Enron Mail

Subject:Energy Central Professional Dispatch - 2/4/02
Date:Sun, 3 Feb 2002 15:28:10 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Monday, February 4, 2002 Home - Email Prefe=
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03-782-5510 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] AdvertisementRER ELECTRIC POWER NEW=
S - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have se=
lected these as the top stories of the day: California Utility Regulator=
s Devise Bond Plan to Finance Electricity Payments By Carrie Peyton, The S=
acramento Bee, Calif., Feb. 1 Enron Extraordinarily Lucrative But Wrong Fe=
b 03, 2002 - United Press International Harrisburg, Pa.-Area Utility Claims=
PPL Corp.'s Market Moves Cost It Millions By David DeKok, The Patriot-New=
s, Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 1 Xcel Enters Merger Talks; Looks To Buy Back NRG =
Feb. 3 (Power Finance & Risk) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - =
MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most requ=
ested by Energy Central members in the last two weeks. Court overturns a=
pproval of AEP, Central SW merger By Julie Vorman, WASHINGTON, Jan 18 (=
Reuters) Enron's Cutthroat Culture Is Deplored by Those It Served to Profi=
t By Claudia Kolker, The Boston Globe, Jan. 27 FERC audit shows flaws =
in Calif power grid operator By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Re=
uters) Arthur Andersen's CEO Points a Finger at Enron's Business Model =
By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 21 Report Offers Bright Outlook f=
or California Power Authority By Rick Jurgens, Contra Costa Times, Waln=
ut Creek, Calif., Jan. 19 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STO=
RIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected thes=
e as the top stories of the day: Indiana Gas Utilities Get Settlement Re=
funds By Chris O'Malley, The Indianapolis Star, Feb. 1 Natural Gas Prices =
Expected to Remain Volatile for Colorado Consumers By Steve Raabe, The Den=
ver Post, Feb. 1 Study pans idea of state equity in Alaska gasline ANCHORA=
GE, Alaska, Feb 2 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] KWI [IMAGE] =
paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Tod=
ay Utility Spotlight RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Powe=
r News - Top Stories Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry Ne=
ws - Top Stories Selected Content Not In This Issue Utility Sto=
ck Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] EL=
21 of 121 Articles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Lesson=
s learned from European deregulation efforts have made it across the pond =
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erica. For more information about our products and services, call us at +4=
4 (0) 1372.817714 or visit http://www.thestructuregroup.com . Top St=
ories California Utility Regulators Devise Bond Plan to Finance Electri=
city Payments By Carrie Peyton, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Feb. 1 After =
months of talks with the governor and state treasurer, utility regulators h=
ave crafted a plan they believe will allow the state to issue up to $12.5 b=
illion in bonds to repay the state for buying electricity. [IMAGE] Xcel =
Enters Merger Talks; Looks To Buy Back NRG Feb. 3 (Power Finance & Risk) =
Xcel Energy, one of the largest electric utilities in the U.S., is courting=
FirstEnergy, TXU and Entergy as potential merger partners and at the same =
time is looking to repurchase the remaining 20% stake of its unregulated IP=
P affiliate, NRG Energy, which it partially spun off in May 2000. Special O=
ffer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] Enron Extraordinarily Lucrative But W=
rong Feb 03, 2002 - United Press International On the eve of his appearan=
ce before a congressional committee Monday, former Enron Corp. Chairman and=
CEO Kenneth Lay and many of his staff of top executives were blamed by inv=
estigators for reporting $1 billion in profits that did not exist, neverthe=
less often enjoying immense personal gain. [IMAGE] Harrisburg, Pa.-Area =
Utility Claims PPL Corp.'s Market Moves Cost It Millions By David DeKok, =
The Patriot-News, Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 1 FirstEnergy Corp. says its three =
GPU Energy subsidiaries in Pennsylvania and New Jersey incurred costs and d=
amages "well into the millions of dollars" because of alleged manipulation =
by PPL Corp. of the regional installed-capacity market in the first quarter=
of 2001. Energy Security Bush officials say high alert may be ne=
eded for years with terrorists possibly lurking in U.S. By H. JOSEF HEBER=
T Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COM=
TEX) -- Despite U.S. successes in Afghanistan, the Bush administration is c=
autioning that terrorists may be operating in the United States, requiring =
the nation to stay on high alert for perhaps years. California Crisis =
Federal Regulators to Focus on Enron's Role in California's Energy Cris=
is By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 1 Federal energy regulators =
Thursday launched an investigation into whether Houston's embattled Enron C=
orp. helped prolong last year's electricity crisis in California by unfairl=
y manipulating wholesale power prices. A Plan, But No Customers Feb=
