Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Professional Dispatch - 2/1/02
Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2002 20:45:39 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Friday, February 1, 2002 Home - Email Prefe=
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nsight into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-782-5510 [IMAGE] [=
ORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected the=
se as the top stories of the day: Congressional Democrats Pause in Effor=
ts to Repeal Utilities Law By Jim Landers, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 3=
1 Independent Electricity Producers Submit Bids for Wisconsin Energy Corp. =
Plans By Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 31 More Subpoenas=
Issued in Investigation of Texas Public Utility Commission By R.A. Dyer, =
Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 31 U.S. price cap had little impact o=
n Calif power-report WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] EL=
have been most requested by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. =
Court overturns approval of AEP, Central SW merger By Julie Vorman, =
WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (Reuters) SPECIAL REPORT: U.S. Power Production Scoreca=
rd: Who Is Building New Power Plants, And Where? What Fuel Sources Will Be =
Used? by Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Jan. 16 (Scientech) Enron's Cutthr=
oat Culture Is Deplored by Those It Served to Profit By Claudia Kolker,=
The Boston Globe, Jan. 27 Enron energy services clients may take profit h=
its By Carolyn Koo, NEW YORK, Jan 16 (Reuters) FERC to create electric=
ity market monitoring unit WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IM=
ntral's editors have selected these as the top stories of the day: Cold =
weather fuels near-record gas use in Calif. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 31 (Reuters=
) Dynegy takes control of pipeline from Enron By C. Bryson Hull, HOUSTON, =
Jan 31 (Reuters) FERC drops Calif price reports amid US data review WASHIN=
GTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] WSI Energycast Tr=
Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Rest=
ructuring Today RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News=
- Top Stories Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry News - T=
op Stories Selected Content Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight=
- Every Monday Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 86 of 86 Articles Today! THESE ARTICLES BRO=
UGHT TO YOU BY Gain the competitive intelligence you need to make the b=
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OPEC) is a must for all aspects of analyzing nuclear power plant performan=
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or unit level. Don't delay! Download a free trial version of OPEC today =
at http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases/OPEC Top Stories=
U.S. price cap had little impact on Calif power-report WASHINGTON, J=
an 31 (Reuters) Wholesale electricity prices eased in California last summe=
r due to conservation efforts and a slowing economy, not because of a price=
cap imposed by federal regulators, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissio=
n said on Thursday. [IMAGE] Congressional Democrats Pause in Efforts to =
Repeal Utilities Law By Jim Landers, The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 31 The=
Enron scandal is giving congressional Democrats second thoughts about effo=
rts to repeal a 1935 law limiting the business activities of utilities that=
own power plants in several states. [IMAGE] More Subpoenas Issued in In=
vestigation of Texas Public Utility Commission By R.A. Dyer, Fort Worth S=
tar-Telegram, Texas, Jan. 31 The Travis County district attorney's office h=
as issued additional subpoenas in its investigation of reports of irregular=
ities at the Texas Public Utility Commission, according to a commission sta=
ff member. [IMAGE] Independent Electricity Producers Submit Bids for Wis=
consin Energy Corp. Plans By Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, J=
an. 31 An organization of independent electricity generators pressed Wednes=
day to be included in a major initiative by Wisconsin Energy Corp. to spend=
$7 billion to build and upgrade power plants in the state. Energy Se=
curity Nuke Plants Warned After Attack Tip By H. JOSEF HEBERT Associa=
