Enron Mail

Subject:RE: PJM duplicate oasis requests to be annulled
Date:Mon, 13 Aug 2001 11:46:47 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks Pat, good to know that they know EES crashes often!

-----Original Message-----
From: Hanse, Patrick
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 12:55 PM
To: Mansfield, Marci; Grace, Rebecca M.
Cc: Thomas, Paul D.; Bentley, Corry
Subject: FW: PJM duplicate oasis requests to be annulled

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PJM OASIS REQUESTS BELOW HAVE BEEN ANNULLED PER OUR REQUEST. These duplicate requests accounted for over 34,000 mw hrs . Please let me know if there are any problems checking out w/ pjm on the requests below.

-----Original Message-----
From: walton3@pjm.com@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 3:33 PM
To: Hanse, Patrick
Cc: weathers@www1.pjm.com; mccomb@www1.pjm.com; baizma@www1.pjm.com; DESSENHE@www1.pjm.com
Subject: FW: PJM duplicate oasis requests to be annulled

Per your request and further analysis by PJM OASIS and Market Settlements the
following OASIS numbers have been annulled.


As indicated in the e-mail below, these are the numbers that you did not link.
If you have any further questions please contact either Aaron Baizman or myself
at 610-666-8972.

Frank Walton 3rd
Real Time Operations Support Analyst
System Operations
(610) 666-8849

< -----Original Message-----
< From: McComb, John
< Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 8:43 AM
< To: Walton, Frank C. III; Weathers, Brian
< Cc: Baizman, Aaron; Dessender, H.E.
< Subject: RE: PJM duplicate oasis requests to be annulled
< It would appear that the request is backwards
< They are using all the ones they say are duplicates, and not using the
< originals
< anyway consider this the OFFICIAL List of which ones you should annul, and
< We'll do the same on the MSET side
< 7/01/2001 annul 99408
< 7/05/2001 annul 99637
< 7/06/2001 annul 99683
< 7/08/2001 annul 99754 & 99749
< 7/13/2001 annul 100089
< 7/13/2001 annul 100077
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Walton, Frank C. III
< Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 6:07 PM
< To: Weathers, Brian; McComb, John
< Cc: Baizman, Aaron
< Subject: FW: PJM duplicate oasis requests to be annulled
< I have confirmed that this is the case. If you could check on these and see
< what your side reveals than I can make a final decision as to whether or not
< to annul these.
< Frank Walton 3rd
< Real Time Operations Support Analyst
< System Operations
< (610) 666-8849
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Hanse, Patrick [SMTP:Patrick.Hanse@enron.com]
< Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 3:33 PM
< To: walton3@pjm.com
< Cc: Grace, Rebecca M.; Bentley, Corry; Thomas, Paul D.
< Subject: PJM duplicate oasis requests to be annulled
< Frank
< Per your request to our phone conversation, please find below the list
< of duplicate oasis requests that we are asking PJM to refund or annul
< because of system problems experienced by Enron on the PJM transmission
< site.
< 7/01/2001 Request that trans id 99409 be annulled (duplicate of 99408)
< 7/05/2001 Request that trans id 99639 be annulled (duplicate of 99637)
< 7/06/2001 Request that trans id 99688 be annulled (duplicate of 99683)
< 7/08/2001 Request that trans id 99754 & 99757 be annulled (duplicate of
< 99749)
< 7/13/2001 Request that trans id 100090 be annulled (duplicate of
< 100089)
< 7/13/2001 Request that trans id 100078 be annulled (duplicate of
< 100077)
< please call me if you have any questions or need anything else from
< Enron in order to get the corrections made to the above transmission
< request. Thanks you for your attention to this matter. Please respond
< back to me when the changes have been made and Enron's back office can
< check out mw's and $'s for the month of July.
< Patrick Hanse
< Enron Power Trading
< 713-853-3806
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