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=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Wednesday, February 6, 2002 Home - Email Pr= eferences - Account [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SITE= MENU [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Power News Gas News Prices = Stock Market Snapshots Industry M & A Power Plants Nuclear D= ata Power Marketing Data Company Profiles Investor Owned Utilitie= s Cooperatives Municipals State / Federal [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] NEW CONTENT! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Include the following in you= r Energy Central Direct: Electric Utility Restructuring Weekly Update Clo= sely tracked electric utility restructuring developments across the country= . Energy Central News Search Search for Electric Power or Gas news stori= es up to 30 days old. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] Ideas Wanted! We are eager to hear your ideas, feedback, and sugg= estions for this product. Together we will create the most useful informat= ion tool for the electric power industry. Partners Wanted! Reach over 50= ,000 electric power professionals with your news, analysis, commentary or = insight into the industry. Call Mark Johnson at 303-782-5510 [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Advertisement RER ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as t= he top stories of the day: Audit to Examine Seattle City Light's Handlin= g of Energy Crisis By Jim Brunner, The Seattle Times, Feb. 5 Kenneth Lay Q= uits Enron's Board Feb 05, 2002 - Associated Press OGE Energy says ice sto= rm to cost over $100 mln OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb 5 (Reuters) US utility polluti= on bill delayed until Easter By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuter= s) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMA= GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These stories have been most requested by Energy Cent= ral members in the last two weeks. Enron's Cutthroat Culture Is Deplored= by Those It Served to Profit By Claudia Kolker, The Boston Globe, Jan.= 27 FERC audit shows flaws in Calif power grid operator By Chris Balti= more, WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) Many States Reconsidering Electric Comp= etition, MIT Professor Says By Alan D. Fischer, The Arizona Daily Star,= Tucson, Jan. 30 Calif. regulators urged to shift power choice date SA= N FRANCISCO, Jan 28 (Reuters) NY, New England power grid operators agree t= o join NEW YORK, Jan 29 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTR= Y NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editor= s have selected these as the top stories of the day: FEATURE-Myanmar: a = niche gas producer? By Godwin Chellam, SINGAPORE, Feb 5 (Reuters) Kinder M= organ affirms guidance, ups share buyback HOUSTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) Recent = Talks on Alaska Gas-Pipeline Project Were Successful, Leaders Say By Liz R= uskin, Anchorage Daily News, Alaska, Feb. 5 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] KWI [IMAGE] [IMAGE] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ] Daily Edition for paul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Powe= r News Restructuring Today RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electri= c Power News - Top Stories Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Indus= try News - Top Stories Selected Content Not In This Issue Utili= ty Spotlight - Every Monday Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesda= y [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Selected 77 of 77 Articles Today! = THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT TO YOU BY Gain the competitive intelligence yo= u need to make the best business decisions. Energy Central's Operating Pla= nt Experience Code (OPEC) is a must for all aspects of analyzing nuclear p= ower plant performance. If you need to identify or compare trends of lost = generation, OPEC can help. Wouldn't it be great to be able to identify caus= es of poor performance? OPEC can be used to set performance criteria at th= e system, component, or unit level. Don't delay! Download a free trial ver= sion of OPEC today at http://www.energycentral.com/sections/databases/OPEC= Top Stories Kenneth Lay Quits Enron's Board Feb 05, 2002 - A= ssociated Press Now that he's resigned from Enron Corp.'s board of director= s, Kenneth Lay is just another stockholder. [IMAGE] OGE Energy says ice = storm to cost over $100 mln OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb 5 (Reuters) Power company = OGE Energy Corp. said on Tuesday the cost from the Jan. 30 ice storm that l= eft hundreds of thousands without power in the U.S. heartlands could exceed= $100 million. [IMAGE] US utility pollution bill delayed until Easter = By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) A Senate bill that would sh= arply cut air pollution produced by U.S. power plants will be delayed