ted Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 31, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Acting=
on a tip from an al-Qaida operative, the government alerted nuclear power =
plants last week that terrorists may be planning an airplane attack on a po=
wer reactor, government officials said Thursday. Defense chief warns =
of threats far deadlier than Sept. 11 attacks By ROBERT BURNS AP Military=
Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 31, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Defense Se=
cretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday the United States must prepare now=
for potential surprise attacks "vastly more deadly" than the Sept. 11 terr=
orist hijackings. California Crisis FERC joins increasing number o=
f Enron probes NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Federal energy regulators sai=
d they launched an investigation on Thursday into allegations that bankrupt=
Enron Corp. unfairly boosted wholesale power prices during California's el=
ectricity crisis last year. Charges that Enron Inflated California El=
ectricity Prices Get Mixed Reactions By Steve Johnson, San Jose Mercury N=
ews, Calif., Jan. 31 Charges that Enron may have artificially inflated the =
cost of West Coast electricity as recently as December are merely the lates=
t in a long series of allegations about power firms manipulating prices. =
Calif Asks Feds Help in Enron Probe Jan 31, 2002 - United Press Inter=
national California Thursday asked federal energy regulators to look into E=
nron's marketing activities in the state in order to prove suspicions the t=
oppled energy giant manipulated electricity prices during last winter's pow=
er crisis. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Gain exposure to thousands of energy=
professionals with your company's white papers today. Energy Central, the=
industry's most comprehensive on-line information resource is gathering w=
hite papers for inclusion the newest section of its Research Report Center=
. Don't be left out - to learn how to submit your white papers, e-mail mjo=
hnson@energycentral.com. http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research / =
National Energy Policy Agency to Sue to Get Records on Cheney's E=
nergy Task Force By Anne E. Kornblut, The Boston Globe, Jan. 31 Congressi=
onal investigators announced plans yesterday to sue the White House, pledgi=
ng to take Vice President Dick Cheney to court to determine what role Enron=
Corp. and other energy lobbyists may have played in shaping administration=
policy. Bush Not Asserting Privilege By MARCY GORDON AP Business W=
riter, WASHINGTON, Jan 31, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The Bush administ=
ration is arguing that the presidency would be harmed by the release of doc=
uments Congress' investigators are seeking - yet is not using the political=
ly charged term "executive privilege." Memo sheds light on Cheney-Enr=
on links-report SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 30 (Reuters) Former Enron Chairman Ken=
Lay handed U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney a memo last year that included =
suggestions resembling elements of the Bush administration's energy policy,=
the San Francisco Chronicle reported on Wednesday. Competition & Dere=
gulation Many States Reconsidering Electric Competition, MIT Professor =
Says By Alan D. Fischer, The Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, Jan. 30 Short-ci=
rcuited by California's current calamities, electric competition has largel=
y failed to produce expected benefits like lower energy costs, an MIT energ=
y economist said. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Duke says t=
o sell engineering unit to nuclear supplier CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan 31 (Reut=
ers) Power company Duke Energy Corp. on Thursday said it will sell its Duke=
Engineering & Services unit as part of a plan to streamline its assets to =
focus on its wholesale energy business. Scottish Power will look for =
acquisitions to boost core utility business LONDON, Jan 31, 2002 (AFX-UK =
via COMTEX) -- Scottish Power PLC will pursue acquisitions to boost its co=
re utility business, following completion of the demerger of Thus and the r=
efinancing of Scottish & Southern Water. Legislation/Regulation Se=
nate probe finds Enron uncooperative-Dorgan WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) =
