. People Enr=
on Choices Received Bush Posts By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHIN=
GTON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A few months after the White H=
ouse got a list of recommended candidates from former Enron Chairman Kennet=
h Lay, a friend and backer of President Bush, two of them were appointed to=
a federal energy commission. Accounting Agency Chief Has Reputation f=
or Integrity By Tom Walker, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Feb. 2 Peopl=
e who know him volunteer the same phrase in describing David Michael Walker=
, U.S. comptroller general and head of the General Accounting Office: "stra=
ight arrow." Head of Enron's Internal Probe Walks Tightrope as Board M=
ember, Law Dean By Pete Slover, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 1 The man co=
nducting Enron Corp.'s internal investigation of its collapse -- Enron boar=
d member and University of Texas Law School Dean William C. Powers Jr. -- i=
s navigating a maze of potential conflicts of interest. Enron's Demise=
Troubled Executive before His Death, Friends Say By Bruce Nichols, The Da=
llas Morning News, Feb. 1 Cliff Baxter spent 10 years climbing to the top o=
f Enron Corp. before quitting as vice chairman last May, telling co-workers=
and friends he was going to take his millions and enjoy life with his wife=
and two children. Watchdog Groups Criticize Texas Attorney General Ca=
ndidate's Link to Enron By Max B. Baker, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, =
Feb. 1 The Republican candidate for state attorney general is drawing criti=
cism from public watchdog groups for being employed at a law firm that earn=
ed hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying for Enron. Enron Exec.'s =
Credibility at Stake By DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON=
, Feb 02, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- It's not just his company that is =
weighted with debits. Harvard Corporation member in spotlight for Enro=
n board seat By Joseph P. Flood, CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan 31, 2002 (Harvard =
Crimson, U-WIRE via COMTEX) -- The ever-expanding investigations and govern=
ment probes into last fall's surprise collapse of energy giant Enron Corp. =
has highlighted the role played by one member of Harvard University's Corpo=
ration in the management of the company. Conference Announcements =
G8 ministers to talk energy production increase OTTAWA, Jan 31 (Reuters) =
- At the suggestion of U.S. President George W. Bush and his energy secreta=
ry, Canada and the United States will host the first-ever G8 energy ministe=
rs meeting, which will look at how to boost energy production. Labor/H=
uman Resources Ex-Enron Employees Face Tough Times By LISA FALKENBER=
G Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- =
With his credit card in hand, laid-off Enron Corp. employee David Hunker we=
nt to the supermarket last month to buy all the Lean Cuisine meals he could=
stuff in his freezer. Ex-Enron Workers' Fund Receives $400,000 Jan 3=
1, 2002 - United Press International A fund created to aid former Enron emp=
loyees received nearly $400,000 in donations in the past week, mostly from =
politicians and political groups returning Enron contributions, the Greater=
Houston Community Foundation said Thursday. Environmental U.S., =
Williams unit settle pipeline case WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) Transcontin=
ental Gas Pipe Line Corp. (Transco) reached a settlement with the U.S. Gove=
rnment to clean soil and groundwater contamination along the company's 10,5=
00-mile natural gas pipeline that stretches across 12 states from Texas to =
New York, the Justice Department said on Friday. Financial Fund, =
Money Managers Kept Buying Enron Stock Despite Plummeting Share Price By S=
cott Nelson, The Boston Globe, Feb. 2 A plummeting share price didn't stop =
mutual funds and money managers from adding Enron Corp. stock to their port=
folios in the months before the Houston energy company filed the largest co=
rporate bankruptcy in US history, new analysis shows. BP drops UBS fun=
d hit by Enron meltdown LONDON, Feb 1 (Reuters) Oil firm BP is switching $=
970 million of U.S. employee savings away from a UBS AG-owned fund that was=
hit by exposure to collapsed energy firm Enron's debt, sources familiar wi=
th the matter said on Friday. Tougher rules in the works for Enron-typ=
e deals By Deepa Babington, NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) Dogged by pressure a=
fter the Enron debacle, accounting rule makers are rushing to tighten stand=
ards for complex financing vehicles that went to the heart of the energy tr=
ader's collapse. Bush touts pension reform without mentioning Enron W=
ASHINGTON, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Without mentioning Enron Corp. by name, Presid=
ent George W. Bush told Americans on Saturday he would reform pension rules=
to protect workers like those who lost their retirement savings when the e=
nergy trader and Bush campaign contributor collapsed last year. Enron =
report blasts managers on partnerships WASHINGTON, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Enron=
Corp. inflated its profits by nearly $1 billion and top employees raked in=
millions of dollars "they should never have received" through complex part=
nerships key to the company's collapse last year, said an Enron internal in=
quiry report released on Saturday. Creditors Will Mull Enron Plan Feb=
