Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Gas News - 2/7/02
Date:Wed, 6 Feb 2002 18:39:20 -0800 (PST)

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TOP STORIES Georgia Panel Favors Regulated Natural Gas Provider B=
y Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Feb. 6 A return to a =
regulated monopoly is not the answer to Georgia's natural gas deregulation =
problems, but the state should provide for a regulated supplier as an alter=
native to gas marketers, a blue-ribbon task force said Tuesday. Aspen, =
Promax say they plan to merge TORONTO, Feb 6 (Reuters) Aspen Group Resourc=
es said on Wednesday it signed a letter of intent to create an intermediate=
oil-and-gas company by combining its operations with Promax Energy Inc. =
Gas consortium says new line to Europe through Poland will go ahead Feb =
06, 2002 - Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) An international consortium of gas=
companies will still build a billion-dollar pipeline from Russia through P=
oland to Western Europe despite confusing signals in Moscow, a German partn=
er said Wednesday. Enron Debacle Testimony by Andersen Leader Tri=
es to Downplay Role in Enron Collapse By David Ivanovich, Houston Chronicl=
e, Feb. 6 The head of Arthur Andersen struggled Tuesday to downplay the aud=
iting firm's role in Enron's collapse. Benefits Funds May Have Been Il=
legally Used, Former Enron Employee Says By Bill Murphy, Houston Chronicle=
, Feb. 6 A former Enron Corp. accountant on Tuesday said the company may ha=
ve broken the law by taking $15 million out of employee benefits funds to u=
se on unrelated expenditures. Enron Executives Explain Actions to Sena=
te Panel over Retirement Plans By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 6=
Two Enron executives told a Senate panel Tuesday that they scrambled to pr=
otect employees' retirement savings and severance pay as soon as they reali=
zed the company was collapsing last year. Lay Knew Enron Was Misleadin=
g the Public, Board Member Testifies Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, Feb.=
6 Kenneth Lay, Enron Corp.'s former chief executive officer, had detailed =
knowledge of deals that presented a misleading picture of the company's fin=
ances to the public, the chief author of a scathing internal report told Co=
ngress on Tuesday. CFO pressured Enron staff on deals, Congress told =
By C. Bryson Hull, WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) The ousted chief financial o=
fficer of Enron Corp.wielded his managerial influence and control over bonu=
ses to persuade underlings to cut favorable deals to partnerships he ran, t=
he head of an internal inquiry into the transactions told Congress on Tuesd=
ay. Former Enron Employees Cool to Idea of Immunity for Executives By=
Bruce Nichols, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 6 There's little sympathy in =
Enron Corp.'s hometown for speeding investigation of the energy company's c=
ollapse by granting criminal immunity to executives in exchange for their t=
estimony. Congressional Lawmakers Order Former Enron CEO Lay to Appear=
at Hearings The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 6 Searching for villains in the=
collapse of Enron Corp., congressional investigators burrowed deeper into =
bookkeeping practices and issued two subpoenas to former chairman and chief=
executive Kenneth Lay. Enron's Broadband Unit Owes Back Taxes in Harr=
is County, Texas By Dale Lezon, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 6 One of Enron Cor=
p.'s failed business ventures owes Harris County and other entities about $=
440,000 in back taxes, said county officials. Enron Gave `Retention Bo=
nuses' Yet 4,500 Workers Denied Severance By Patrice Hill, The Washington =
Times, Feb. 6 Enron Corp. gave $55 million in "retention bonuses" to select=
ed managers two days before filing for bankruptcy protection, but it said i=
t could not provide severance pay to 4,500 laid-off employees, company offi=
cials testified yesterday. Calpers defends decision to keep quiet on E=
nron SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 5 (Reuters) - CalPERS, the nation's largest pensio=
n fund and a leading champion of corporate transparency, defended itself on=
Tuesday amid revelations that it knew early on about a problematic Enron p=
artnership but did nothing to make that knowledge public. Substantial =
illegal Enron activity found-Tauzin WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) Congressio=
nal investigators have uncovered "substantial evidence of illegal activity"=
by the now-bankrupt Enron Corp. and its management, Rep. Billy Tauzin, cha=
irman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said Wednesday. Cana=
dian Banks Owed Millions of Dollars by Enron OTTAWA, February 6, 2002 (Xi=
nhua via COMTEX) -- A Canadian connection has turned up in the notorious En=
ron affair in the United States, it is reported here Wednesday. Anders=
en put profits before shareholders - Washington state attorney general WA=
SHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Christine Gregoire, the s=
