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=09 =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thursday, February 7, 2002 Home - Email Pre= ferences - Account [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SITE = MENU [IMAGE] [IMAGE] News Power News Gas News Prices = Stock Market Snapshots Industry M & A Power Plants Nuclear Da= ta Power Marketing Data Company Profiles Investor Owned Utilities= Cooperatives Municipals State / Federal [IMAGE] [I= MAGE] NEW CONTENT! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Include the following in your= Energy Central Direct: EREN Network News A weekly newsletter from the U.= S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Netw= ork (EREN). IntercontinentalExchange Gas Indices See the Firm Physical N= atural Gas traded at over 20 hubs through the IntercontinentalExchange trad= ing platform. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SPONSORS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] LODESTAR CORPORATION [IMAGE] Silicon Energy [IMAGE] The= Structure Group [IMAGE] Allegro Development [IMAGE] Itron [IMAGE] Ex= celergy [IMAGE] Energy Solutions Plus, Inc. [IMAGE] RER [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] TALK TO US [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ideas Wanted! We are eager t= o hear your ideas, feedback, and suggestions for this product. Together we= will create the most useful information tool for the electric power indust= ry. Partners Wanted! Reach over 50,000 electric power professionals with= your news, analysis, commentary or insight into the industry. Call Mark J= ohnson at 303-782-5510 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Advertisement RER EL= ECTRIC POWER NEWS - TOP STORIES [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Centr= al's editors have selected these as the top stories of the day: Con Ed t= o add 2,000 MW in U.S. Northeast by 2004 By Scott DiSavino, NEW YORK, Feb = 6 (Reuters) Massachusetts' Biggest Utility Is Ready to Face $5.6 Million in= Forced Refunds By Peter J. Howe, The Boston Globe, Feb. 6 No quick sale f= or Enron's UK power station stake By Matthew Jones, LONDON, Feb 6 (Reuters= ) Texas Utility Commission Faces Backlog of Consumer Complaints By Claudia= Grisales, Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Feb. 6 [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= ELECTRIC POWER NEWS - MOST REQUESTED [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Thes= e stories have been most requested by Energy Central members in the last tw= o weeks. Enron's Cutthroat Culture Is Deplored by Those It Served to Pro= fit By Claudia Kolker, The Boston Globe, Jan. 27 Many States Reconside= ring Electric Competition, MIT Professor Says By Alan D. Fischer, The A= rizona Daily Star, Tucson, Jan. 30 FERC audit shows flaws in Calif power g= rid operator By Chris Baltimore, WASHINGTON, Jan 25 (Reuters) Calif. r= egulators urged to shift power choice date SAN FRANCISCO, Jan 28 (Reute= rs) NY, New England power grid operators agree to join NEW YORK, Jan 2= 9 (Reuters) [IMAGE] [IMAGE] GAS INDUSTRY NEWS - TOP STORIES = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Energy Central's editors have selected these as t= he top stories of the day: Aspen, Promax say they plan to merge TORONTO= , Feb 6 (Reuters) Gas consortium says new line to Europe through Poland wil= l go ahead Feb 06, 2002 - Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) Georgia Panel Favo= rs Regulated Natural Gas Provider By Matthew C. Quinn, The Atlanta Journal= -Constitution, Feb. 6 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] IN THIS ISSUE [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Daily Edition for p= aul.d.thomas@enron.com [IMAGE] Electric Power News Restructuring Toda= y RER's eMetrix Load Forecast: CAL ISO Electric Power News - Top Stories= Electric Power News - Most Requested Gas Industry News - Top Stories = Selected Content Not In This Issue Utility Spotlight - Every Monda= y Utility Stock Price - Top Gainers - Each Tuesday [IMAGE] [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] ELECTRIC POWER NEWS [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] Selected 75 of 75 Articles Today! THESE ARTICLES BROUGHT T= O YOU BY Access the most comprehensive on-line energy merger and acquis= ition