Enron Mail

Subject:RE: DWR Discussions - Payables Policy
Date:Mon, 5 Nov 2001 05:25:50 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for the reply..

Let's talk asap regarding this transportation. I can send you a summary sheet as to what we are looking to place. You had indicated that your a larger portion of your load is south. We have some 1,2 year service starting now, and we have the five year to PG&E.( we also have the baja).

25th of month following on payables is normal protocol...that works fine!

I had assumed that for starting out, we would only work on sales to you on a Cash basis, or very short term( intra-month).

Thanks in advance, Barry Tycholiz

-----Original Message-----
From: mbaldwin@igservice.com [mailto:mbaldwin@igservice.com]
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:55 PM
To: Tycholiz, Barry
Cc: Garney Hargan; Jim Olson
Subject: RE: DWR Discussions - Payables Policy


It was a pleasure to discuss the upcoming gas supply needs of DWR and the
potential supply options that Enron may be able to provide . I am interested
in further exploring the discounted transportation/ supply program we
briefly discussed at this week's meeting. As for the payables, DWR is
following standard payment terms; the latter of 10 days after receipt of
invoice or the 25th of the month following delivery. DWR would not agree to
accelerating payments. Additionally, please be advised that DWR would be
contemplating relatively short term transactions with Enron at this time. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Mark Baldwin, IGS.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Tycholiz, Barry [mailto:Barry.Tycholiz@ENRON.com]
< Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 4:06 PM
< To: mbaldwin@igservice.com
< Subject: DWR Discussions - Payables Policy
< Mark, thanks for seeing us this week.
< I am working internally to get our corporation over the top on the
< primary contractual and credit issues and believe I am making progress.
< I shall get back to you soonest.
< Can you please advise as to the payables policy of DWR. For example, if
< I were to sell you gas via Enron Online for the month of November, would
< DWR be paying that invoice on the 25th of the month following delivery?
< Is there any possibility that this could get paid on the 5th of the
< month following delivery( at least in the beginning).
< Thanks in advance,
< Barry Tycholiz
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