01, 2002 - Bond Buyer While California's new power authority trumpets its =
plan to promote renewable energy and boost electricity reserves, details of=
how billions of dollars in unspecified projects will be financed remain la=
rgely unknown. FERC drops Calif group's case against BPA, BC Hydro =
WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Th=
ursday dismissed a complaint by a California citizen group that claimed Bon=
neville Power Administration and three other firms withheld badly-needed el=
ectricity during the state's power crisis. Calif. governor recounts t=
alks with Lay LOS ANGELES, Feb 02, 2002 (United Press International via C=
OMTEX) -- Gov. Gray Davis confirmed that he met with Enron Chairman Kennet=
h Lay during the height of last winter's California electricity crisis, at =
the urgings of two White House administrations, and described the consultat=
ions as unproductive. Davis calls for Enron probe; Boxer calls Enron =
'robber baron' Feb 01 - Associated Press California Gov. Gray Davis and S=
en. Barbara Boxer are asking federal energy regulators to investigate possi=
ble price manipulation by Enron during the state's energy crisis. Bot=
tom Lines: Customer Service on the Titanic Feb. 3 (California Energy Mark=
ets) The California energy crisis of 2000/01 has taken its toll on the elec=
tric utility business in many ways--financially, legally and by nearly elim=
inating customer esteem for the state's utilities, electric service provide=
rs and regulators. Special Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTIS=
EMENT ENERGIZE YOUR CAREER - The Energy Central Job Center has a new loo=
k, new features, premier employers and is updated daily! Visit the energy =
industry's largest on-line job center today: http://www.energycentral.com=
/sections/jobs National Energy Policy Two Proposals in Memo fr=
om Enron's Lay Became Part of Cheney's Energy Plan By Jim Landers, The Da=
llas Morning News, Feb. 1 The Bush administration's national energy plan in=
cluded two Enron-endorsed provisions that upset some congressional Republic=
ans and Western governors for infringing on state's rights. Court tel=
ls Cheney to explain task force secrecy WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - A f=
ederal judge has ordered Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force to =
explain the constitutional argument behind its refusal to release details o=
f its meetings, a group suing for the records said on Friday. Competit=
ion & Deregulation TXU to Switch Some Texas Electricity Customers to Re=
liant Energy By Dan Piller, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Feb. 1 TXU's=
electricity customers who are behind on their bills will find their servic=
e switched involuntarily to Houston-based Reliant Energy starting in March =
as part of the new "provider of last resort" program under the state's dere=
gulation law. Dominion Virginia Power Redesigns Bills to Reflect Supp=
ly Choice By Carolyn Shapiro, Daily Press, Newport News, Va., Feb. 2 Domi=
nion Virginia Power customers will get redesigned electricity bills this mo=
nth that show new information to help them prepare to shop for a competing =
supplier. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Power Merger Comple=
ted in Buffalo, N.Y., Area By David Robinson, The Buffalo News, N.Y., Feb=
. 1 Niagara Mohawk turned over the keys to its New York utility business to=
British transmission giant National Grid Group Thursday, wrapping up an $8=
.9 billion merger that creates the eighth largest electric utility in the c=
ountry. Enron May Sell Pittsburgh-Based Firm Limbach Facility Service=
s to Raise Money By Dan Fitzpatrick, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 2 Enro=
n Corp., the Houston energy trader now engulfed in the largest bankruptcy c=
ase in U.S. history, has ties to a 101-year-old Pittsburgh mechanical contr=
acting firm. Duke Energy Corp. to Sell Engineering Unit The Charlot=
te Observer, N.C., Feb. 1 Duke Energy Corp. said Thursday it will sell its =
nuclear plant engineering division to a Virginia-based nuclear power compan=
y, as it focuses on wholesale power production, natural gas and energy trad=
ing. Legislation/Regulation Justice Department Tells White House N=
ot to Destroy Enron-Related Records By Ron Hutcheson, Knight Ridder Washi=
ngton Bureau, Feb. 2 The Justice Department on Friday directed the White Ho=
use not to destroy any records related to Enron's contacts with government =
officials because they could be needed in a criminal investigation. C=
ongress to Grill Enron Witnesses Feb 03, 2002 - Associated Press Star wit=
ness and presidential friend Kenneth Lay. Lawmakers Aim to Lift Enron=
's 'Shroud of Secrecy' at Lay Hearings By Julie Mason, Houston Chronicle,=
Feb. 1 Lawmakers signaled Thursday that their questioning of former Enron =
Corp. Chairman Ken Lay on Capitol Hill next week is likely to be confrontat=
ional when he delivers his first public explanation of the company's collap=
se. Congressmen Cry Foul in Enron's Self-Investigation By Julie Mas=
on, Houston Chronicle , Feb. 2 Lawmakers on Friday sought to discredit a pe=
nding internal investigation from Enron Corp., saying the effort is already=
compromised by a lack of independent oversight. FACTBOX-Congress hea=
rings schedule on Enron/Andersen WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) The followin=
g are the hearings which the U.S. Congress has firmly scheduled on the coll=