until= late March as Democrats and Republicans try to craft a compromise version,= a spokesman for the Senate environment panel said on Tuesday. [IMAGE] A= udit to Examine Seattle City Light's Handling of Energy Crisis By Jim Bru= nner, The Seattle Times, Feb. 5 A city audit will be done on Seattle City L= ight's handling of the energy crunch -- a crisis that has caused big rate i= ncreases and left the utility millions of dollars in debt. Enron Deba= cle Enron's Lay will accept subpoenas By T.K. MALOY AND SCOTT BURNELL= , WASHINGTON, Feb 05, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- A law= yer for former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay said Tuesday his client will acce= pt congressional subpoenas after earlier questions concerning his whereabou= ts, a spokeswoman for the House Financial Services Committee said. Fo= rmer Enron Accountant Says Worker-Benefits Funds Were Spent Elsewhere By = Kristen Mack, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 5 A former senior accountant at Enron= told CBS News that the company took at least $15 million from legally prot= ected worker-benefits accounts and spent it elsewhere. Dynegy Lawyer = Says Enron Only Has Itself to Blame By Bill Murphy, Houston Chronicle, Fe= b. 5 Enron has only itself to blame for going bankrupt after Dynegy called = off a proposed merger in December, Dynegy's lawyer said Monday. Chair= of Enron Board's Investigative Group Says Findings `Appalling' By Patric= e Hill, The Washington Times, Feb. 5 Emerging evidence of Enron's "systemat= ic and pervasive attempt" to misrepresent its financial condition rattled s= tock investors yesterday and evoked pledges of swift enforcement and steppe= d-up regulation on Capitol Hill. Andersen CEO says Enron panel rebuff= ed auditor input WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - An Enron Corp. special boa= rd committee probing the energy trader's collapse ignored efforts by the co= mpany's long-time auditor Andersen to tell its side of the story, the chief= executive of the Big Five accounting firm said on Tuesday. Former En= ron CEO Lay Was Smart to Back Out of Testifying, Experts Say By Michelle = Mittelstadt, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 5 Former Enron chief executive K= enneth Lay's eleventh-hour decision to cancel a long-promised congressional= appearance Monday drew a torrent of media attention, criticism from key po= liticians and the pledge of a Senate subpoena. Former Enron Workers W= ho Traveled to Washington, D.C., Irked at Lay's No-Show By Patty Reinert,= Houston Chronicle, Feb. 5 Laid-off Enron Corp. workers, who traveled to Wa= shington in hopes of confronting Ken Lay, said they were angry Monday that = their former chairman backed out of his promise to testify before Congress.= Despite Energy Contract with Enron, Roseville, Calif., Officials Not= Worried By Art Campos, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Feb. 4 Roseville's as= sociation with beleaguered Enron Corp. isn't troubling city leaders. = Critics Say Enron Report Lets Board Off Too Easy Chicago Tribune, Feb. 5 = The report commissioned by Enron Corp.'s board on the company's stunning co= llapse castigates the company's auditors and former managers, but its more = benign tone toward the board itself is drawing criticism from outside obser= vers. Legal Experts Worry Government Investigations of Enron Will Col= lide By Naftali Bendavid, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 5 Former Enron Corp. Chai= rman Kenneth Lay's decision to cancel an appearance before Congress this we= ek, after lawmakers publicly speculated about his criminal guilt, highlight= s a growing concern of legal analysts: The investigations of Enron by Congr= ess and the Justice Department are beginning to collide. FACTBOX-Cong= ress hearings schedule on Enron/Andersen WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) The = following are the hearings that the U.S. Congress has firmly scheduled on t= he collapse of Enron Corp., the role of its auditor Andersen, and related r= egulatory issues over the coming weeks. Latest information added is marked = with *. Enron board to put accounting execs on leave-WSJ NEW YORK, = Feb 5 (Reuters) - Enron Corp.'s board is expected to put the company's two = top accounting officers on administrative leave this week in response to an= internal report that says neither did his job adequately, The Wall Street = Journal's online edition reported on Tuesday. Enron Probe Author Conn= ected to Co. By KRISTEN HAYS Associated Press Writer, HOUSTON, Feb 05, 20= 02 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Appointed to Enron's board in October to inves= tigate the company's accounting practices, William C. Powers Jr. knew he wo= uld be accused of having a conflict of interest. Bush rejects idea of= special counsel for Enron PITTSBURGH, Feb 05, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX)= -- President George W. Bush has rejected the idea of naming a special cou= nsel to