Enron Mail

To:eklinkner@ci.pasadena.ca.us, sendo@ci.pasadena.ca.us
Subject:April through August term sheet update
Date:Tue, 27 Mar 2001 18:15:00 -0800 (PST)


Attached is the latest and greatest term sheet for April through August, 2001. Please let me know if I have addressed all of the issues we discussed. If not, just let me know and I can fix it.

Also, for your KRS supply for April 1 -10, we are a Gas Daily minus $.50 bid. For the 3500 fixed priced gas at the Border, we will pay Gas Daily minus $.10. Also, for the EPNG capacity delivered to PG&E Topock, our fixed price bid is $2.10 plus variable.

Let me know what you think about these prices so I can get them in the system if we agree. Also, call me if you have any questions!