apse of Enron Corp., its auditor Andersen, and related regulatory issues ov=
er the coming weeks. Latest items added are marked *. Lawmaker Wants =
Utah to Debate Means of Selecting Utility Regulators By Steven Oberbeck, =
The Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 31 Sen. Ed Mayne, D-West Valley City, wants the=
Legislature to debate whether Utah's top utility regulators should be elec=
ted rather than appointed by the governor. Enron scandal may affect l=
egislation By Chris Nietupski, MADISON, Wis., Feb 01, 2002 (Badger Herald=
, U-WIRE via COMTEX) -- Policy-making in Wisconsin and across the country =
could feel the effects of the Enron scandal, state officials say. Sen=
ate Energy Committee Focuses on Enron Impact on Prices Feb. 1 (Texas Elec=
tric Market Reporter) On January 29, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy an=
d Natural Resources took testimony from witnesses on the impact of the Enro=
n bankruptcy on energy markets. Special Offer from this Publisher! Ra=
tes Nevada Regulator May Increase Length of Time for Utility Payments =
By John G. Edwards, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Feb. 1 Nevada's top utility =
regulator said Thursday that state law may permit Nevada Power Co. to recov=
er a $922 million rate increase over six years instead of three. Stat=
e: Nstar owes $22.5M Feb 02 - Boston Herald Accusing Nstar of negligence,=
state regulators are demanding the power company pay its customers $22.5 m=
illion for suffering through last summer's power outages. General =
Attorney: Enron Officer Ordered Whistleblower's Computer Seized By Miles =
Moffeit, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Feb. 1 Shortly after Enron Corp. =
Vice President Sherron Watkins reported a pattern of accounting irregularit=
ies to company chief Kenneth Lay last year, management seized her computer,=
Watkins' attorney said. Enron Executives' Image Slips in New Poll =
By Patty Reinert, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 2 As the Enron scandal unfolds, a=
majority of Americans believe executives acted illegally as the Houston en=
ergy trader spiraled toward bankruptcy last fall, according to a poll relea=
sed Friday. `Enron' Becomes a Verb By Marja Mills, Chicago Tribune,=
Feb 1 To Enron's enormous legal and financial nightmares, add this indigni=
ty: The bankrupt behemoth's name has morphed into slang for slippery accoun=
ting, leaving employees in the lurch and other unsavory conduct. Enro=
n execs using company jets to attend bankruptcy hearings By KRISTEN HAYS =
Associated Press Writer-, HOUSTON, Jan 31, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX)=
-- Since Enron Corp. filed the largest U.S. bankruptcy in history last yea=
r, the company has used its two jets for eight round-trip flights to New Yo=
rk where the case was filed, a spokesman said Thursday. Enron Develop=
ments at a Glance Feb 01 - Associated Press Developments related to the E=
nron collapse and investigation: Computer Sleuths Confident about Abi=
lity to Find Deleted Enron Data By Cara Anna, Austin American-Statesman, =
Texas, Jan. 31 The head of the company hired to retrieve the electronic rec=
ords destroyed by Arthur Andersen LLP concerning Enron Corp. was guarded bu=
t confident Wednesday as he talked about the task already under way in Hous=
ton, protected by armed guards. Enron Vacates Most of Its California =
Offices By Kate Berry, The Orange County Register, Calif., Feb. 1 Enron C=
orp., the bankrupt energy-trading company that influenced the design of Cal=
ifornia's disastrous experiment with electricity deregulation, has vacated =
nearly all its offices in the state, including an Orange County headquarter=
s in Costa Mesa. More Virginians Falling Behind on Electricity Paymen=
ts By Lois Caliri, The Roanoke Times, Va., Jan. 31 The Salvation Army has=
paid some needy Roanokers' bills. Officials in Indiana's LaPorte Cou=
nty, Michigan City Protest NIPSCO Cutbacks By Keith Benman, South Bend Tr=
ibune, Ind., Jan. 31 LaPorte County commissioners and Michigan City Mayor S=
heila Brillson have asked state officials to block a plan by the Northern I=
ndiana Public Service Co. to close five service hubs. Chattanooga, Te=
nn., Steel-Plant Operator Has Unique Agreement with Enron By Mike Pare, C=
hattanooga Times/Free Press, Feb. 1 Huntco Inc., which operates a steel pro=
cessing plant at Chattanooga's riverport, has what a steel industry spokesm=
an calls unique financial agreements with Enron. TVA Cuts Back on Off=
ice Space in Downtown Chattanooga, Tenn. By Dave Flessner, Chattanooga Ti=
mes/Free Press, Feb. 2 Chattanooga's biggest employer is scaling back its p=
resence downtown. Enron Collapse Affects Shares Omaha, Neb., Retirees=
By Judith Graham, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1 The small sign welcoming the w=
hite-haired men and women to lunch last Friday was a minor act of rebellion=
. "Northern Natural Gas retirees luncheon," the sheet read. A month ago, it=
would have carried the name of Enron. Trading/Marketing Enron's p=
ower trading volumes fell in Q4-FERC data WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) Enr=
on Corp.'s electricity trading volumes in the fourth quarter of 2001 fell b=
y about 26 percent from the previous quarter as the company slipped into ba=
nkruptcy, according to data filed with federal regulators on Thursday. =