- Enron Corp. has not cooperated with a Senate Commerce Committee inquiry i=
nto the energy trading firm's collapse, but former executives of the compan=
y have agreed to testify before the committee, said U.S. Sen. Byron Dorgan =
on Thursday. Dems Focus on Enron Debacle By DAVID ESPO, WASHINGTON,=
Jan 31, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Seated in a circle, Democratic Hous=
e leaders listening intently, former employees of Enron poured out the deta=
ils of their layoffs, their depleted retirement savings, their bleak financ=
ial futures. FACTBOX-Congress hearings schedule on Enron/Andersen W=
ASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) The following are the hearings which the U.S. C=
ongress has firmly scheduled on the collapse of Enron Corp., its auditor An=
dersen, and related regulatory issues over the coming weeks. Latest items a=
dded are marked *. Enron Political Spending Raises Debate By JIM AB=
RAMS Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTE=
X) -- A Senate-passed campaign finance bill due for a vote in the House wou=
ld not stop corporations such as Enron from using big contributions to infl=
uence the political process, says a group opposed to the legislation. =
Rates Nevada Power Doesn't Rule Out Additional Rate Requests By John =
G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jan. 30 The public bashing may be ove=
r, but a former utility regulator used a final public comment hearing Tuesd=
ay to warn that Nevada Power's need for rate increases may not be. Pu=
get Sound Energy's Rate Request Gets Harsh Reception from Washington Agency=
By Al Gibbs, The News Tribune, Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 31 Puget Sound Energy=
should receive less than one-quarter of the $170 million interim rate incr=
ease it has requested, the staff of the state Utilities and Transportation =
Commission said Wednesday. General Bank of America Fires Three Emp=
loyees Who Dealt with Enron By Rick Rothacker, The Charlotte Observer, N.=
C., Jan. 31 Bank of America Corp. fired three employees who managed the fir=
m's business with Enron Corp. after the Charlotte bank lost $231 million wh=
en the energy trader filed for bankruptcy court protection. Enron Emp=
loyee Aid Fund Raises Funds By LISA FALKENBERG Associated Press Writer, H=
OUSTON, Jan 31, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- One of the funds to help lai=
d-off Enron Corp. workers has taken in more than $396,000 in the past week,=
primarily from politicians and political groups donating campaign contribu=
tions they received from the energy giant before it filed for bankruptcy. =
Updates on Three Issues: Montana Power, Entergy's Purchase of Vermont =
Yankee and Consolidation of RTOs in the Northeast By Will McNamara, Issue=
Alert, Jan. 31 (Scientech) Today's column provides some updates on three em=
erging issues that have been addressed in previous columns, along with anal=
ysis that should provide context to the current developments. Special Offe=
r from this Publisher! MSN high-speed plans delayed by Enron woes =
NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) Microsoft Corp.'s Internet unit MSN said on Thur=
sday its plans to sell high-speed access to homes would be delayed by the r=
ecent woes of energy giant Enron Corp. Enron Developments at a Glance=
By The Associated Press, Jan 31, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Develop=
ments related to the Enron collapse and investigation: Houston Coffee=
Bar Displays `Art Exhibit' of Former Enron Employees By Daniel J. Vargas=
, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 31 Renoir it's not, but Enron is hot. Tradin=
g/Marketing French Powernext says five more members signed up PARIS, =
Jan 31 (Reuters) Powernext said on Thursday five more energy companies have=
joined the two-month-old French electricity exchange, taking the total to =
15 members. Deals/Contracts Hidrocantabrico Signs Agreement with E=
ni Group Jan 30, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Spanish power=
utility Hidrocantabrico has reached an agreement whereby Italian group ENI=
will supply it with gas, according to sources from the Spanish company. =
Power Pricing/Supply Going Short for the Shortest Month Jan. 30 (E=
nergy Market Report) Day-ahead electricity prices in the Western U.S. were =
mostly higher Wednesday on continued cold weather. Special Offer from this =
