Enron Mail

To:moises.benchluch@enron.com, hicham.benjelloun@enron.com,kevin.cline@enron.com, dustin.collins@enron.com, steve.gim@enron.com, gustavo.giron@enron.com, daniel.jenkins@enron.com, thomas.lowell@enron.com, mauricio.marquez@enron.com, seung-taek.oh@enron
Subject:FW: Options Session Lecture Notes
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 08:23:52 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Mack, Iris =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, November 20, 2001 8:28 AM
To:=09Mack, Iris; Forster, David; Jacoby, Ben; Tapscott, Ron; Dypiangco, Ma=
rk; Churbock, Scott; Booth, Chris; Mitro, Fred; Grube, Raimund; Gimble, Mat=
hew; Krause, Greg; Kellermeyer, Dave; Hausinger, Sharon; Leigh, Lorie; Carn=
ahan, Kathleen; Inman, Zachary; Zarsky, Lisa; Dalton III, Oscar; Valderrama=
, Larry; Ratliff, Beau; Carroll, Lex; Clynes, Terri; Sewell, Doug; Llodra, =
John; Olvera, Paulita; Wood, George; Wheeler, Rob; Politis, Nick; Irani, Er=
ic; Letzerich, Palmer; Sell, Maximilian; Luong, Steven; Kroll, Heather; 'Fa=
irley, David'; Rorschach, Reagan; Braddock, Billy; Acevedo, Rudy; Jafry, Ra=
hil; Piazze, Tara; Marshall, Howard; Emmons, Suzette; Day, Amanda; Curry, M=
ike; Jester, Larry; Martinez, Judy; Benke, Terrell; Duffy, Matthew; Meyn, J=
im; Reyes, Pauline; Herrera, Fernando; Hamlin, Mason; Lewis, Barry; Trefz, =
Greg; Cavazos, Brandon; Hiemstra, Nick; Roberts, Chaun; Compean, Karla; Sek=
saria, Rahul; Ward, Charles; Hill, Garrick; Anderson, Eric; Landry, Chad; M=
ccracken, Greg; Marks, David; Munoz, Victor; Kiani-Aslani, John; Robinson, =
Mitch; Moore, John; Ahmed, Naveed; Marks, James; Murray, Kevin; Golden, Bru=
ce; Vetters, Charles; Lang, John; Tricoli, Carl; Parks, Michelle; Imai, Rik=
a; Pacheco, Leonardo
Cc:=09Arora, Harry; Shoemake, Lisa; Duran, W. David; Presto, Kevin M.; Stur=
m, Fletcher J.; Imai, Rika
Subject:=09RE: Options Session Lecture Notes


Hi again,

=09Some of stated that you do not have access to the m drive.

=09Hence I'm forwarding the notes via the attached powerpoint document.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Mack, Iris =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, November 20, 2001 7:51 AM
To:=09Forster, David; Jacoby, Ben; Tapscott, Ron; Dypiangco, Mark; Churbock=
, Scott; Booth, Chris; Mitro, Fred; Grube, Raimund; Gimble, Mathew; Krause,=
Greg; Kellermeyer, Dave; Hausinger, Sharon; Leigh, Lorie; Carnahan, Kathle=
en; Inman, Zachary; Zarsky, Lisa; Dalton III, Oscar; Valderrama, Larry; Rat=
liff, Beau; Carroll, Lex; Clynes, Terri; Sewell, Doug; Llodra, John; Olvera=
, Paulita; Wood, George; Wheeler, Rob; Politis, Nick; Irani, Eric; Letzeric=
h, Palmer; Sell, Maximilian; Luong, Steven; Kroll, Heather; Fairley, David;=
Rorschach, Reagan; Braddock, Billy; Acevedo, Rudy; Jafry, Rahil; Piazze, T=
ara; Marshall, Howard; Emmons, Suzette; Day, Amanda; Curry, Mike; Jester, L=
arry; Martinez, Judy; Benke, Terrell; Duffy, Matthew; Meyn, Jim; Reyes, Pau=
line; Herrera, Fernando; Hamlin, Mason; Lewis, Barry; Trefz, Greg; Cavazos,=
Brandon; Hiemstra, Nick; Roberts, Chaun; Compean, Karla; Seksaria, Rahul; =
Ward, Charles; Hill, Garrick; Anderson, Eric; Landry, Chad; Mccracken, Greg=
; Marks, David; Munoz, Victor; Kiani-Aslani, John; Robinson, Mitch; Moore, =
John; Ahmed, Naveed; Marks, James; Murray, Kevin; Golden, Bruce; Vetters, C=
harles; Lang, John; Tricoli, Carl; Parks, Michelle; Imai, Rika; Pacheco, Le=
Cc:=09Arora, Harry; Shoemake, Lisa; Duran, W. David; Presto, Kevin M.; Stur=
m, Fletcher J.; Imai, Rika
Subject:=09RE: Options Session Lecture Notes


=09The slides for yesterday's options session may be found on the following=

=09=09=09m:power2\options\power options course notes\Introduction to Power =
Options Lecture Notes (11-19-01).ppt

=09=09Dave Forster will let you know the time and place for the next option=
s session. =20

=09=09By popular demand, it will be on spread options (crack, heat, spark, =
etc) and a few real case studies.