Barclays hires 2 ex-Enron executives to run energy trading desk LONDON,=
Feb 01, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Barclays Bank PLC unit Barclays C=
apital said it hired two former executives from Enron Europe to run a newly=
created energy trading team, the Wall Street Journal reported. New Te=
chnologies/Markets Danbury, Conn.-Based Fuel Cell Firm to Make Schedule=
d Deliveries for Year By David A. Smith, Waterbury Republican-American, C=
onn., Feb. 2 Last month's explosion at FuelCell Energy Inc.'s Torrington ma=
nufacturing plant will delay shipments of its fuel cells by at least a mont=
h, but the company said it still expects to make its deliveries planned for=
this year. Power Pricing/Supply FERC Says Soft Market, not Its Pr=
ice Caps, Set NW Energy Prices Feb. 3 (Clearing Up) A spot market affecte=
d by declining demand for power and a return to more normal supply levels s=
et the prices for Northwest energy from June through November 2001, not the=
$92/MWh price cap FERC set last June. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Monday Power in Central Posts Modest Gain on Cold Weather Feb. 1 (B=
tu's Daily Power Report) Power prices throughout the Central region were se=
en slightly up today on what was most likely an affect of cooler weather an=
d typical ahead of the weekend hype. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Cold Weather Flattens Loads and Prices Feb. 1 (Special to Western Pri=
ce Survey Contacts) A sharp drop in the temperature and associated snow ear=
ly in the week did not cause a big increase in peak period prices at Wester=
n hubs. Special Offer from this Publisher! SW Left Out in the Cold =
Jan. 31 (Energy Market Report) Peak power prices in the Western U.S. rose =
for the typically-discounted Friday/Saturday package on continued strong we=
ather-related demand and new-month buying. Special Offer from this Publishe=
r! Transmission & Reliability Entergy, Arkansas Negotiate Settlem=
ent of Ice-Storm Costs By David Mercer, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Little=
Rock, Jan. 30 Entergy Arkansas Inc. and the state Public Service Commissio=
n are negotiating a potential settlement of the utility's bid to recover mo=
ney it spent to restore power to hundreds of thousands of customers after a=
pair of destructive ice storms in December 2000. FERC to hold hearin=
g on power-line charges Jan 31 - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel The Federal E=
nergy Regulatory Commission ordered a hearing to decide how much the owners=
of electricity transmission systems in the Midwest can charge for making p=
ower-line and other improvements. N.Y.-N.E. power merger called not b=
ig enough Feb 02 - Providence Journal A proposed merger of wholesale elec=
tricity markets in New York and New England doesn't go far enough to reduce=
the high cost of sharing power with mid-Atlantic states, federal regulator=
s said yesterday. FERC Gets MISO Ready for Prime Time Feb. 1 (Energ=
y Insights) Following up on orders that approved the Midwest Independent Sy=
stem Operator ("MISO") as a fully functional Regional Transmission Organiza=
tion ("RTO"), the FERC acted on various MISO filings to prepare for MISO's =
fully operational status as of today. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Power Projects Wisconsin Energy seeks to build five power plants =
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 1 (Reuters) - Wisconsin Energy Corp. on Friday said it =
had filed a $3 billion plan with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin=
to build five power plants that will provide a total of 2,800 megawatts of=
new generation capacity for the state. Arizona Commission Rejects Pl=
an for $1 Billion Power Plant near Eloy By Mitch Tobin, The Arizona Daily=
Star, Tucson, Jan. 31 A $1 billion power plant proposed six miles from the=
new Ironwood Forest National Monument was unanimously rejected by the Ariz=
ona Corporation Commission Wednesday. New Berlin, Wis., Considers Pow=
er Plant Permit 'Expired' By Corissa Jansen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, =
Feb. 1 The city has told a company that its permit to build a $150 million =
power plant has expired, prompting opponents to say they were doing a "vict=
ory dance" over the news. Kentucky Legislative Votes May Sway Plan fo=
r Coal-Fired Plant By Bill Bartleman, The Paducah Sun, Ky., Jan. 31 How t=
he Kentucky General Assembly acts on two bills will determine if EnviroPowe=
r of Lexington advances on a plan to build a $900 million coal-fired genera=
ting plant near Calvert City. York County, S.C., Chamber Members Join=
in Calpine Dispute By Sula Pettibon, The Herald, Rock Hill, S.C., Jan. 3=
1 People are lining up on both sides of a gas-fired electric generator issu=
e, and on Wednesday chamber members joined the dispute. Legal PG?s=
ends bankruptcy details to U.S. judge SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 1 (Reuters) PG?C=
orp.'s Pacific Gas & Electric unit on Friday said it filed 900 pages of mos=
tly technical information about taxes, business contracts and other details=
requested by the judge in the company's bankruptcy case. Bank of Ame=
rica Subsidiary Sued over Advice It Gave on Enron Bonds By Rick Rothacker=
, The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Feb. 2 A Bank of America Corp. subsidiary i=
