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Judith E. Cox
Administrative Clerk New York Independent System Operator 518-356-6233 jcox@nyiso.com ----- Forwarded by Judith Cox/NYISO on 07/30/2001 02:21 PM ----- Mike Hogan <mhogan@cenhu To: jcox@nyiso.com d.com< cc: "Dahl, Curt" <cdahl@keyspanenergy.com< 07/30/2001 Subject: NYSRC ICAP WG MEETING ON AUG 2 02:01 PM The ICAP Working Group of the New York State Reliability Council ("NYSRC") is posting this message to inform all interested parties of the ability participate, on a "listen-only" basis, in the NYSRC ICAP Working Group Conference Call No. 10 scheduled for August 2, 2001, starting at 9:00A.M. Attached in Word format is the Agenda for this meeting. The Working Group is an open meeting in accordance with NYSRC Policy No. 2, which is available of the NYSRC web site at "www.nysrc.org", on the "Policies" web page. Those wishing to participate on a "listen-only" basis can call (608) 250-9281, and enter participant Code 132622, starting at 9:30 A.M. Participants will be required to place their telephones on mute so as not to prevent other parties from participating. Those who plan on listening to the meeting shall send an email to my attention at "mhogan@cenhud.com" with the names of the individuals and organizations participating. Those who are not NYSRC ICAP WG Members or Alternate Members will be given an opportunity to comment at the end of each meeting, or earlier at the Chairman's invitation. Should you have any questions, please contact me by email at mhogan@cenhud.com or by phone at (845) 486-5213. Michael P. Hogan Secretary, NYSRC ICAP WG (See attached file: NYSRC ICAP WG Agenda CC10.doc) (See attached file: NYSRC ICAP WG Agenda CC10.doc) - NYSRC ICAP WG Agenda CC10.doc