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[IMAGE] The #1 customer management magazine focused on the[IMAGE]ener= gy industry is accepting advertising space reservations for their highly an= ticipated "Executive Guide to Providers of Customer Management Services" is= sue. Gain added exposure for your marketing message by being a part of thi= s once-a-year issue, which will be kept as a reference for buying decisions= throughout the year. Now is your chance to take part in the evolution of = Fortnightly's Energy Customer Management. What started out as single-topic= supplements three years ago has evolved into six stand-alone issues that p= rovide the business and technology intelligence needed to create strategies= for effective customer management for energy companies. And thanks to the= hard work of our circulation staff, over 17,000 professionals with specifi= c interest in this field will be receiving it, along with your advertising = message. Bonus Distribution In addition to reaching our respected audience= this single issue will receive added distribution at the following industr= y events: NRECA Annual Meeting - March 6-13 GasMart/Power 2002 - March 19-= 21 e-ProCom - March 19-21 NEMA Annual Meeting - April 1-2 AGA/EEI Customer = Service Conference - April 21-24 Metering/CIS/Billings Americas 2002 - Apri= l 29-May 1 Written by Editor Regina Johnson, Managing Editor Brad Wolverto= n, and other seasoned industry experts this issue will be a blockbuster. T= ake a look at these in-depth articles: ECM Exclusive Tom Peters on Energy = Branding Whether you're the incumbent utility or a new entrant, brand matte= rs. Business guru and renowned author Tom Peters discusses how to create a = lasting brand, who comes closest in the energy industry, and how energy der= egulation poses branding challenges. Energy Strategy Diversify and Conquer= More than ever, energy companies are branching out with new business lines= and offerings to generate new revenues. Which of these innovative partners= hips and customer offerings are proving most successful? Customer Service = Satisfaction Benchmarking: Turn Findings Into Action Research firm Metrix = Matrix presents findings of its survey on how utilities benchmark customer = satisfaction. How do your energy company's practices compare? And how do yo= u turn satisfaction ratings and comments into action items to improve servi= ce? Technology Play Demand Buyback: Will Customers Bite? As demand-respons= e programs become an essential part of balancing power supply and demand, e= nergy suppliers are sweetening the deal with cash incentives for customers.= Where does curtailment-for-pay fit into the portfolio of demand-response o= fferings, and what factors should go into designing these load buyback prog= rams? Special Section Executive Guide to Providers of Customer Management = Services Overwhelmed by the vast selection of customer care solutions? Chec= k out ECM's annual guide, and search the energy strategy consultants and ve= ndors by their services, technologies and major clients. Don't miss the ind= ustry's most comprehensive directory. With this incredible line-up, premiu= m positions are sure to go fast. Call your account executive today to get = all the issue details. Deadlines are fast approaching so call today. Spac= e reservation deadline is February 14th. Ad materials due February 22nd. N= ortheast & Midwest Joseph Paparello 703-847-7759 paparello@pur.com West = & South Andres Mancini 703-847-7735 mancini@pur.com This message is b= rought to you as a registered user of Energy Central. If you wish to disco= ntinue receiving this type of message, reply to this message with 'Stop Ad= s' in the subject of your message. =09