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Enerfax Daily NORTH AMERICA'S FREE POWER AND GAS INFORMATION SOURCE Wednesday, January 16 2002 No. 906 Visit: http://www.enerfax.com/ or for Oil Prices & News http://www.enerfaxgold.com/ PHYSICAL NATURAL GAS PRICES Gulf/Eastern Region | Agua Dulce | 2.20 | | ANR SE | 2.31 | | Carthage TG | 2.25 | | Chicago Citygate | 2.32 | | Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.35 | | Dominion South Point | 2.48 | | Henry Hub | 2.36 | | Houston Ship Channel | 2.33 | | Katy Hub | 2.27 | | NGPL LA Pool | 2.28 | | NGPL - Midcontinent | 2.18 | | NGPL STX | 2.22 | | NGPL TX/OK | 2.22 | | NNG Demarc. | 2.24 | | Niagara | 2.54 | | Sonat Tier 1 | 2.32 | | TCO IPP Pool | 2.47 | | Tetco ELa | 2.37 | | Tetco M-3 | 2.81 | | Tetco STX | 2.23 | | TGP Zone 0 | 2.24 | | TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 2.32 | | TGT Zone SL | 2.37 | | New York Citygate | 2.97 | | Transco Station 65 | 2.44 | | Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 2.98 | | Trunk ELa | 2.30 | | Western Region | California Border | 2.26 | | El Paso Keystone | 2.14 | | El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 2.13 | | Waha Hub | 2.19 | | Canadian/Rockies Region | Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 3.00 | | Dawn Hub/Union | 2.36 | | Northwest Stanfield | 2.10 | | Wyoming Pool | 2.06 | | Opal/Kern River | 2.07 | | PGT-Malin | 2.20 | | Sumas | 2.10 | Flow Date 1/16 ------------------------------------------------------------- NATURAL GAS FUTURES Henry Hub 12 Month Strip 2.5461 +0.0116 18 Month Strip 2.6566 +0.0019 | Month | High | Low | Close | Change | | FEB | 2.320 | 2.225 | 2.291 | +0.041 | | MAR | 2.306 | 2.280 | 2.273 | +0.033 | | APR | 2.334 | 2.310 | 2.303 | +0.026 | | MAY | 2.375 | 2.375 | 2.368 | +0.020 | | JUN | 2.450 | 2.415 | 2.428 | +0.015 | | JUL | 2.525 | 2.485 | 2.493 | +0.010 | | AUG | 2.565 | 2.530 | 2.538 | +0.010 | | SEP | 2.565 | 2.520 | 2.536 | +0.004 | | OCT | 2.580 | 2.550 | 2.558 | +0.001 | | NOV | 2.790 | 2.760 | 2.763 | +0.001 | | DEC | 2.990 | 2.955 | 2.960 | -0.007 | | JAN | 3.090 | 3.045 | 3.042 | -0.015 | ------------------------------------------------------------- - RISK MANAGEMENT Across the Energy Enterprise e-Acumen, Inc., is uniquely positioned to help you manage risk and increase value. That's because our analytics, data and applications cover all strategic aspects of the energy enterprise, from short-term forecasting to comprehensive risk analysis and portfolio optimization, to asset valuation and weather risk management. Dedicated to the needs of energy and trading companies in a dynamic and competitive world, our approach combines best-in-class physical fundamentals with industry-leading statistical methodologies. e-Acumen is a venture-backed company founded in January, 1997. Since then we have listened attentively to the market and assembled a stellar cast of seasoned energy industry professionals and Silicon Valley technologists. Join us as we help the industry continue its path toward liquidity and profitable, risk-managed growth in the exciting years ahead! Click here to find out more about current special offers, or go to http://www.e-acumen.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Gas Futures Continue Higher on Short-Covering Natural gas for February delivery on the NYMEX continued higher yesterday on more short-covering, gaining $0.041 to $2.291 per MMBtu. The March contract rose $0.033 to $2.273 per MMBtu. The market opened higher and traded range-bound bouncing off $2.32 several times as it awaits the AGA storage report due out this afternoon. Look for a withdrawal about 150 - 160 Bcf reported for last week. Some say that since physical prices maintained a premium to the NYMEX could be companies buying on the spot market to keep from pulling stored natural gas that was pumped into the ground at higher prices. If that is the case, a lower withdrawal and subsequent price tumble could be in the offing. Physical prices gained slightly yesterday on nominal cold in the West. Natural gas for next day delivery across the US and Canada was generally $0.03 - $0.07 higher yesterday. Natural gas for next day delivery at the Henry hub gained $0.04 to $2.36 per MMBtu. ------------------------------------------------------------- Exploit the enterprise-wide transaction management power deployed by the big names in gas. NUCLEUS Software ZAINET Gasmaster The most comprehensive, totally-integrated natural gas information system available today. Ask about out limited-time offer competitive upgrade program. CAMINUS Your Competitive Edge in Energy. Call Caminus at (212)515-3700 or visit the website at www.caminus.