Enron Mail

To:d..thomas@enron.com, reagan.mathews@enron.com, brian.terp@enron.com
Subject:RE: Trading Limits
Date:Thu, 8 Nov 2001 19:08:02 -0800 (PST)

I just wanted to confirm that I understood our conversation.

We are limited to 150 MW short or long until some future date.
I understand that limit will be expanded as we gain more experience.

As an aside, I wanted to explain a little better why I felt, if not comfortable, at least not painfully uncomfortable carrying what would normally be considered a fairly large position.

1. Off Peak is only 7 hours of exposure, meaning it is less than 1/2 the time length exposure.
2. Off Peak PJM is historically much less volitile, than the peak period.
3. My long position was at a fairly low price ($15)
4. My main motivation was to get some transaction volume to get more players involved in the market. Most of the potential counterparties I called were not used to having a market. I had to explain how to use EOL limit orders to a number night shift counterparties. I intentionally wanted to get them to make their first trade. I was overzealous in my approach.

I intend to continue trying to drive volume, while taking reasonable positions, until the various players are more comfortable in the market, but will ensure I keep my exposure inside the 150 MW limit.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas, Paul D.
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 10:03 AM
To: Ingram, David; Mathews, Reagan; Terp, Brian
Subject: Trading Limits

While trading on EOL or moving physical power you should not have a position larger than 100 MW. If you find yourself at these positions while trading EOL you should then widen your market so that you do not take on a larger position. If you have any questions please let me know.

I would recommend that you put EOL product properties on manage stack... then you will be able to widen your market easily when your position reaches the 100 MW limit.