database available now. Energy Central Professional offers advanced = customer service and world-class search and sort features. View this revo= lutionary resource now. Click here for immediate access http://pro.energyc= entral.com/professional/snapshots/mergers/default.cfm Top Stories = No quick sale for Enron's UK power station stake By Matthew Jones, LON= DON, Feb 6 (Reuters) Future ownership of Enron's most valuable physical ass= et in Europe, the UK Teesside power station, remained in the balance on Wed= nesday as its co-owners struggled to unravel contractual issues surrounding= the bankrupt U.S. energy company's 250 million pound ($353.5 million) stak= e. [IMAGE] Texas Utility Commission Faces Backlog of Consumer Complaints= By Claudia Grisales, Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Feb. 6 The Texas = Public Utility Commission is swamped by a backlog of consumer complaints, a= nd the number is likely to rise as Texans contend with the changes caused b= y electric power deregulation. [IMAGE] Massachusetts' Biggest Utility Is= Ready to Face $5.6 Million in Forced Refunds By Peter J. Howe, The Bosto= n Globe, Feb. 6 After failing to persuade state regulators to change the ru= les, Massachusetts Electric Co., the state's biggest utility, is now acknow= ledging it should face $5.6 million in forced refunds to customers for last= summer's spate of power failures. [IMAGE] Con Ed to add 2,000 MW in U.S= . Northeast by 2004 By Scott DiSavino, NEW YORK, Feb 6 (Reuters) Betting = that electricity demand will soon rebound from the current economic slump, = Consolidated Edison Inc. said Wednesday it was pushing ahead with plans to = add about 2,000 megawatts of generation to the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic g= rid by 2004. Enron Debacle Former Enron CEO Lay Set to Face House= Panel under Subpoena By Robert Schlesinger, The Boston Globe, Feb. 6 For= mer Enron CEO Kenneth L. Lay, under subpoena from two congressional committ= ees that are investigating the role of the energy giant's management in its= collapse, will appear before Congress next week. Testimony by Anders= en Leader Tries to Downplay Role in Enron Collapse By David Ivanovich, Ho= uston Chronicle, Feb. 6 The head of Arthur Andersen struggled Tuesday to do= wnplay the auditing firm's role in Enron's collapse. Benefits Funds M= ay Have Been Illegally Used, Former Enron Employee Says By Bill Murphy, H= ouston Chronicle, Feb. 6 A former Enron Corp. accountant on Tuesday said th= e company may have broken the law by taking $15 million out of employee ben= efits funds to use on unrelated expenditures. Enron Executives Explai= n Actions to Senate Panel over Retirement Plans By Patty Reinert, Houston= Chronicle, Feb. 6 Two Enron executives told a Senate panel Tuesday that th= ey scrambled to protect employees' retirement savings and severance pay as = soon as they realized the company was collapsing last year. Lay Knew = Enron Was Misleading the Public, Board Member Testifies Knight Ridder Was= hington Bureau, Feb. 6 Kenneth Lay, Enron Corp.'s former chief executive of= ficer, had detailed knowledge of deals that presented a misleading picture = of the company's finances to the public, the chief author of a scathing int= ernal report told Congress on Tuesday. CFO pressured Enron staff on d= eals, Congress told By C. Bryson Hull, WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) The ou= sted chief financial officer of Enron Corp.wielded his managerial influence= and control over bonuses to persuade underlings to cut favorable deals to = partnerships he ran, the head of an internal inquiry into the transactions = told Congress on Tuesday. German RWE seeks 11 mln euros from Enron Eu= rope FRANKFURT, Feb 6 (Reuters) German utility RWE is claiming 11 million= euros from the administrators of Enron Europe and believes it is mainland = Europe's biggest energy trading claimant against the company, a senior RWE = executive said on Wednesday. Enron Gets Blame for Energy Crisis in We= stern States By Bob Keefe, Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Feb. 6 Did E= nron Corp. help create California's energy crisis just to prop itself up fi= nancially? Former Enron Employees Cool to Idea of Immunity for Execut= ives By Bruce Nichols, The Dallas Morning News, Feb. 6 There's little sym= pathy in Enron Corp.'s hometown for speeding investigation of the energy co= mpany's collapse by granting criminal immunity to executives in exchange fo= r their testimony. Enron's Broadband Unit Owes Back Taxes in Harris C= ounty, Texas By Dale Lezon, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 6 One of Enron Corp.'