s among three companies being sued by an institutional investor who says th=
ey promoted Enron Corp. bonds even when they knew the energy trader was in =
financial trouble. Lawyers for Former Enron Workers File Motions, See=
king to Clear Way for Suits By Ron Nissimov, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 1 La=
wyers for two groups of former Enron employees have filed three motions in =
New York bankruptcy court they say will protect the interests of their clie=
nts. Wisconsin Electric Power Wins Procedural Victory in Punitive Dam=
ages Decision By Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 1 Wiscon=
sin Electric Power Co. won a procedural victory on Thursday when the State =
Supreme Court decided not to review an appeals court decision that threw ou=
t a landmark $100 million punitive damages award against the company. =
Renewables Public Service Firm Wants to Put 180 Windmills on New Mexico=
Plains By Rosalie Rayburn, Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Feb. 2 Public Serv=
ice Company of New Mexico is in "serious pursuit" of a wind ranch in easter=
n New Mexico that will use 180 turbines to generate up to 200 megawatts of =
electricity -- enough for 70,000 homes. Siemens Solar Energized by Al=
liance with Berkeley, Calif.-Based PowerLight By Evan Pondel, Daily News,=
Los Angeles, Jan. 31 Siemens Solar and Berkeley-based PowerLight will come=
together today to turn Southern California's copious sun into a money-savi=
ng power generator for Los Angeles consumers. NWRFC raises Lower Colu=
mbia River runoff forecast SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31 (Reuters) The Northwest=
River Forecast Center (NWRFC) on Thursday significantly raised its long-te=
rm forecast for runoff at some of the region's huge dams along the Lower Co=
lumbia River. Avista offers `Buck a Block' wind power Feb 01 - Spok=
esman Review Avista Utilities will formally launch its wind energy program =
Friday, but a few alternative energy enthusiasts have already signed up. =
City briefing: Minister puffs house of straw Feb 01 - The Guardian Th=
e world's largest and most efficient straw-fired power station was opened y=
esterday by Brian Wilson, the energy minister, who announced pounds 7.3m of=
further support for bio-fuel projects. U.K. Utility Puts 600 MW U.S.=
Wind Biz On The Block Feb. 3 (Power Finance & Risk) U.K. utility Innogy =
has put its U.S. wind farm business up for sale and hired J.P. Morgan to fi=
nd a buyer. Special Offer from this Publisher! People Enron Choic=
es Received Bush Posts By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Fe=
b 01, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- A few months after the White House got=
a list of recommended candidates from former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay, a=
friend and backer of President Bush, two of them were appointed to a feder=
al energy commission. Accounting Agency Chief Has Reputation for Inte=
grity By Tom Walker, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Feb. 2 People who =
know him volunteer the same phrase in describing David Michael Walker, U.S.=
comptroller general and head of the General Accounting Office: "straight a=
rrow." Head of Enron's Internal Probe Walks Tightrope as Board Member=
, Law Dean By Pete Slover, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 1 The man conduc=
ting Enron Corp.'s internal investigation of its collapse -- Enron board me=
mber and University of Texas Law School Dean William C. Powers Jr. -- is na=
vigating a maze of potential conflicts of interest. Enron's Demise Tr=
oubled Executive before His Death, Friends Say By Bruce Nichols, The Dall=
as Morning News, Feb. 1 Cliff Baxter spent 10 years climbing to the top of =
Enron Corp. before quitting as vice chairman last May, telling co-workers a=
nd friends he was going to take his millions and enjoy life with his wife a=
nd two children. Watchdog Groups Criticize Texas Attorney General Can=
didate's Link to Enron By Max B. Baker, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, =
Feb. 1 The Republican candidate for state attorney general is drawing criti=
cism from public watchdog groups for being employed at a law firm that earn=
ed hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying for Enron. Enron Exec.'s=
Credibility at Stake By DEB RIECHMANN Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTO=
N, Feb 02, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- It's not just his company that is=
weighted with debits. Harvard Corporation member in spotlight for En=
ron board seat By Joseph P. Flood, CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan 31, 2002 (Harvar=
d Crimson, U-WIRE via COMTEX) -- The ever-expanding investigations and gov=
ernment probes into last fall's surprise collapse of energy giant Enron Cor=
p. has highlighted the role played by one member of Harvard University's Co=
rporation in the management of the company. Labor/Human Resources =
California Agency Investigates Worker Safety at Power-Plant Construction Si=
te By Erin Waldner, The Bakersfield Californian, Feb. 2 Cal/OSHA is inves=
tigating employee safety at the La Paloma power plant construction site nea=
r McKittrick, an agency spokesman has confirmed. Workers at Enron Win=
d Power Facility in Tehachapi, Calif., Laid Off By Erin Waldner, The Bake=
rsfield Californian, Feb. 1 A furlough at Enron Wind's Tehachapi facility w=