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Today's Power Bulletins * First Meeting of 2002 for FERC Today * California Senate's Select Committee Investigating Energy Markets Asks Rules Committee to Issue Subpoenas for Enron and Andersen * Calpine to Provide 2002 Earnings Outlook Today * PSEG Declares $0.54 per Common Share Quarterly Dividend * National Legal and Policy Center Asks Senator Joseph Lieberman to Recuse Himself from Enron Probe * TECO Energy Completes Sale of $400 Million of Securities * Connecticut Light & Power, Enerwise to Partner on Enterprise Energy Management * Western Spot Power Prices Rise on Weather, Natural Gas Gain * Warm Weather, Supply Bulge Cuts Northeast Spot Power Price * Mid-Continent Power Spot Prices Rise on Revised Weather Forecast ------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU JUST SEE TREES? WE SEE A FOREST! See the forest with NewEnergy MarketPower by efficiently obtaining information for critical market-based investment decisions and mitigate your risk. Use MarketPower to determine the effects of transmission congestion, fuel costs, generator availability and load growth on market prices to better execute your company's strategic direction. Designed specifically for today's energy industry, MarketPower is accurate and easy-to-use, so you can plan for tomorrow...today! New Ideas...New Solutions...NewEnergy. For a free 30-day trial visit us at http://www.NewEnergyAssoc.com/justdownloadit or call us at 770 779 2957 for more information ------------------------------------------------------------- EPA to Continue Utility Pollution Lawsuits The Bush administration plans to proceed with lawsuits against several utilities for allegedly violating a Clean Air Act provision that requires new pollution equipment when a plant is expanded or upgraded. The Attorney General John says the EPA has a reasonable basis for continuing the lawsuits initiated during the Clinton administration. In November 1999, the Clinton Justice Department sued many coal fired utilities for expanding or upgrading plants without installing modern equipment required to control smog, acid rain and soot. It sought to strictly enforce the Clean Air Act's new source review rules, which exempt power plants and oil refineries built before 1977 from installing modern pollution controls unless major modifications are made to the plants. The industry has bitterly opposed the pollution rule. It claims the regulations prevented more refineries and power plants from being expanded or upgraded and limited energy supplies. ------------------------------------------------------------- FAST. FLEXIBLE. PROVEN. The AURORA(TM) electric market model helps you deal with the challenges and risks of today's energy marketplace. Exceptionally fast and easy to learn, AURORA(TM) reflects fundamental market drivers and gives power marketers, resource developers and portfolio managers a better way to manage against market uncertainty and price volatility. AURORA delivers - ? Price forecasts - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly ? On-peak, off-peak pricing ? Resource valuation and net power costs ? Portfolio analyses ? Capacity expansion analyses ? Effects of emissions ? And much more . . . AURORA's comprehensive databases cover all electricity markets throughout the U.S. and Canada. The model also handles storage, congestion pricing, and offers detailed reporting and data export capabilities. It can be used as a stand-alone tool or be integrated with your other business tools. Visit us at www.epis.com or call (503) 722-2023. EPIS, Inc. Market Information Solutions for the Electric Power Marketplace ------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Gas NYMEX Volume 02FEB 54,794 02MAR 19,692 02APR 8,648 02MAY 5,254 02JUN 2,045 02JLY 1,386 02AUG 965 02SEP 954 02OCT 1,342 02NOV 541 02DEC 1,174 03JAN 1,856 03FEB 1,095 03MAR 981 03APR 996 03MAY 440 03JUN 395 03JLY 89 03AUG 365 03SEP 114 03OCT 515 03NOV 527 03DEC 337 04JAN 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- GET REAL about energy risk management with KWI In today's fast moving energy markets you need to be able to manage risk in real time. That means knowing before you hit a risk problem, not afterwards when it may be too late to prevent big losses spreading right through your enterprise. With kW3000(tm), our multi-commodity, integrated front to back office software, you can monitor your Profit At Risk(tm), counterparty risk and mark-to-market all in real time. Keep alert to risk. Do it in real time. Call KWI -Americas: +1-281-681-3301 / Europe: +44 (0) 20-7386-2700 / Asia Pacific: +61(0) 2-9976-6111 http://www.kwi.