= s failed business ventures owes Harris County and other entities about $440= ,000 in back taxes, said county officials. California Senator Challen= ges Lay, Cheney to Speak Up about Enron Memo By Lawrence M. O'Rourke, The= Sacramento Bee, Calif., Feb. 5 In a blunt challenge to Vice President Dick= Cheney and former Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay, Sen. Barbara Boxer said Mond= ay both men should explain their handling of an Enron memo she says was lin= ked to more than $8.9 billion in energy overcharges to California consumers= . Enron Gave `Retention Bonuses' Yet 4,500 Workers Denied Severance = By Patrice Hill, The Washington Times, Feb. 6 Enron Corp. gave $55 million= in "retention bonuses" to selected managers two days before filing for ban= kruptcy protection, but it said it could not provide severance pay to 4,500= laid-off employees, company officials testified yesterday. Calpers d= efends decision to keep quiet on Enron SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 5 (Reuters) - C= alPERS, the nation's largest pension fund and a leading champion of corpora= te transparency, defended itself on Tuesday amid revelations that it knew e= arly on about a problematic Enron partnership but did nothing to make that = knowledge public. Substantial illegal Enron activity found-Tauzin W= ASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) Congressional investigators have uncovered "subs= tantial evidence of illegal activity" by the now-bankrupt Enron Corp. and i= ts management, Rep. Billy Tauzin, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce= Committee, said Wednesday. Canadian Banks Owed Millions of Dollars b= y Enron OTTAWA, February 6, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- A Canadian conne= ction has turned up in the notorious Enron affair in the United States, it = is reported here Wednesday. Andersen put profits before shareholders = - Washington state attorney general WASHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Europe = via COMTEX) -- Christine Gregoire, the state attorney general of Washington= state, said it appears that Enron Corp's accountants, Arthur Andersen LLP,= "have put their allegiance to money over their ultimate allegiance owed to= creditors, stockholders and the investing public." Enron Europe's de= bts 'total billions of dollars' Feb 05 - Evening Standard - London AROUND= 1000 power and gas trading companies and financial institutions across Eur= ope are owed "billions of dollars" by Enron according to administrators of = the London-based end of the failed US energy firm. California Gov. Gr= ay Davis Refuses to Return Enron Contribution By Sandy Kleffman, Contra C= osta Times, Walnut Creek, Calif., Feb. 5 Republican gubernatorial candidate= Richard Riordan called on Gov. Gray Davis Monday to return $119,500 in cam= paign contributions from energy giant Enron Corp. Some Victims of Enr= on Are Seniors Who Became Shareholders Inadvertently By James B. Kelleher= , The Orange County Register, Calif., Feb. 3 They grew up during the Depres= sion. Former Enron Chief Is `Devastated,' Friend Says By James Rose= n, The Sacramento Bee, Calif., Feb. 5 Kenneth Lay, a president's pal who bu= ilt a company that soared and crashed on the torn wings of high-risk energy= trading, wanted to go to Washington in the worst way and try to clear his = name. Enron letter questions Harvard board member's role By Joseph = P. Flood, CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb 05, 2002 (Harvard Crimson, U-WIRE via COMTE= X) -- Two members of the U.S. House of Representatives raised concerns Frid= ay over the dual role of Harvard Corporation member Herbert S. "Pug" Winoku= r Jr., who is both an Enron investigator and Enron board member. Cong= ress Debates Enron Legislation By LAURIE KELLMAN Associated Press Writer,= WASHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- In the shadow of electi= on-year politics, Republican and Democratic members of