ent into effect last month. Dominion Virginia Power Continues to Elim=
inate Jobs By Michael Davis, The Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 1 Do=
minion Virginia Power is cutting white-collar and supervisory jobs, possibl=
y including several in Hampton Roads, as it continues to restructure its op=
erations. Ex-Enron Employees Face Tough Times By LISA FALKENBERG As=
sociated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- With=
his credit card in hand, laid-off Enron Corp. employee David Hunker went t=
o the supermarket last month to buy all the Lean Cuisine meals he could stu=
ff in his freezer. Ex-Enron Workers' Fund Receives $400,000 Jan 31,=
2002 - United Press International A fund created to aid former Enron emplo=
yees received nearly $400,000 in donations in the past week, mostly from po=
liticians and political groups returning Enron contributions, the Greater H=
ouston Community Foundation said Thursday. FirstEnergy Corp. Cuts 340=
Jobs in Berks County, Pa., after Merger By Don Spatz, Reading Eagle, Pa.=
, Jan. 30 FirstEnergy Corp. said Tuesday that it is eliminating 340 Berks C=
ounty jobs or 22 percent of its local work force in a cost-cutting move fol=
lowing its $4.5 billion purchase of GPU Inc. in November. Fuel Dak=
ota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad Faces Big Challenges before Trains Roll =
By Jeffrey Pieters, Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn., Jan. 31 With four yea=
rs pursuing regulatory approval finally at an end, what comes next for the =
Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad? Environmental Study Will Hel=
p Shape Future of the Tennessee River By Dave Flessner, Chattanooga Times=
/Free Press, Feb. 2 The Tennessee Valley Authority, which reshaped the Tenn=
essee River with its dams and reservoirs in the past century, may shape the=
river's future in this century through a new 2-year study being publicly l=
aunched this month. Is Bush Planning Kyoto Clone for U.S.? Feb. 1 (=
Electricity Daily) Rumors are flying in Washington that the Bush administra=
tion will shortly propose a broad climate change action program as an alter=
native to the Kyoto Protocol. Special Offer from this Publisher! Nucl=
ear Callaway, Mo., Nuclear Plant Shut Briefly Due to Malfunction By J=
osh Flory, Columbia Daily Tribune, Mo., Feb. 1 The Callaway Nuclear Plant h=
as been shut down for repairs, and a federal inspection team has been sent =
to investigate a malfunction at the reactor. Federal Panel Grants Hea=
ring on Nuclear Fuel By Bruce Henderson, The Charlotte Observer, N.C., Fe=
b. 1 A federal panel has granted a formal hearing on a claim that using sur=
plus bomb material to fuel the Charlotte area's two nuclear power plants wo=
uld be unsafe. Court Approves Nuclear-Waste Storage Site in New Londo=
n, Conn., Area By Izaskun E. Larraneta, The Day, New London, Conn., Jan. =
31 A federal court judge approved an agreement Tuesday that allows Connecti=
cut Yankee Atomic Power Co. to build a spent nuclear-fuel storage complex t=
he size of a football field on residential land in Haddam Neck. NRC s=
ays to look into pump problem at Mo. nuke NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) The N=
uclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) said late Thursday that it will look int=
o circumstances surrounding the malfunction of an auxiliary feedwater pump =
at the 1,125-megawatt (MW) Callaway nuclear power plant located near Fulton=
, Missouri. U.S. nuclear plants said well protected from attack By =
Chris Reese, NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) Despite new warnings of a possible a=
ttack against U.S. nuclear facilities, industry officials said on Friday th=
eir power plants are well protected and only minor security changes have be=
en necessary since the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. French =
nuclear agency rates incident at EDF plant as level 2 PARIS, Feb 01, 2002=
(AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The French Nuclear Safety Authority, ASN, =
has rated an incident that occurred at Electricite de France's Flamanville =
nuclear power plant as a Level 2 accident, the agency said Friday. Cl=
aims on a nuclear future are dismissed Feb 01 - The Herald - Glasgow CLAI=
MS by environmental campaigners that the door has been left open for a new =
generation of nuclear power stations, subsidised through tax breaks and pro=
moted by relaxed planning laws, were dismissed by government sources last n=
ight. Financial Despite troubles, not all Covanta bonds are alike =
By Chris Sanders, NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) Independent power producer Co=
vanta Energy Corp.'s financial troubles are hurting more than $2.3 billion =
of municipal debt linked to the company, but analysts said some of the bond=
s are in much better shape than others. Fund, Money Managers Kept Buy=
ing Enron Stock Despite Plummeting Share Price By Scott Nelson, The Bosto=
n Globe, Feb. 2 A plummeting share price didn't stop mutual funds and money=
managers from adding Enron Corp. stock to their portfolios in the months b=
efore the Houston energy company filed the largest corporate bankruptcy in =
US history, new analysis shows. Bush Plan Disputes Tennessee Valley A=
uthority's Budget Approach By Dave Flessner, Chattanooga Times/Free Press=