tate attorney general of Washington state, said it appears that Enron Corp'=
s accountants, Arthur Andersen LLP, "have put their allegiance to money ove=
r their ultimate allegiance owed to creditors, stockholders and the investi=
ng public." Enron Europe's debts 'total billions of dollars' Feb 05 -=
Evening Standard - London AROUND 1000 power and gas trading companies and =
financial institutions across Europe are owed "billions of dollars" by Enro=
n according to administrators of the London-based end of the failed US ener=
gy firm. California Gov. Gray Davis Refuses to Return Enron Contributi=
on By Sandy Kleffman, Contra Costa Times, Walnut Creek, Calif., Feb. 5 Rep=
ublican gubernatorial candidate Richard Riordan called on Gov. Gray Davis M=
onday to return $119,500 in campaign contributions from energy giant Enron =
Corp. Some Victims of Enron Are Seniors Who Became Shareholders Inadve=
rtently By James B. Kelleher, The Orange County Register, Calif., Feb. 3 T=
hey grew up during the Depression. Former Enron Chief Is `Devastated,'=
Friend Says By James Rosen, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Feb. 5 Kenneth La=
y, a president's pal who built a company that soared and crashed on the tor=
n wings of high-risk energy trading, wanted to go to Washington in the wors=
t way and try to clear his name. Enron letter questions Harvard board =
member's role By Joseph P. Flood, CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb 05, 2002 (Harvard=
Crimson, U-WIRE via COMTEX) -- Two members of the U.S. House of Representa=
tives raised concerns Friday over the dual role of Harvard Corporation memb=
er Herbert S. "Pug" Winokur Jr., who is both an Enron investigator and Enro=
n board member. Congress Debates Enron Legislation By LAURIE KELLMAN=
Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -=
- In the shadow of election-year politics, Republican and Democratic member=
s of Congress are squabbling over what changes should be made to bankruptcy=
and other laws to prevent new Enron-style corporate collapses. US exe=
cutives should disclose inside share trading more fully - stock analyst W=
ASHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Corporate executives shoul=
d be obliged to disclose their internal stock transactions immediately inst=
ead of on a delayed basis, the president of a New York investment managemen=
t firm told lawmakers investigating the collapse of Enron Corp. Labor =
Secy. Testifies in Enron Case By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHING=
TON, Feb 06, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- After Enron's collapse, America=
n workers need assurance their retirement savings are secure, Labor Secreta=
ry Elaine Chao said Wednesday in a pitch for the president's plan to change=
retirement account rules. Houston Astros Team Seeks to End Naming-Rig=
hts Agreement with Enron By Sean Wood, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Fe=
b. 6 The Houston Astros Baseball Club is ready to take Enron's name off the=
team's downtown baseball stadium and distance itself from the scandal surr=
ounding the biggest corporate bankruptcy in American history. FACTBOX-=
Congress hearings schedule on Enron/Andersen WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) T=
he following are the hearings that the U.S. Congress has firmly scheduled o=
n the collapse of Enron Corp., the role of its auditor Andersen, and relate=
d regulatory issues over the coming weeks. National Energy Policy =
Memo: Cheney Energy Draft Inaccurate By PETE YOST Associated Press Write=
r, WASHINGTON, Feb 05, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- An Environmental Prot=
ection Agency official argued last spring that a draft of Vice President Di=
ck Cheney's energy plan was inaccurate because it blamed environmental regu=
lations for energy shortages. ADVERTISEMENT Energy Customer Man=
agement magazine is providing advertising opportunities in its annual "Exec=
utive Guide to Providers of Customer Management Services" issue. In additio=
n to reaching ECM's 17,000 readers, this issue will receive bonus distribut=
ion at numerous industry events. Contact Joe Paparello for details at papar=
ello@pur.com or 703-847-7759. Competition & Deregulation For rep=
orts and related information on this topic visit our Data Center [IMAGE] =
ENI's Mincato sees risk of gas shortage in 2005-2006 MILAN, Feb 06, 20=
02 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- ENI SpA chief executive Vittorio Mincato said=
there could be a shortage of gas supplies in Italy in 2005-2006 because of=
the way liberalisation is being introduced in energy sectors. Mergers=
, Acquisitions & Divestitures Oklahoma City-Based Oil Producer Aspen G=
roup Resources Ready to Complete Deal By Rick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoma=
n, Feb. 5 Aspen Group Resources Corp. announced Monday that it will soon co=
mplete its acquisition of Calgary, Alberta-based Endeavour Resources Inc. =
Legislation/Regulation MPSC Begins Investigation into Detroit Edis=
on's and Michigan Consolidated Gas' Quality of Service LANSING, February 6=