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- LONGER TERM TRADERS SEEK BUYING OPPORTUNITIES "I think that $1.80 to $2.00 is rock solid support, and any long position you want to put on you do that against $2.00," said John Beaver, president Private Futures Group, Oklahoma City. "I really wonder if the market is ever going to get to $2.00, but if it does get that low I don't think it will spend much time there. The industry will work through this storage, the rig count is down, and all those factors. Prices will form a base down near these levels, and once the storage is worked through, prices will take off, but it may be July with hurricanes and heat waves," said Beaver. CHECK OUT THE FREE 5 WEEK TRIAL TO GASTRADER NEWSLETTER. VISIT GASTRADER.NET TO SUBSCRIBE ------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY. @ENERGY(r), FEA's Complete Suite of Energy Products, BUILT FOR THE FUTURE. *Manage all your energy risks. *Build and Price deals. *Value physical assets (generation, storage, etc.) *Report and reduce your energy risks FEA FINANCIAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Inc. http://www.fea.com/?cId=17 main phone number: 1 510-548-6200 email address: info@fea.com ------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL POWER PRICES | | High | Low | Average | | | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh | | Cinergy | 19.00 | 18.00 | 18.55 | | ECAR | 21.50 | 18.00 | 19.90 | | ERCOT | 18.35 | 17.15 | 17.70 | | Entergy | 21.50 | 18.00 | 19.80 | | TVA | 25.30 | 22.20 | 24.00 | | ComEd | 19.50 | 18.75 | 19.20 | | Nepool | 29.50 | 28.50 | 29.15 | | PJM West | 24.00 | 22.50 | 22.95 | | Main | 19.50 | 16.50 | 18.50 | | MAPP | 21.00 | 19.00 | 20.15 | | Palo Verde | 27.25 | 24.25 | 25.90 | | Mid C | 21.50 | 20.00 | 20.60 | | COB | 24.25 | 23.00 | 23.30 | | 4 Corners | 25.75 | 25.25 | 25.40 | | Mead | 27.00 | 25.00 | 26.20 | | NP 15 | 27.00 | 25.50 | 26.25 | | SP 15 | 27.25 | 25.00 | 26.10 | Power Delivered 1/16 ------------------------------------------------------------- Andersen Fires Partner in Charge of Enron Audits Arthur Andersen has fired the partner in charge of Enron Corp's audits for ordering the destruction of thousands of e-mails and documents related to Enron. In addition to the firing of the chief Enron auditor, Andersen said it will place 3 other partners involved in Enron's accounting on leave and is relieving 4 other partners of their management responsibilities. The accounting firm says they will put a new management team in place in their Houston office. Anderson said that the destruction of Enron documents at its Houston office was on such a scale and of such a nature as to remove any doubt that Andersen's policies and reasonable good judgment were violated. The SEC, Justice Department and Congress are investigating the disposal of e-mails and documents related to Enron as part of larger probe of Enron's meltdown. Andersen said the document destruction ended a day after the SEC subpoenaed Andersen's records. House Commerce Committee investigators believe the fired partner and others involved in Enron's audit received approval to destroy documents from Andersen's headquarters in an October 12th memo. But Anderson denied the allegation, saying that the partner expedited efforts to destroy documents without consulting others in the firm. Questions have been raised about whether Enron-related litigation will exceed Andersen's liability insurance. ------------------------------------------------------------- Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project (SRP) and Sempra Energy Resources announce Open Season for proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage and Transportation System. Open Season for customers interested in capacity begins Jan. 10, 2002 and extends through Feb. 8, 2002. For information, visit www.desert-crossing.