Congress are squabbl= ing over what changes should be made to bankruptcy and other laws to preven= t new Enron-style corporate collapses. US executives should disclose = inside share trading more fully - stock analyst WASHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 = (AFX-Asia via COMTEX) -- Corporate executives should be obliged to disclos= e their internal stock transactions immediately instead of on a delayed bas= is, the president of a New York investment management firm told lawmakers i= nvestigating the collapse of Enron Corp. Labor Secy. Testifies in Enr= on Case By MARCY GORDON AP Business Writer, WASHINGTON, Feb 06, 2002 (AP = Online via COMTEX) -- After Enron's collapse, American workers need assuran= ce their retirement savings are secure, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao said We= dnesday in a pitch for the president's plan to change retirement account ru= les. Houston Astros Team Seeks to End Naming-Rights Agreement with En= ron By Sean Wood, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas, Feb. 6 The Houston Ast= ros Baseball Club is ready to take Enron's name off the team's downtown bas= eball stadium and distance itself from the scandal surrounding the biggest = corporate bankruptcy in American history. FACTBOX-Congress hearings s= chedule on Enron/Andersen WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) The following are t= he hearings that the U.S. Congress has firmly scheduled on the collapse of = Enron Corp., the role of its auditor Andersen, and related regulatory issue= s over the coming weeks. National Energy Policy Memo: Cheney Energ= y Draft Inaccurate By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer, WASHINGTON, Feb = 05, 2002 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- An Environmental Protection Agency offic= ial argued last spring that a draft of Vice President Dick Cheney's energy = plan was inaccurate because it blamed environmental regulations for energy = shortages. [IMAGE] ADVERTISEMENT Energy Customer Management magazine = is providing advertising opportunities in its annual "Executive Guide to P= roviders of Customer Management Services" issue. In addition to reaching E= CM's 17,000 readers, this issue will receive bonus distribution at numero= us industry events. Contact Joe Paparello for details at paparello@pur.com= or 703-847-7759. Competition & Deregulation Florida Off The Gri= d Feb 06 - Palm Beach Post FPL Group's new chairman, Lew Hay, says Florid= a should take "the go-slow approach" to energy deregulation. Mergers, = Acquisitions & Divestitures Xcel Energy On a Growth Mission; Is a Mega-= Merger in the Works? By Will McNamara, IssueAlert, Feb. 6 (Scientech) Min= neapolis, Minn.-based Xcel Energy is courting FirstEnergy, TXU and Entergy = Corp. as potential merger partners. Special Offer from this Publisher! = Vienna looks for 'Austrian' solution with E.ON Feb 6, 2002, (Suddeutsc= he Zeitung /FT Information via COMTEX) -- The deal to pool the hydroelectr= ic interests of E.ON AG, the German utility group, and Osterreichische Elek= trizitatswirtschafts-AG Verbundgesellschaft (Verbund), its Austrian rival w= hich is 51 per cent-owned by the Austrian state, is being called into quest= ion by the latter country's politicians. California Crisis Enron's= Roseville Project Fizzling Out Feb. 6 (California Energy Markets) A hand= ful of Enron workers were in the unenviable position of defending the firm'= s proposed 900 MW Roseville power project at an evening public hearing on t= he proposed license [01-AFC-14]. Special Offer from this Publisher! L= egislation/Regulation MPSC Begins Investigation into Detroit Edison's a= nd Michigan Consolidated Gas' Quality of Service LANSING, February 6 (New= s Release) Due to a significant increase in the number of formal and inform= al consumer complaints, billing errors, and customer confusion on billing, = the Michigan Public Service Commission today initiated an investigation int= o the quality of service provided by The Detroit Edison Company and Michiga= n Consolidated Gas Company. Rates Gaz Metropolitain hopes to gain = new clients from Hydro-Quebec increases MONTREAL, Feb 06, 2002 (The Canad= ian Press via COMTEX) -- Gaz Metropolitain expects that Hydro-Quebec's pla= ns for an increase in electricity rates will help the company in its search= for new clients, Gaz Metropolitain's president said Wednesday. Genera= l Mild winter slashes demand for US natgas, electricity WASHINGTON, F= eb 6 (Reuters) Mild winter temperatures and a weak economy will reduce U.S.