Publisher! Transmission & Reliability Bangor Hydro Appeal Denied =
Bep Ruling Hurts Power Line Plan Jan 31, 2002 - Bangor Daily News, Bangor=
, ME Bangor Hydro-Electric Co.'s efforts to build a new power line across e=
astern Maine suffered another setback Wednesday when the chairman of the Bo=
ard of Environmental Protection ruled the utility cannot change its applica=
tion during the review process. Storm hits Plains states with huge po=
wer outages SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 31 (Reuters) - About half a million utilit=
y customers in the Plains states lost power on Thursday after a deadly ice-=
cold winter storm swept through the region. Power Projects Lordsbu=
rg, N.M., Businessman Criticizes Power-Plant Incentives By Rosalie Raybur=
n, Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Jan. 31 Lordsburg's mayor and business leader=
s have lauded PNM's proposed power plant in the city and say it will boost =
the city's ravaged economy. State Regulators Reject Power Plant as Un=
needed Jan 31, 2002 - The Arizona Republic (www.azcentral.com) Arizona re=
gulators scuttled plans Wednesday for the $1 billion Toltec Power Station, =
saying that its electricity was not needed and that the plant would harm th=
e environment of central Arizona's Santa Cruz River Valley. Bill Puts=
Calpine Plant in Jeopardy Jan 31, 2002 - The Herald Rock Hill, SC A comp=
any planning to build a $400 million gas-fired electric generator in York C=
ounty is sounding the alarm that it will abandon the project if a state Hou=
se bill calling for a moratorium becomes law. Legal Judge to Tell =
Enron to Release Internal Report By Eric Berger, Houston Chronicle, Jan. =
31 A federal bankruptcy judge said Wednesday he will order Enron Corp. to r=
elease an internal report investigating its questionable partnerships and a=
ccounting practices. States Tussle for Right to Be Lead Plaintiff in =
Class-Action against Enron The Miami Herald, Jan. 31 The battle over Enro=
n's assets is rapidly becoming a war between the states. Lay Convicti=
on Is Unlikely, Say Legal Analysts By Bill Murphy, Houston Chronicle, Jan=
. 31 Legal experts differ on the viability of what appears to be shaping up=
as former Enron Chairman Ken Lay's defense -- that auditors, outside legal=
counsel and company executives kept him in the dark about the practices th=
at led to the firm's collapse. Houston Law Firm Cuts Ties with Enron =
By R.G. Ratcliffe, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 31 The Houston law firm of Bra=
cewell & Patterson has severed all ties with bankrupt Enron Corp., the law =
firm's managing partner said Wednesday. Renewables Wind Farm Plann=
ed for Addison, Wis., Wasn't Worth Legal Fight, FPL Energy Says By Don Be=
hm, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jan. 31 A Florida corporation walked away f=
rom its plan to build a wind farm in Addison rather than mounting a costly =
legal challenge of town restrictions on the project, company representative=
s said Wednesday. ENEL to study building, refurbishing 7 power plants=
in Bulgaria MILAN, Jan 31, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- ENEL SpA sai=
d its Enelpower unit has signed a memorandum of understanding to build thre=
e new hydroelectric plants and refurbish four existing hydroelectric plants=
in Bulgaria. Norway to use windmills to create energy Jan 31, 2002=
(NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT via COMTEX) -- The Norwegian government is report=
edly planning to permit the building of around 700 windmills along the coun=
try's coast over the next few years. Plants NY lets public comment=
on Orion Astoria power plant NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) New York will gi=
ve the public a chance to comment on Orion Power Holdings Inc.'s proposed e=
xpansion of its Astoria power plant in New York City, the state Siting Boar=
d said in a statement Thursday. People Enron's Interim CEO Aims to=
Rebuild Company, Save Jobs By Tom Fowler, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 31 Enr=
on's new chief executive officer said he has no interest in finding out who=
's to blame for what went wrong at the energy giant, but will instead focus=
on revitalizing the business and preserving jobs. Concerned Former E=
nron Employee's E-mail Landed Her in Human Resources By Julie Mason, Hous=
ton Chronicle, Jan. 31 A one-time Enron Corp. manager who warned Chairman K=