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Todays Gas Bulletins * Canadian Natural Sells $400 Million in Debt * Williams Closes Sale of Publicly Traded Units with Total Offering Amount of $1.1 Billion * Powder River Basin Gas Acquires 1,400 Acres in Campbell County, Wyoming * Enron Common Stock Now Traded as Over-the-Counter Equity Security Under Symbol 'ENRNQ'; Quotation Service Provided by National Quotation Bureau 'Pink Sheets' * Westchester County NY Plans to Fight Millennium Pipeline Project that Would Transport Natural Gas from Canada to the New York City * PetroChina Switches Growth Focus from Oil to Natural Gas * Federal Court Rules FERC Overstepped Authority by Requiring Companies to Periodically Report Certain Data Regarding Operations on Outer Continental Shelf * Westcoast Energy Declares Force Majeure at McMahon Processing Plant Near Fort St. John in British Columbia ------------------------------------------------------------ Ziff Energy Group presents Gas Storage 2002 Redefining the Fundamentals: Is Gas Still in the Storage Game? Power Drives Storage Will the recession affect plant and storage development? Will record high volumes in storage further depress gas prices? Is it possible to mitigate storage risk while dealing with year-round price volatility? Plus Two Important Workshops Calpine Corporation Hear what the Power Generator wants from the storage industry Bruce Bernard Learn from the expert how to mitigate storage price risk in the 2002 gas marketplace February 6 & 7 Houston Four Season Hotel 1300 Lamar Street Register Today for this Important Conference Call 1-800-853-6252 Email: gasconference@ziffenergy.com Visit: www.ziffenergyconferences.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Maine PUC Selects New Standard Offer Power Provider The Maine PUC hopes to save standard offer electricity customers nearly $100 million a year. The PUC said that when market prices fall, as they have during the past year, they will pass those savings along to business customers with standard offer service, which is the default energy supplier for those who have not chosen another provider. The commission accepted bids for new standard offer prices for medium and large commercial customers in the Central Maine Power and Bangor Hydro-Electric service areas. The new prices are 41% to 49% below current standard offer prices, the PUC said. The new standard offer prices for Central Maine medium and large commercial customers average about $0.042 per kWh. Bangor Hydro prices average $0.042 per kWh for medium and $0.04 per kWh for large customers. Central Maine is a unit of Energy East and Bangor Hydro is owned by Canadian company Emera. Large and medium standard offer customers account for about 30% of the load, or about 6.8 million MW/h per year. The PUC said it selected a one-year contract period to ensure standard offer prices are in line with the market while maintaining the competitiveness of the market. The commission said it would release the names of the provider selected in 2 weeks to allow supply arrangements to be completed. ------------------------------------------------------------- R. W. Beck is an engineering and management consulting firm serving utilities, developers, financiers and governments worldwide. Founded in 1942, we help our clients face energy market challenges by providing: Portfolio Analysis to improve diversification and risk-adjusted performance of energy assets. Risk Control services to help reduce the probability of losses. Systems and Facilities services to identify, design and implement effective risk management systems. Training to improve your ability to identify and manage tactical and strategic risks. Please visit our web site at http://www.rwbeck.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Mirant Shares Continue to Tumble Shares of Mirant fell for a 7th consecutive day yesterday, hitting a record low amid speculation of loss of trading business after its credit rating was cut to junk status last month. The stock dropped $0.77, down 5.9% to $12.21 per share after earlier dipping to $11.80. It has tumbled 24% since January 4th. Mirant CEO claims the company is still doing strong business and intends to meet with Moody's this week to discuss the downgrade. Moody's downgraded Mirant to 'Ba1' its highest junk rating, from lowest investment grade 'Baa2'. Moody's also says the rating outlook remained negative. A day after the rating cut, Mirant sold