Enron Mail

Subject:AGT Critical System Warning
Date:Sat, 24 Nov 2001 22:00:00 -0800 (PST)

November 25, 2001

Based on anticipated system operations and weather conditions, Algonquin
(AGT) is requesting that all customers take steps to eliminate excess
receipts and to conform scheduled receipts to actual deliveries. No Due
Pipe Payback gas will be scheduled through the end of November 2001.

AGT will continue to closely monitor current pipeline conditions. To
the extent necessary, AGT will contact customers on an individual basis
regarding additional action by AGT to protect system operations. AGT
recommends that all customers rank both their supplies and their markets
in the event that system-wide reductions are required. To the extent
AGT and customers are unable to agree upon appropriate action within a
reasonable time, AGT may adjust customer's nominations ?and revise
scheduled quantities? immediately to halt the further accumulation of
imbalances. In addition, AGT may take any actions within its operational
capabilities to reduce excess receipts.

Please contact your Operations Account Manager if you have any



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