Enron Mail

To:judy.townsend@enron.com, scott.neal@enron.com, victoria.versen@enron.com,victor.lamadrid@enron.com, chris.ordway@enron.com, michael.pritchard@enron.com
Subject:FW: TE Request for TABS-2 Assistance
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 05:36:53 -0800 (PST)


-----Original Message-----
From: infopost@duke-energy.com [mailto:infopost@duke-energy.com]
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 12:00 AM
To: infopost@duke-energy.com
Subject: TE Request for TABS-2 Assistance

November 25, 2001

Due to continued unseasonably mild weather and shippers filling contract
storage inventories in anticipation of the coming winter heating season,
Texas Eastern has virtually no storage capacity or linepack available
for system operational purposes and cannot continue to absorb imbalances
left on the system.

Pursuant to Section 3.3 of Rate Schedule TABS-2, Texas Eastern offers to
permit TABS-2 Parties to decrease physical receipts of gas into the
system by an aggregate quantity of 300,000 Dth/d. Any decreases in gas
receipts pursuant to Rate Schedule TABS-2 will not reduce such TABS-2
Parties? scheduled deliveries, whether at a TABS-1 Service Point or city-
gate markets. This request for decreased receipts under TABS-2 is
applicable for the STX, ETX, WLA, and ELA TABS-2 Service Points. All
requests for decreased receipts under Rate Schedule TABS-2 will be
accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. After Texas Eastern?s
operational need for decreased receipts has passed, Texas Eastern will
notify all participating TABS-2 Parties and such parties will have a
reasonable time to come back into balance. Any TABS-2 party willing to
decrease physical receipts into the system should contact their Account



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