(News Release) Due to a significant increase in the number of formal and i=
nformal consumer complaints, billing errors, and customer confusion on bill=
ing, the Michigan Public Service Commission today initiated an investigatio=
n into the quality of service provided by The Detroit Edison Company and Mi=
chigan Consolidated Gas Company. Gas Pricing/Hubs Canadian natgas=
steady to lower in warmer weather NEW YORK, Feb 6 (Reuters) Canadian spot=
natural gas prices were steady to lower Wednesday with export values in th=
e east falling on forecasts of warmer weather in the U.S. Midwest and North=
east into next week, industry sources said. NYMEX Hub gas ends mixed d=
espite bearish AGA data NEW YORK, Feb 6 (Reuters) NYMEX Hub gas, pressured=
early by forecasts for milder Midwest and Northeast weather later this wee=
k and next, ended mixed Wednesday, with front months lifted by short coveri=
ng despite a bearish weekly stock report, sources said. U.S. spot natg=
as prices dip on rising temperatures SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 6 (Reuters) U.S. s=
pot natgas, buoyed in recent days by cold weather, turned lower Wednesday a=
s milder weather forecast late-week cut into prices. Gas Supply/Demand=
US consumer winter heat bills less than expected-EIA WASHINGTON, Feb=
6 (Reuters) Warmer-than-normal temperatures and plentiful energy supplies =
mean U.S. consumers will pay 36 to 42 percent less to heat their homes duri=
ng the current winter season, the U.S. government said on Wednesday. U=
S oil, gas demand to grow as economy recovers in 2002 Feb 06 - Oil & Gas J=
ournal US demand for oil and gas will increase this year, but the extent to=
which it does so will depend upon when and to what extent the US economy r=
ecovers. Drilling/Exploration Oil Companies Sue Government for Dr=
illing Delays Off Santa Barbara, Calif. By Mark Van De Kamp, Santa Barbara=
News-Press, Calif., Feb. 5 Nine energy companies with interests off the Sa=
nta Barbara County coast are suing the U.S. government for $1.2 billion in =
reimbursement damages for stalling their plans to develop offshore oil and =
natural gas fields. Oil Exploration Will Begin Near Arches National Pa=
rk in Utah By Brent Israelsen, The Salt Lake Tribune, Feb. 5 Huge "thumper=
trucks" soon will be pounding the ground northeast of Arches National Park=
in a seismic search for petroleum deposits the Bush administration hopes c=
an help reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. Futures March=
Futures Shrugs Off AGA Data; Settles Higher as Shorts Cover Feb. 6 (Btu's=
Daily Gas Wire) After trading in a very tight 2-cents spread for the major=
ity of the day, March natural gas futures shrugged off a respectively low s=
torage withdrawal reported by the American Gas Association and settled 2.7 =
cents higher at $2.101. Special Offer from this Publisher! Natural ga=
s rangebound ahead of AGA February 6, 2002 (TradeSignals via COMTEX) -- N=
atural gas futures drifted in rangebound territory in Tuesday's session as =
market participants await the release of the latest storage report from the=
AGA before taking up fresh market positions. Pipelines Exxon Rol=
e Still in the Pipeline BEIJING, February 6, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- =
ExxonMobil could still take a share in China's west-east gas pipeline proje=
ct, PetroChina told China Daily Tuesday. New gas pipeline starts const=
ruction works Bolivia, Feb 6, 2002 (La Razon/SABI via COMTEX) -- Jorge Qu=
iroga, President Bolivia, has kicked off the works to build up a gas pipeli=
ne connecting Yacuiba - Rio Grande, that will allow to triple the natural g=
as exports to Brazil. Williams Starts Up New Deepwater Pipelines in Gu=
lf of Mexico TULSA, Okla., Feb 6, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ =
-- A unit of Williams has begun receiving oil and natural gas into new deep=
water pipelines that were recently completed in the western Gulf of Mexico.=
Beijing gives pipeline green light Feb 06 - South China Morning Post=
PetroChina has announced the official start of work on a 4,000km pipeline =
to bring gas from the far west region of Xinjiang to Shanghai, after signin=
g an agreement with a consortium led by Royal Dutch/Shell. Rigs U=
.S. Oil Rigs Decreased by Six Feb 05 - Albuquerque Journal The number of r=
igs actively exploring for oil and natural gas in the United States last we=
ek decreased by six to 853. Storage AGA says U.S. weekly natgas s=
tocks fell 82 bcf WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) The American Gas Association=
issued the following weekly estimates of U.S. working gas in storage (in b=
cf): General Mild winter slashes demand for US natgas, electricit=
y WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) Mild winter temperatures and a weak economy =
will reduce U.S. demand for natural gas and electricity by as much as 8.4 p=
ercent during the current winter heating season, the U.S. government said o=
n Wednesday. Joint Ventures & Alliances Leading Competitive Energ=
y Retailers Form The Alliance for Retail Choice Feb. 6, Washington, D.C. (=