en Lay in August about questionable accounting practices was sent to human =
resources for a talk about employee morale, her attorney said Wednesday. =
California Gubernatorial Candidate Returns Enron Donation By Emily Ba=
zar, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Jan. 30 One week after asserting on live t=
elevision that "I haven't gotten any money from Enron," Republican gubernat=
orial candidate Richard Riordan revealed Tuesday that his campaign has sinc=
e returned a $500 campaign contribution to the beleaguered energy trader. =
Interview: Rep. Greenwood vs. Enron By KATHY A. GAMBRELL, Washington=
Reporter, WASHINGTON, Jan 30, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX)=
-- Rep. James Greenwood, R-Pa., said his first emotion was anger when he =
heard Houston-based Enron Corp. had filed the largest bankruptcy action in =
history, leaving thousands of employees out of work and with virtually wort=
hless retirement and pension accounts. Enron board member temporarily=
resigns press watchdog job LONDON, Jan 31, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMT=
EX) -- John Wakeham, a prominent Conservative politician whose seat on the=
board of the disgraced Enron Corp. has made him the center of speculation =
about the corporate scandal's British links, temporarily stepped aside Thur=
sday from his job as head of a press watchdog group. Enron Executive =
Mourned in Hometown By DUNSTAN PRIAL Associated Press Writer, AMITYVILLE,=
N.Y., Jan 30, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- J. Clifford Baxter, a former =
Enron executive who committed suicide as the scandal surrounding the bankru=
pt energy trading giant widened, was remembered Wednesday as a loving famil=
y man who died too young. Wife Publicly Defends Former Enron CEO By=
Alfred Lubrano, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 31 The wife of the extreme=
ly unpopular former CEO of Enron did the full Stand-By-Your-Man routine ear=
lier this week, with tears. Labor/Human Resources Eight Employees =
File Racial-Bias Suit against South Carolina Electric & Gas By Dave L'Heu=
reux, The State, Columbia, S.C., Jan. 31 A lawsuit filed Wednesday in U.S. =
District Court alleges that South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. and its paren=
t company, SCANA Corp., have long discriminated against black employees. =
Former Enron Employees Take Case to Capitol By Roma Khanna, Houston C=
hronicle, Jan. 31 Former Enron employees took their stories to Capitol Hill=
on Wednesday, asking lawmakers to seek remedies for their hardships as vig=
orously as they pursue ongoing congressional investigations. Workers =
at Beaver County, Pa., Power Plant Reject Contract from FirstEnergy By Ji=
m McKay, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jan. 31 The 450 workers who operate and m=
aintain the Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Plant have overwhelmingly rejected =
a four-year contract offer from FirstEnergy Corp., prompting a federal medi=
ator to call for a resumption of talks today. Minneapolis Utility to =
Cut 500 More Jobs By Tim Huber, Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Minn., Jan. 31 =
Electric and gas utility Xcel Energy said Wednesday it will cut another 500=
jobs at its Minneapolis headquarters and elsewhere to further shrink costs=
since the merger of Northern States Power and Denver-based New Century Ene=
rgies 18 months ago. Nuclear UK govt declines comment on claims it=
will allow new nuclear power plants LONDON, Jan 31, 2002 (AFX-UK via COM=
TEX) -- The government has declined to comment on claims it is ready to pa=
ve the way for the construction of new nuclear power stations. Pt Lep=
reau, New Brunswick nuke returns to service NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) NB=
Power said its 635-megawatt Point Lepreau nuclear station in New Brunswick=
, Canada returned to service Thursday from a two-day outage. Three Nu=
ke Power Plants Ready for Use This Year BEIJING, Jan 31, 2002 (Xinhua via=
COMTEX) -- Three of China's four nuclear power plants under construction =
are expected to begin operation this year, a Chinese nuclear official annou=
nced on January 30. Financial Enron, Others Found Delaware Invitin=
g for Establishment of Subsidiaries By Joseph N. DiStefano, The Philadelp=
hia Inquirer, Jan. 31 To manage its far-flung financial interests, avoid lo=
cal taxes, and shroud high-stakes deals from investor scrutiny, Enron Corp.=
