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Thanks Paul -----Original Message----- From: =09service@mail.energycentral.com@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-service+40= mail+2Eenergycentral+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com] On Behalf Of "service@mail.e= nergycentral.com" <service@mail.energycentral.com< Sent:=09Wednesday, October 03, 2001 2:00 PM To:=09Thomas, Paul D. Subject:=09Energy Central Research Report Watch - 10/3/01 Wednesday, October 03, 2001 [IMAGE] Research Report Center << File:= http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/ << [IMAGE] << File:= http://www.energycentral.com << [IMAGE] This bi-weekly e-mail service= provides you with the newest and most important research on the power indu= stry. You may redistribute or reproduce this e-mail in its entirety. See th= e end of this message << File: #unsubscribe << for information on subscrib= ing/unsubscribing or visit member services. << File: http://www.energycentr= al.com/sections/services/member_email_management.cfm << Question= s? Call Mark Johnson at 800-459-2233 regarding the reports listed. = Recently Published - New reports released within the last 30 days [IMAG= E] Guidebook of Funds and Incentives for Distributed Energy Resources-Vers= ion 2 << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?c= pane=3D23006&rid=3D100416 << (downloadable) Publisher: EFI Hundreds of m= illions of dollars in government grants and incentives are available to hel= p support distributed energy technologies----provided you know where to loo= k. EFI's recently updated Guidebook of Funds and Incentives for Distributed= Energy Resources-Version 2 provides you with this information. - Mo= re Information << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/defa= ult.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100416 << - Purchase Price: $395.00 = [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/se= ction_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100496 << - Online Access Or = Call 800-459-2233 to Order! Can't find what you're looking for? Call = Mark at 800-459-2233 to see if he can help. New to Energy Central - Re= ports posted on Energy Central within the last 14 business days [IMAGE] E= dF << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpan= e=3D23006&rid=3D100421 << (downloadable) Publisher: Datamonitor Datamoni= tor's EdF report is part of a Utilities Intelligence Service which provides= an unrivalled analysis of Europe's leading gas and electricity companies. = Examining 20 of the key players, this service is designed to provide you wi= th unbiased, detailed strategic assessments for each of their operations, p= erformances and future prospects. - More Information << File: http:/= /www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D10= 0421 << - Purchase Price: $1,050.00 [IMAGE] << File: ht= tp://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id= =3D100501 << - Online Access Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order!= [IMAGE] Scottish Power << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections= /research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100420 << (downloadable) Publis= her: Datamonitor Datamonitor's Scottish Power report is part of a Utilitie= s Intelligence Service which provides an unrivalled analysis of Europe's le= ading gas and electricity companies. Examining 20 of the key players, this = service is designed to provide you with unbiased, detailed strategic assess= ments for each of their operations, performances and future prospects. = - More Information << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/resear= ch/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100420 << - Purchase Price: $1,3= 50.00 [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/re= search/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100500 << - Online Access = Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order! [IMAGE] RWE: Operations and Finan= ce << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpan= e=3D23006&rid=3D100419 << (downloadable) Publisher: Datamonitor Datamoni= tor's RWE: Operations and Finance report is part of a Utilities Intelligenc= e Service which provides an unrivalled analysis of Europe's leading gas and= electricity companies. Examining 20 of the key players, this service is de= signed to provide you with unbiased, detailed strategic assessments for eac= h of their operations, performances and future prospects. - More Inf= ormation << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cf= m?