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Energy Central Job Center =09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] =09 HOME | GAS NEWS | EVENTS | JOBS | BUSINESS CENTERS | DIRECTORIES= | DATA CENTER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2002 =09 =09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Skyrocketing prices, reliability = worries and environmental concerns have increased current demand for distri= buted energy resource projects and services. The Guidebook of Funds and Inc= entives for Distributed Energy Resources from EFI, provides a comprehensive= listing and description of more than 200 federal and state government prog= rams. Leverage them to reduce the cost and increase the value of your distr= ibuted energy resource projects. Each inclusive program detail includes bac= kground and purpose, description, contact information, and more, also in ta= bular format. See more info on this valuable resource at http://www.energyc= entral.com/links/show_mi.cfm?id=3D100416 TOP STORIES Enbridge b= uys more U.S. gas pipelines for $178 mln CALGARY, Alberta, Feb 4 (Reuters)= Pipeline and utility firm Enbridge Inc. said on Monday it was buying north= eastern Texas natural gas gathering and processing assets from Sulphur Rive= r Gathering LP for $178 million, its latest in a string of acquisitions in = the southern United States. Maritimes seeks expanded gas line to U.S. N= ortheast NEW YORK, Feb 4 (Reuters) Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline said Mon= day it has applied to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to fu= rther expand its natural gas pipeline system to the U.S. Northeast. Gaz= prom drops plans to build second gas pipeline to western Europe Feb 04, 20= 02 - Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) Russian gas utility Gazprom has stopped = plans to build a new gas pipeline to western Europe through Poland, the Int= erfax news agency said Monday. Press Release npower Simplifies It= s Gas, Electricity and Telco Billing Process With SPL WorldGroup Morristow= n, New Jersey - February 4th, 2002 SPL WorldGroup, the leading provider of = customer management solutions to the global energy industry, and npower, on= e of the UK's largest retail energy companies, has successfully implemented= SPL's industry leading customer management application. Meeting an aggress= ive six-month timetable for implementation, npower is now able to provide i= ts new gas and electricity customers with a single bill for both energy pro= ducts. Energy Security Watchdog Warns of Tanker Attacks By ROHA= N SULLIVAN Associated Press Writer, KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Feb 04, 2002 (A= P Online via COMTEX) -- Ships carrying huge loads of highly flammable natur= al gas could be hijacked by terrorists and used in suicide attacks, a globa= l piracy watchdog warned Monday. ADVERTISEMENT Data on nuclear = power plant performance available now! Energy Central's Operating Plant Exp= erience Code (OPEC) allows you to analyze nuclear power plant performance, = identify trends of lost generation and causes of poor performance. Download= your free trial version today at http://www.energycentral.com/sections/dat= abases/OPEC . Enron Debacle Senate panel plans to subpoena Enr= on's Lay WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - The chairman of the powerful Senate= Commerce Committee on Monday said he would force former Enron Corp. chairm= an Kenneth Lay to appear before his panel and called for a special prosecut= or to probe the failed energy giant's ties to the Bush administration. = Enron deception started at top-Enron director WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters)= - Enron Corp. tried to systematically manipulate its results and deceive s= hareholders as top executives raked in millions of dollars in personal gain= s, the author of an internal inquiry into the company's collapse told Congr= ess on Monday. Enron chief financial officer to take the Fifth WASHIN= GTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) Enron's former chief financial officer, who is charge= d with pocketing $30 million from questionable deals that led to the compan= y's collapse, will not answer questions in testimony before Congress, a law= maker investigating the firm said on Sunday. Enron Europe liabilities = billions of dollars LONDON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Administrator Pricewaterhous= eCoopers said on Monday it had told creditors that collapsed energy company= Enron Europe had "billions" of dollars of liabilities. Congressmen qu= estion legality of some Enron transactions By PETE YOST Associated Press = Writer, WASHINGTON, Feb 03, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Two members= of Congress pointed to possible criminality in the Enron scandal Sunday, s= aying the company manufactured income out of its off-the-books