organized a sprawling network of 2,000 corporate subsidiaries in 62 countr=
ies and 23 U.S. states. Allentown, Pa.-Based Energy Holding Firm to R=
aise Dividend 36 Percent By David DeKok, The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, Pa=
., Jan. 31 PPL Corp. says it will raise its quarterly dividend by almost 36=
percent, softening the blow to stockholders of financial setbacks that hur=
t earnings in the fourth quarter of 2001 and the full year. Shadow Ca=
st by Enron Debacle Extends over St. Paul, Minn.-Area Financial Firms By =
Tim Huber, Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Minn., Jan. 30 The Enron debacle has u=
nleashed a torrent of criticism about how badly most securities analysts mi=
sunderstood the Texas energy-trading company's finances and missed signs of=
its financial problems. Enron's Deals Were Fraught with Financial Ri=
sks, Experts Say Chicago Tribune, Jan. 31 Behind the murky bookkeeping an=
d the razzle-dazzle marketing, Enron Corp. offered a simple sales pitch: Ou=
r crystal ball is better than everyone else's. Enron Executive's Emai=
l Warned of Hidden Losses of At Least $500 Million Chicago Tribune, Jan. =
31 An internal Enron Corp. email sent from a mid-level manager to the compa=
ny's board of directors warned last August of hidden losses totaling $500 m=
illion or more, false accounting practices and flagrant mismanagement withi=
n the doomed energy company's upper ranks. Enron probe may give Wall =
Street another black eye By Brian Kelleher, NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) Wa=
ll Street jumped at the chance to invest in private offshoots of Enron Corp=
. before the high-flying energy trader's collapse, using investment banking=
ties to get in on the ground floor of deals that promised eye-popping retu=
rns. Mirant takes aggressive stance on balance sheet NEW YORK, Jan =
30 (Reuters) - Mirant Corp., a power trader that has been hurt by the fallo=
ut from Enron Corp., on Wednesday said it would cut jobs, lower its capital=
spending and cancel plans for two power plants in order to shore up its ba=
lance sheet. Ontario names lead underwriters for Hydro One IPO TORO=
NTO, Jan 31 (Reuters) The Ontario government said on Thursday it had chosen=
BMO Nesbitt Burns, Goldman Sachs and RBC Dominion Securities as joint lead=
underwriters to take provincial power distributor Hydro One public. =
Major Accounting Reform Faces Strong Challenge from Industry By Russell G=
rantham, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jan. 31 Arthur Andersen's failur=
e to warn of Enron's coming collapse is propelling efforts to ban practices=
that industry critics say have compromised the accounting industry's watch=
dog role. Economy, Enron Debacle Pressure Surety Bond Market By Jim=
Parker, The Post and Courier, Charleston, S.C., Jan. 30 Enron's financial =
collapse is leaking into the surety bond market, with insurers on the hook =
for $2 billion to pay off the energy trading giant's oil and gas futures co=
ntracts and carriers looking closer at raising rates and approving projects=
, whether in Houston or Charleston. US accountants face new master fr=
om Enron backlash By Kevin Drawbaugh, WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (Reuters) The co=
zy self-regulatory system that coddles U.S. corporate bean-counters looked =
headed for the shredder on Wednesday as lawmakers react to Enron's collapse=
and a wave of Wall Street accounting fears. FORUM-World CEOs face up=
to insurance price hikes By Bill Rigby, NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) Bosse=
s at the World Economic Forum have a new gripe this year -- the shocking co=
st of insurance. Financial - Ratings RESEARCH ALERT - J.P. Morgan =
lowers Xcel Energy NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) J.P. Morgan said on Thursda=
y that it lowered its investment rating on Xcel Energy Inc. to "market perf=
orm" from "long term buy" and it is suspending its target price on the stoc=
k. National Grid falls as Lehman says stock reached fair value LOND=
ON, Jan 31, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Shares in National Grid Group PLC =
were trading lower at midday, after Lehman Brothers said the electricity gr=
oup already trades at fair value, dealers said. Financial - Results =
Scot Power Q3 shows U.S. recovery, UK struggle LONDON, Jan 31 (Reuters)=
- Scottish Power Plc on Thursday reported a strong recovery in third-quart=