= demand for natural gas and electricity by as much as 8.4 percent during th= e current winter heating season, the U.S. government said on Wednesday. = Joint Ventures & Alliances Leading Competitive Energy Retailers Form = The Alliance for Retail Choice Feb. 6, Washington, D.C. (News Release) Th= e nation's leading companies offering customers retail energy choice announ= ced today the formation of the Alliance for Retail Choice. Trading/Mar= keting Deal to revive energy marketer's trading operation to close this= week By ALAN CLENDENNING AP Business Writer, NEW YORK, Feb 06, 2002 (AP = WorldStream via COMTEX) -- The deal to revive Enron Corp.'s flagship energy= trading operation under the control of a Swiss bank is expected to close t= his week, and former Enron traders will start trading again soon after the = deal is completed. Deals/Contracts Occidental Oman purchases power= generators from France's Alstom By Mena Report Reporters, February 6, 20= 02 (Al-Bawaba via COMTEX) -- Frances's Alstom Power won a five million dol= lar contract to supply Occidental of Oman Inc. with two Tempest 7.7-megawat= t gas turbine generators, to power water injection pumps at the Safah East = Lobe water flood project in Oman. Power Pricing/Supply Heavy Utili= ty Buying Supports Steady Price for West Power Feb. 6 (Btu's Daily Power = Report) Power traded at the major hubs in the Western U.S. were strengthene= d today by heavy utility buying which allowed those with power to artificia= lly inflate the market despite weakening fundamentals. Special Offer from t= his Publisher! Take the Money and Run Feb. 5 (Energy Market Report= ) Peak power prices for Wednesday delivery were mostly steady across the We= st on Tuesday, largely due to a stagnant spot gas market and near-normal te= mperatures. Special Offer from this Publisher! Transmission & Reliabi= lity ERCOT's Governance Subcommittee Finds Satisfaction Currently High = Among Stakeholders Feb. 6 (Texas Electric Market Reporter) The first meet= ing of ERCOT's new Governance Subcommittee was held January 29, with approx= imately 30 attendees. Special Offer from this Publisher! Power Projec= ts Midwest Power Says Conditions for New Berlin, Wis., Plant Permit Are= Met By Corissa Jansen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Feb. 5 Told by the ci= ty last week that its permit to build a power plant in New Berlin has expir= ed, Illinois-based Midwest Power LLC responded Monday by asking for a writt= en retraction from the city, arguing that it has met the conditions of its = permit. Alliant Energy delays Mich. plant construction MADISON, Wis= ., Feb 5 (Reuters) - Alliant Energy Corp. on Tuesday said it agreed with Pa= nda Energy International to delay construction on a natural gas-fueled powe= r plant in Michigan due to construction costs and timing. INDONESIA T= O RESUME SHELVED POWER PROJECTS JAKARTA, Feb 06, 2002 (AsiaPulse via COMT= EX) -- In response to a looming power crisis, the Indonesian government ha= s decided to resume development of several power generating projects that w= ere shelved in 1997 during the financial crisis. House Panel Oks Legi= slation on Coal-Fired Electric Plants Feb 06, 2002 - www.newsok.com A sta= te House committee Tuesday approved legislation that would give a financial= incentive for electricity producers to build coal-fired generating plants.= Legal Mueller to be sued by energy broker if E.ON/Ruhrgas ruling = overturned FRANKFURT, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Economy Mi= nister Werner Mueller will be sued by Berlin energy broker Energie-Brokerha= us Ampere AG if he overrules the German cartel office's disapproval of E.ON= AG's takeover of a majority stake in Ruhrgas AG, the weekly newspaper Die = Zeit said. Renewables 10 power producers to join energy scheme by = year end Feb 06 - New Straits Times THE Government's small renewable ener= gy programme (SREP) is on track with more than 10 new power producers expec= ted to join the sector by year end. Banks urged to help realise new e= nergy sources target Feb 05 - Business Times - Kuala