partnership = deals that led to financial disaster. Internal Enron Probe Finds Abuse= s By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Feb 04, 2002 (AP Onli= ne via COMTEX) -- Enron Corp. executives pocketed large amounts of money in= running complex partnerships used to disguise the troubled energy company'= s financial problems while top managers and auditors provided little oversi= ght, an internal probe found. ANALYSIS: Internal Report Suggests Why E= nron Executives Are So Quiet Now By Jim Landers, The Dallas Morning News, = Feb. 4 After Enron Corp.'s own report on what went wrong, perhaps it's not = surprising that Kenneth Lay and several other ex-executives are electing to= stay away or stay mum before Congress this week. Enron Rode U.S. Poli= cy, Washington Ties to Lofty But Failed Overseas Ventures By Jim Landers, = The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 2 In many ways, says Chamber of Commerce exec= utive Michael Clark, "the business of U.S. foreign policy in the 1990s was = business." Enron Debacle Forces Sharper Focus on Company Audit Committ= ees By Dan Feldstein, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 4 At the last meeting of the= Reliant Energy board of directors' audit committee, the subject was Enron = Corp. and its highly creative accounting. Interview Offers Glimpse at = Then-Enron Chairman's Influence By Eric Berger, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 4 = An interview last May with Enron Corp.'s then-chairman Ken Lay has revealed= more of his influence on the nation's energy policy. Former Enron Cha= irman's Rise as Dramatic as His Fall Houston Chronicle, Feb. 3 One day las= t August, Ken Lay faced more than 1,000 Enron employees in the grand ballro= om at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Former Enron Workers Feel Let Down a= s Former Chairman Alters Plans By Steve Brewer, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 4 = For former Enron employees in Houston, Ken Lay's televised testimony before= Congress was going to be the equivalent of Sunday's Super Bowl. Forme= r Enron Leader Lay Cancels Plans to Testify before Congress By John C. Hen= ry, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 4 Questioning whether he could get a fair heari= ng before Congress, former Enron Corp. Chairman Ken Lay notified lawmakers = Sunday that he would not appear this week before committees examining the c= ompany's collapse. Class-Action Suit against Enron May Include You By= Pamela R. Winnick, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 4 Did you lose your shirt= investing in Enron stock? Andersen to hire former Fed Volcker to rest= ore rep-ABC WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) Embattled auditor Andersen, critic= ized for its handling of fallen Enron Corp.'s books, plans to hire former F= ederal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker to help the firm restore its credibili= ty, ABC News reported on Sunday, citing no sources. Enron officials se= en facing criminal prosecution WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) - An internal E= nron Corp. report showing the company inflated profits while top employees = raked in millions of dollars they should not have received puts some Enron = executives in jeopardy of criminal prosecution, key members of the U.S. Con= gress said on Sunday. FACTBOX-Congress hearings schedule on Enron/Ande= rsen WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) The following are the hearings that the U= .S. Congress has firmly scheduled on the collapse of Enron Corp., the role = of its auditor Andersen, and related regulatory issues over the coming week= s. Latest information added is marked with *. AFL-CIO asks SEC bar Enr= on directors from boards WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - The AFL-CIO called = on U.S. regulators on Monday to bar directors of Enron Corp. from serving o= n other companies' boards, arguing the directors were "substantially unfit"= for such duties. Ex-Enron CEO Skilling still plans to testify WASHIN= GTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) One-time Enron Corp. Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling= still plans to testify before a congressional committee later this week, h= is spokeswoman said on Monday, unlike other former executives of the fallen= energy giant. Deep Roots of Enron Fall Studied By BRAD FOSS AP Busi= ness Writer, HOUSTON, Feb 03, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Enron's crash = now is being tracked back to deceptive accounting and unbridled deal-making= that were part of the company's culture for years. Enron Specter Haun= ts World Forum By EILEEN ALT POWELL AP Business Writer, NEW YORK, Feb 03,= 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- If there is a ghost haunting the World Econ= omic Forum, it belongs to Enron Corp. Excerpts From Enron