News Release) The nation's leading companies offering customers retail ener=
gy choice announced today the formation of the Alliance for Retail Choice. =
Trading/Marketing Deal to revive energy marketer's trading operat=
ion to close this week By ALAN CLENDENNING AP Business Writer, NEW YORK, =
Feb 06, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The deal to revive Enron Corp.'=
s flagship energy trading operation under the control of a Swiss bank is ex=
pected to close this week, and former Enron traders will start trading agai=
n soon after the deal is completed. UK GAS SPOT MARKET DEVELOPS Feb =
The British natural gas market is gradually opening up for spot trading, w=
ith the recently opened Vesterled gas line - linking the UK with gas fields=
in Norway - strengthening its credibility. Legal Mueller to be s=
ued by energy broker if E.ON/Ruhrgas ruling overturned FRANKFURT, Feb 06,=
2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Economy Minister Werner Mueller will be su=
ed by Berlin energy broker Energie-Brokerhaus Ampere AG if he overrules the=
German cartel office's disapproval of E.ON AG's takeover of a majority sta=
ke in Ruhrgas AG, the weekly newspaper Die Zeit said. People Son =
of former Gazprom head replaced as chief of export arm MOSCOW, Feb 06, 20=
02 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The son of the former head of natural gas=
giant Gazprom has been replaced as chief of the company's export arm, Gazp=
rom said Wednesday, the latest purge of leadership as part of government-pu=
shed drive for the company to reign in its finances. Skaggs returns to=
lead Va. unit of gas supplier Feb 05 - Richmond Times-Dispatch Columbia G=
as of Virginia has a new president and chief executive officer. Financ=
ial KeySpan files $1.2 bln debt, stock shelf offering WASHINGTON, Feb=
6 (Reuters) Natural gas distributor KeySpan Corp. filed on Wednesday with =
the Securities and Exchange Commission to periodically sell up to $1.2 bill=
ion in debt securities, common and preferred stock and other securities. =
Financial - Results Devon posts fourth-quarter loss after big charg=
e OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb 6 (Reuters) Devon Energy Corp. Wednesday reported a f=
ourth-quarter loss after taking a big one-time write-down to reflect the ef=
fect of sharply lower oil and natural gas prices on the value of its reserv=
es. Husky Energy profit down 79 pct on energy prices CALGARY, Alberta=
, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Husky Energy Inc., Canada's fifth-largest integrated oi=
l company, said on Wednesday its fourth-quarter profit fell 79 percent beca=
use of lower energy prices and higher operating costs. International =
Bidders calm amid tensions over Slovak SPP-adviser BRATISLAVA, Feb 6 (=
Reuters) Bidders vying for control of Slovak gas monopoly SPP are pressing =
ahead, despite the threat that a member of the country's ruling coalition c=
ould halt the sale, the bank advising the state on the deal said on Wednesd=
ay. Tractebel responds to accusations of fraud Feb 6, 2002, (Le Figar=
o /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Tractebel, the Belgian energy subsidiary o=
f Suez, the French utilities group, has responded to reports in the press o=
f suspected malpractice. EU Commission in talks to modify Gazprom, Son=
atrach contracts banning resupply BRUSSELS, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Europe via =
COMTEX) -- The European Commission is in talks with OAO Gazprom and Algeria=
's Sonatrach to modify clauses in long-term gas supply contracts with membe=
r states which contravene EU energy sector liberalisation plans, said Ameli=
a Torres, spokeswoman for competition commissioner Mario Monti. Mexica=
n Authorities Complete Gas Regulations MEXICO CITY, Feb 6, 2002 (Reforma/=
Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Mexico's Energ=
y Regulatory Commission, headed by Dionisio Perez Jacome, has completed its=
regulations for the import of natural gas in liquid form for re-conversion=
to gaseous form, reported Mexico City daily Reforma business columnist Dar=
io Celis Estrada. Petrobras to invest dlrs 1.7 billion in Bolivian nat=
ural gas SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia, Feb 06, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) --=
Brazil's government-run oil company Petrobras said Wednesday it will inves=
t dlrs 1.7 billion over the next four years to develop natural gas in Boliv=
ia. Iberdrola Attracts 49 Customers in the Gas Market Feb 06, 2002 - =
FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spanish utility Iberdrola has made use =
of its award of part of the gas contract with Algeria to attract its first =
customers. Petrobras Looks at Legal Action to Buy Enron Assets Feb 06=
, 2002 - South American Business Information Petrobras is interested in buy=
ing the two main assets of Enron in Brazil, the Rio de Janeiro gas companie=
s, CEG and CEG Rio, and is looking for legal means of achieving this. =
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