investigate links between his administration and bankrupt energy fi= rm Enron. Enron winds up mainland operations Feb 05 - South China M= orning Post Enron is winding up its China operations, with foreign and dome= stic firms competing for its controlling share of a major power station in = the southwest city of Chengdu. Experts Say Enron Debacle to Bring Maj= or Changes to Accounting Industry By Wayne Heilman, The Gazette, Colorado= Springs, Colo., Feb. 4 The collapse of Enron Corp. will result in major ch= anges in the accounting industry and the relationship between accounting fi= rms, their consultancies and their clients. Treasury's O'Neill-need m= ore CEO accountability WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) Treasury Secretary Pau= l O'Neill, speaking as the Enron scandal unfolds, said on Tuesday the Bush = administration would push for more accountability from corporate chieftains= in a planned revamp of business disclosure requirements. Lawyers sui= ng Enron criticize shortcomings of internal probe BRAD FOSS, HOUSTON, Feb= 04, 2002 (The Canadian Press via COMTEX) -- While an internal investigati= on at Enron Corp. has supplied a roadmap for some complex tactics used to h= ide debt and inflate profits, it leaves uncharted a maze of other activitie= s and lines of responsibility. Tauzin calls Enron report 'devastating= ' WASHINGTON, Feb 05, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- The= chairman of the House Energy Cmmittee said Tuesday that an internal Enron = report "painted a devastating picture" of the company's management. M= inisters deny Enron links were improper Feb 04 - Evening Standard - Londo= n SENIOR ministers and other leading public figures have rushed to distance= themselves from US energy giant Enron in the continuing fallout from the c= ompany's pounds 55 billion collapse. George Washington U. alum figure= s prominently in Enron investigation By Patrick Higgins, WASHINGTON, Feb = 04, 2002 (The GW Hatchet, U-WIRE via COMTEX) -- Although several major new= s organizations have included a teaching stint at George Washington Univers= ity in former Enron Corp. CEO Kenneth Lay's background, no record of him as= a professor exists at the University. Astros Want to Drop Enron Fiel= d Name HOUSTON, Feb 05, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- The Houston Astro= s want to shed the name of Enron Field. Competition & Deregulation = Oregon Nears Tame Debut of Electricity Deregulation By Gail Kinsey Hill,= The Oregonian, Portland, Ore., Feb. 3 Oregon's cautious yet historic entry= into electricity deregulation will debut with a whimper on March 1. = Some Problems With Full Texas Retail Electric Competition Feb. 5 (Texas E= lectric Market Reporter) The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) = reported that over 100,000 switches had been processed by late January. Spe= cial Offer from this Publisher! [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT 6th Annual Dis= tributed Generation & On-site Power Conference - March 11-13, 2002, in Atl= anta, GA. This year's program is again the leader in addressing the issues= of viable systems for improving power quality & reducing energy costs. Fo= r more information, visit our web site at: http://www.dist-gen.com or cal= l 508-823-5797. Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures EU clears S= wedish power company's takeover of Berlin utility BRUSSELS, Belgium, Feb = 05, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The European Union Commission gave= antitrust clearance to Vattenfall AB's acquisition of full control over Be= rlin utility Bewag AG Tuesday. Raleigh, N.C.-Based Utility Plans to S= ell Money-Losing Software Subsidiary By Dudley Price, The News & Observer= , Raleigh, N.C., Feb. 5 Progress Energy is selling a software subsidiary to= an Oklahoma company as part of a larger effort to shed money-losing divisi= ons. Divestiture Dynamics: Wholesale Focus, Efforts to Strengthen Bal= ance Sheets Represent Growing Trend By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Feb. 5 = (Scientech) Victorian electricity retailer and network company CitiPower is= set to be sold by trade sale or initial public offering later this year fo= llowing American Electric Power's decision to divest the asset. Special Off= er from this Publisher! Centennial Power Acquires Rocky Mountain Pow= er BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA - February 5, 2002 (News Release) Dick Vinson a= nd Centennial Power, Inc., a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group, Inc., annou= nced today the acquisition by Centennial Power of Rocky Mountain Power, Inc= ., a Montana energy development company co-owned by Vinson. California= Crisis First Steps to a Stable Electric Market Jan. 25 (California E= nergy Markets) More than anything else, California needs to decide exactly = what kind of electric power marketplace it wants to have going into the fut= ure. Special Offer from this Publisher! Most Praise Power Authority'= s Investment Plan Feb. 