Investigatio= n HOUSTON, Feb 03, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Here are excerpts from = a 203-page internal probe into partnerships that helped fuel Enron Corp.'s = collapse last year: British and U.S. unions call for accountants' body= to investigate Wakeham LONDON, Feb 04, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -= - The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales said on Monda= y it was awaiting information from U.S. authorities before deciding whether= to investigate former government minister John Wakeham in connection with = his role as a director of Enron Corp. No 10 did not reveal all Enron t= alks Feb 04 - The Guardian The row over the web of influence built up by t= he collapsed energy giant Enron deepened yesterday as it emerged that Downi= ng Street failed to disclose a number of meetings the company held with min= isters and key advisers to Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Cooper Aims to= Reform Enron Into Firm with Predictable Cash Flows Feb. 4 (Utility Spotli= ght) In his first day as interim CEO of Enron, bankruptcy restructuring spe= cialist Stephen Cooper said he will focus on quickly returning the troubled= firm into an energy company centered around international and domestic pow= er plants and natural gas facilities that will provide predictable revenues= and cash flow. Special Offer from this Publisher! Chair of Georgia G= OP Says He's Willing to Answer Enron Questions By Jim Galloway, The Atlant= a Journal-Constitution, Feb. 2 During the eight months he's been their chai= rman, Georgia Republicans have found out that when you get Ralph Reed, you = get many things. Enron Executives Reassured Employees, Investors as Fi= rm Spun Out of Control By Charlene Oldham, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 3= With that very public reassurance, Kenneth Lay predicted blue skies on the= day that protege Jeffrey Skilling unexpectedly stepped down after a six-mo= nth stint as Enron Corp.'s chief executive. Jesse Jackson, Others Reit= erate Efforts to Get Relief for Ex-Enron Workers By Mary Vuong, Houston Ch= ronicle, Feb. 4 The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Sunday reiterated his mission to = seek financial relief for former Enron employees during a Houston gathering= before heading to Washington, D.C., with several of those workers to watch= Ken Lay's scheduled testimony before Congress today. Harris County, T= exas, District Attorney Says Staff Will Not Investigate Enron By Alan Bern= stein, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 2 Harris County District Attorney Chuck Rose= nthal said Friday his staff is not investigating the possibility of crimina= l actions in the financial collapse of Enron Corp. because it has no eviden= ce state laws were broken. Houston Congressman Bentsen Heads Roundtabl= e Session for Ex-Enron Workers By Lori Rodriguez, Houston Chronicle, Feb. = 4 On the eve of a congressional hearing today that was to feature former En= ron Chairman Ken Lay, Houston Congressman Ken Bentsen met with former compa= ny employees Sunday to hammer out questions for the ex-CEO about the collap= se of the company and the subsequent plight of its workforce. GOP whip= DeLay calls for Lay to testify WASHINGTON, Feb 04, 2002 (United Press In= ternational via COMTEX) -- A key Republican lawmaker Monday joined the call= for former Enron head Kenneth Lay to appear before congressional committee= s investigating the collapse of the Houston energy giant. National Ene= rgy Policy Bush budget slashes U.S. oil, natgas research funds WASHIN= GTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) The U.S. Energy Department's oil and natural gas rese= arch programs were slashed under President George W. Bush's new fiscal 2003= budget released on Monday, while renewable energy and efficiency programs = received a slight funding boost. Enron Disclosures Weigh on Bush WAS= HINGTON, Feb 03, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A Republican committee chai= rman said Sunday the Bush administration probably will end up revealing inf= ormation about its energy meetings, amid reports of more contacts with Enro= n and other power companies. Debate continues over disclosure of Bush = White House energy meetings WASHINGTON, Feb 03, 2002 (AP WorldStream via = COMTEX) -- A Republican committee chairman says the Bush administration pro= bably will end up revealing information about its energy meetings, amid rep= orts of more contacts with Enron and other power companies. Competitio= n & Deregulation For reports and related information on this topic visit= our Data Center [IMAGE] CEO of Georgia Gas Utility Criticizes Electri= c Company's Moves By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, F= eb. 2 The debate over natural gas deregulation turned into a boardroom braw= l Friday when the top executive of Georgia's No. 1 gas company