Enron Mail

To:jburgess@noblegas.com, tclark@pcenergy.com, jcrowley@sempratrading.com,kdestephanis@hess.com, cdonohue@worldnet.att.net, jfoard@coral-energy.com, pegarner@duke-energy.com, markg@cook-inlet.com, kgregson@utilicorp.com, mwnollenberger@aep.com, carl.nu
Subject:On-line Capacity Auction
Date:Thu, 26 Apr 2001 04:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

KeySpan has decided to participate in an on-line auction for a
portion of our June 2001 capacity.

Please see the attached letter from Mike Fazio, Director of KeySpan
Utility Services detailing how your company can participate in this
on-line capacity auction.

If you have any questions, or comments, please do not hesitate to
call me at
(718) 403-2981.

Thanks, Anne

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