5 (California Energy Markets) Although the Califor= nia Power Authority's plan to invest $5 billion in wind, solar and conserva= tion is probably setting the state up for a punch line from a Midwestern pu= ndit more comfortable with coal-fired electricity, feedback on its draft in= vestment plan during its two-week, five-city road show was generally positi= ve. Special Offer from this Publisher! Rates Unitil cuts N.H. ele= ctric rates to lowest in region NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters) As the cost to = generate electricity in New England falls, Unitil Corp. will decrease rates= to the lowest levels in the region, the utility holding company said Tuesd= ay. Low Market Prices Prompt BPA to Retain Load-based Cost Recovery A= djustment Feb. 5 (Clearing Up) BPA told customers last week that in addit= ion to ongoing augmentation costs, there is "a high probability" that lower= reserve levels will trigger higher BPA rates during fiscal 2003. Special = Offer from this Publisher! General Lake County, Minn., Power Firm= Seeks Member Input By Lee Bloomquist, Duluth News-Tribune, Minn., Feb. 5= Separate boards of directors will govern three subsidiaries of Lake Countr= y Power under a reorganization plan aimed at getting members of the rural e= lectric cooperative involved in decision making. Utility Acquisition = Could Mean New Name for Reading, Pa., Stadium Reading Eagle, Pa., Feb. 5 = The home of the Reading Phillies has been known as GPU Stadium since the fi= rm bought the naming rights in January 2000. Trading/Marketing AIG= , Chubb pay up to $300 mln on Enron gas deal By Chris Sanders, NEW YORK, = Feb 5 (Reuters) Insurers American International Group Inc. and Chubb Corp. = have agreed to pay up to $300 million to investors in a gas-buying consorti= um, power industry sources said, after a unit of bankrupt Enron Corp. faile= d to keep its side of a delivery contract. Exchange rivals NYMEX, ICE= in alliance talks By Andrew Mitchell, NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters) Commodit= y exchange rivals New York Mercantile Exchange and web-based Intercontinent= al Exchange have reopened talks aimed at an alliance, a source close to the= negotiations said on Tuesday. New Technologies/Markets CEO of Lat= ham, N.Y.-Based Plug Power Battles Lingering Investor Doubts Times Union,= Albany, N.Y., Feb. 4 It doesn't take much prodding to get Roger Saillant t= o grab a marker and attack a whiteboard. Power Pricing/Supply Cine= rgy Shorts Support PJM, Warming Trims NE Power Prices Feb. 5 (Btu's Daily= Power Report) Although some short covering activity in Cinergy supported p= rices at nearby hubs, next day values for power traded in most markets in t= he Eastern U.S. were pressured by mild weather expected to send loads tumbl= ing through the balance of the week. Special Offer from this Publisher! = Ken?s Not Coming Feb. 4 (Energy Market Report) Peak power prices for = Tuesday delivery were slightly lower across the Western U.S. on Monday, unq= uestionably the result of less weather-related demand. Special Offer from t= his Publisher! Transmission & Reliability Power-Line Plan Takes B= low after Douglas County, Wis., Denies Utility Access Milwaukee Journal S= entinel, Feb. 5 Plans for a massive power line across central and northwest= ern Wisconsin hit a setback after two committees of the Douglas County Boar= d denied a utility access to county property along the path of the project.= Power Projects Fort Mill, S.C., Residents to Hold Meeting about E= lectric Generator By Sula Pettibon, The Herald, Rock Hill, S.C., Feb. 2 R= esidents of White Grove subdivision will learn strategies today for fightin= g a gas-fired electric generator planned near their neighborhood. All= iant says gets letters of intent on Iowa plant SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 5 (Reut= ers) Alliant Energy Corp. has received 17 letters of intent from companies = interested in Alliant's plans for a new 500-megawatt power plant in Iowa, a= company spokesman said Tuesday. Sithe sees adding 2,400 MW in Mass. = by mid-2002 NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters) To help serve the growing need for = power in Massachusetts, Sithe Energies Inc. said on Tuesday it expects to h= ave 2,400 megawatts (MW) of new generation up and running on the local elec= tricity grid by mid-year. Upper Peninsula: Tribe announces power plan= t plans Feb 05 - Fedgazette The Hannahville Indian Community plans to bui= ld a 1,100-acre industrial park on tribal lands southwest of Escanaba, whic= h could have a major economic impact on the region. Non-Regulated Pow= er Plant Construction Delayed MADISON, Wis., Feb. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall= / Alliant Energy and Panda Energy International have agreed to delay constr= uction for a 1,100 MW combined-cycle natural gas power plant in western Mic= higan. House Bill Would Tap Southern N.M. Gas Reserve Feb 05, 2002 = - Albuquerque Journal The development of a state-owned power plant -- fired= by natural gas from a large, untapped reserve in Otero County -- is being = promoted by Rep. Terry Marquardt. Renewables Heavy Precipitation E= nds Oregon Drought, Cheers Ski Areas and Utilities By Scott Maben, The Re= gister-Guard, Eugene, Ore., Feb. 4 What drought? WAYMART WIND FARM RE= CEIVES FINAL PERMIT Feb. 1 (Wind Energy Weekly) On January 26, the Pennsy= lvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued the water qualit= y permit allowing the construction of the Waymart Wind Farm in Canaan and C= linton townships, Wayne County. Special Offer from this Publisher! O= KLAHOMA UTILITY PROPOSES GREEN POWER OPTION Feb. 1 (Wind Energy Weekly) O= n January 28, Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) filed a proposal with the stat= e Corporation Commission to offer customers a green power option. Special = Offer from this Publisher! Washington To Host Largest Publicly-owned= U.S. Wind Plant Feb 05, 2002 - The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Ener= gy Network announced that construction for the Nine Canyon Wind Project, th= e largest U.S. wind project owned by public utilities, is now underway in s= outh-central Washington state. Plants El Paso completes expansion = of N.J. power plant NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters) To help serve the growing n= eed for power in New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic region, Texas energy compa= ny El Paso Corp. completed the expansion of its Linden power plant, the com= pany said late Monday. Utah Power Plans to Begin Power Plant Expansio= n Feb 04 - The Salt Lake Tribune Utah Power expects next week to begin bu= ilding an $80 million permanent addition to its Gadsby Power Plant near dow= ntown Salt Lake City that will increase the facility's generating capacity = by 120 megawatts. Labor/Human Resources FirstEnergy Corp. Cuts 340= Jobs in Berks County, Pa. After Acquisition By Don Spatz, Reading Eagle,= Pa., Feb. 5 FirstEnergy Corp. said Tuesday that it is eliminating 340 Berk= s County jobs -- or 22 percent of its local work force -- in a cost-cutting= move following its $4.5 billion purchase of GPU Inc. in November. Env= ironmental Madison, Wis., Lawmakers Want to Crack Down on Aging, Dirty = Power Plants The Wisconsin State Journal, Feb. 5 Two Madison lawmakers wa= nt more than a dozen aging power plants -- including one that's just blocks= from the State Capitol and another near Portage -- to abide by stricter po= llution control standards. New Jersey's Pollution Credit Trading Arou= ses U.S. Suspicion By Alex Nussbaum, The Record, Hackensack, N.J., Feb. 4= A New Jersey program that allows industries to buy and sell the right to p= ollute has come under the scrutiny of federal regulators, who want to know = whether the setup lets companies lie about how much they clean up the air. = Bush admin aims for modest goals for greenhouse gas By Julie Vorman= , WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) The United States, which last year rejected a= global climate treaty, said on Tuesday it wants to set a "reasonable, grad= ual" goal to slow its emissions of greenhouse gases and link them to econom= ic output. Nuclear NRC contracts for up to 6 million doses of drug= to block radioactive iodine By AMY WESTFELDT Associated Press Writer, NE= WARK, New Jersey, Feb 05, 2002 (AP WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The Nuclear R= egulatory Commission has signed a dlrs 1 million contract to buy up to 6 mi= llion doses of a drug that could help prevent thyroid cancer in the event o= f a terrorist attack on a nuclear power plant. Illinois Governor Urge= d to Give Anti-radiation to Families Near Nuclear Plants By Julie Deardor= ff, Chicago Tribune, Feb. 5 Though Illinois has rejected free potassium iod= ide pills from the federal government, lawmakers Monday called on Gov. Geor= ge Ryan to provide the controversial anti-radiation tablets to families liv= ing near nuclear power plants. Florida 839-MW St Lucie 2 nuke shut, s= een back Wed NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters) Florida Power & Light (FPL) shut i= ts 839 megawatt St. Lucie 2 nuclear power plant for unscheduled maintenance= that it hopes to complete by Wednesday, sources familiar with the plant's = operation said Tuesday. Financial Allegheny files shelf for $1.5 b= ln in debt, equity WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) Allegheny Energy Inc. on T= uesday filed with U.S. regulators to occasionally sell up to $1.5 billion i= n common stock, preferred securities, debt securities, warrants, contracts,= units and trusts. Financial - Ratings Moody's to review ratings p= rocess By Rebecca Hewett, Feb 4, 2002 (Investor Weekly - ABIX via COMTEX)= -- The demise of Enron has led financial ratings agency, Moody's, to insti= tute a review of its procedures. Financial - Results Ameren earnin= gs rise up over 19 percent ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb 5 (Reuters) Midwestern ene= rgy merchant Ameren Corp. said on Tuesday