warned the s= tate's top electric company to butt out of its business. Mergers, Acqu= isitions & Divestitures AEP hires advisers for UK, Australia sales CO= LUMBUS, Ohio, Feb 4 (Reuters) - American Electric Power Co. Inc. on Monday = said it has retained Schroder Salomon Smith Barney and ABN Amro to advise i= t on prospects for the divestment of Seeboard, its electric and gas utility= in southeast England. NW Natural Positive on PGE Purchase; Others See= Debt, Rate Issues Feb. 4 (Clearing Up) NW Natural remains confident that = its proposed purchase of Portland General from Enron will go through. Speci= al Offer from this Publisher! Legislation/Regulation US FERC wan= ts $8 mln budget hike to $200 mln for FY03 WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) Ref= lecting a bigger emphasis on market enforcement, the Federal Energy Regulat= ory Commission (FERC) requested a budget of nearly $200 million for fiscal = 2003, up about $8 million from this year. Gas Pricing/Hubs Canadi= an spot gas mostly eases with weaker NYMEX NEW YORK, Feb 4 (Reuters) Canad= ian spot natural gas prices mostly eased Monday with weaker gas futures as = forecasters called for near seasonal weather this week for much of the U.S.= and in ongoing concerns over a glut of gas in storage, industry sources sa= id. NYMEX Hub gas ends mixed, losses limited by weather NEW YORK, Feb= 4 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas ended mixed Monday in moderate trade, with conce= rns about record levels of gas in storage weighing on front months but loss= es limited by mostly seasonal U.S. weather forecasts this week, sources sai= d. Natural Gas Cash Softens in West, Northeast Jumps on Weather Feb. = 4 (Btu's Daily Gas Wire) The natural gas spot market was mixed throughout t= he U.S. and Canada, according to trader reports. Special Offer from this Pu= blisher! U.S. spot gas mixed, Northeast up sharply on cold SAN FRANC= ISCO, Feb 4 (Reuters) U.S. day-ahead natural gas prices in the Northeast so= ared Monday on expectations for colder weather through the week, though pri= ces at most other pipelines traded mixed, market sources said. Drillin= g/Exploration Rockies competing with gulf for gas production cos. Feb= 04 - New Orleans CityBusiness SEVERAL LARGE OIL companies making acquisiti= ons in 2001 had their eye not on boosting Gulf of Mexico reserves, but on e= xploiting coalbed methane gas production in the Rocky Mountains. Pipel= ines Pipeline opponents huddle on a strategy Feb 04 - Westchester Cou= nty Business Journal With Washington all but signing off on the $700 millio= n Millennium Pipeline, the next few months will bring two hurdles that the = natural gas conduit must surmount if it is ever to be built. Study: Fe= w Benefits in Gasline Deal Feb 03 - Associated Press Alaska has few incent= ives to own a stake in a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to the L= ower 48 states, according to a Department of Revenue report, although it st= opped short of warning against such an investment. Rates For more i= nformation on rate tariffs visit Gas Rate Tariffs [IMAGE] Georgia Natu= ral-Gas Customers See Prices Fall in Warm Winter By Matthew C. Quinn, The = Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Feb. 2 Top Georgia natural gas marketers drop= ped residential prices as much as 7.5 percent Friday as warm weather keeps = prices down. Fuel Company Lowers Gas Prices Another 2 Percent in Buffa= lo, N.Y., Area By David Robinson, The Buffalo News, N.Y., Feb. 3 It keeps = getting cheaper when your furnace kicks on. Storage SGR holds bid= ding for Mississippi natgas storage HOUSTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) Privately hel= d SGR Holdings on Monday said its subsidiary is holding a month-long "open = season" to determine market interest for natural gas storage service at its= facility in Mississippi. General State puts royalty gas up for b= id Feb 04 - Journal of Alaska Business and Commerce Alaska is soliciting b= ids for 400 million cubic feet per day, or roughly 80 percent of its royalt= y gas, from the estimated 35 trillion cubic feet of gas on the North Slope.= Joint Ventures & Alliances Dynegy and the Bahrain National Gas C= ompany to Form International Natural Gas Liquids Partnership HOUSTON & BAH= RAIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 4, 2002 Dynegy Global Liquids, Inc., a subsidia= ry of Fortune 100 company Dynegy Inc., and the Bahrain National Gas Company= (BANAGAS) today announced they have entered into a joint venture to pursue= natural gas liquids-related opportunities throughout the Middle East and N= orth Africa. Trading/Marketing CFTC member raises concerns over E= nron trading WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) A member of the Commodity Futures= Trading Commission warned U.S. lawmakers that there are "gaping holes" in = regulating the kind of trading carried out by Enron Corp. and