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100419 << - Purchase Price: $75.00 = [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_c= art_interface.cfm?id=3D100499 << - Online Access Or Call 80= 0-459-2233 to Order! [IMAGE] Endesa: Operations and Finance << File: h= ttp://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid= =3D100418 << (downloadable) Publisher: Datamonitor Datamonitor's Endesa:= Operations and Finance report is part of a Utilities Intelligence Service = which provides an unrivalled analysis of Europe's leading gas and electrici= ty companies. Examining 20 of the key players, this service is designed to = provide you with unbiased, detailed strategic assessments for each of their= operations, performances and future prospects. - More Information <= < File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D= 23006&rid=3D100418 << - Purchase Price: $75.00 [IMAGE] = << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interf= ace.cfm?id=3D100498 << - Online Access Or Call 800-459-2233= to Order! [IMAGE] PowerGen: Domestic Pricing Analysis << File: http:/= /www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D10= 0417 << (downloadable) Publisher: Datamonitor Datamonitor's PowerGen: Do= mestic Pricing Analysis report is part of a Utilities Intelligence Service = which provides an unrivalled analysis of Europe's leading gas and electrici= ty companies. Examining 20 of the key players, this service is designed to = provide you with unbiased, detailed strategic assessments for each of their= operations, performances and future prospects. - More Information <= < File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D= 23006&rid=3D100417 << - Purchase Price: $225.00 [IMAGE]= << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_inter= face.cfm?id=3D100497 << - Online Access Or Call 800-459-223= 3 to Order! [IMAGE] Electricity Law: Current Topics 2001- Print - Inte= rnational << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.c= fm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100415 << (hard copy) Publisher: Scott Hempling, A= ttorney at Law Electricity Law: Current Topics 2001 provides an indepth lo= ok at the issues facing the electric utility industry including regional tr= anmission developments, mergers, distributed generation, retail choice, jur= isdictional uncertainty, generation fuel source verification, the Californi= a problem, and energy ecommerce. - More Information << File: http://= www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100= 415 << - Purchase Price: $101.00 [IMAGE] << File: http:= //www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D1= 00494 << - Hard Copy by Mail Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order!= [IMAGE] Introduction to Electricity Law Manual - Print - Internationa= l << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane= =3D23006&rid=3D100414 << (hard copy) Publisher: Scott Hempling, Attorney = at Law Introduction to Electricity Law is for practitioners and decisionma= kers seeking a foundation in the legal principles affecting the tradition i= n the electric industry. - More Information << File: http://www.ener= gycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100414 << = - Purchase Price: $101.00 [IMAGE] << File: http://www.en= ergycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100492 <<= - Hard Copy by Mail Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order! [IM= AGE] Introduction to Electricity Law Manual - Print - US << File: http://w= ww.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D1004= 13 << (hard copy) Publisher: Scott Hempling, Attorney at Law Introductio= n to Electricity Law is for practitioners and decisionmakers seeking a foun= dation in the legal principles affecting the tradition in the electric indu= stry. - More Information << File: http://www.energycentral.com/secti= ons/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100413 << - Purchase P= rice: $96.00 [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sect= ions/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100489 << - Hard Copy by Mai= l Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order! [IMAGE] Introduction t= o Electricity Law Manual - Electronic << File: http://www.energycentral.com= /sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100412 << (downloadable= ) Publisher: Scott Hempling, Attorney at Law Introduction to Electricity = Law is for practitioners and decisionmakers seeking a foundation in the leg= al principles affecting the tradition in the electric industry. - Mo= re Information << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/defa= ult.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100412 << - Purchase Price: $59.00 = [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/sec= tion_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100488 << - Online Access Or C= all 800-459-2233 to Order! [IMAGE] Electricity Law: Current Topics 200= 1- Print - US << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/defau= lt.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100411 << (hard copy) Publisher: Scott Hemplin= g, Attorney at Law Electricity Law: Current Topics 2001 provides an indept= h look at the issues facing the electric utility industry including regiona= l tranmission developments, mergers, distributed generation, retail choice,= jurisdictional uncertainty, generation fuel source verification, the Calif= ornia problem, and energy ecommerce. - More Information << File: htt= p://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid= =3D100411 << - Purchase Price: $96.00 [IMAGE] << File: = http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?i= d=3D100487 << - Hard Copy by Mail Or Call 800-459-2233 to O= rder! [IMAGE] Electricity Law: Current Topics 2001- Electronic Version= << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane= =3D23006&rid=3D100410 << (downloadable) Publisher: Scott Hempling, Attorn= ey at Law Electricity Law: Current Topics 2001 provides an indepth look at= the issues facing the electric utility industry including regional tranmis= sion developments, mergers, distributed generation, retail choice, jurisdic= tional uncertainty, generation fuel source verification, the California pro= blem, and energy ecommerce. - More Information << File: http://www.e= nergycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100410 <= < - Purchase Price: $59.00 [IMAGE] << File: http://www.= energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100486 = << - Online Access Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order! [IMAG= E] Implementing Retail Energy Competition << File: http://www.energycentra= l.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100387 << (downloa= dable) Publisher: Public Utilities Reports, Inc. (PUR) "These days, the w= ord California is synonymous with disaster when people talk about electrici= ty deregulation." Truer words have never been spoken. Now, best-selling aut= hor, Dr. Michael Schmidt analyzes what went wrong and outlines what other s= tates can - and are - doing to avoid the same disasters. - Table of = Contents - HTML << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/rep= ort_sample.cfm?aid=3D100162 << - More Information << File: http://w= ww.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D1003= 87 << - Purchase Price: $195.00 [IMAGE] << File: http:/= /www.energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D10= 0460 << - Online Access Or Call 800-459-2233 to Order! = Interested in posting a report? Call Mark Johnson at 800-459-2233 for ins= tructions. Energy Central provides access to the most comprehensive = collection of power industry research. Click here for more research reports= . << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/ << [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] Implementing Retail Energy Competition << File: http://www.energycen= tral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100387 << (down= loadable) Publisher: Public Utilities Reports, Inc. (PUR) "These days, th= e word California is synonymous with disaster when people talk about electr= icity deregulation." Truer words have never been spoken. Now, best-selling = author, Dr. Michael Schmidt analyzes what went wrong and outlines what othe= r states can - and are - doing to avoid the same disasters. - Table = of Contents - HTML << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/= report_sample.cfm?aid=3D100162 << - More Information << File: http:= //www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D1= 00387 << - Purchase Price: $195.00 [IMAGE] << File: http://www= .energycentral.com/sections/research/section_cart_interface.cfm?id=3D100460= << - Online Access Call 800-459-2233 to Order! [IMAGE] Search = For: Note: Search results based upon title and full description [I= MAGE] [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/defau= lt.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100383 << [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energyce= ntral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100421 << [IM= AGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cp= ane=3D23006&rid=3D100391 << [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com= /sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100064 << [IMAGE] << F= ile: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D230= 06&rid=3D100387 << [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections= /research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100088 << [IMAGE] << File: http= ://www.energycentral.com/sections/research/default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D= 100398 << [IMAGE] << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/research= /default.cfm?cpane=3D23006&rid=3D100390 << Interested in posting a repor= t? Call Mark Johnson at 800-459-2233 for instructions. [IMAGE] H= OME << File: http://www.energycentral.com << | NEWSROOM << File: http://ww= w.energycentral.com/sections/newsroom/ << | EVENTS << File: http://www.ene= rgycentral.com/sections/events/ << | JOBS << File: http://www.energycentra= l.com/sections/jobs/ << | BUSINESS CENTER << File: http://www.energycentra= l.com/sections/buscenters/ << | DIRECTORIES << File: http://www.energycent= ral.com/sections/directories/ << | DATA CENTER << File: http://www.energyc= entral.com/sections/datacenter/ << [IMAGE] This service is provide= d FREE to professionals in the energy industry. If you do not wish to rece= ive the Research Report Watch, you may cancel your subscription at any time= by using one of the methods below: Go to http://www.energycentral.com/sect= ions/services/ << File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/services/ << = , click on Email Management, then cancel your subscription. -OR- Reply to t= his e-mail with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. -OR- Type in your= e-mail address here: and click Copyright ? 2001 by CyberTech, Inc. << = File: http://www.energycentral.com/sections/about/default.cfm << All right= s reserved. Energy Central=20 is a registered trademark of CyberTech, Incorporated. 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