Lumpur FINANCIAL ins= titutions are urged to assist producers of renewable energies to help reali= se the Government's target of generating about 750MW or 5 per cent of total= power generation from new energy sources by the year 2005. NEG MICON= TRIES OUT LIGHTER BLADE DESIGN Feb. 1 (Wind Energy Weekly) On January 31= , NEG Micon issued a press release concerning a new, lighter blade design o= ptimized for lower wind speeds. Special Offer from this Publisher! C= oncession contract for Mazar ready in two weeks Ecuador, Feb 5, 2002 (El = Universo/SABI via COMTEX) -- The contract for the concession of the hydroe= lectric plant Mazar will be ready within two weeks, according to the Ecuado= rian government that will select among two consortium, ACS-Cobra Omegaport,= and Impregilo - Ansaldo Energia - Tasca-Lain previously qualified by the e= nergy council Conelec. Fuel Russia, US resume uranium talks Feb = 06, 2002 - Agence France-Presse Russian and US negotiators took another cra= ck Wednesday at striking a deal that would see Moscow sell uranium from its= nuclear warheads to fuel power plants in the United States. Environme= ntal HOLLAND BUYS CARBON CREDITS WITH WORLD BANK DEAL Feb. 1 (Wind En= ergy Weekly) The Dutch government January 18 became the first to purchase c= arbon dioxide (CO2) credits to help meet emissions reduction goals set by t= he Kyoto Protocol when it finalized a contract with the International Finan= ce Corporation (IFC) to develop clean energy projects in developing countri= es. Special Offer from this Publisher! Nuclear FPL says St Lucie= 2, Fla. nuke back at full power NEW YORK, Feb 6 (Reuters) Florida Power = & Light Co said Wednesday its 839-megawatt (MW) St Lucie 2 nuclear power un= it had returned to full output as of early Wednesday from an unexpected shu= t down earlier this week. Nev. Nuclear Waste Plan Faulted by Ex-Offic= ial Feb 06, 2002 - washingtonpost.com The former head of a federal projec= t to build a nuclear waste storage facility in Nevada said yesterday that U= .S. officials have known since 1995 that the site's geologic features would= not adequately protect groundwater and air from potential radioactive poll= ution. Financial TVA Expects To Reduce Its Debt by $252 Million Ne= xt Fiscal Year Feb 06, 2002 - KnoxNews.com "TVA is reducing its debt to p= repare the agency for competition" in the electric power industry, accordin= g to President Bush's budget package sent to Congress on Monday. Finan= cial - Ratings Mirant says "disappointed" with Moody's rating talks L= OS ANGELES, Feb 5 (Reuters) Mirant Corp chief executive officer Marce Fulle= r said on Tuesday she was disappointed with the progress made in talks with= Moody's Investors Service about restoring the company's investment-grade c= redit rating. Enersis/Endesa on Rating Watch Negative - Fitch CHICA= GO, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Fitch said it has placed the A= - local and foreign currency ratings of Enersis SA and unit Endesa-Chile on= Rating Watch Negative due in part to the crisis in Argentina. Financi= al - Results Reliant Energy Unit Startles Market with Accounting Issue = By Nelson Antosh, Houston Chronicle, Feb. 6 Reliant Resources, the unregu= lated power provider and trading unit of Reliant Energy, Tuesday surprised = investors by announcing an accounting problem instead of its fourth-quarter= earnings. Wisconsin Energy profits rise MILWAUKEE, Feb 6 (Reuters)= - Wisconsin Energy Corp. on Wednesday said fourth-quarter profits rose nea= rly 29 percent due to improved recovery of fuel and purchased power costs t= hat offset the negative effect of unseasonably warm weather. Calpine = shares slide 14 pct as power sector slumps NEW YORK, Feb 6 (Reuters) Shar= es of power producer Calpine Corp. on Wednesday fell as much as 20 percent = as continued weakness in the U.S. economy, low commodity prices and signifi= cant expected generation additions in 2002 pressure the independent power s= ector. United warns of dive in earnings By Rod Myer, Feb 7, 2002 (T= he Age - ABIX via COMTEX) -- United Energy (UE) blames the Victorian Gover= nment's retail pricing cap policy for a forecast profit reduction. Int= ernational Thai Agency Seals Power-Purchase Deal By Yuthana Praiwan, = Bangkok Post, Thailand, Feb. 6 The agreement to purchase electricity