fourth-quarter earnings, before u= nusual items, rose more than 19 percent as increased electricity sales offs= et weaker prices. UniSource Energy cuts 2002 earnings guidance TUCS= ON, Ariz., Feb 5 (Reuters) - UniSource Energy Corp., parent of utility Tucs= on Electric Power Co., said on Tuesday it has cut its 2002 earnings guidanc= e to $1.35 a share from $1.45, citing a drop in wholesale power prices. = Reliant Postpones Earnings Release Feb 05, 2002 - United Press Interna= tional Electricity generator and marketer Reliant Resources Inc. said Tuesd= ay it was postponing the scheduled release of its fourth quarter earnings r= eport and will restate earnings for the second and third quarters of 2001 t= o show an additional $100 million to $130 million in profits. Internat= ional Austria pulls plug on power deal over nuclear qualms Feb 05, 20= 02 - Agence France-Presse A planned joint venture to create Europe's second= largest hydro-electric power giant has collapsed due to Austrian qualms ov= er the nuclear power links of its German partner, officials said Tuesday. = CLP plans to bid for power plants in Singapore - Oberg HONG KONG, Fe= b 04, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- CLP Holdings Ltd is looking into the p= ossibility of bidding for power plants in Singapore through its joint ventu= re with United Engineers Ltd, Sing Tao Daily reported, citing managing dire= ctor Kenneth W. Oberg. PRI Plans For Conservative Energy Policy MEX= ICO CITY, Feb 4, 2002 (Reforma/Corporate Mexico by Internet Securities, Inc= . via COMTEX) -- The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) will not push= for drastic changes to the energy sector, but will look for ways for compa= nies in the industry to become more efficient, and for ways to allow them t= o increase their investments, said PRI Senator Manuel Bartlett Diaz. = Citipower sale plan may spark shake-up By Philip Hopkins, Feb 5, 2002 (Th= e Age - ABIX via COMTEX) -- On 4 February 2002, CitiPower's US owner indic= ated the possible sale of the Victorian electricity and distribution retail= er. Tenaga/EGAT agrees in principle on cross-border power purchase de= al KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 05, 2002 (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Tenaga Nasional B= hd said it has agreed in principle with the Electricity Generating Authorit= y of Thailand (EGAT) to buy and sell electrical energy via the 300 MW high = voltage direct current interconnection across the Malay-Thai border. = Siemens Energy Group makes strides in the Gulf By Mena Report Reporters, = February 5, 2002 (Al-Bawaba via COMTEX) -- German giant Siemens Energy grou= p has made significant inroads into the power generation, transmission and = distribution sector of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region and is tod= ay one of the leading players in the regional power industry. Electri= c power companies to postpone construction of new facilities Brazil, Feb = 4, 2002 (Gazeta Mercantil/SABI via COMTEX) -- The investors are not being = able to make long term contracts for the sale of the energy to be produced = by future facilities. Tractebel suspected of financial irregularities= Feb 5, 2002, (Le Monde /FT Information via COMTEX) -- Tractebel, the en= ergy subsidiary of French utilities group Suez, which is active in Belgium = and elsewhere, has not only been instructed by the Belgian tax authorities = to make the largest back payment of tax in the country's history, but is al= so being investigated by the courts on suspicion of irregular accounting an= d using a secret fund, apparently fuelled by offshore companies, to make su= bstantial under-the-table payments to managers. Government names chie= f power adviser Feb 05 - South China Morning Post The Government has appo= inted an electricity adviser who will spearhead the liberalisation of the p= ower sector. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central ? 2002 CyberTech, In= c. All rights reserved. More News [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Top [IM= AGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] February 05, 2002 Justice to White House: Hang onto Enron documents = Enron's board brutally frank in blaming self Harvey Goldschmid advo= cated making securities law Enron scraps get really big New Pa r= egulator confirmed Enron ties lead to Lord John's quitting What a= bout the Kenneth Lay prof? Southern Union gets ready for Tex gas mark= et Ore industrials see high prices if PGE is sold to gas firm Is = it OK to make money on power sold to tenants? Restructuring Today (ISS= N 1522-7324) is published 247 times a year on business days by US Publishin= g Co at 4418 MacArthur Boulevard, Washington DC Powered By US Publis= hing ? 2002 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RER'S EMETRIX LOAD FORECAST: CAL ISO [IMAGE= ] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL= ISO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 2002 RER. 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