, Jan. 31 When the Tennessee Valley Authority adopted a new budget last fal=
l, directors of the federal utility bragged that they would boost power gen=
eration, cut air pollution and improve electricity reliability while still =
paying down the agency's debt this year. Tougher rules in the works f=
or Enron-type deals By Deepa Babington, NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) Dogged =
by pressure after the Enron debacle, accounting rule makers are rushing to =
tighten standards for complex financing vehicles that went to the heart of =
the energy trader's collapse. Bush touts pension reform without menti=
oning Enron WASHINGTON, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Without mentioning Enron Corp. =
by name, President George W. Bush told Americans on Saturday he would refor=
m pension rules to protect workers like those who lost their retirement sav=
ings when the energy trader and Bush campaign contributor collapsed last ye=
ar. Creditors Will Mull Enron Plan Feb 01 - Associated Press Some o=
f Enron Corp.'s creditors say it's far too early to tell whether they can g=
et more out of a smaller company focused on moving electricity and natural =
gas or from an all-out liquidation. After Enron Controversy, Question=
s Raised about Employment of Accountants By Robert Manor, Chicago Tribune=
, Feb. 3 Although critics say it's a clear conflict of interest, accountant=
s freely take jobs with clients they audit, a widespread and increasingly c=
ontroversial practice highlighted by the collapse of Enron. NY Comptr=
oller asks NYSE to stiffen accounting rules NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) - =
The New York State Comptroller on Thursday called on the New York Stock Exc=
hange to stiffen its accounting rules for listed companies -- preventing au=
ditors from also working as consultants for the same firm -- in order to re=
store investor confidence in the wake of Enron Corp.'s collapse Financ=
ial - Ratings RESEARCH ALERT-Deutsche Banc cuts Mirant to 'market perfo=
rm' NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown on Friday said it=
cut power trader and generator Mirant Corp. to "market perform" from "buy,=
" based on the impact of its split credit rating and a lower near-term ener=
gy market outlook. RESEARCH ALERT-Goldman ups Constellation Energy ra=
ting NEW YORK, Feb 1 (Reuters) Goldman Sachs on Friday said it raised its=
rating on Constellation Energy Group Inc. from to "market outperform" from=
"market performer" after the new management of the Baltimore-based company=
said it would increase its dividend by 100 percent and offered a comprehen=
sive plan for integrating merchant energy operations. Financial - Resu=
lts Dallas-Based Utility TXU Corp. Reports $76 Million Loss for Fourth =
Quarter By Victor Godinez, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 1 TXU Corp. post=
ed a $76 million fourth-quarter loss as the company sold some assets, compl=
eted a restructuring to comply with Texas' new deregulation guidelines and =
calculated its losses from the Enron Corp. bankruptcy. San Jose, Cali=
f.-Based Power Company Posts Quarterly Earnings of $104 Million By Reed F=
uji, The Record, Stockton, Calif., Feb. 1 Calpine Corp., the independent po=
wer company that proposed building power plants in Stockton and Altamont Pa=
ss, reported Thursday fourth-quarter earnings of $104 million and full-year=
net income of $680 million. DQE reports Q4 loss as company takes $78=
.3 mln charge PITTSBURGH, Jan 31 (Reuters) Water and electricity provider=
DQE on Thursday reported a fourth-quarter net loss, as the company took a =
$78.3 million restructuring charge on a change in its strategic direction. =
NZ's UnitedNetworks on acquisition trail AUCKLAND, Feb 1 (Reuters) =
- New Zealand electricity and gas utility UnitedNetworks Ltd said on Friday=
it had potential to match last year's strong performance and was in good s=
hape to acquire more assets. Idacorp fourth-quarter earnings down 16 =
percent BOISE, Idaho, Feb 1 (Reuters) Utilities holding company Idacorp I=
nc. said on Friday its fourth-quarter earnings fell 16 percent, pulled lowe=
r by a drop in revenues from its Idaho Power electric utility due to warmer=
than usual winter weather. CH Energy earnings rise, helped by tax cr=
edits POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., Feb 1 (Reuters) Utility holding company CH Ener=
gy Group Inc. on Friday said fourth-quarter earnings nearly doubled, helped=
by investment tax credits that offset a sharp drop in sales. TransAl=
ta profit slips, cost cuts deepen CALGARY, Alberta, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Fou=
rth-quarter profit at TransAlta Corp., Canada's top investor-owned power ge=
nerator, fell 11 percent due to slumping electricity prices, and the compan=
y said on Friday. Warm Weather Cited in OGE Energy Corp.'s Loss in Fo=
urth Quarter By Rick Robinson, The Daily Oklahoman, Jan. 30 OGE Energy Co=
rp. cited warmer weather as it reported a fourth-quarter net loss Tuesday o=
f $6.3 million, or 8 cents a share, compared with net income of $7.2 millio=
n, or 9 cents a share, in the year-ago quarter. Black Hills profit si=
nks 78 percent NEW YORK, Jan 31 (Reuters) Black Hills Corp., an energy an=
d broadband communications company, on Thursday reported a 78 percent drop =
in its fourth-quarter earnings, and said lower gas and electricity prices a=