stock, raising $759 million, and said it will shed assets and cut capital spending by 40%. ------------------------------------------------------------- POWER FUTURES | Month | COB | Change | PV | Change | | FEB | 22.00 | +0.00 | 23.50 | +0.00 | | MAR | 20.50 | +0.00 | 23.00 | +0.00 | | APR | 20.90 | +0.00 | 24.25 | +0.00 | | MAY | 19.00 | +0.00 | 25.25 | +0.00 | | JUN | 20.50 | +0.00 | 30.00 | +0.00 | | JUL | 30.50 | +0.00 | 40.00 | +0.00 | | AUG | 40.50 | +0.00 | 44.25 | +0.00 | | SEP | 35.00 | +0.00 | 35.00 | +0.00 | | OCT | 27.00 | +0.00 | 27.50 | +0.00 | | NOV | 26.50 | +0.00 | 27.00 | +0.00 | | DEC | 27.50 | +0.00 | 27.50 | +0.00 | | JAN | 27.00 | +0.00 | 27.00 | +0.00 | | Month | Entergy | Change | Cinergy | Change | | FEB | 19.50 | +0.00 | 20.55 | -0.75 | | MAR | 20.35 | +0.05 | 22.00 | -0.15 | | APR | 20.35 | +0.05 | 22.00 | -0.15 | | MAY | 23.50 | +0.00 | 25.20 | -0.30 | | JUN | 29.00 | -0.50 | 31.65 | -0.60 | | JUL | 37.75 | -0.50 | 41.70 | -0.80 | | AUG | 37.75 | -0.50 | 41.70 | -0.80 | | SEP | 22.25 | +0.50 | 22.90 | -0.10 | | OCT | 22.00 | -0.40 | 23.00 | -0.20 | | NOV | 22.00 | -0.40 | 23.00 | -0.20 | | DEC | 22.00 | -0.40 | 23.00 | -0.20 | | JAN | 24.50 | +0.00 | 26.00 | +0.00 | ------------------------------------------------------------- Power Futures | Month | PJM | Change | | FEB | 24.65 | -0.75 | | MAR | 24.75 | -0.10 | | APR | 24.75 | -0.10 | | MAY | 28.20 | -0.20 | | JUN | 35.25 | -0.75 | | JUL | 48.85 | -0.65 | | AUG | 48.85 | -0.65 | | SEP | 25.50 | +0.00 | | OCT | 25.25 | +0.05 | | NOV | 25.25 | +0.05 | | DEC | 25.25 | +0.05 | | JAN | 28.70 | -0.05 | ------------------------------------------------------------- Details of Enron - UBS Warburg Agreement Enron and UBS Warburg, the investment banking group of UBS, have agreed to a deal for Enron's North American Gas and electric trading operation that entitles Enron to a third of the profits generated by the new 'AA+' rated trading entity. It is a positive deal for Enron and its creditors that confirms the substantial value of Enron's trading operation. Enron sees it as the first step among many towards an overall plan of reorganization and planned emergence from bankruptcy. The deal is for ten years but allows UBS Warburg a series of options to begin buying out Enron's royalty interest in the 3rd year of the agreement. UBS Warburg's calls may be exercised in 3 steps, each representing a third of the royalty stream. Following the exercise of the first call, the royalty payment rate will drop from 33% to 22%; following the exercise of the second call, the royalty payment rate will drop from 22% to 11%. Upon the exercise of the third call, the remaining 11% royalty would cease. The complete transaction documents is available at: www.enron.com . ------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Seminars, Inc. Announces Key Seminar Offerings for January: Energy Seminars will be going to Florida and Calgary in 2002! Click to www.energyseminars.com to see our 2002 schedule. Register on-line at http://www.energyseminars.com or call Registrar Gina Patrick Phone: 281-362-7979 FAX: 281-296-9922 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Others Scarf Up Enron Market Share Duke, Mirant, the Intercontinental Exchange and other energy traders are taking up the slack created by Enron's bankruptcy. Mirant, BP and Goldman Sachs are among a consortium of businesses that own ICE, whose energy trades have climbed by 60% since Enron's problems. ICE's owners account for 40% of the energy market, double EnronOnline's 20% before it halted trading. The exchange said trading through its online marketplace for energy products and metals, jumped to $4.3 billion last week up from December's record high daily average of $2.5 billion. Mirant has seen its power and natural gas trades increase about 10% to 15%. Duke said its energy trading volumes have also risen. Enron once handled about 25% of electricity and natural gas trades and had $100 billion in revenue in 2000, mainly from energy trading. UBS, the largest Swiss bank, was chosen to buy Enron's trading business for a share of future profits, no cash up front and the bank will assume none of Enron's liabilities. Enron hopes that the UBS deal will revive its trading business. ------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Industry Sets Records in 2001 The wind energy industry left previous records in the dust with a blowout year in 