Enron Mail

To:moises.benchluch@enron.com, hicham.benjelloun@enron.com,kevin.cline@enron.com, dustin.collins@enron.com, steve.gim@enron.com, gustavo.giron@enron.com, daniel.jenkins@enron.com, thomas.lowell@enron.com, mauricio.marquez@enron.com, seung-taek.oh@enron
Subject:FW: PIRA's API Weekly Comment 11/20/01
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 16:42:51 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: PIRA Distribution [mailto:distribution@pira.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 6:31 PM
To: PIRA Oil Retainer Client
Subject: PIRA's API Weekly Comment 11/20/01

Attached is PIRA's latest "API Weekly Comment."

If you have any questions regarding the report's content, please contact
Dr. Gary Ross at (212) 686-6808, email: garyross@pira.com.

Contact Client Services regarding PIRA report distribution and address
changes at (212) 686-6808, email: support@pira.com.

NOTE: Circulation of the "API Weekly Comment" outside a Client's
licensed distribution area is strictly prohibited. Clients that are
unsure of their licensed distribution or require an extension of their
current license should contact their PIRA sales representative, or email
to sales@pira.com.

PIRA Energy Group