s well as charges related to Enron Corp. hurt its results. Internation=
al Philippine power privatisation lures foreign firms MANILA, Feb 3 (=
Reuters) Power companies from Britain, Canada and the United States have sh=
own interest in investing in the Philippines' National Power Corporation (N=
apocor) due to be privatised later this year, the government said on Sunday=
. Dahbol Power receives four initial bids for Enron stake BOMBAY, F=
eb 01, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Indian lenders to the Dabhol Power Co=
Ltd have chosen four initial bids for the 85 pct equity stake held by the =
collapsed Enron Corp and its associates, PP Vora, chairman of the Industria=
l Development Bank of India said. Russian companies win tender to res=
tore Iraqi power plant By Konstantin Machulski, AL KUWAIT, Jan 31, 2002 (=
Itar-Tass via COMTEX) -- A consortium of Russian companies has won a tende=
r to restore power plants in Iraq, the Iraqi newspaper Al-Thawrah says in i=
ts Friday issue. UK Ofgem issues final proposals for National Grid sy=
stem targets LONDON, Feb 01, 2002 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Ofgem, the UK's=
gas and electricity regulator, has issued final proposals to National Grid=
Co for enhancing existing system operator incentives. Panel hears of=
U.S. steps to 'design' energy markets TOKYO, Feb 01, 2002 (Kyodo via COM=
TEX) -- A U.S. energy official told an industry ministry panel Friday of t=
he importance of market design in forestalling crises in a liberalized ener=
gy market, a ministry official said. Bankrupt US Energy Firm Silent o=
n Steel Project in Mozambique MAPUTO, February 1, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX=
) -- The bankrupt American energy company Enron has still not contacted th=
e Mozambican government about the future of the Maputo Iron and Steel Proje=
ct (MISP), of which Enron was the sole shareholder. Italy govt sees e=
xtra 15,000 MW in electricity capacity from power plant move ROME, Feb 01=
, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- A decree cleared today by the cabinet to=
accelerate the construction of power plants is expected to boost the insta=
lled production capacity by 15,000 megawatts, Industry Minister Antonio Mar=
zano said without giving a timeframe. Fox Orders Postponement Of Elec=
tricity Rate Increase MEXICO CITY, Feb 1, 2002 (El Economista/Corporate M=
exico by Internet Securities, Inc. via COMTEX) -- Mexican President Vicent=
e Fox ordered the Energy ministry to halt its plan to reduce the subsidy on=
residential electricity prices, in order to reduce the impact on Mexicans'=
expenses, reported Mexico City daily el Economista. Government discl=
oses one more meeting; AFL-CIO focus on Lord Wakeham By ROBERT BARR Assoc=
iated Press Writer, LONDON, Feb 01, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- Pri=
me Minister Tony Blair's government on Friday disclosed an eighth meeting b=
etween ministers and executives of Enron Corp., while a major U.S. labor or=
ganization said it had asked other companies to drop a British member of En=
ron's board from their panels of directors. KEPCO to invite bids for =
30 pct of unit Powercom SEOUL, Feb 03, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Kor=
ea Electric Power Corp said it will invite bids for 30 pct of the equity in=
its subsidiary Powercom. Raise taxes on fossil fuels, urges leaked s=
tudy Feb 02 - The Daily Telegraph HIGHER taxes on fossil fuels and a new =
generation of nuclear power stations are likely to be needed in the next 20=
years, says a leaked report commissioned by Tony Blair. More Losses =
Likely at British Energy Feb 02, 2002 - The Guardian Unlimited British En=
ergy, the nuclear power generator, shocked the market yesterday with a warn=
ing that output from its loss-making UK plants will fall below expectations=
next year. Prince Charles' charity says it received $1.12 M US from =
Enron over 8 years ED JOHNSON, LONDON, Feb 02, 2002 (The Canadian Press v=
ia COMTEX) -- Executives at Enron Corp. donated 800,000 pounds - the equiv=
alent of $1.12 million US - to Prince Charles' charity The Prince's Trust a=
nd also met with him at charity dinners, the organization and a palace offi=
cial said Saturday. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central ? 2002 CyberT=
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] February 04, 2002 Calif PUC gives up right to fix prices Calif P=
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Viagra ads now this FERC finds Company A lost $310 million in soft ma=
rket Avista gets clobbered as drought ends Davis wants 30% drop probed=
Davis tries to link opponent with Enron Tauzin sets big Enron we=
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Threat Remains Uncertain for Nuke Plants D.C. Current -- DOE Opens Bi=
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wers Questions on Deregulation Benefits Communications & PR -- Newark,=
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o Cutting Spending to $2B. Down 50% Natural Gas -- EmCap, Michael Petr=
oleum Execs in New Venture Nuclear -- LEU Imports Harming US Uranium I=
ndustry?ITC; U. S. Duties Awaited Nuclear -- Maine Yankee Awarded $44M=
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xpected to Boost Gas Bills by 6% Rates -- Anaheim PU Offers Incentives=
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