01 - Associated Press Some of Enron Corp.'s creditors say it's far too ear=
ly to tell whether they can get more out of a smaller company focused on mo=
ving electricity and natural gas or from an all-out liquidation. Chief=
of Williams Cos. Says Market Overreacted to Delay in Earnings Report By R=
ick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 31 In the wake of a 22 percent drop=
Tuesday in Williams Cos.' share price, Chief Executive Steve Malcolm said =
Wednesday that the market over-reacted to Tuesday's delay of the company's =
earnings report. After Enron Controversy, Questions Raised about Emplo=
yment of Accountants By Robert Manor, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 3 Although cri=
tics say it's a clear conflict of interest, accountants freely take jobs wi=
th clients they audit, a widespread and increasingly controversial practice=
highlighted by the collapse of Enron. NY Comptroller asks NYSE to sti=
ffen accounting rules NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) - The New York State Comp=
troller on Thursday called on the New York Stock Exchange to stiffen its ac=
counting rules for listed companies -- preventing auditors from also workin=
g as consultants for the same firm -- in order to restore investor confiden=
ce in the wake of Enron Corp.'s collapse 1st Colo. Firm Since 2000 See=
ks Ipo; Markwest Energy Offering 2 Million Units At $19 To $21 A Share Feb=
02 - Denver Rocky Mountain News For the first time in more than a year, a =
Colorado company has filed papers for an initial public offering. Fina=
ncial - Ratings Williams Cos. Credit Rating Is Reaffirmed, but May Be =
Cut by Another Agency By Russell Ray, Tulsa World, Okla., Feb. 2 The credi=
t rating of Williams Cos. Inc. was reaffirmed by a major rating agency Frid=
ay, which ignited a 7.4 percent surge in the company's stock price. Fi=
nancial - Results Natural-Gas Pipeline Firm El Paso Posts Higher Earni=
ngs, But Issues Warning By Michael Davis, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 1 El Pas=
o Corp. reported an increase in fourth-quarter earnings Thursday but warned=
investors that it will earn less this year than previously indicated becau=
se of slumping natural gas prices. NZ's UnitedNetworks on acquisition =
trail AUCKLAND, Feb 1 (Reuters) - New Zealand electricity and gas utility =
UnitedNetworks Ltd said on Friday it had potential to match last year's str=
ong performance and was in good shape to acquire more assets. W-H Ener=
gy fourth-quarter earnings up 47 percent HOUSTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) Oilfield=
service company W-H Energy Services Inc. said on Friday its fourth-quarter=
earnings rose 47 percent as domestic business increased despite an overall=
slump in the oil and gas industry. Denbury raises reserves, to take c=
harge for Enron DALLAS, Feb 1 (Reuters) Exploration and production company=
Denbury Resources Inc. on Friday said it would take a fourth-quarter charg=
e from exposure to bankrupt energy trader Enron Corp. Warm Weather Cit=
ed in OGE Energy Corp.'s Loss in Fourth Quarter By Rick Robinson, The Dail=
y Oklahoman, Jan. 30 OGE Energy Corp. cited warmer weather as it reported a=
fourth-quarter net loss Tuesday of $6.3 million, or 8 cents a share, compa=
red with net income of $7.2 million, or 9 cents a share, in the year-ago qu=
arter. Tulsa, Okla.-Based Syntroleum Reports Fourth-Quarter Loss of $8=
Million By Rick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 31 Syntroleum Corp. o=
f Tulsa on Wednesday announced losses for the fourth quarter and for the ye=
ar. Black Hills profit sinks 78 percent NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) Bl=
ack Hills Corp., an energy and broadband communications company, on Thursda=
y reported a 78 percent drop in its fourth-quarter earnings, and said lower=
gas and electricity prices as well as charges related to Enron Corp. hurt =
its results. International Iran sees no harm to investment from B=
ush comments By Peg Mackey, ALGIERS, Feb 2 (Reuters) The "Axis of Evil" ta=
g pinned by U.S. President George W. Bush on Iran will not undermine foreig=
n investment prospects in its huge energy sector, already hit by U.S. sanct=
ions, Iran's oil minister said on Saturday. Bankrupt US Energy Firm Si=
lent on Steel Project in Mozambique MAPUTO, February 1, 2002 (Xinhua via =
COMTEX) -- The bankrupt American energy company Enron has still not contact=
ed the Mozambican government about the future of the Maputo Iron and Steel =
Project (MISP), of which Enron was the sole shareholder. Government di=
scloses one more meeting; AFL-CIO focus on Lord Wakeham By ROBERT BARR As=
sociated Press Writer, LONDON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- =
Prime Minister Tony Blair's government on Friday disclosed an eighth meetin=
g between ministers and executives of Enron Corp., while a major U.S. labor=
organization said it had asked other companies to drop a British member of=
Enron's board from their panels of directors. Prince Charles' charity=
says it received $1.12 M US from Enron over 8 years ED JOHNSON, LONDON, =
Feb 02, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- Executives at Enron Corp. d=
onated 800,000 pounds - the equivalent of $1.12 million US - to Prince Char=
les' charity The Prince's Trust and also met with him at charity dinners, t=
he organization and a palace official said Saturday. If you are an E=
nergy Central News Subscriber and you have checked any news articles above,=
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