said it was p= remature to conclude that the company did not manipulate energy markets. = New Technologies/Markets Emerging Technology Companies Showcased at= Energy Venture Fair by Jon T. Brock, IssueAlert, Feb. 1 (Scientech) Seven= ty-five emerging technology companies in the energy industry converged on H= ouston, Texas earlier this week in what could be called a "dating service" = for those seeking to raise capital in a tight market. Special Offer from th= is Publisher! Deals/Contracts Qatar signs gas agreement with Kuw= ait By Mena Report Reporters, February 4, 2002 (Al-Bawaba via COMTEX) -- = The Qatari Minister of Energy and Industry, Abdullah Al-Attiya, and the Kuw= aiti Minister of Oil, Adel Subeih, recently signed a bilateral agreement fo= r Qatar to supply Kuwait with gas over the next 25 years, reported Al-Hayat= . Legal Enron scandal highlights debate over lawyers' duty to re= port client wrongdoing By ANNE GEARAN Associated Press Writer, PHILADELPHI= A, Feb 03, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Lawyers may be among the los= ers in the Enron scandal if it turns out they turned a blind eye to account= ing flimflams or worse at the failed energy trading company. Labor/Hum= an Resources Lattice confirms plan to cut jobs to meet new price contr= ols Feb 04 - AFX Lattice Group PLC, which owns UK's Transco gas pipeline b= usiness, has confirmed it is to reduce its workforce to comply with the new= price controls set by regulators. Financial Williams Cos. beefs = up asset sales but shares fall HOUSTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Williams Cos. In= c. said on Monday it plans to step up asset sales and might issue new share= s to strengthen its balance sheet and retain investment grade credit rating= s amid concerns it may have to assume debts of $2.2 billion from former sub= sidiary Williams Communications. Troubles at Williams Highlight Ongoin= g Meltdown of Telecom Sector by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Feb. 4 (Sciente= ch) Energy conglomerate Williams Cos. and its telecommunications spin-off, = Williams Communications Group, face mounting shareholder lawsuits alleging = the communications venture was fraught with misstated financial results and= debt. Special Offer from this Publisher! Williams Communications to = submit balance sheet plan to banks by Feb 25 TULSA, OK, Feb 04, 2002 (AFX= -Asia via COMTEX) -- Williams Communications, a unit of energy marketing, t= rading and exploration company Williams Cos Inc, said it will submit a comp= rehensive restructuring plan to banks by Feb 25 and that it is not in defau= lt under the credit agreement or any other material agreement. US comp= anies struggle to ease accounting fears By Julie MacIntosh, NEW YORK, Feb = 3 (Reuters) The fallout triggered by the Enron Corp. scandal has taken on a= life of its own, fueled by investor anxiety, and is now reaching into the = nooks and crannies of major boardrooms across Corporate America. Inter= national China Boosts Natural Gas Industry BEIJING, February 4, 2002= (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- China is making full use of its rich natural gas re= sources. Partners inaugurate natgas expansion, pipeline works Bolivi= a, Feb 04, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- A partnership of Spain's Rep= sol-YPF, Brazil's federal energy company Petrobras and France's TotalFinaEl= f will begin the second-stage expansion of a natural gas processing unit in= Bolivia's San Alberto field on Wednesday (Feb.6) in Tarija department's Ca= rapari municipality, Petrobras said in a statement. Petrobras to tripl= e natural gas imports from Bolivia by 2004 Rio de Janeiro, Feb 05, 2002 (= EFE via COMTEX) -- State-owned oil giant Petrobras plans to up its imports = of Bolivian natural gas from the current 10 million cubic meters (350 milli= on cubic feet) a day to nearly 30 million cubic meters (1.1 billion cubic f= eet) a day by 2004, a company spokesman told the newspaper O Globo. Tr= ansgas to get under control of RWE Gas Feb 04 - Access Czech Republic Busi= ness Bulletin Transgas (Prague, Czech Republic), natural gas importing comp= any, will get under control of RWE Gas (Germany) shortly. If you are= an Energy Central News Subscriber and you have checked any news articles a= bove, selecting the 'Get Articles' button below will deliver all of the che= cked articles in one page. This is a convenient way to get exactly the news= you need - quickly! NEED INFORMATION ON THE POWER INDUSTRY? ENER= GY CENTRAL'S GOT IT! JOB CENTER The Job Center provides instant access = to the best employment opportunities and prospective employees in the energ= y industry through comprehensive job listings and active resume database. = JOB WATCH A free weekly e-mail service that broadcasts new job listings in= the Job Center directly to your inbox! 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