Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 08:24:39 -0700 (PDT)

0413 Co.
107321 RC Code


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hitchcock, Dorie =20
Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:18 AM
To:=09Tycholiz, Barry

Am I holding them or do you definitely want them?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Tycholiz, Barry =20
Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:17 AM
To:=09Hitchcock, Dorie

Dorie, pls hold 6 tickets for me for the Sunday event. =20

Thanks, BT =20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hitchcock, Dorie =20
Sent:=09Thursday, September 27, 2001 9:59 AM
To:=09Hickerson, Gary; Mcclellan, George; Aronowitz, Alan; Beyer, Michael J=
; Blesie, Brad; Bradley, Michael; Clarke, Niamh; Curran, Greg; Forness, Bob=
; Gonzales, Eric; Harris, Clay; Hirl, Joseph; Kravas, Christopher; Lawyer, =
Larry; Leach, Doug; Lewis, Jim; Lien, Thor; Maffett, Randal; Mahoney, Chris=
; Mcgowan, Kevin; Nowlan Jr., John L.; Price, Brent A.; Quilkey, Paul; Reck=
, Daniel; Schroeder Jr., Don; Schroeder, Mark; Sekse, Per; Tawney, Mark; Wh=
ite, Bill; Whitehead, Jonathan; Wilson, John L.; Battaglia, Tim; Brown, Bec=
ky; Brown, Bill W.; Burgher, Cedric; Castleman, Kent; Crane, Bob; Garner, B=
ruce; Hermans, Greg; Holzer, Eric; Howe, Bob; Kelemen, Andy; Malcolm, Rodne=
y; Noel, Thierry; Reed, Andrea V.; Saltiel, Robert; Young, Steve; Allen, Ph=
illip K.; Belden, Tim; Calger, Christopher F.; Colwell, Wes; Deffner, Josep=
h; Duran, W. David; Haedicke, Mark E.; Kishkill, Joe; Arnold, John; Arora, =
Harry; Baughman, Edward D.; Black, Don; Breslau, Craig; Clifford, Douglas; =
Collonges, Remi; Davies, Derek; Dayao, Anthony; Devries, Paul; Forster, Dav=
id; Foster, Chris H.; Gonzalez, Orlando; Grigsby, Mike; Hedstrom, Peggy; He=
rndon, Rogers; Josey, Scott; Keel, Allan; Keohane, Peter; Kitagawa, Kyle; L=
agrasta, Fred; Luce, Laura; Martin, Thomas A.; Mcdonald, Michael; McMichael=
Jr., Ed; Miller, Don R; Mrha, Jean; Neal, Scott; Oxley, David; Parquet, Da=
vid; Presto, Kevin M.; Scott, Laura; Shively, Hunter S.; Sturm, Fletcher J.=
; Swerzbin, Mike; Thomas, Jake; Tricoli, Carl; Tycholiz, Barry; Vickers, Fr=
ank W.; Whitt, Mark; Wiggs, Brett; Zipper, Andy; Zufferli, John
Cc:=09Hitchcock, Dorie

The Texaco/Havoline Grand Prix of Houston will take place downtown on Octob=
er 5-7, 2001. Enron has developed a relationship with the PacWest Racing T=
eam, a member of the CART FedEx Championship Series featuring drivers Scott=
Dixon and Mauricio Gugelmin, which will enable us to offer our customers a=
nd executives a one of a kind hospitality package that will include the fol=
lowing features:

Gourmet hospitality including breakfast and lunch prepared for Enron guests=
by an on-site chef at the race track in PacWest's Summit (mobile hospitali=
ty and business suites)
Paddock passes allowing Enron guests to visit the garage areas where race c=
ar preparation takes place and providing a "behind the scenes" look at the =
business of motor sports
Sunday race event tickets located in Grandstand C, just before turn one and=
adjacent to the PacWest Summit
Special PacWest driver autograph and "meet and greet" sessions for Enron gu=
Guided tours of PacWest's transporters and garage areas for Enron guests th=
ereby providing a hands-on look at how the race cars are prepared for the w=
eekend's on-track activities
Opportunity to network with companies that support PacWest including but no=
t limited to: NEXTEL, JP Morgan Chase, Gemstar, Pennzoil, PPG, Tully's Coff=
ee, Snap-On, Bosch, Freightliner, Toyota, Panasonic, 3D Village

I currently have the following tickets available for this event:
=09Friday, October 5 - 4 Tickets
=09Saturday, October 6 - 15 Tickets
=09Sunday, October 7 - 20 Tickets
(No cost will be allocated back to Company and RC numbers)
To reserve tickets for this outing, please send an e-mail request to my att=
ention and include your company and department. Tickets will be distribute=
d on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please be advised that these tickets=
should be used for customer entertainment.

Attached, please find the Program of Events and various pictures of the hos=
pitality area. Complete information on the race can be found at http://www=
<< File: 01GrandPrixSched.xls << << File: 01GrandPrixPixs.ppt <<=20

Dorie Hitchcock
Event Manager
1400 Smith Street
Suite 3640a
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: (713) 853-6978
Fax: (713) 646-5800
Cell: (713) 594-7093
E-Mail: dorie.hitchcock@enron.com