Enron Mail

To:nyiso_tie@jonus.thebiz.net, nyiso_tech_exchange@global2000.net
Subject:NYS Reliability Council Executive Committee
Cc:rbolbrock@lipower.org, wclagett@orci.com, roger.clayton@neg.pge.com,kmennerich@cenhud.com, mhogan@cenhud.com, tail@coned.com, sassonm@coned.com, giasia@coned.com, awhite@couchwhite.com, hat@dps.state.ny.us, edward_schrom@dps.state.ny.us, engl@nimo.com
Bcc:rbolbrock@lipower.org, wclagett@orci.com, roger.clayton@neg.pge.com,kmennerich@cenhud.com, mhogan@cenhud.com, tail@coned.com, sassonm@coned.com, giasia@coned.com, awhite@couchwhite.com, hat@dps.state.ny.us, edward_schrom@dps.state.ny.us, engl@nimo.com
Date:Fri, 1 Feb 2002 11:57:24 -0800 (PST)

The Executive Committee of the New York State Reliability Council
("NYSRC") is posting this message to inform all interested parties of the
approval and posting of Revision No. 2 to the NYSRC Reliability Rules. The
NYSRC Executive Committee approved Revision No. 2 at its January 11, 2002
meeting. Revision No. 2 to the NYSRC Reliability Rules, which is attached
below and is posted on the NYSRC web site at "www.nysrc.org" under the
"Documents" web page, is a compilation of all current NYSRC Reliability
Rules and Measurements. Included in the document are all of the Proposed
Reliability Rules that were posted for comments, in accordance with NYSRC
Policy No. 1, and approved by the NYSRC Executive Committee since Revision
No. 1 to the NYSRC Reliability Rules was issued in early 2001.

The NYSRC Reliability Rules have been reorganized and reformatted to
be similar to the North American Electric Reliability Council reliability
rules and to enhance the NYSRC compliance review process. Revision No. 2
contains 44 reliability rules and 42 measurements. Ten (10) reliability
rules have been revised and four (4) new reliability rules have been added
since Revision No. 1.

Should you have any questions, please contact me by email at

Joseph C. Fleury
Secretary, NYSRC Executive Committee

(See attached file: Reliability Rules Rev 2 - Final.pdf)
- Reliability Rules Rev 2 - Final.pdf