2001, installing nearly 1,700 MW, or $1.7 billion worth of new generating equipment in 16 states, according to the American Wind Energy Association. The final tally of 1,694 MW was more than double the previous record year of 1999, when 732 MW was installed, and boosted the industry's total generating capacity by more than 60% over the amount in place a year earlier. Current installed capacity in the US is now 4,258 MW, and there are wind turbine installations in 26 states. However, prospects for a repeat in 2002 have been thrown into doubt by the expiration of a key incentive, the federal wind production tax credit, which expired December 31st and was not renewed by Congress, due to a partisan battle over economic stimulus legislation. Bills to renew the PTC had strong support in both the House of Representatives and Senate, AWEA said, but were left unpassed when negotiations between the two parties on the economic legislation broke down shortly before Christmas. ------------------------------------------------------------- Progas Storage Services, Inc Was recently organized to offer specialized natural gas storage services to marketers and end users servicing the upper Midwest and Northeast market regions along the major transmission systems in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Michigan. PGSMI has 10 bcf of potential working capacity which will offer service along TXG, ANR, Midwestern, and is currently evaluating for purchase another 21 bcf of potential working capacity which can be serviced by these and other systems in the region. PGSMI also explores for natural gas in the Gulf Coast region through a wholly owned subsidiary. Progas intends to go public through a route of private industry offerings, and an IPO or registration. For more information on services or the company mail to: gastorage@aol.com or for AOL mail to gastorage@aol.com; The company's executive and administrative office is located in Abilene, Texas with storage operations in Owensboro, KY and exploration operations in Corpus Christi, TX. Vist our website http://www.progas.net/wip Progas Storage Services, Inc 8610 S. Hwy 277 Abilene, TX 79606 Ph 915 698 3699 Fx 915 698 2859 ------------------------------------------------------------- Ex-SEC Chiefs to Testify Before Senate Banking Committee Next month, the Senate Banking Committee will have 5 former SEC chairmen testify about accounting issues involving Enron and other companies. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sarbanes has asked the GAO to investigate employee retirement funds' investment in company stock. He also asked the GAO to examine the adequacy of financial reporting. The five former SEC chairmen will testify February 12th. They are Roderick Hills, who served from 1975 to 1977; Harold Williams, 1977-1981; David Ruder, 1987-1989; Richard Breeden, 1989-1993; and Arthur Levitt 1993-2000. The hearing will explore other accounting mishaps in addition to Enron. ------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SUMMARY The TSE 300 climbed 20.62 points to 7643.90 The CRB Index added 0.50 points to 193.00 The US Dollar increased 0.92 points to 117.40 The Dow advanced 32.73 points to 9924.15 The S&P 500 gained 7.78 points to 1146.19 The Nasdaq was up 10.17 points to 2000.91 February NYMEX Crude Oil rose 0.01 to 18.90 Canadian-US Exchange lost 0.0074 to 1.5897 ------------------------------------------------------------- Pure Text, Lotus, AOL, Yahoo, Excite, Readers-subscribe by writing to: enerfax-subscribe@egroups.com Outlook Email Readers-subscribe to webmail by writing to: mailto:join-EnerfaxDaily@relay.netatlantic.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Washington DC January 24, 2002 Spencer Abraham U.S. Secretary of Energy to address energy community on potential security and commerce threats. Also to speak will be key directors from the CIA, SPR, IEA, SPR and more. See complete detail and register today at http://www.wesc.org ------------------------------------------------------------- Please welcome our advertisers by visiting these websites. http://www.e-acumen.com http://www.kwi.com/ http://www.fea.com/ http://www.caminus.com/ http://www.progas.net/wip http://www.ziffenergyconferences.com/ http://www.energyseminars.com http://www.desert-crossing.com http://www.epis.com http://www.rwbeck.com http://www.NewEnergyAssoc.com enerfaxtext, forward to delete@enerfax.com to unsubscribe.