er profits, with a better performance from its accident-prone U.S. electric=
ity operations more than offsetting the erosion of UK profits. Avista=
fourth-quarter net income drops 91 percent SPOKANE, Wash., Jan 31 (Reute=
rs) Utilities holding company Avista Corp. said on Thursday fourth-quarter =
net income dropped 91 percent, dragged down by sharply lower water levels i=
n rivers, a primary generator of electricity in the northwestern United Sta=
tes. Calpine net falls, weak economy hurts power prices LOS ANGELES=
/NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Power producer Calpine Corp. on Thursday repo=
rted a 23 percent drop in fourth quarter earnings as weak wholesale electri=
city prices linked to a soft economy cut into profits Allegheny Energ=
y Q4 earns fall, cancels unit IPO HAGERSTOWN, Md., Jan 31 (Reuters) - Uti=
lity holding company Allegheny Energy Inc. on Thursday said its fourth-quar=
ter earnings fell as mild weather and a weakened U.S. economy resulted in l=
ower energy consumption. Dallas: Txu Reports Annual Earnings Growth =
Jan 31, 2002 - Energy24 TXU reported that it earned $3.78 per share of com=
mon stock on record revenues of $28 billion, a 27 percent increase, and ear=
nings of $980 million for the year ended December 31, 2001, excluding unusu=
al items. International Indian lenders invite bids for Enron stake=
in Dabhol Power BOMBAY, Jan 31, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Indian le=
nders to the controversial Dabhol Power Co Ltd - the country's largest fore=
ign investment project - have invited bids for the 85 pct equity stake owne=
d by Enron Corp and its associates. Mirant Cuts Back in Europe as Ind=
ustry Reels over Enron By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitut=
ion, Jan. 31 Mirant Corp. is scaling back its plans to become a major Europ=
ean electric power player as it seeks to recover from industry fallout over=
Enron Corp.'s collapse. Enron Played Insignificant Part In Electrici=
ty Policy: Bueno MEXICO CITY, Jan 30, 2002 (Reforma/Corporate Mexico by I=
nternet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Juan Bueno Torio, who was in charg=
e of energy on President Vicente Fox's transition team, denied that Enron p=
articipated in a significant way in the development of Fox's project for th=
e opening of the electricity sector, reported Mexico City daily Reforma. =
Meralco seeking to cut bulk power purchases from Napocor - report MAN=
ILA, Jan 30, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- The Manila Electric Co is tryin=
g to reduce its bulk power purchases from the National Power Corp, a Busine=
ssWorld source said. Mexico to Reduce Electric Subsidies By LISA J.=
ADAMS Associated Press Writer, MEXICO CITY, Jan 31, 2002 (AP Online via CO=
MTEX) -- Mexico's state-owned power utility is eliminating some residential=
electricity subsidies, creating a flurry of opposition and confusion acros=
s the country. TEPCO to establish in-house firms for telecom, gas ser=
vice TOKYO, Jan 31, 2002 (Kyodo via COMTEX) -- Tokyo Electric Power Co. =
(TEPCO) said Thursday it will set up in-house companies, with accounting au=
tonomy, for telecommunications and gas supply services on March 1. Po=
wer Deals Delayed By Charlotte Kukunda, Jan 31, 2002 (New Vision/All Afri=
ca Global Media via COMTEX) -- THE sale of Uganda's electricity distributi=
on and generation concessions, is set for June this year, the Director of U=
tility Reform Unit (URU) Emmanuel Nyirikindi has said. Government dec=
ides to privatize power generating assets Ecuador, Jan 31, 2002 (El Unive=
rso/SABI via COMTEX) -- Salomon Smith Barney has delivered to the Ecuadori=
an government the valuation of the assets of electric power distribution co=
mpanies slated of privatization. Brazil state generators to be allowe=
d to sell "old" energy via auction BRASILIA, Jan 31, 2002 (AFX-Europe via=
COMTEX) -- The Energy Crisis Management Committee (GCE) has decided to al=
low state-controlled generators to sell so-called "old energy" via public a=
uction, official news agency Agencia Brasil quoted GCE chairman and Preside=
ntial Chief of Staff Pedro Parente as saying. Marzano Says Enel's Mar=
ket Share Must Drop Below 50% Jan 31, 2002 - FT World Media Abstracts via=
Comtex Italy's industry minister Antonio Marzano said that energy producti=
on must be increased and rates to consumers reduced as they are 20 per cent=
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