from t= he Nam Thuen hydro power project in Laos was sealed yesterday after a long = delay. Tenaga targets debt reduction By Soozhana Choi, Feb 5, 2002 = (The Asian Wall Street Journal - ABIX via COMTEX) -- Shares in four power = plants will be offered in Malaysia over 2002. Bulgaria aims to become= chief Balkan electricity supplier, prime minister says By VESELIN ZHELEV= Associated Press Writer, SOFIA, Bulgaria, Feb 06, 2002 (AP WorldStream via= COMTEX) -- Bulgaria's prime minister on Wednesday said his country aims to= become the Balkans' main electricity supplier and attract more than dlrs 1= 5 billion in foreign investment in the process. Tractebel responds to= accusations of fraud Feb 6, 2002, (Le Figaro /FT Information via COMTEX)= -- Tractebel, the Belgian energy subsidiary of Suez, the French utilities= group, has responded to reports in the press of suspected malpractice. = NEPA Suffers Setback, Generation Drops to 3,200 Mw By Mike Oduniyi Wit= h Agency Reports, Feb 06, 2002 (This Day/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX= ) -- Electricity generation by the National Electric Power Authority has d= ropped to about 3,200 mega watts (mw) by last weekend following the breakdo= wn of the two newly refurbished units at the Egbin Thermal Power Station in= Lagos. Italy's Merloni seeks heavyweight partner for energy operatio= ns MILAN, Feb 06, 2002 (AFX-Europe via COMTEX) -- Vittorio Merloni, the = chairman of Merloni Elettrodomestici SpA, said he is seeking a partner "of = weight" for his energy operations, Merloni Progetto Energia, owned by a fam= ily holding. Electric bills rise in Colombia as a result of pylon des= truction Bogota, Feb 06, 2002 (EFE via COMTEX) -- Colombian Mining and E= nergy Minister Luisa Fernanda Lafaurie on Wednesday announced that electric= ity rates would increase throughout the country as a consequence of the gue= rrillas' recent attacks on 68 electric transmission towers. AES prote= cted from significant losses in Argentina Argentina, Feb 06, 2002 (BNamer= icas.com via COMTEX) -- US energy company AES is protected from economic w= oes in Argentina by the non-recourse financing structure adopted for its bu= siness there, AES chief financial officer Barry Sharp said during a confere= nce call to discuss 2001 results. BNDES to pay AES US$330mn rationing= settlement Brazil, Feb 06, 2002 (BNamericas.com via COMTEX) -- Brazil's= National Development Bank (BNDES) will provide a US$330mn loan for US ener= gy company AES as part of the settlement to cover losses from electricity r= ationing in 2001, AES president Dennis Bakke said during a conference call = to discuss 2001 financial results. Criminal Case Started on Power Cut= s to Military Facilities Feb 06, 2002 - Itar-Tass News Agency The prosecu= tor's office of the Kamchatka Region instituted a criminal case against Kam= chatskenergo power company which cut power supplies to military facilities = in the peninsula. Small power players merge customer lists Feb 05 -= The Press - Christchurch Two of the smaller players in the Christchurch po= wer market have combined their customer bases in a move that should lead to= lower prices in the long run. [IMAGE] Powered by Energy Central ? = 2002 CyberTech, Inc. All rights reserved. More News [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RESTRUCTURING TODAY [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] February 07, 2002 What's FERC's most urgent assign= ment? Power retailers form new trade group 5 years ago in RT Team= s consider 1.45-1.64? profitable in California Here comes Oregon into = the 21st Century market Maybe not; Regulators allow exit fee to kill compet= ition What will America's new power markets be like? FERC hears from = array of power market stakeholders Alliant wants new Iowa generator = NStar concedes reliability cutbacks Power firms did well last year= despite all that 5 stories in 1 minute: Powered By US Publishi= ng ? 2002 US Publishing. All Rights Reserved. More Info [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] Top [IMAGE] RER'S EMETRIX LOAD FORECAST: CAL ISO [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Actual and forecasted hourly load for CAL I= SO. [IMAGE] CAL ISO Chart Powered By RER ? 2002 RER. All Rights Rese= rved. 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